THE WEEK IN CHESS 205 - 16th October 1998 by Mark Crowther

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1) Introduction

2) 33rd Chess Olympiad

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Games section

Olympiad Games Men   2847 games
Olympiad Games Women 1399 games

1) Introduction

My thanks to Sinisa Joksic, Ian Rogers, Jon Speelman, Daði Örn Jónsson's Chess in Iceland page, Christophe Bouton of Europe-Echecs, Shahcom Company and all those who helped with this issue.

The 33rd Olympiad held in Elista finished on October 12th with the Russian first team taking the Gold Medal above the USA who took Silver in an exciting battle which went to the final round. This issue covers the results and games from the Olympiad. It has been much delayed because of the unavailability of the full final standings which were provided by Europe-Echecs yesterday. I also would have preferred the round by round results for the last round as some of the games didn't have results, I've had to make some educated guesses for these games. I don't like delaying twic and the next issue will be out on Monday as usual when I hope to have a few more stories from the Olympiad. I have also had some problems completing the issue due to a shoulder problem which is very much on the mend now and would like to have written a little more about the event..

Hope you enjoy this issue


2) 33rd Chess Olympiad

The 33rd Chess Olympiad took place on 26th September to October 12th in the capital of the Russian Republic of Kalmykia. The event was won by the Russian first team after a nip and tuck battle with the American team. Only with a 3.5-05 victory against the Netherlands in the final round did the Russian's take gold, the Americans, who had a half point lead could only draw against China.

The Games

As reported last week the games were initially available only from the FIDE ChessPlanet site. This policy changed for the seventh round as Shahcom carried out live coverage and also published the games at the end of each round. The money was returned to those who bought the games from ChessPlanet. They were generated using TASC.

FIDE Congress

Carol Jarecki produced an excellent series of reports for the USCF
on the FIDE Congress which is the only proper account I have seen of the decisions.

Kirsan Ilyumzhinov was re-elected President for four years along withthe rest of his team Deputy President Georgios Makropoulos (Greece), Vice President Ummer Koya (India), General Secretary N. Tabbane (Tunisia) and Treasurer David Jarrett (England). Not a great surprise as he was not opposed.

There were a number of surprises for organisers of FIDE events. England, who were awarded the European Team Championships one or two years ago found on their arrival that there was an eastern European lobby to have it removed from them due to the collapse of the value of their currencies and it was decided to move the event to an, as yet unspecified new venue.

Anatoly Karpov was there making a big effort to have his point of view heard on the FIDE World Championships. Karpov actually wants the old system restored and doesn't like knockouts but he was not lobbying for that this time. He was upset at the championships being held just one year on from the Groningen/Lausanne event and that he would have to start in the second round. In the end a very strange decision was taken whereby the Las Vegas event was postponed until next year (the first suggestion was January, but it may be March/April due to various clashes with other tournaments). It seems bizarre to cause so much chaos to the organisers plans, not to mention those of other competitors just on the whim of one player. Karpov hasn't even committed himself to playing when the event does take place.

Dr. Pedro Barreros of El Salvador and Boris Kutin of Slovenia became continental presidents of the American and European divisions respectively.

The defaulting of Alisa Galliamova for her non-appearance at her match against Xie Jun was confirmed. There are stories from the States that Zsuzsa Polgar does not plan to defend her title. An application was made to have Galliamova as her replacementwas in the event of a no show was made by Russia. This will be the last traditional match for the title as next championships will be a knock-out event, possibly to be held in Moldova in Sept 1999, with 60 players and $500, 000 prize fund.

Some other interesting decisions were taken. Performance norms, until now only available toward GM titles, will be available for others norms as well. Ratings will be changed from 5-point variations to 1-point, as in the USCF list (a decision I find inconvenient from a journalistic point of view as it will now be impossible to tell the ratings apart, it just seems a very unnecessary change). In February, 1999, FIDE will start a Rapid Chess rating list for games between 15 and 59 minutes. Players on the monthly "top" lists will be considered inactive after 12 months and dropped from those specialized lists. The alphabetical section of the regular rating list will include all living players who have a rating, flagging those who are inactive. The separate inactive list will be discontinued. Players belonging to Federations which have not paid dues will also be "flagged" on the alphabetical list and will not receive FIDE rating services. A new title, FIDE Category Player, is planned for introduction. A certificate and, perhaps a pin or something, will be offered to any and all who have earned a FIDE rating.

On the subject of copyright, Ian Rogers understands the following to have taken place during the General Assembly:

"There was a long report by Tabbane on copyright which was endorsed by the General Assembly. He published the opinions of some French lawyers who, apparently unaware of the precedents established by Fischer's attempts in the 60s, decided that games, even against computers, were copyrightable. They plan to demand payments from any company making money from publishing chess games and so "Press and Media companies and also free of charge Internet companies are allowed free publication and broadcast." At first FIDE plans to "recover fees and if necesary to file lawsuits" but later they want to hand over to fee recovery companies in each country. The fees would be split 35% for the recovery company, 35% for players, 10% for FIDE, 15% for the organiser and 10% for the hosting Federation."

Olympiad results


Gold No 1 seeds Russia 1
Peter Svidler, Sergei Rublevsky, Evgeny Bareev, Alexander Morozevich, Vadim Zvjaginsev and Konstantin Sakaev.

Silver No 4 seeds USA
Alex Yermolinsky, Yasser Seirawan, Alex Shabalov, Nick DeFirmian, Boris Gulko and Gregory Kaidanov.

Bronze No 3 seeds Ukraine
Vassily Ivanchuk, Alexander Onischuk, Vladimir Malaniuk, Oleg Romanishin, Stanislav Savchenko and Ruslan Ponomariov.

Medalists (Women)

Gold No 1 seeds China
Xie Jun, Zhu Chen, Wang Pin, Wang Lei

Silver No 3 seeds Russia I
Svetlana Matveeva, Tatiana Shumiakina, Tatiana Stepovaia-Dianchenko

Bronze No 2 seeds Georgia
Maia Chiburdanidze, Nana Ioseliani, Nino Khurtsidze, Ketevan Arakhamia-Grant

Round 7

Bulgaria's win against Russia I was the surprise of the day. The US lead by half a point from them as the rest of the field closes up. There is a rest day on Tuesday.

Round 7 results (Men) 
   1 Ukraine              -  USA                      2.0-2.0   
   2 Russia 1             -  Bulgaria                 1.0-3.0   
   3 Germany              -  Armenia                  1.5-2.5 
   4 China                -  Estonia                  2.5-1.5 
   5 Georgia              -  Belarus                  1.0-3.0   
   6 Sweden               -  Moldova                  2.5-1.5 
   7 Lithuania            -  England                  0.5-3.5 
   8 Israel               -  Spain                    2.5-1.5 
   9 Switzerland          -  Russia 2                 0.5-3.5 
  10 Greece               -  Romania                  1.5-2.5 
  11 Brazil               -  France                   0.0-4.0   
  12 Czech Republic       -  Latvia                   2.5-1.5 
  13 Uzbekistan           -  Slovenia                 3.0-1.0   
  14 Kazakhstan           -  Cuba                     2.0-2.0   
  15 Hungary              -  Italy                    2.5-1.5 
  16 Yugoslavia           -  Netherlands              2.5-1.5 
  17 Canada               -  Croatia                  1.5-2.5 
  18 Argentina            -  Philippines              2.0-2.0   
  19 Kyrgyzstan           -  Poland                   2.5-1.5 
  20 Colombia             -  Iceland                  1.5-2.5 
  21 Austria              -  Russia 3                 1.5-2.5 
  22 Turkmenistan         -  Albania                  1.5-2.5 
  23 Mongolia             -  Bosnia Herzegovina       1.0-3.0   
  24 Macedonia            -  Portugal                 3.0-1.0   
  25 Azerbaijan           -  Finland                  1.0-3.0   
  26 Tajikistan           -  India                    2.5-1.5 
  27 Vietnam              -  Bangladesh               1.5-2.5 
  28 Peru                 -  Australia                1.5-2.5 
  29 Egypt                -  Belgium                  3.0-1.0   
  30 Faroe Islands        -  Chile                    0.5-3.5 
  31 Lebanon              -  Ireland                  1.0-3.0   
  32 IBCA                 -  Malaysia                 4.0-0.0   
  33 South Africa         -  Mexico                   0.0-4.0   
  34 Turkey               -  Malta                    4.0-0.0   
  35 Venezuela            -  Yemen                    2.0-2.0   
  36 Wales                -  Singapore       
  37 Scotland             -  United Arab Emirates     3.0-1.0   
  38 Iraq                 -  Andorra                  3.0-1.0   
  39 Qatar                -  Trinidad & Tobago        2.5-1.5 
  40 El Salvador          -  Luxembourg               1.0-3.0   
  41 Iran                 -  Ecuador                  2.5-1.5 
  42 Jamaica              -  Zimbabwe                 2.0-2.0   
  43 Russia 4             -  Angola          
  44 New Zealand          -  Libya                    3.0-1.0   
  45 Uganda               -  Bolivia                  1.0-3.0   
  46 Cyprus               -  Neth. Antilles           2.5-1.5 
  47 Nicaragua            -  Puerto Rico              1.5-2.5 
  48 Nigeria              -  Jersey                   4.0-0.0   
  49 Japan                -  San Marino               2.0-2.0   
  50 Kenya                -  Macau                    3.0-1.0   
  51 Botswana             -  Barbados                 2.5-1.5 
  52 Namibia              -  Palestine                0.0-4.0   
  53 Afghanistan          -  Seychelles               2.0-2.0   
  54 US Virgin Islands    -  Mali                     0.0-4.0   
  55 Honduras             -  Guernsey                 2.5-1.5 
Women's Round 7 results  
   1 Ukraine              -  China                    0.0-3.0   
   2 Romania              -  Estonia                  3.0-0.0   
   3 Georgia              -  Russia 1                 1.0-2.0   
   4 England              -  Poland                   0.0-3.0   
   5 Netherlands          -  Armenia                  2.5-0.5 
   6 Latvia               -  Lithuania                1.0-2.0   
   7 Hungary              -  Cuba                     1.0-2.0   
   8 Belarus              -  Vietnam                  1.0-2.0   
   9 Russia 3             -  Uzbekistan               1.5-1.5 
  10 Yugoslavia           -  Croatia                  3.0-0.0   
  11 Greece               -  Russia 2                 3.0-0.0   
  12 Czech Republic       -  Bosnia Herzegovina       2.5-0.5 
  13 USA                  -  Israel                   0.5-2.5 
  14 Germany              -  Mongolia                 3.0-0.0   
  15 India                -  Spain                    2.5-0.5 
  16 Kazakhstan           -  Moldova                  1.5-1.5 
  17 Turkey               -  Slovakia                 0.0-3.0   
  18 Austria              -  Finland                  1.5-1.5 
  19 Azerbaijan           -  Turkmenistan             1.5-1.5 
  20 Venezuela            -  Bulgaria                 0.0-3.0   
  21 Philippines          -  Bangladesh               1.5-1.5 
  22 Portugal             -  Italy                    1.5-1.5 
  23 Brazil               -  France                   0.5-2.5 
  24 Australia            -  Sweden                   2.0-1.0   
  25 Switzerland          -  Scotland                 1.5-1.5 
  26 IBCA                 -  Argentina                0.5-2.5 
  27 Mexico               -  Colombia                 2.0-1.0   
  28 Slovenia             -  South Africa             3.0-0.0   
  29 Nigeria              -  Macedonia                0.0-3.0   
  30 New Zealand          -  Wales                    0.0-3.0   
  31 Puerto Rico          -  El Salvador              1.5-1.5 
  32 Iraq                 -  Botswana                 3.0-0.0   
  33 Iran                 -  Lebanon                  3.0-0.0   
  34 Un. Arab Emirates    -  Ireland                  3.0-0.0   
  35 Angola               -  US Virgin Islands        2.0-1.0   
  36 Macau                -  Japan                    1.0-2.0   

Round 8

The USA led by half a point from Russia's first team. Bulgaria. France, England and Russia II were a further half point behind. China were 3.5 points clear in the women's Olympiad and looked almost certain to take gold.

Round 8 results (Men)
   1 Bulgaria             -  USA                      2.0-2.0   
   2 Belarus              -  Russia 1                 1.0-3.0   
   3 England              -  Ukraine                  2.5-1.5 
   4 Armenia              -  Russia 2                 1.5-2.5 
   5 France               -  China                    2.5-1.5 
   6 Germany              -  Sweden                   2.5-1.5 
   7 Romania              -  Israel                   2.0-2.0   
   8 Estonia              -  Uzbekistan               2.0-2.0   
   9 Moldova              -  Czech Republic           0.5-3.5 
  10 Cuba                 -  Hungary                  2.5-1.5 
  11 Croatia              -  Georgia                  2.0-2.0   
  12 Spain                -  Yugoslavia               2.5-1.5 
  13 Kazakhstan           -  Greece                   2.0-2.0   
  14 Iceland              -  Argentina                2.5-1.5 
  15 Latvia               -  Russia 3                 1.5-2.5 
  16 Philippines          -  Macedonia                3.5-0.5 
  17 Finland              -  Kyrgyzstan               1.5-2.5 
  18 Bosnia Herzegovina   -  Canada                   2.5-1.5 
  19 Chile                -  Lithuania                0.5-3.5 
  20 Slovenia             -  Mexico                   3.0-1.0   
  21 Egypt                -  Switzerland              0.5-3.5 
  22 Albania              -  Italy                    2.0-2.0   
  23 Netherlands          -  Tajikistan               3.0-1.0   
  24 Ireland              -  Poland                   2.5-1.5 
  25 Colombia             -  Turkey                   3.5-0.5 
  26 Austria              -  Turkmenistan             2.0-2.0   
  27 Australia            -  Bangladesh               2.0-2.0   
  28 Wales                -  Brazil                   1.0-3.0   
  29 Iran                 -  Azerbaijan               2.5-1.5 
  30 Peru                 -  Vietnam                  1.5-2.5 
  31 Portugal             -  Mongolia                 2.0-2.0   
  32 India                -  IBCA                     2.5-1.5 
  33 Belgium              -  Iraq                     3.0-1.0   
  34 Ecuador              -  Russia 4                 3.5-0.5 
  35 Yemen                -  Scotland                 2.0-2.0   
  36 Luxembourg           -  Lebanon                  3.0-1.0   
  37 Qatar                -  Venezuela                2.5-1.5 
  38 Bolivia              -  New Zealand              0.0-4.0   
  39 Faroe Islands        -  Nigeria                  4.0-0.0   
  40 Zimbabwe             -  Trinidad & Tobago        2.5-1.5 
  41 Jamaica              -  Cyprus                   1.0-3.0   
  42 Palestine            -  South Africa             0.5-3.5 
  43 United Arab Emirates -  Andorra                  1.0-3.0   
  44 Singapore            -  Puerto Rico              1.0-3.0   
  45 El Salvador          -  Malta                    2.5-1.5 
  46 Japan                -  Kenya                    1.5-2.5 
  47 Uganda               -  Neth. Antilles           2.5-1.5 
  48 Mali                 -  Angola                   0.0-4.0   
  49 Libya                -  Botswana                 2.0-2.0   
  50 San Marino           -  Nicaragua                2.0-2.0   
  51 Malaysia             -  Afghanistan              4.0-0.0   
  52 Macau                -  Honduras                 2.0-2.0   
  53 Seychelles           -  Barbados                 2.0-2.0   
  54 Guernsey             -  Jersey                   2.0-2.0   
  55 US Virgin Islands    -  Namibia                  0.0-4.0   

Round 8 results (women)

   1 China                -  Poland                   2.5-0.5 
   2 Romania              -  Netherlands              1.0-2.0   
   3 Russia 1             -  Lithuania                2.0-1.0   
   4 Yugoslavia           -  Greece                   1.5-1.5 
   5 Georgia              -  Czech Republic           2.5-0.5 
   6 Ukraine              -  Germany                  2.0-1.0   
   7 Vietnam              -  Cuba                     0.5-2.5 
   8 Estonia              -  India                    3.0-0.0   
   9 Slovakia             -  Russia 3                 1.5-1.5 
  10 Uzbekistan           -  Latvia                   2.5-0.5 
  11 Hungary              -  Israel                   2.0-1.0   
  12 Bulgaria             -  Armenia                  1.5-1.5 
  13 Belarus              -  England                  2.0-1.0   
  14 Finland              -  Moldova                  1.0-2.0   
  15 Bosnia Herzegovina   -  Kazakhstan               1.0-2.0   
  16 Argentina            -  Russia 2                 0.5-2.5 
  17 Spain                -  Macedonia                0.5-2.5 
  18 France               -  USA                      0.0-3.0   
  19 Turkmenistan         -  Austria                  1.5-1.5 
  20 Azerbaijan           -  Slovenia                 3.0-0.0   
  21 Croatia              -  Bangladesh               2.5-0.5 
  22 Wales                -  Mongolia                 0.5-2.5 
  23 Portugal             -  Mexico                   1.5-1.5 
  24 Italy                -  Australia                0.5-2.5 
  25 Iraq                 -  Philippines              1.0-2.0   
  26 Sweden               -  IBCA                     2.5-0.5 
  27 Switzerland          -  Iran                     1.0-2.0   
  28 Scotland             -  Turkey                   2.0-1.0   
  29 El Salvador          -  Venezuela                0.0-3.0   
  30 Puerto Rico          -  Brazil                   0.0-3.0   
  31 Colombia             -  Un. Arab Emirates        3.0-0.0   
  32 South Africa         -  Nigeria                  1.0-2.0   
  33 New Zealand          -  Angola                   2.5-0.5 
  34 Japan                -  US Virgin Islands        2.0-1.0   
  35 Botswana             -  Lebanon                  2.5-0.5 
  36 Ireland              -  Macau                    3.0-0.0   

Round 9

The USA on 24.5 points led by half a point from Russia's first and second teams the Ukraine were on 23.5 and Bulgaria, France, England, Hungary, Romania, Armenia and Germany were a further half point behind. China was 3.0 points clear from Georgia in the women's Olympiad (who they play in round 9).

Round 9 results (men)

   1 USA                  -  France                   2.5-1.5 
   2 Russia 1             -  England                  2.5-1.5 
   3 Russia 2             -  Bulgaria                 3.0-1.0   
   4 Czech Republic       -  Ukraine                  1.0-3.0   
   5 China                -  Germany                  1.5-2.5 
   6 Armenia              -  Belarus                  2.5-1.5 
   7 Uzbekistan           -  Israel                   2.0-2.0   
   8 Romania              -  Philippines              3.0-1.0   
   9 Switzerland          -  Estonia                  2.0-2.0   
  10 Sweden               -  Spain                    2.5-1.5 
  11 Lithuania            -  Cuba                     1.0-3.0   
  12 Netherlands          -  Croatia                  3.5-0.5 
  13 Georgia              -  Iceland                  2.5-1.5 
  14 Greece               -  Bosnia Herzegovina       1.0-3.0   
  15 Russia 3             -  Hungary                  0.0-4.0   
  16 Kyrgyzstan           -  Kazakhstan               2.5-1.5 
  17 Slovenia             -  Colombia                 2.0-2.0   
  18 Yugoslavia           -  Ireland                  3.0-1.0   
  19 Argentina            -  Albania                  2.5-1.5 
  20 Brazil               -  Latvia                   2.0-2.0   
  21 Finland              -  Moldova                  0.5-3.5 
  22 Italy                -  Australia                3.0-1.0   
  23 Canada               -  Ecuador                  4.0-0.0   
  24 Bangladesh           -  Turkmenistan             2.5-1.5 
  25 Vietnam              -  Austria                  2.5-1.5 
  26 Poland               -  New Zealand              4.0-0.0   
  27 Macedonia            -  Faroe Islands            3.0-1.0   
  28 India                -  Iran                     2.5-1.5 
  29 Mexico               -  Belgium                  3.0-1.0   
  30 Portugal             -  Egypt                    1.5-2.5 
  31 Tajikistan           -  Chile                    1.5-2.5 
  32 Turkey               -  IBCA                     2.0-2.0   
  33 Azerbaijan           -  Qatar                    2.5-1.5 
  34 Mongolia             -  Luxembourg               1.5-2.5 
  35 Scotland             -  Wales                    1.0-3.0   
  36 South Africa         -  Peru                     1.0-3.0   
  37 Angola               -  Yemen                    2.0-2.0   
  38 Andorra              -  Venezuela                0.0-4.0   
  39 Puerto Rico          -  Iraq                     0.5-3.5 
  40 Cyprus               -  Zimbabwe                 1.5-2.5 
  41 Russia 4             -  Malaysia                 3.0-1.0   
  42 Lebanon              -  El Salvador              0.5-3.5 
  43 Trinidad & Tobago    -  Kenya                    2.5-1.5 
  44 Jamaica              -  Uganda                   2.5-1.5 
  45 Nigeria              -  Botswana                 4.0-0.0   
  46 Singapore            -  Bolivia                  2.5-1.5 
  47 Malta                -  Libya                    0.5-3.5 
  48 Nicaragua            -  United Arab Emirates     0.5-3.5 
  49 Neth. Antilles       -  Japan                    0.5-3.5 
  50 San Marino           -  Palestine                2.0-2.0   
  51 Honduras             -  Namibia                  1.0-3.0   
  52 Barbados             -  Macau                    2.5-1.5 
  53 Jersey               -  Seychelles               2.5-1.5 
  54 Mali                 -  Guernsey                 2.0-2.0   
  55 Afghanistan          -  US Virgin Islands        4.0-0.0   
Round 9 results (women)

   1 Netherlands          -  China                    1.0-2.0   
   2 Russia 1             -  Romania                  2.0-1.0   
   3 Estonia              -  Georgia                  0.0-3.0   
   4 Cuba                 -  Ukraine                  0.5-2.5 
   5 Poland               -  Yugoslavia               1.0-2.0   
   6 Greece               -  Uzbekistan               2.5-0.5 
   7 Lithuania            -  Slovakia                 1.0-2.0   
   8 Russia 3             -  Hungary                  0.5-2.5 
   9 Germany              -  Belarus                  2.5-0.5 
  10 Israel               -  Bulgaria                 0.5-2.5 
  11 USA                  -  Vietnam                  2.0-1.0   
  12 Moldova              -  Czech Republic           3.0-0.0   
  13 Armenia              -  Azerbaijan               2.0-1.0   
  14 Kazakhstan           -  Croatia                  0.5-2.5 
  15 Macedonia            -  Latvia                   0.5-2.5 
  16 Russia 2             -  Australia                2.5-0.5 
  17 Mongolia             -  England                  0.0-3.0   
  18 India                -  Austria                  1.0-2.0   
  19 Bosnia Herzegovina   -  Finland                  2.0-1.0   
  20 Philippines          -  Turkmenistan             1.5-1.5 
  21 Venezuela            -  Scotland                 0.0-3.0   
  22 Sweden               -  Colombia                 2.0-1.0   
  23 Mexico               -  Brazil                   2.0-1.0   
  24 Argentina            -  Portugal                 2.0-1.0   
  25 Iran                 -  Spain                    0.0-3.0   
  26 IBCA                 -  Puerto Rico              3.0-0.0   
  27 Slovenia             -  Iraq                     2.5-0.5 
  28 Italy                -  Switzerland              0.5-2.5 
  29 Bangladesh           -  Turkey                   2.5-0.5 
  30 Nigeria              -  New Zealand              1.5-1.5 
  31 France               -  Wales                    2.5-0.5 
  32 Un. Arab Emirates    -  Botswana                 3.0-0.0   
  33 US Virgin Islands    -  El Salvador              1.0-2.0   
  34 Macau                -  South Africa             0.0-3.0   
  35 Japan                -  Ireland                  0.5-2.5 
  36 Lebanon              -  Angola                   1.0-2.0   

Round 10

Russia took the lead after a 3-1 beating of the Ukraine. The US were held by Russia II. Russia II were 3rd and England, 4th. In the women's event China's lead was cut to two points but this still was a substantial lead. They lost to Georgia 2-1 in round 10.

Round 10 results (men)
   1 Russia 2             -  USA                      2.0-2.0   
   2 Ukraine              -  Russia 1                 1.0-3.0   
   3 England              -  France                   3.0-1.0   
   4 Hungary              -  Bulgaria                 1.5-2.5 
   5 Germany              -  Romania                  2.0-2.0   
   6 Cuba                 -  Armenia                  1.5-2.5 
   7 Israel               -  Netherlands              1.0-3.0   
   8 Estonia              -  Bosnia Herzegovina       1.5-2.5 
   9 China                -  Czech Republic           2.5-1.5 
  10 Uzbekistan           -  Sweden                   1.5-2.5 
  11 Canada               -  Georgia                  1.0-3.0   
  12 Moldova              -  Yugoslavia               1.5-2.5 
  13 Belarus              -  Kyrgyzstan               2.0-2.0   
  14 Italy                -  Switzerland              2.5-1.5 
  15 Spain                -  Colombia                 2.5-1.5 
  16 Poland               -  Slovenia                 4.0-0.0   
  17 Philippines          -  Lithuania                3.0-1.0   
  18 Iceland              -  Kazakhstan               2.0-2.0   
  19 Macedonia            -  Argentina                1.0-3.0   
  20 Latvia               -  Bangladesh               4.0-0.0   
  21 Mexico               -  Greece                   1.0-3.0   
  22 Brazil               -  India                    2.0-2.0   
  23 Croatia              -  Vietnam                  3.0-1.0   
  24 Chile                -  Albania                  2.0-2.0   
  25 Luxembourg           -  Russia 3                 1.5-2.5 
  26 Turkmenistan         -  Egypt                    2.5-1.5 
  27 Ireland              -  Peru                     2.0-2.0   
  28 Austria              -  Wales                    4.0-0.0   
  29 Venezuela            -  Azerbaijan               0.0-4.0   
  30 Iraq                 -  Finland                  0.5-3.5 
  31 Australia            -  Iran                     2.0-2.0   
  32 IBCA                 -  Tajikistan               2.0-2.0   
  33 Faroe Islands        -  Portugal                 3.5-0.5 
  34 Mongolia             -  Turkey                   2.0-2.0   
  35 Belgium              -  Zimbabwe                 4.0-0.0   
  36 Ecuador              -  Qatar                    2.5-1.5 
  37 Yemen                -  El Salvador              2.5-1.5 
  38 Nigeria              -  Russia 4                 2.5-1.5 
  39 New Zealand          -  Angola                   2.5-1.5 
  40 Scotland             -  Cyprus                   4.0-0.0   
  41 Libya                -  South Africa             0.5-3.5 
  42 United Arab Emirates -  Trinidad & Tobago        3.0-1.0   
  43 Japan                -  Jamaica                  2.0-2.0   
  44 Kenya                -  Puerto Rico              0.5-3.5 
  45 Malaysia             -  Singapore                2.0-2.0   
  46 Namibia              -  Andorra                  1.5-2.5 
  47 Uganda               -  Lebanon                  0.5-3.5 
  48 Bolivia              -  San Marino               4.0-0.0   
  49 Palestine            -  Barbados                 2.0-2.0   
  50 Malta                -  Afghanistan              3.5-0.5 
  51 Macau                -  Jersey                   2.0-2.0   
  52 Botswana             -  Seychelles               3.0-1.0   
  53 Neth. Antilles       -  Mali                     2.0-2.0   
  54 Guernsey             -  Nicaragua                1.0-3.0   
  55 US Virgin Islands    -  Honduras                 0.0-4.0   
Round 10 results (women)
   1 China                -  Georgia                  1.0-2.0   
   2 Greece               -  Russia 1                 0.0-3.0   
   3 Ukraine              -  Romania                  1.5-1.5 
   4 Yugoslavia           -  Netherlands              2.0-1.0   
   5 Moldova              -  Germany                  2.0-1.0   
   6 Slovakia             -  Hungary                  1.0-2.0   
   7 Bulgaria             -  Poland                   1.0-2.0   
   8 England              -  Cuba                     1.0-2.0   
   9 Lithuania            -  Russia 2                 1.5-1.5 
  10 Armenia              -  USA                      1.5-1.5 
  11 Uzbekistan           -  Estonia                  2.5-0.5 
  12 Latvia               -  Croatia                  2.5-0.5 
  13 Scotland             -  Vietnam                  0.0-3.0   
  14 Azerbaijan           -  Russia 3                 1.0-2.0   
  15 Spain                -  Belarus                  2.5-0.5 
  16 Austria              -  Israel                   0.0-3.0   
  17 India                -  Bosnia Herzegovina       2.5-0.5 
  18 Czech Republic       -  Philippines              3.0-0.0   
  19 Mexico               -  Kazakhstan               0.5-2.5 
  20 Turkmenistan         -  Sweden                   1.0-2.0   
  21 Australia            -  Macedonia                1.0-2.0   
  22 Slovenia             -  France                   2.0-1.0   
  23 Bangladesh           -  Argentina                1.5-1.5 
  24 Finland              -  Switzerland              2.0-1.0   
  25 Colombia             -  Mongolia                 0.5-2.5 
  26 IBCA                 -  Venezuela                3.0-0.0   
  27 Brazil               -  Portugal                 2.5- .5 
  28 South Africa         -  Un. Arab Emirates        1.5-1.5 
  29 Iraq                 -  Iran                     0.0-3.0   
  30 New Zealand          -  Italy                    0.5-2.5 
  31 Wales                -  Nigeria                  2.0-1.0   
  32 Turkey               -  El Salvador              2.0-1.0   
  33 Ireland              -  Lebanon                  3.0-0.0   
  34 Angola               -  Japan                    2.0-1.0   
  35 Botswana             -  Macau                    3.0-0.0   
  36 US Virgin Islands    -  Puerto Rico              1.0-2.0   

Round 11

The US after beating England 3-1 took a half point lead again from Russia I, Russia II were a further half point behind.

Round 11 results (men)

   1 Russia 1             -  Armenia                  2.0-2.0   
   2 USA                  -  England                  3.0-1.0   
   3 Netherlands          -  Russia 2                 1.5-2.5 
   4 Bulgaria             -  Germany                  1.5-2.5 
   5 Romania              -  Poland                   3.0-1.0   
   6 Bosnia Herzegovina   -  Ukraine                  0.5-3.5 
   7 Georgia              -  Sweden                   2.0-2.0   
   8 Hungary              -  China                    1.5-2.5 
   9 France               -  Philippines              2.0-2.0   
  10 Yugoslavia           -  Cuba                     1.5-2.5 
  11 Estonia              -  Latvia                   1.5-2.5 
  12 Kyrgyzstan           -  Spain                    1.5-2.5 
  13 Czech Republic       -  Uzbekistan               2.0-2.0   
  14 Belarus              -  Italy                    2.0-2.0   
  15 Switzerland          -  Argentina                3.0-1.0   
  16 Israel               -  Austria                  3.0-1.0   
  17 Greece               -  Moldova                  3.5- .5 
  18 Colombia             -  Croatia                  1.0-3.0   
  19 Kazakhstan           -  Azerbaijan               1.5-2.5 
  20 Iceland              -  Canada                   2.0-2.0   
  21 Finland              -  Belgium                  2.0-2.0   
  22 Albania              -  Brazil                   3.0-1.0   
  23 Lithuania            -  Faroe Islands            4.0-0.0   
  24 Russia 3             -  Turkmenistan             2.5-1.5 
  25 Peru                 -  India                    1.0-3.0   
  26 Slovenia             -  Scotland                 3.0-1.0   
  27 Chile                -  Macedonia                0.5-3.5 
  28 Ireland              -  Mexico                   1.5-2.5 
  29 Egypt                -  Vietnam                  2.5-1.5 
  30 Iran                 -  Luxembourg               1.5-2.5 
  31 Bangladesh           -  Ecuador                  3.0-1.0   
  32 IBCA                 -  Australia                1.5-2.5 
  33 Tajikistan           -  Yemen                    2.5-1.5 
  34 South Africa         -  Mongolia                 1.5-2.5 
  35 Turkey               -  Nigeria                  3.0-1.0   
  36 New Zealand          -  United Arab Emirates     1.5-2.5 
  37 Puerto Rico          -  Venezuela                1.5-2.5 
  38 El Salvador          -  Iraq                     1.5-2.5 
  39 Wales                -  Russia 4                 3.0-1.0   
  40 Qatar                -  Angola                   1.5-2.5 
  41 Lebanon              -  Bolivia                  1.5-2.5 
  42 Portugal             -  Japan                    2.5-1.5 
  43 Andorra              -  Jamaica                  2.5-1.5 
  44 Trinidad & Tobago    -  Singapore                2.5-1.5 
  45 Zimbabwe             -  Malta                    2.5-1.5 
  46 Libya                -  Malaysia                 0.5-3.5 
  47 Cyprus               -  Namibia                  1.5-2.5 
  48 Honduras             -  Palestine                3.0-1.0   
  49 Nicaragua            -  Botswana                 3.0-1.0   
  50 Barbados             -  Kenya                    1.0-3.0   
  51 Jersey               -  Uganda                   1.5-2.5 
  52 Macau                -  Neth. Antilles           2.5-1.5 
  53 Afghanistan          -  Mali                     2.0-2.0   
  54 San Marino           -  US Virgin Islands        4.0-0.0   
  55 Seychelles           -  Guernsey                 1.5-2.5 
Round 11 results (women)

   1 Russia 1             -  China                    1.5-1.5 
   2 Georgia              -  Romania                  2.0-1.0   
   3 Yugoslavia           -  Ukraine                  1.5-1.5 
   4 Hungary              -  Moldova                  2.5- .5 
   5 Poland               -  Uzbekistan               2.0-1.0   
   6 Cuba                 -  Netherlands              0.5-2.5 
   7 Latvia               -  Greece                   2.0-1.0   
   8 Vietnam              -  Germany                  1.0-2.0   
   9 Bulgaria             -  Lithuania                3.0-0.0   
  10 Israel               -  Russia 2                 2.0-1.0   
  11 Slovakia             -  Armenia                  1.5-1.5 
  12 USA                  -  Czech Republic           1.5-1.5 
  13 Russia 3             -  Spain                    2.5-0.5 
  14 Estonia              -  England                  2.0-1.0   
  15 Croatia              -  India                    1.0-2.0   
  16 Macedonia            -  Kazakhstan               1.0-2.0   
  17 Sweden               -  Finland                  1.0-2.0   
  18 Philippines          -  Italy                    2.0-1.0   
  19 Belarus              -  Brazil                   2.0-1.0   
  20 Mongolia             -  Slovenia                 0.5-2.5 
  21 Bosnia Herzegovina   -  Scotland                 2.0-1.0   
  22 Argentina            -  Turkmenistan             1.5-1.5 
  23 France               -  Bangladesh               2.0-1.0   
  24 Austria              -  Mexico                   3.0-0.0   
  25 Iran                 -  Australia                2.0-1.0   
  26 Azerbaijan           -  IBCA                     2.5-0.5 
  27 Switzerland          -  Colombia                 1.5-1.5 
  28 Portugal             -  Ireland                  3.0-0.0   
  29 South Africa         -  Wales                    2.5-0.5 
  30 Un. Arab Emirates    -  Turkey                   0.5-2.5 
  31 Nigeria              -  Botswana                 2.0-1.0   
  32 Venezuela            -  Angola                   3.0-0.0   
  33 El Salvador          -  Japan                    2.5-0.5 
  34 Lebanon              -  New Zealand              1.0-2.0   
  35 Iraq                 -  US Virgin Islands        2.5-0.5 
  36 Puerto Rico          -  Macau                    3.0-0.0   

Round 12

Round 12 Top pairings

The USA led Russia by half a point going into the final round. Both teams won 3-1 in round 12 and set up a grand finale.

USA-Rumania 3-1

Marin-Seirawan 1/2
Shabalov-Istratescu 1-0
Ionescu-DeFirmian 1/2
Gulko-Nisipeanu 1-0

Russia II - Ukraine 2-2

Ivanchuk-Dreev 1/2
Filippov-Onischuk 1/2
Savchenko-Volkov 1/2
Kobalija-Ponomariov 1/2

Russia I-Germany 3-1

Jussupow-Svidler 1/2
Bareev-Dautov 1/2
Lutz-Morozevich 0-1
Zvjaginsew-Huebner 1-0

Armenia - England 2-2

Vaganian-Short 1/2

Sadler-Lputian 0-1
Akopian-Speelman 1/2
Miles-Anastasian 1-0

Netherlands-Bulgaria 3.5-0.5

Topalov-Timman 0-1
Van Wely-Georgiev 1-0
Chatalbashev-Piket 0-1
Van den Doel-Popchev 1/2

Results round 12 (men)                                     

   1 USA                  -  Romania                  3.0-1.0   
   2 Germany              -  Russia 1                 1.0-3.0   
   3 Ukraine              -  Russia 2                 2.0-2.0   
   4 Armenia              -  England                  2.0-2.0   
   5 Bulgaria             -  Netherlands              0.5-3.5 
   6 China                -  Greece                   3.0-1.0   
   7 Latvia               -  Georgia                  2.5-1.5 
   8 Sweden               -  Cuba                     1.5-2.5 
   9 Switzerland          -  Israel                   0.5-3.5 
  10 Philippines          -  Hungary                  1.5-2.5 
  11 Poland               -  France                   3.0-1.0   
  12 Spain                -  Lithuania                2.0-2.0   
  13 Italy                -  Czech Republic           1.5-2.5 
  14 Uzbekistan           -  Yugoslavia               2.0-2.0   
  15 Croatia              -  Belarus                  2.0-2.0   
  16 Kyrgyzstan           -  Bosnia Herzegovina       2.0-2.0   
  17 Azerbaijan           -  Estonia                  3.0-1.0   
  18 Argentina            -  Canada                   3.5-0.5 
  19 Macedonia            -  Albania                  2.0-2.0   
  20 India                -  Iceland                  2.5-1.5 
  21 Belgium              -  Kazakhstan               0.5-3.5 
  22 Austria              -  Slovenia                 1.0-3.0   
  23 Russia 3             -  Finland                  3.0-1.0   
  24 Moldova              -  Mexico                   2.5-1.5 
  25 Egypt                -  Colombia                 2.5-1.5 
  26 Brazil               -  Turkey                   2.5-1.5 
  27 Turkmenistan         -  Australia                2.0-2.0   
  28 Luxembourg           -  Bangladesh               1.5-2.5 
  29 Mongolia             -  Ireland                  3.0-1.0   
  30 Tajikistan           -  Iran                     3.5-0.5 
  31 Vietnam              -  United Arab Emirates     3.5-0.5 
  32 Iraq                 -  IBCA                     0.5-3.5 
  33 Venezuela            -  Scotland                 2.5-1.5 
  34 Yemen                -  Chile                    0.5-3.5 
  35 Faroe Islands        -  South Africa             2.0-2.0   
  36 Peru                 -  Wales                    3.0-1.0   
  37 Bolivia              -  Portugal                 2.0-2.0   
  38 Malaysia             -  New Zealand              1.5-2.5 
  39 Angola               -  Ecuador                  2.0-2.0   
  40 El Salvador          -  Nigeria                  0.0-4.0   
  41 Puerto Rico          -  Qatar                    3.0-1.0   
  42 Zimbabwe             -  Andorra                  2.0-2.0   
  43 Russia 4             -  Trinidad & Tobago        2.0-2.0   
  44 Japan                -  Lebanon                  1.5-2.5 
  45 Jamaica              -  Honduras                 2.5-1.5 
  46 Singapore            -  Nicaragua                2.5-1.5 
  47 Kenya                -  Namibia                  4.0-0.0   
  48 Malta                -  San Marino               1.5-2.5 
  49 Uganda               -  Cyprus                   1.0-3.0   
  50 Palestine            -  Macau                    2.5-1.5 
  51 Jersey               -  Libya                    0.5-3.5 
  52 Mali                 -  Botswana                 2.0-2.0   
  53 US Virgin Islands    -  Barbados                 0.5-3.5 
  54 Seychelles           -  Neth. Antilles           3.0-1.0   
  55 Guernsey             -  Afghanistan              1.0-3.0   

Results round 12 (women)                                     

   1 China                -  Hungary                  3.0-0.0   
   2 Ukraine              -  Georgia                  1.0-2.0   
   3 Netherlands          -  Russia 1                 1.0-2.0   
   4 Latvia               -  Yugoslavia               1.5-1.5 
   5 Romania              -  Bulgaria                 1.0-2.0   
   6 Germany              -  Poland                   1.0-2.0   
   7 Israel               -  Russia 3                 2.0-1.0   
   8 Uzbekistan           -  Moldova                  1.5-1.5 
   9 Cuba                 -  USA                      1.0-2.0   
  10 Armenia              -  Vietnam                  1.0-2.0   
  11 Greece               -  Slovakia                 2.5-0.5 
  12 Russia 2             -  Estonia                  1.0-2.0   
  13 Czech Republic       -  Azerbaijan               1.0-2.0   
  14 Kazakhstan           -  India                    1.0-2.0   
  15 England              -  Finland                  3.0-0.0   
  16 Lithuania            -  Slovenia                 0.5-2.5 
  17 Croatia              -  Belarus                  1.0-2.0   
  18 Spain                -  Austria                  1.5-1.5 
  19 Macedonia            -  Sweden                   2.5-0.5 
  20 Brazil               -  Bosnia Herzegovina       1.5-1.5 
  21 Portugal             -  France                   1.0-2.0   
  22 Iran                 -  Turkmenistan             2.0-1.0   
  23 Scotland             -  Argentina                0.5-2.5 
  24 Turkey               -  Mongolia                 1.0-2.0   
  25 Bangladesh           -  South Africa             2.5-0.5 
  26 IBCA                 -  Philippines              2.0-1.0   
  27 Australia            -  Switzerland              2.0-1.0   
  28 Colombia             -  Venezuela                2.5-0.5 
  29 Italy                -  El Salvador              2.5-0.5 
  30 Mexico               -  Nigeria                  2.0-1.0   
  31 Puerto Rico          -  Un. Arab Emirates        1.0-2.0   
  32 Japan                -  New Zealand              1.0-2.0   
  33 Lebanon              -  Iraq                     0.5-2.5 
  34 Macau                -  Wales                    0.0-3.0   
  35 Angola               -  Ireland                  0.5-2.5 
  36 Botswana             -  US Virgin Islands        2.5-0.5 

Round 13

The final round saw the Russians destroy the Dutch 3.5-05 and take gold above the USA who had led much of the way. The American's, not helped by an inferior tie-break drew 2-2 with China. It was an exciting round where early on it was clear that Russia were favourites to take gold by looking at the positions on the board. In a mighty struggle Peter Svidler beat Jan Timman. Timman was obviously doing his best to help the Americans but brilliant middlegame play in an inferior position by Svidler took the position towards a draw. Timman eventually cracked leaving his bishop en-prise and he had to resign. The Ukraine took bronze just above the Israeli's on tie-break. Israel had a fantastic result in the final round. The women's Olympiad was won by China above Russia 1 and Georgia. The source of the final round results is and the final standings from the bulletin come from Europe Echecs (typed in by Eric Prie)

Top pairings

1 USA (32.5) - China (29.5) 2-2
Yermolinsky, Alex - Peng, Xiaomin 1/2
Ye, Jiangchuan - Seirawan, Yasser 0-1
DeFirmian, Nick E - Zhang, Zhong 1/2
Wu, Wenjin - Kaidanov, Gregory S 1-0

2 Russia 1 (32.0) - Netherlands (30.0) 3.5-0.5
Svidler, Peter - Timman, Jan H 1-0

Van Wely, Loek - Morozevich, Alexander 0-1
Zvjaginsev, Vadim - Piket, Jeroen 1-0
Nijboer, Friso - Sakaev, Konstantin 1/2

3 Russia 2 (30.5) - Israel (29.0) 0.5-3.5
Dreev, Alexey - Alterman, Boris 0-1
Smirin, Ilia - Filippov, Valerij 1-0
Volkov, Sergey - Psakhis, Lev 1/2
Avrukh, Boris - Shariyazdanov, Andrey 1-0

4 Armenia (29.0) - Ukraine (29.5) 1.0-3.0
Lputian, Smbat G - Ivanchuk, Vassily 0-1
Onischuk, Alexander - Akopian, Vladimir 1-0
Minasian, Artashes - Savchenko, Stanislav 1-0
Ponomariov, Ruslan - Anastasian, Ashot 1-0

5 England (28.5) - Poland (28.5) 2-2
Short, Nigel D. - Krasenkow, Michal 1/2
Macieja, Bartlomiej - Sadler, Matthew 1/2
Speelman, Jonathan S. - Markowski, Tomasz 1/2
Urban, Klaudiusz - Hebden, Mark 1/2

Men's results final round
     1   Russia 1 RUS -           Netherlands NED -           3½ - ½
     2   U.S.A. USA -             China CHN -                 2 - 2
     3   Ukraine UKR -            Armenia ARM -               3 - 1
     4   Israel ISR -             Russia 2 RUS -              3½ - ½
     5   Germany GER -            Cuba CUB -                  3½ - ½
     6   Georgia GEO -            Azerbaijan AZE -            4 - 0
     7   Hungary HUN -            Argentina ARG -             3 - 1
     8   Romania ROM -            Latvia LAT -                2 - 2
     9   England ENG -            Poland POL -                2 - 2
     10  Belarus BLR -            Spain ESP -                 3 - 1
     11  Bulgaria BUL -           Greece GRE -                3 - 1
     12  Yugoslavia YUG -         Philippines PHI -           3 - 1
     13  Kazakhstan KAZ -         Italy ITA -                 3 - 1
     14  Czech Republic CZE -     Sweden SWE -                2 - 2
     15  Lithuania LTU -          Uzbekistan UZE -            2½ - 1½
     16  Slovenia SLO -           Kyrgyzstan KGZ -            3 - 1
     17  Croatia CRO -            FYROM FRM -                 2½ - 1½
     18  France FRA -             India IND -                 2 - 2
     19  Bosnia Herzegovina BIH - Russia 3 RUS -              2 - 2
     20  Switzerland SUI -        Albania ALB -               2½ - 1½
     21  Mexico MEX -             Turkmenistan TKM -          4 - 0
     22  Moldova MDA -            Iceland ISL -               2½ - 1½
     23  Egypt EGY -              Australia AUS -             3 - 1
     24  Estonia EST -            Tajikistan TJK -            2 - 2
     25  Canada CAN -             Peru PER -                  3 - 1
     26  Finland FIN -            Turkey TUR -                3 - 1
     27  Brazil BRA -             Vietnam VIE -               2½ - 1½
     28  Mongolia MGL -           Bangladesh BAN -            2½ - 1½
     29  Austria AUT -            Chile CHI -                 2½ - 1½
     30  IBCA IBS -               Colombia COL -              2½ - 1½
     31  Belgium BEL -            Nigeria NGR -               2½ - 1½
     32  New Zealand NZL -        South Africa RSA -          3½ - ½
     33  Ireland IRL -            Puerto Rico PUR -           3 - 1
     34  Iran IRI -               Lebanon LIB -               4 - 0
     35  Angola ANG -             Bolivia BOL -               3½ - ½
     36  Venezuela VEN -          Luxembourg LUX -            2 - 2
     37  Scotland SCO -           Faroe Islands FAI -         2½ - 1½
     38  Portugal POR -           Kenya KEN -                 3 - 1
     39  Wales WLS -              Ecuador ECU -               3 - 1
     40  Iraq IRQ -               Trinidad & Tobago TRI -     3 - 1
     41  Malaysia MAS -           United Arab Emirates UAE -  2 - 2
     42  Andorra AND -            Yemen YEM -                 2½ - 1½
     43  Jamaica JAM -            Qatar QAT -                 2½ - 1½
     44  Zimbabwe ZIM -           Russia 4 RUS -              2 - 2
     45  Libya LBA -              San Marino SMR -            2½ - 1½
     46  Cyprus CYP -             Honduras HON -              2½ - 1½
     47  Singapore SIN -          Japan JPN -                 2 - 2
     48  El Salvador ESA -        Barbados BAR -              2½ - 1½
     49  Uganda UGA -             Seychelles SEY -            4 - 0
     50  Palestine PLE -          Nicaragua NCA -             2½ - 1½
     51  Macau MAC -              Malta MLT -                 3 - 1
     52  Botswana BOT -           Afghanistan AFG -           2½ - 1½
     53  Namibia NAM -            Mali MLI -                  2 - 2
     54  Jersey JCI -             US Virgin Islands ISV -     3 - 1
     55  Neth. Antilles AHO -     Guernsey GCI -              2 - 2

Women's results (final round)

       1   China CHN -             Bulgaria BUL -           1½ - 1½
       2   Russia 1 RUS -          Poland POL -             2½ - ½
       3   Georgia GEO -           Yugoslavia YUG -         2 - 1
       4   Netherlands NED -       Ukraine UKR -            2 - 1
       5   Romania ROM -           Israel ISR -             2 - 1
       6   Hungary HUN -           Latvia LAT -             2 - 1
       7   U.S.A. USA -            Uzbekistan UZB -         2½ - ½
       8   Slovenia SLO -          Russia 3 RUS -           3 - 0
       9   Vietnam VIE -           Greece GRE -             2 - 1
       10  India IND -             Azerbaijan AZE -         2½ - 1½
       11  Germany GER -           England ENG -            1½ - 1½
       12  Estonia EST -           Moldova MDA -            2 - 1
       13  Armenia ARM -           Cuba CUB -               2 - 1
       14  Kazakhstan KAZ -        Slovakia SVK -           2½ - ½
       15  Czech Republic CZE -    FYROM FRM -              2 - 1
       16  Russia 2 RUS -          Belarus BLR -            2 - 1
       17  France FRA -            Iran IRI -               3 - 0
       18  Croatia CRO -           Austria AUT -            2½ - ½
       19  Argentina ARG -         Spain ESP -              2 - 1
       20  Finland FIN -           Brazil BRA -             2½ - ½
       21  Sweden SWE -            Italy ITA -              3 - 0
       22  Lithuania LTU -         IBCA IBS -               2 - 1
       23  Bosnia Herzegovina BIH -Bangladesh BAN -         1½ - 1½
       24  Turkmenistan TKM -      Colombia COL -           2½ - ½
       25  Turkey TUR -            Wales WLS -              3 - 0
       26  Mongolia MGL -          Australia AUS -          1½ - ½
       27  Mexico MEX -            New Zealand NZL -        3 - 0
       28  Philippines PHI -       Portugal POR -           2 - 1
       29  Un. Arab Emirates UAE - Lebanon LIB -            3 - 0
       30  Ireland IRL -           Botswana BOT -           3 - 0
       31  Venezuela VEN -         US Virgin Islands ISV -  3 - 0
       32  Switzerland SUI -       South Africa RSA -       2 - 1
       33  Iraq IRQ -              Scotland SCO -           2 - 1
       34  El Salvador ESA -       Macau MAC -              3 - 0
       35  Nigeria NGR -           Angola ANG -             2 - 1
       36  Puerto Rico PUR -       Japan JPN -              2 - 1

Final Standings (men)
	1.	Russia 1	35,5
	2.	U.S.A.		34,5
	3.	Ukraine		32,5
	4.	Israel		32,5
	5.	China		31,5
	6.	Germany		31,5
	7.	Georgia		31,5
	8.	Russia 2	31
	9.	Hungary		31
	10.	Rumania		30,5
	11.	England		30,5
	12.	Netherlands	30,5
	13.	Belarus		30,5
	14.	Latvia		30,5
	15.	Poland		30,5
	16.	Armenia		30
	17.	Bulgaria	30
	18.	Yugoslavia	30
	19.	Kazakhstan	30
	20.	Sweden		29,5
	21.	Czech Republic	29,5
	22.	Lithuania	29,5
	23.	Slovenia	29,5
	24.	Cuba		29
	25.	Croatia		29
	26.	France		28,5
	27.	Uzbekistan	28,5
	28.	Argentina	28,5
	29.	Spain		28,5
	30.	Bosnia		28,5
	31.	Switzerland	28,5
	32.	Russia 3	28,5
	33.	India		28,5
	34.	Mexico		28,5
	35.	Philippines	28
	36.	Greece		28
	37.	Moldavia	28
	38.	Egypt		28
	39.	Kirghizistan	27,5
	40.	Estonia		27,5
	41.	Italia		27,5
	42.	Canada		27,5
	43.	Azerbaïdjan	27,5
	44.	Finland		27,5
	45.	Albania		27,5
	46.	Macedoina	27,5
	47.	Tadjikistan	27,5
	48.	Brazil		27,5
	49.	Mongolia	27,5
	50.	Austria		27
	51.	Island		27
	52.	IBCA		27
	53.	Bangladesh	26,5
	54.	Belgium		26,5
	55.	Vietnam		26,5
	56.	New-Zealand	26,5
	57.	Colombia	26
	58.	Ireland		26
	59.	Iran		26
	60.	Luxembourg	26
	61.	Chile		26
	62.	Angola		26
	63.	Australia	25,5
	64.	Peru		25,5
	65.	Venezuela	25,5
	66.	Scotland	25,5
	67.	Portugal	25,5
	68.	Wales		25,5
	69.	Nigeria		 25,5
	70.	Turkey		25
	71.	Turkmenistan	24,5
	72.	Feroe Islands	24,5
	73.	Iraq		24,5
	74.	Malaisia	24
	75.	U. A. E.	24
	76.	Puerto Rico	24
	77.	Andorra		24
	78.	Jamaica		24
	79.	Ecuador		23,5
	80.	South Africa	23,5
	81.	Zimbabwe	23,5
	82.	Russia 4	23,5
	83.	Kenya		23,5
	84.	Yemen		23
	85.	Bolivia		23
	86.	Libya		23
	87.	Cyprus		23
	88.	Singapore	23	
	89.	Qatar		22,5
	90.	Tobago		22,5
	91.	Salvador	22,5
	92.	Japan		22,5
	93.	Uganda		22,5
	94.	Lebanon		22
	95.	Palestine	22
	96.	San Marino	22
	97.	Honduras	22
	98.	Nicaragua	21,5
	99.	Barbade		21,5
	100.	Macau		21,5
	101.	Botswana	21
	102.	Malta		20,5
	103.	Namibia		20,5
	104.	Mali		20,5
	105.	Jersey		20
	106.	Afghanistan	20
	107.	Neth. Antilles	19
	108.	Guernsey	18,5
	109.	Seychelles	18
	110.	Virgin Islands	3

Final Standings (woman)
	1.	China		29
	2.	Russia 1	27
	3.	Georgia		27
	4.	Netherlands	23,5
	5.	Bulgaria	23,5
	6.	Rumania		23
	7.	Yugoslavia	23
	8.	Hungary		23
	9.	Russia 3	23
	10.	U.S.A.		23
	11.	Poland		22,5
	12.	Ukraine		22,5
	13.	Latvia		22,5
	14.	Vietnam		22,5
	15.	India		22,5
	16.	Germany		22
	17.	Estonia		22
	18.	Israel		22
	19.	Greece		22
	20.	England		22
	21.	Armenia		21,5
	22.	Moldavia	21,5
	23.	Kazakhstan	21,5
	24.	Czech Rep.	21
	25.	Uzbekistan	21
	26.	Russia 2	21
	27.	France		21
	28.	Cuba		20,5
	29.	Croatia		20,5
	30.	Azerbaidjan	20,5
	31.	Argentina	20,5
	32.	Belarus		20
	33.	Finland		20
	34.	Macédonia	20
	35.	Sweden		20
	36.	Slovenia	20
	37.	Lithuania	19,5
	38.	Spain		19,5
	39.	Slovaquia	19,5
	40.	Bosnia		19,5
	41.	Bangladesh	19,5
	42.	Turkmenistan	19,5
	43.	Turkey		19,5
	44.	Austria		19
	45.	Mongolia	19
	46.	Mexico		19
	47.	Australia	18,5
	48.	Philippines	18,5
	49.	IBCA		18,5
	50.	U.A.E.		18,5
	51.	Ireland		18,5
	52.	Brazil		18
	53.	Switzerland	18
	54.	Venezuela	18
	55.	Portugal	18
	56.	Iran		18
	57.	Iraq		18
	58.	Colombia	17,5
	59.	Salvador	17,5
	60.	Scotland	17
	61.	Italia		17
	62.	South Africa	17
	63.	Nigeria		17
	64.	Wales		16,5
	65.	Puerto Rico	16,5
	66.	New-Zealand	15,5
	67.	Botswana	15
	68.	Angola		13
	69.	Japan		12
	70.	Virgin Islands	9,5
	71.	Lebanon		8,5
	72.	Macau		2,5	

Board Medals (Source Ian Rogers typed in from the bulletin)

Medal winners

Open Olympiad

Board 1

Gold Al Modiakhi (QAT) 7.5/8
Silver Mueller (NAM) 7.5/9
Bronze Azmaiparashvili (GEO) 8/10

Board 2

Aikhoje (NGR) 6.5/8
Lputian(ARM) 8/11
Aleksandrov(BLR) 8.5/12
Dervishi(ALB) 8.5/12

Board 3

Vera(CUB) 7/9
Srurua (GEO) 7.5/10
Grivas (GRE) 7.5/10

Board 4

Gadhi(YEM) 8.5 [There was some thought that this was
actually an IM playing under an assumed name]
Morozevich(RUS) 8/10
Aderito(ANG) 7/9

Board 5

Muir(SCO) 6/7
Kostenko(KAZ) 7.5/10
DeFirmian(USA) 6/8
Kaminski(POL) 6/8
Giacco(ARG) 6/8

Board 6

Avrukh(ISR) 8/10
Ponomariov(UKR) 7/9
Hillarp Persson(SWE) 7.5/10

Women's Olympiad

Board 1

Ovezova(TKM) 10.5/13
Chiburdanidze(GEO) 9.5/12
Peng(NED) 9/12
Maric(YUG) 9/12

Board 2

Al Rufei (IRQ) 8/9
Kosteniuk(RUS) 10/13
Hunt(ENG) 9/12
Kovalevskaya(RUS) 9/12
Koskela(FIN) 9/12

Board 3

Shumiakina(RUS)  6.5/8
Cosma(ROM)  7/9
Sergeeva(KAZ)  8.5/11

Board 4

1. Stepovaja(RUS) 8/9
2. Wang(CHN) 8/9
3. Hussain(UAE) 7/8