THE WEEK IN CHESS 116                    27/01/97        Mark Crowther

Tel or fax      01274 882143 [Bradford England]
Produced for Thoth Communications Corporation part
of Grandmaster Technologies Incorporated.

1)  Introduction
2)  Hoogovens tournament Wijk aan Zee.
3)  Michael Adams vs Ivan Morovic Fernandez in Santiago, Chile.
4)  The retirement of Gata Kamsky.
5)  XIV Cuidad de Linares International Chess Tournament
6)  Johansen Wins Australian Open by Ian Rogers
7)  4 Nations Chess League 1996-7
8)  Israel League 1997: round 3 results + games by Ram Soffer
9)  8th International Open Chess Tournament "Ano Liosia '97"
10) Theoretical Corner  By Marco R. Martini (ITA)

Games Section

Hoogovens, Wijk aan Zee NED 1997  	56
Hoogovens B, Wijk aan Zee NED 1997  	36
Israel 1997                   		45
Match, Santiago CHI 1997     		 6
4 NCL					19

1)  Introduction

My thanks to the Lost Boys site, Pablo Rodriguez , Ian Rogers, Argiris Kotsis,
Ram Soffer, Nigel Johnson and Marco Martini for their help with this issue.

A quietish week of chess with the focus on the Hoogovens tournament in
Wijk aan Zee. The leader is Jeroen Piket. Michael Adams scored what was
in the end a convincing win against Ivan Morovic in Chile. This week the story
of Gata Kamsky's retirement broke to the wider press with an interview originally
with the Russian press agency.

Hope you enjoy this issue


2)  Hoogovens tournament Wijk aan Zee.

Jeroen Piket of the Netherlands leads the annual Hoogovens tournament in
Wijk aan Zee with 6/8, half a point in front of Ivan Sokolov.

There is web coverage on the Lost Boys www site.

The event has garnered some publicity in the Netherlands with one radio
program interviewing Piket for an hour. He has played some very
controlled chess and perhaps has finally put behind him a number of
years poor form.

The B event is being led by Etienne Bacrot. His sound technique has lead
to a number of very sound strategic wins so far.

Hoogovens A event.

Round 3 (1997.01.21)

Piket, Jeroen             -  Illescas Cordoba, Miguel  1/2   23  E52  Nimzo indian
Sokolov, Ivan             -  Van Wely, Loek            1/2   21  E70  Kings indian
Korchnoi, Viktor          -  Onischuk, Alexander       1-0   34  A85  Dutch defence
Granda Zuniga, Julio E    -  Nikolic, Predrag          1-0   39  A09  Reti (1.Nf3)
Timman, Jan H             -  Salov, Valery             1/2   62  B82  Sicilian
Short, Nigel D            -  Lautier, Joel             1/2   27  B90  Sicilian; Najdorf
Glek, Igor V              -  Yermolinsky, Alex         1/2   25  C51  Evans gambit

Round 4 (1997.01.22)

Onischuk, Alexander       -  Piket, Jeroen             1/2   42  C92  Ruy Lopez
Salov, Valery             -  Glek, Igor V              1-0   45  A46  Queen's pawn
Lautier, Joel             -  Yermolinsky, Alex         1/2   53  E59  Nimzo indian
Van Wely, Loek            -  Korchnoi, Viktor          1/2   29  E12  Nimzo indian
Illescas Cordoba, Miguel  -  Granda Zuniga, Julio E    1-0   40  B85  Sicilian
Nikolic, Predrag          -  Timman, Jan H             1-0   30  D44  QGD; Botwinnik
Short, Nigel D            -  Sokolov, Ivan             1/2   46  C88  Ruy Lopez

Round 5 (1997.01.23)

Piket, Jeroen             -  Van Wely, Loek            1-0   32  E74  Kings indian
Sokolov, Ivan             -  Lautier, Joel             1/2   27  D28  QGA;
Korchnoi, Viktor          -  Short, Nigel D            1-0   62  D15  Slav defence
Granda Zuniga, Julio E    -  Onischuk, Alexander       1/2   61  E52  Nimzo indian
Yermolinsky, Alex         -  Salov, Valery             0-1   47  A30  English; 1.c4 c5
Timman, Jan H             -  Illescas Cordoba, Miguel  1-0   28  A57  Benko gambit
Glek, Igor V              -  Nikolic, Predrag          1/2   30  C47  Four knights

Round 6 (1997.01.25)

Sokolov, Ivan             -  Korchnoi, Viktor          1-0   57  E37  Nimzo indian
Onischuk, Alexander       -  Timman, Jan H             1/2   49  C82  Ruy Lopez
Lautier, Joel             -  Salov, Valery             1/2   42  E54  Nimzo indian
Van Wely, Loek            -  Granda Zuniga, Julio E    0-1   57  E12  Nimzo indian
Illescas Cordoba, Miguel  -  Glek, Igor V              1/2   64  D73  1.d4 d5 2.c4 g6
Nikolic, Predrag          -  Yermolinsky, Alex         1/2   74  D77  1.d4 d5 2.c4 g6
Short, Nigel D            -  Piket, Jeroen             0-1   74  C86  Ruy Lopez

Round 7 (1997.01.26)

Piket, Jeroen             -  Sokolov, Ivan             1/2   15  D15  Slav defence
Salov, Valery             -  Nikolic, Predrag          1-0   56  E11  Bogo indian
Korchnoi, Viktor          -  Lautier, Joel             1/2   36  A33  English; 1.c4 c5
Granda Zuniga, Julio E    -  Short, Nigel D            1-0   45  B44  Sicilian
Yermolinsky, Alex         -  Illescas Cordoba, Miguel  1-0   38  D19  Slav defence
Timman, Jan H             -  Van Wely, Loek            0-1   38  E81  Kings indian; Saemisch
Glek, Igor V              -  Onischuk, Alexander       0-1   29  C47  Four knights

Round 8 (1997.01.27)

Sokolov, Ivan             -  Granda Zuniga, Julio E    1-0   48  E21  Nimzo indian
Onischuk, Alexander       -  Yermolinsky, Alex         1-0   24  B57  Sicilian
Lautier, Joel             -  Nikolic, Predrag          1-0   31  E45  Nimzo indian
Korchnoi, Viktor          -  Piket, Jeroen             1/2   47  A28  English; 1.c4 e5
Van Wely, Loek            -  Glek, Igor V              1-0   61  E94  Kings indian; Classical
Illescas Cordoba, Miguel  -  Salov, Valery             1/2   28  A09  Reti (1.Nf3)
Short, Nigel D            -  Timman, Jan H             1/2   27  C43  Petroff defence

Wijk aan Zee NED (NED), I-II 1997                               cat. XVI (2635)
                                         1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4
 1 Piket, Jeroen             g NED 2640  * = = 1 . = 1 . . . = 1 1 .  6.0  2833
 2 Sokolov, Ivan             g BIH 2615  = * = . = 1 = 1 . . 1 . = .  5.5  2775
 3 Onischuk, Alexander       g UKR 2580  = = * . . 0 . = 1 = . . 1 1  5.0  2730
 4 Salov, Valery             g RUS 2665  0 . . * = . . = 1 = = 1 . 1  5.0  2727
 5 Lautier, Joel             g FRA 2630  . = . = * = 0 . = . . 1 = 1  4.5  2687
 6 Korchnoi, Viktor          g SUI 2635  = 0 1 . = * = . . . = 0 1 .  4.0  2636
 7 Van Wely, Loek            g NED 2645  0 = . . 1 = * 0 . 1 . . 0 1  4.0  2635
 8 Granda Zuniga, Julio E    g PER 2620  . 0 = = . . 1 * 0 . 0 1 1 .  4.0  2639
 9 Yermolinsky, Alex         g USA 2630  . . 0 0 = . . 1 * = 1 = . =  4.0  2629
10 Timman, Jan H             g NED 2630  . . = = . . 0 . = * 1 0 = 1  4.0  2640
11 Illescas Cordoba, Miguel  g ESP 2635  = 0 . = . = . 1 0 0 * . . =  3.0  2544
12 Nikolic, Predrag          g BIH 2655  0 . . 0 0 1 . 0 = 1 . * . =  3.0  2546
13 Short, Nigel D            g ENG 2690  0 = 0 . = 0 1 0 . = . . * .  2.5  2483
14 Glek, Igor V              g RUS 2620  . . 0 0 0 . 0 . = 0 = = . *  1.5  2382

Hoogovens B event.

Round 1 (1997.01.21)

Van der Sterren, Paul      -  Van der Wiel, John T.H     1/2   31  D43  Semi-Slav
Nijboer, Friso             -  Peng Zhaoqin               1/2   65  B90  Sicilian; Najdorf
Cifuentes Parada, Roberto  -  Dao Thien Hai              1/2   73  D46  Semi-Slav
Kalinin, Alexander         -  Bacrot, Etienne            1/2   39  B66  Sicilian
Riemersma, Liafbern        -  Janssen, Ruud              1-0   26  E12  Nimzo indian
David, Alberto             -  Atalik, Suat               0-1   36  B66  Sicilian

Round 2 (1997.01.22)

Van der Sterren, Paul      -  Riemersma, Liafbern        1-0   61  D77  1.d4 d5 2.c4 g6
Atalik, Suat               -  Cifuentes Parada, Roberto  1-0   39  D43  Semi-Slav
Dao Thien Hai              -  Kalinin, Alexander         1/2   21  E31  Nimzo indian
Van der Wiel, John T.H     -  Bacrot, Etienne            0-1   76  B70  Sicilian; Dragon
Peng Zhaoqin               -  David, Alberto             1/2   40  E97  Kings indian; Main line
Janssen, Ruud              -  Nijboer, Friso             0-1   52  E92  Kings indian; Classical

Round 3 (1997.01.23)

Bacrot, Etienne            -  Dao Thien Hai              1/2   30  D30  Queen's gambit
Nijboer, Friso             -  Van der Sterren, Paul      0-1   26  B92  Sicilian; Najdorf
Cifuentes Parada, Roberto  -  Peng Zhaoqin               1/2   66  D13  Slav defence
Kalinin, Alexander         -  Atalik, Suat               1/2   39  D41  QGD; Tarrasch Defence
Riemersma, Liafbern        -  Van der Wiel, John T.H     1/2   36  E12  Nimzo indian
David, Alberto             -  Janssen, Ruud              1-0   33  B53  Sicilian

Round 4 (1997.01.25)

Van der Sterren, Paul      -  David, Alberto             1-0   40  E66  Kings indian
Atalik, Suat               -  Bacrot, Etienne            0-1   31  D43  Semi-Slav
Van der Wiel, John T.H     -  Dao Thien Hai              1-0   61  B85  Sicilian
Riemersma, Liafbern        -  Nijboer, Friso             1/2   46  E81  Kings indian; Saemisch
Peng Zhaoqin               -  Kalinin, Alexander         1/2   26  E15  Nimzo indian
Janssen, Ruud              -  Cifuentes Parada, Roberto  1/2   19  D45  Semi-Slav

Round 5 (1997.01.26)

Bacrot, Etienne            -  Peng Zhaoqin               1-0   36  E61  Kings indian
Nijboer, Friso             -  Van der Wiel, John T.H     1-0   33  B92  Sicilian; Najdorf
Cifuentes Parada, Roberto  -  Van der Sterren, Paul      1-0   41  D54  QGD;
Kalinin, Alexander         -  Janssen, Ruud              1-0   44  A30  English; 1.c4 c5
Dao Thien Hai              -  Atalik, Suat               1/2   65  D85  Gruenfeld indian
David, Alberto             -  Riemersma, Liafbern        1/2   35  B66  Sicilian

Round 6 (1997.01.27)

Van der Sterren, Paul      -  Kalinin, Alexander         1/2   30  E05  Nimzo indian
Nijboer, Friso             -  David, Alberto             1-0    1  A40  Queen's pawn
Van der Wiel, John T.H     -  Atalik, Suat               1/2   40  C60  Ruy Lopez
Riemersma, Liafbern        -  Cifuentes Parada, Roberto  0-1    1  A40  Queen's pawn
Peng Zhaoqin               -  Dao Thien Hai              0-1    1  A40  Queen's pawn
Janssen, Ruud              -  Bacrot, Etienne            0-1   53  A29  English; 1.c4 e5

Wijk aan Zee NED (NED), I-II 1997                              cat. X (2482)
                                          1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
 1 Bacrot, Etienne            m FRA 2500  * . . 1 . = = 1 . 1 . 1  5.0  2741
 2 Van der Sterren, Paul      g NED 2515  . * 1 . 0 = . = 1 . 1 .  4.0  2615
 3 Nijboer, Friso             g NED 2555  . 0 * . . . . 1 = = 1 1  4.0  2571
 4 Atalik, Suat               g TUR 2555  0 . . * 1 = = = . . 1 .  3.5  2557
 5 Cifuentes Parada, Roberto  g NED 2515  . 1 . 0 * . = . 1 = . =  3.5  2520
 6 Kalinin, Alexander         m RUS 2425  = = . = . * = . . = . 1  3.5  2531
 7 Dao Thien Hai              g VIE 2555  = . . = = = * 0 . 1 . .  3.0  2486
 8 Van der Wiel, John T.H     g NED 2555  0 = 0 = . . 1 * = . . .  2.5  2462
 9 Riemersma, Liafbern        m NED 2435  . 0 = . 0 . . = * . = 1  2.5  2433
10 Peng Zhaoqin               m NED 2370  0 . = . = = 0 . . * = .  2.0  2375
11 David, Alberto             m LUX 2455  . 0 0 0 . . . . = = * 1  2.0  2338
12 Janssen, Ruud                NED 2350  0 . 0 . = 0 . . 0 . 0 *  0.5  2079

3) Michael Adams defeats Ivan Morovic in Santiago.

Michael Adams more than recovered the rating points he lost at Hastings
in beating Ivan Morovic in a six game match in Santiago. Adams won the
first game when Morovic got his rook trapped on the Queenside. The match
then had three draws. Adams is quite an experienced match player and he
waited his chance. Morovic has quite a dangerous style but Adams kept
the tactics under control and won a fine positional game in game 5. The
sixth game saw Morovic being drastically punished for overambitious
opening play.

Pablo Rodriguez sent games played between the 16th and 22nd January.

Adams, Michael           -  Morovic Fernandez, Ivan  1-0   35  B93  Sicilian; Najdorf
Morovic Fernandez, Ivan  -  Adams, Michael           1/2   42  C89  Ruy Lopez
Adams, Michael           -  Morovic Fernandez, Ivan  1/2   30  B50  Sicilian
Morovic Fernandez, Ivan  -  Adams, Michael           1/2   18  B04  Alekhine defence
Adams, Michael           -  Morovic Fernandez, Ivan  1-0   49  B90  Sicilian; Najdorf
Morovic Fernandez, Ivan  -  Adams, Michael           0-1   21  C78  Ruy Lopez

Santiago (CHI), I 1997
                                 1   2   3   4   5   6
Adams, Michael           g ENG 2660   1   =   =   =   1   1   4.5  2773
Morovic Fernandez, Ivan  g CHI 2580   0   =   =   =   0   0   1.5  2467

4) The retirement of Gata Kamsky.

At first I think many did not believe it, in an interview in Inside
Chess Rustam Kamsky (Gata's contraversial father) announced that Gata
Kamsky would  be retiring from chess to take up medical studies, but the
withdrawal of Gata  from Wijk aan Zee seemed to confirm it. Now in an
interview with Russian radio Rustam has repeated this decision and it
seems to be so.

The retirement of Kamsky is something to be regretted and it mirrors the
kind of disaffection that lead to Reuben Fine and Bobby Fischer to give
up too.

"I will stress that my withdrawal is a matter of principle and a sign of
protest against what modern chess has turned into" Gata Kamsky is quoted
as saying. The blame is firmly laid at the door of Gary Kasparov and
Anatoly Karpov. Kasparov broke away to hold his match with Nigel Short
under the banner of the Professional Chess Association an organisation
that now seems defunct. This also precipitated a crisis within FIDE.

The situation now is that there is no World Championship cycle to
challenge either of the World Chess Champions. There are two Champions,
FIDE Champion Anatoly Karpov and PCA Champion Gary Kasparov. Most sound
judges believe Kasparov to be the better player but the gap between him
and players such as Anand and Kramnik has narrowed greatly. If the
finance can be raised then Karpov and Kasparov will playoff for the
title of World Champion. This agreement is one between Karpov and
Kasparov and involves no-one else. Even if the winner resolved to defend
their title every two years it would mean that even though there hasn't
been a World  Championship cycle started for four years that we will
have to wait for at least a further year before anything can be done.
There are no such guarantees and the  situation is very much in limbo.

FIDE have resolved to have an annual World Championship which will
consist of two game matches followed by speed chess playoffs. This
introduces an absolutely unacceptable degree of luck into the title and
is almost guaranteed to produce random results. FIDE may call it  the
World Chess Championships but it will not find wide acceptance. It is
more like the Grand Slam Cup of tennis. An event rich in  prizes but its
prestege is not that of the French, US and Australian opens and
Wimbledon. With their problems in raising money for the traditional
cycle in recent years it is inconceivable that they will be able to run
this event every year. The decision is to run an annual World
Championships is an attempt by FIDE to raise money to save the
organisation from a severe financial crisis which occurred under the
Presidency of Florencio Campomanes. It cannot work.

Reading between the lines this decision seems to be more one of Gata
Kamsky rather than a joint one with his father. The volume of
preparation which was  the hallmark of his chess must have taken a
sickening amount of effort. He is reported to have said to some people
that he didn't really enjoy chess  anymore. Whilst this amount of
dedication and effort is not that unusual  in top class sport, the final
straw will have been the disintegration of the World Championship
structure. It is mentally impossible to keep this level of effort up for
an indefinite amount of time without a target to  aim for. Kamsky failed
in the Candidates final of the PCA World Championships against
Viswanathan Anand and was beaten last year by Anatoly Karpov in the
final of the FIDE version of the Championships. He was very critical of
the timing of the PCA match against Anand just over a week after his
FIDE match against Salov. Also there was controversy over his match
against Karpov. The match took place a year late and he accused Anatoly
Karpov of delaying the match. Gata Kamsky played very little chess in
the years delay.

It does raise an interesting point however. Kamsky was almost on a
"mission from God" to become World Champion. There have been 13 World
Champions and almost all share this single minded approach. Fischer's 15
year drive towards this goal was a great story, his successes and
failures were simply stepping stones to that ambition. His single minded
approach actually increased the value of the title greatly in the eyes
of the general public. There doesn't seem to be quite the same drive
from the younger pretenders for the World Championships. Perhaps
unfairly I  get the feeling that they believe it would be "quite nice"
to be World Chess Champion. It is only in this way that I can explain
their lack of complaint about the collapse of the traditional World
Championship cycle. All  competitive sport is about striving to win the
ultimate title, to be the undisputed champions. Chess is in very serious
trouble with the removal of this as a goal.

I don't think anyone expects Gata Kamsky never to play chess again.
Indeed one can't just decide to become a doctor. We know that he has the
organisation and intellegence to become a doctor but we don't know about
his general  education. Perhaps he may have to study basic biology,
chemistry and maths before even embarking upon his real studies. He will
have to train for at  least six years before he qualifies. If he's like
most students he'll have to find some supplementary income from

Indeed perhaps it would be nice to see him simply play chess for
enjoyment. In my opinion his chess stopped developing once he got
seriously involved in the matches for the World Championships. His rapid
improvement came to a halt as he maximised his results and didn't enter
many tournaments. His lack of flexibility in approaching some middlegame
problems cost him dearly against Karpov. He would be free to play a more
open style of chess. But  perhaps if he doesn't think he can win the
World Championships he would prefer not to play at all.

I don't hold with the conspiracy theories expounded in the interview
with Kasparov and Karpov being a hidden hand trying to prevent Kamsky
becoming World Champion. I'm very much a believer in the cock-up theory
of history. Kasparov certainly acted in his own interest in forming the
PCA but his personal record against Kamsky is so overwhelming that I
doubt he gave any thought to him. However Kasparov himself I'm sure
would be making similar noises to Kamsky if he was faced with the World
Championship situation as  we have now when he was first trying to
become World Champion.

Kasparov seems to have given up the idea of running the World
Championship cycle. He remarked in an interview in "Rochade Europa"
[with GM Dr. Helmut  Pfleger with Garri Kasparov (5/96, p.33-36)] that
the PCA lost a  lot of money ["a disaster"] over the FIDE-like World
Championship cycle. He adds that FIDE can organise a World Championship
cycle if they want to and that he is interested in co-operating. If this
is the case then it is up to the Federations to force the issue. It is
both realistic and essential to organise a cycle even with lowered
financial rewards. Indeed it is unrealistic to try and match the levels
of finance that were obtained for the 1990 World Championships which was
at a time of prosperity in the World economy. The attempts to match this
level of funding for two seperate World title matches has caused all the
problems of recent years.

However an interzonal, and especially a Candidates tournament have their
attractions to sponsors and a World title match does get the  requisite
publicity to have a considerable value. Whilst FIDE remains in the hands
of those who are more interested in their ego's than administration no
solution will be possible. The winning of political battles and the
bending of rules, aswell as the FIDE financial crisis are Florencio
Campomanes' legacy to the chess World. The man has been an unmitigated
disaster for chess. It is said that he still exerts influence behind the
scenes today as honourary President. Perhaps the only way to remove this
poisonous man from chess is to create a new chess Federation.

I for one shall miss Gata Kamsky, his father may have caused a lot of
trouble for chess but Gata Kamsky's hard, self-disciplined chess is not
seen in any of his top class rivals and will be missed.

5) XIV Cuidad de Linares International Chess Tournament

Almost as soon as I produced TWIC last week someone reported that the
official press release was wrong and that Karpov  was not playing in
Linares. This is the list as I believe it to be currently, it remains to
be seen whether other  players are not, in fact playing the event.

Kasparov, Gary...................g RUS 2795  11
Anand, Viswanathan...............g IND 2765   9
Ivanchuk, Vassily................g UKR 2740  32
Nikolic, Predrag.................g BIH 2655  29
Adams, Michael...................g ENG 2660  38
Polgar, Judit (GM)...............g HUN 2645  58 w
Dreev, Alexey....................g RUS 2650  34
Gelfand, Boris...................g BLR 2700  52
Topalov, Veselin.................g BUL 2725  44
Kramnik, Vladimir................g RUS 2740  41
Shirov, Alexei...................g ESP 2690  49

6) Johansen Wins Australian Open by Ian Rogers

Grandmaster Darryl Johansen of Melbourne scored a narrow victory in the
biennial Australian Open which concluded in Sydney on January 9.
Johansen was a heavy pre-tournament favourite in the 136 player field
but trailed sixth seed Tim Reilly until the ninth round, when Reilly
suffered his first and only loss against tephen Solomon. Johansen
completed the event undefeated, conceding draws only to Reilly, New
Zealand's Adrian Lloyd, and second seed Dmitry Gedevani in the final

1996/7 Australian Open
Sydney December 28-January 9
Leading final scores (136 players, 11 rounds):
1.  GM Johansen 9.5;
2.  FM Reilly 9;
=3. FM Gedevani, Allen 8.5;
=5. IM Solomon, Pizzato, Bolens, Cabilin, Walsh 8.

7) 4 Nations Chess League 1996-7

Nigel Johnson sends some games and the results of round 5 of the 4
Nations Chess League last weekend.

Round 5 -       Saturday 25th January 1997
                Moat House Hotel - Wigan                Ref : 007

Note : The Elo and BCF grades displayed are those published in Summer
Another effective result for the current champions, keeping them just
behind the leaders.

        Slough                  Result  Croydon 1859
1 w     B. Lalic                2565    1 - 0   J. Naylor        2265
2 b     A. Kosten               2525    -     J. Wilson        2285
3 w     A. Summerscale          2500    -     A. Harley        2265
4 b     S. Lalic                2365    1 - 0   S. Ledger        2250
5 w     R. M. Webb              2290    -     D. Rosen         2110
6 b     Miroslav Houska         2265    1 - 0   D. Gunter        2155
7 w     A. P. Smith             2265    1 - 0   J. McGrath        186
8 b     J. Houska               2115    1 - 0   S. Turvey         128

The Monarchs are not as strong in depth but this does not seem to stop

        Midland Monarchs                Result  North West Eagles
1 w     K. Arkell               2545    1 - 0   J. Littlewood    2275
2 b     M. Hebden               2530    -     B. Lund          2260
3 w     J. Parker               2470    1 - 0   G. Quillan       2320
4 b     M. Ferguson             2385    1 - 0   R. Sheldon       2230
5 w     A. Collinson            2380    1 - 0   D. Tebb          2320
6 b     M. Barnes               2260    -     J. Merriman      2275
7 w     Don Mason               2275    1 - 0   D. R. James      2250
8 b     N. Regan                2155    0 - 1   A. A. Smith      2225
                                        6 - 2

In playing John Nunn, Invicta Knights revealed additional strength to an
already impressive squad.  The message to all those teams with
aspirations of winning the Championship is clear.

        Na Fianna               Result  Invicta Knights
1 w     D. King                 2535    -     J. Nunn          2605
2 b     C. O'Shaughnessy        2260    0 - 1   N. McDonald      2500
3 w     M. Lyell                2235    0 - 1   C. Ward          2460
4 b     R. McMichael            2200    0 - 1   E. Sakhatova     2325
5 w     C. MacKenzie             187    0 - 1   D Gormally       2300
6 b     R. Pearce                185    1 - 0   A. Harakis       2175
7 w     S. Connelly              155    -     L. Gurr           181
8 b     M. O'Siochru             160    0 - 1   C. Howell        2160
                                        2 - 6

This match was closer then the score reveals!!  Both teams had their
chances and Wood Green can thank Paul Littlewood for finally dispatching
the Vikings.

        Wood Green                      Result  Northumbria Vikings
1 w     J. Emms                 2500    0 - 1   A. Ledger        2415
2 b     Jon Levitt              2435    -     C. McNab         2465
3 w     K. Arakhamia-Grant      2455    0 - 1   T. Wall          2320
4 b     P. Littlewood           2440    1 - 0   S. Bell          2365
5 w     A. Law                  2370    0 - 1   D. Ledger        2235
6 b     P. Sowray               2350    1 - 0   C. Waters        2235
7 w     G. Lee                  2375    1 - 0   J. King          2115
8 b     S. Jackson              2150    1 - 0   L. Barnes          83

David Norwood joins the ever lengthening list of the top British player
who have played in the 4NCL.  With David and John Nunn both having now
played in the 4NCL, the number of those who have not has been
significantly reduced.

        B.C.M.                          Result  Hertford
1 w     M. Chandler             2550    0 - 1   S. Knott         2335
2 b     D. Norwood              2520    1 - 0   C. Duncan        2340
3 w     J. Mestel               2510    1 - 0   S. Swanson       2265
4 b     S. Giddins              2345    -     D. Coleman       2280
5 w     B Cafferty              2240    -     E. Dearing       2185
6 b     J. Bellin               2215    -     B. Cheal          183
7 w     D. Anderton             2200    0 - 1   J. Denton         176
8 b     J. Wareing               161    1 - 0   J. Badger         143

Witney are not having a good season and with their usual lady player not
being available, their cause has not been helped.

        Witney                          Result  Richmond
1 w     S. Ansell               2420    -     L. McShane       2385
2 b     T. Headlong             2250    0 - 1   S. Williams      2350
3 w     R. Haydon               2220    0 - 1   R. Bates         2315
4 b     M. Truran               2255    -     A Trifunovic     2250
5 w     P. Cooksey              2150    0 - 1   G Wall           2305
6 b     S. Elliott                      0 - 1   M. Franklin      2255
7 w     D. Hackett               175    1 - 0   B. Beake          189
8 b     I. Houska                101    0 - 1   Ruth Bates        160
                                        2 - 6

The Dragons were missing their top board, David Cummings, but in a close
match edged out Wessex.

        South Wales Dragons             Result  Wessex
1 w     J Cooper                2370    -     J. Poulton       2360
2 b     D James                 2260    0 - 1   A. Corkett       2285
3 w     C Morris                2215    1 - 0   D. Neil          2295
4 b     S Zeidler               2265    -     M. Yeo           2205
5 w     J Saunders              2240    1 - 0   I. Upton         2235
6 b     J Smith                 2200    -     A. Brameld        199
7 w     Andrew Dyce             2135    -     R. Noyce         2205
8 b     A Cast (nee Dyce)        150    -     E. Howard         163

The Barbican have the best record in the BCF National Club KO, but were
one weekend to late to add this record to their collection!

        Celtic Knights                  Result  Barbican
1 w     C. Walsh                2180    0 - 1   C. Crouch        2375
2 b     A. Borg                         0 - 1   C. Pritchett     2325
3 w     J. Gibert               2150    0 - 1   S. Dishman       2300
4 b     A. Musson                162    0 - 1   A. Plueg         2310
5 w     M. Adams                2100    0 - 1   J. Rogers        2300
6 b     A. Sheehan                      0 - 1   D. Sands         2260
7 w     G. Synnett                      0 - 1   J. C. Moore      2155
8 b     J. Wilson                       0 - 1   H. Lang          2065
                                        0 - 8

After a slow start to the season, Guildford record their second win at
the expense of Bristol.
        Guildford                       Result  Bristol
1 w     A. Kinsman              2400    1 - 0   C. Baker         2370
2 b     N. Povah                2375    0 - 1   C. Beaumont      2300
3 w     C. Kennaugh             2290    1 - 0   K. Mah           2245
4 b     R. Granat                202    -     G. Copeland      2335
5 w     I. Thompson             2300    1 - 0   R. Phillips      2120
6 b     R. Abayasekera          2255    0 - 1   D. Collier       2225
7 w     M. Anderton             2175    1 - 0   D. Grossiter
8 b     P. Nunn                 2080    1 - 0   M. Buckley       2040

Standings after 5 Rounds

With the exception of Northumbria all the top six teams won, but round 6
will see the first of the matches between the top teams.

4NCL                                                            P W  D L       MP      GP
Invicta Knights         6.0     6.5     5.0     6.0     6.0     5 5    00       10      29.5
Midland Monarchs        6.0     6.0     5.5     5.5     6.0     5 5    00       10      29.0
Wood Green              6.5     5.5     4.5     6.0     4.5     5 5    00       10      27.0
Slough                  4.5     5.0     8.0     4.0     6.5     5 4    10       9       28.0
BCM                     5.0     5.0     5.0     3.5     4.5     5 4    01       8       23.0
Barbican                4.5     3.5     4.0     4.5     8.0     5 3    11       7       24.5
Northumbria             5.5     5.5     4.0     4.0     3.5     5 2    21       6       22.5
Richmond                3.0     4.0     3.5     4.5     6.0     5 3    02       6       21.0
SWales Dragons          2.0     4.5     5.5     2.0     4.5     5 3    02       6       18.5
North West Eagles       3.5     4.5     3.0     6.0     2.0     5 2    03       4       19.0
Na Fianna               6.0     2.0     5.0     2.0     2.0     5 2    03       4       17.0
Guildford               2.0     3.0     0.0     6.0     5.5     5 2    03       4       16.5
Wessex                  5.0     3.0     2.5     3.5     3.5     5 1    04       2       17.5
Witney                  3.5     2.5     3.0     5.0     2.0     5 1    04       2       16.0
Hertford                1.5     2.5     4.5     3.0     3.5     5 1    04       2       15.0
Croydon 1859            3.0     2.5     3.0     2.0     1.5     5 0    05       0       12.0
Bristol                 2.5     1.5     2.5     2.5     2.5     5 0    05       0       11.5
Celtic Knights          2.0     3.0     3.5     2.0     0.0     5 0    05       0       10.5

8) Israel League 1997: round 3 results + games by Ram Soffer

The round 3 results are as follows:

16/1/96 Beer-Sheva II - Elitzur Petach-Tikva 1.5:4.5
        Elitzur Jerusalem - Herzliya 5:1
18/1/96 Bikurei Haitim Tel-Aviv - Ashdod 5:1
        Maccabi Afek - Hapoel Kfar-Sava 0.5:5.5
        ASA Technion Haifa - Hapoel Rishon-Lezion 1:5
1/2/96  ASA Tel-Aviv - Beer-Sheva I (postponed)

(results in detail will follow later)

Standings after Round 3
Rishon-Lezion 14.5
Elitzur PT 12.0
Jerusalem 11.5
Haifa 9.0
Kfar-Sava 9.0
Bikurei Haitim TA 8.5
Afek 8.0
Beer-Sheva I 7.0 *
Herzliya 7.0
Beer-Sheva II 5.5
ASA TA 3.5 *
Ashdod 3.5

* - postponed match

9) 8th International Open Chess Tournament "Ano Liosia '97"

The 11th-19th January 1997 saw an international open organised by the
Ano Liosia Chess Club in Athens Greece. Some games were  covered live on
the internet on the Hellas Chess Club page compiled by Argiris Kotsis.
Games will follow next week.

Finals leading Standings.

1)  Agnos, Dimitri...................g GRE 2495  44    7.5
2)  Gadjilu, Rauf....................  AZE 2290   0    7.5
3)  Ulibin, Mikhail..................g RUS 2555  37    7.0
4)  Georgiev, Krum...................g BUL 2490  32    7.0
5)  Kotronias, Vasilios..............g GRE 2590  27    7.0
6)  Grivas, Efstratios...............g GRE 2510  30    7.0
7)  Lirindzakis, Timotheos...........m GRE 2380  22    7.0
8)  Skembris, Spyridon...............g GRE 2450  54    6.5
9)  Tzermiadianos, Andreas...........m GRE 2370  37    6.5
10) Vouldis, Angelos.................m GRE 2410  21    6.5
11) Kobalija, Mihail.................g RUS 2545  57    6.5
12) Miladinovic, Igor................g GRE 2510  39    6.5
13) Tzoumbas, Anastasios.............f GRE 2365  15    6.5
14) Gesos, Pavlos....................m GRE 2385   0    6.5
15) Agamaliev, Gamil.................m AZE 2475   0    6.5
16) Shariyazdanov, Andre.............m RUS 2525        6.5
17) Papastavropoulos, Andreas........  GRE 2305  26    6.5
18) Nikolaidis, Ioannis..............g GRE 2565  29    6.5
19) Gocheva, Rumiana.................m BUL 2215 w      6.5
20) Shahtahtinsky, Alekper...........f RUS 2325  12    6.5
21) Vul, Arkadi Eremeevich...........m RUS 2395  19    6.5

10) Theoretical Corner  By Marco R. Martini (ITA)

Special section in the games section

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