THE WEEK IN CHESS 219 - 18th January 1999 by Mark Crowther

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1) Introduction
2) Hoogovens: Wijk aan Zee
3) FIDE January 1999 Rating list
4) 14th European Club Championships
5) Women's World Chess Championships
6) VI Open Hotel Anibal -Linares 99 (Spain)
7) Bad Zwesten Open
8) Trinec open
9) 2nd South Wales Masters
10) Tapolca Open Tournament
11) Gausdal Troll Masters 1999
12) 1999 Australian Chess Open
13) Chess Oscars for 1998
14) Bundesliga 98-99
15) 1999 Caribbean Open International Tournament
16) XXVII Rilton Cup 1998-1999

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Games section

Hoogovens: Wijk aan Zee                       14 games
14th European Club Championships              72 games
VI Open Hotel Anibal -Linares 99 (Spain)     140 games
Bad Zwesten Open                             632 games
Trinec open                                  261 games
2nd South Wales Masters                       45 games
Tapolca Open Tournament                      104 games
Gausdal Troll Masters 1999                   126 games
1999 Australian Chess Open                   425 games
Bundesliga 98-99                               2 games
1999 Caribbean Open International Tournament 115 games
XXVII Rilton Cup 1998-1999                    24 games

1) Introduction

My thanks to Stewart Reuben, Lost Boys, Sinisa Joksic, Susan Polgar, Maximiliano Alvarez, Lubomir Ftacnik, John Saunders, Laszlo Nagy, Bjarke Kristensen, Theos Rippis, Carlyle Singh, Gerhard Hund, Dadi Jonsson of Chess in Iceland and all those who helped with this issue.

The first SuperGM event of the year got off to an exciting start with all the best players being at the top after 2 rounds. It should be an exciting race.

Corrections to the FIDE list make the top list worth looking at. This list will no doubt form the basis for invitations to the superGM events later in the year. However with events getting underway the full list needs to be made available very quickly as operating on the July list is not ideal. In this issue the Newport (apart from one player) and Wijk aan Zee events are the only one with the ratings from the new January 1999 list, there are a number of other events that should have been rated using this list also.

Hope you enjoy this issue


2) Hoogovens: Wijk aan Zee

The Hoogovens tournament in Wijk aan Zee started on Saturday 16th. After two rounds the favourites already lead the field. Anand started with 2/2. Kasparov, Shirov, Kramnik and Topalov are just behind on 1.5. The event runs January 15-31st 1999.

In round one there were two decisive games. Topalov won after Timman became very short of time trying to exploit a good position. Anand outclassed Dimitri Reindermann after an interesting opening.

There were far more decisive games in round 2. Kasparov gradually squeezed Van Wely until the Dutchman blundered just after time control. Shirov defused a bomb in the opening from Ivan Sokolov and gradually made his extra exchange count. Anand seemed well in control in taking apart Jeroen Piket. Timman ground down Reindermann and Kramnik beat Yermolinsky after pressure brought him the exchange. Round 10 will see Anand play Kasparov in what might be the decisive game of the event.

Official coverage by Lost Boys: and full daily coverage on TWIC's pages also.

Round 1 (1999.01.16)

Topalov, Veselin      -  Timman, Jan H         1-0   36  A20  English; 1.c4 e5
Kasparov, Gary        -  Ivanchuk, Vassily     1/2   22  D36  Queen's gambit
Shirov, Alexei        -  Kasimdzhanov, Rustam  1/2   24  B49  Sicilian
Van Wely, Loek        -  Kramnik, Vladimir     1/2   26  D17  Slav defence
Yermolinsky, Alex     -  Svidler, Peter        1/2   23  D85  Gruenfeld indian
Piket, Jeroen         -  Sokolov, Ivan         1/2   20  D97  Gruenfeld indian
Reinderman, Dimitri   -  Anand, Viswanathan    0-1   37  B87  Sicilian

Round 2 (1999.01.17)

Anand, Viswanathan    -  Piket, Jeroen         1-0   41  C96  Ruy Lopez
Kasparov, Gary        -  Van Wely, Loek        1-0   44  B33  Sicilian; Sveshnikov
Kramnik, Vladimir     -  Yermolinsky, Alex     1-0   40  E32  Nimzo indian
Ivanchuk, Vassily     -  Kasimdzhanov, Rustam  1/2   28  B80  Sicilian
Svidler, Peter        -  Topalov, Veselin      1/2   37  B35  Sicilian
Timman, Jan H         -  Reinderman, Dimitri   1-0   70  B31  Sicilian
Sokolov, Ivan         -  Shirov, Alexei        0-1   52  D93  Gruenfeld indian

Wijk aan Zee NED (NED), I 1999                             cat. XVII (2674)
                                     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4
 1 Anand, Viswanathan    g IND 2784  * . . . . . . . . . . 1 . 1  2.0      
 2 Topalov, Veselin      g BUL 2700  . * . . . . . = 1 . . . . .  1.5  2874
 3 Kasparov, Gary        g RUS 2812  . . * . . = . . . 1 . . . .  1.5  2868
 4 Shirov, Alexei        g ESP 2726  . . . * . . = . . . . . 1 .  1.5  2795
 5 Kramnik, Vladimir     g RUS 2751  . . . . * . . . . = 1 . . .  1.5  2809
 6 Ivanchuk, Vassily     g UKR 2714  . . = . . * = . . . . . . .  1.0  2703
 7 Kasimdzhanov, Rustam  g UZB 2595  . . . = . = * . . . . . . .  1.0  2720
 8 Svidler, Peter        g RUS 2713  . = . . . . . * . . = . . .  1.0  2648
 9 Timman, Jan H         g NED 2649  . 0 . . . . . . * . . . . 1  1.0  2621
10 Van Wely, Loek        g NED 2636  . . 0 . = . . . . * . . . .  0.5  2588
11 Yermolinsky, Alex     g USA 2597  . . . . 0 . . = . . * . . .  0.5  2539
12 Piket, Jeroen         g NED 2609  0 . . . . . . . . . . * = .  0.5  2504
13 Sokolov, Ivan         g BIH 2610  . . . 0 . . . . . . . = * .  0.5  2474
14 Reinderman, Dimitri   g NED 2542  0 . . . . . . . 0 . . . . *  0.0      

3) FIDE January 1999 Rating list

A third version of the Top 100 of the January 1999 rating list has now been released. The ratings at the top now look correct. Kasparov still has a little gap from Anand who dropped a few points. Another gap before Kramnik who lost 30 points in the list. Shirov rose 6 points which just keeps him clear of Morozevich who has propelled himself into the top 10 after gaining 100 points. Michael Adams, Vassily Ivanchuk and Peter Svidler form a very close group at 6-8. Karpov's slide continues after he lost 15 points on one poor performance this half year, its very difficult to see him ever getting back into the top 5 and is obviously in danger of dropping out of the top 10 now. Topalov holds at 2700 with a bad Tilburg being compensated by a good Olympiad. Nigel Short, Peter Leko and Boris Gelfand all gained points and stand on the verge of the top 10.

The errors reported last week introduced by the rating of the Tilburg Fontys tournament have been generally eliminated and it seems likely that the top ten is now correct. Some notes on the changes. Svidler's rating has changed without a reduction in the number of games, I guess it should be that he has played 59 not 70 games. Similarly with Topalov, the number of games played should be 22 (not 33 as given). Further down the list Van Wely's rating has changed only slightly from previous versions of the list but the number of games rated has reduced from 86 to 47, Mikhail Gurevich has also gone from 50 to 22 games rated [new version appeared on the ChessPlanet site]. Michael Rahal reported that the first version of the list the Benasque Festival (6-14 July), a very strong Open (+300 players, 30 GM etc...) was also evaluated twice, it is hoped this event was removed in the version below.

  1 Kasparov, Gary                       g RUS 2815  2812  6
  2 Anand, Viswanathan                   g IND 2795  2784 20
  3 Kramnik, Vladimir                    g RUS 2780  2751 29
  4 Shirov, Alexei                       g ESP 2720  2726 52
  5 Morozevich, Alexander                g RUS 2625  2723 60
  6 Adams, Michael                       g ENG 2715  2716 27
  7 Ivanchuk, Vassily                    g UKR 2730  2714 29
  8 Svidler, Peter                       g RUS 2710  2713 70 [59?]
  9 Karpov, Anatoly                      g RUS 2725  2710  9
 10 Topalov, Veselin                     g BUL 2700  2700 33 [22?]
 11 Short, Nigel D                       g ENG 2670  2697 48
 12 Leko, Peter                          g HUN 2665  2694 29
 13 Gelfand, Boris                       g BLR 2675  2691  9
 14 Rublevsky, Sergei                    g RUS 2685  2684 38
 15 Bareev, Evgeny                       g RUS 2690  2679 28
 16 Polgar, Judit (f)                    g HUN 2665  2677  6
 17 Korchnoi, Viktor                     g SUI 2625  2673 64
 18 Azmaiparashvili, Zurab               g GEO 2655  2673 10
 19 Salov, Valery                        g RUS 2670  2670  0
 20 Sadler, Matthew                      g ENG 2660  2668 34
 21 Almasi, Zoltan                       g HUN 2650  2665 42
 22 Shipov, Sergei                       g RUS 2635  2662 24
 23 Georgiev, Kiril                      g BUL 2660  2659 41
 24 Zvjaginsev, Vadim                    g RUS 2650  2658 41
 25 Smirin, Ilia                         g ISR 2615  2652 33
 26 Beliavsky, Alexander G               g SLO 2645  2650 56
 27 Movsesian, Sergei                    g CZE 2640  2650 50
 28 Timman, Jan H                        g NED 2655  2649 33
 29 Sakaev, Konstantin                   g RUS 2635  2649 30
 30 Fedorov, Alexei                      g BLR 2600  2648 51
 31 Onischuk, Alexander                  g UKR 2630  2646 43
 32 Krasenkow, Michal                    g POL 2655  2643 49
 33 Seirawan, Yasser                     g USA 2630  2643 17
 34 Khenkin, Igor                        g RUS 2600  2641 55
 35 Jussupow, Artur                      g GER 2640  2641 39
 36 Akopian, Vladimir                    g ARM 2655  2640 11
 37 Dreev, Alexey                        g RUS 2645  2639 50
 38 Van Wely, Loek                       g NED 2635  2636 47 [Previously 86 rated!]
 39 Tkachiev, Vladislav                  g FRA 2645  2634 12
 40 Milov, Vadim                         g SUI 2640  2633 20
 41 Oll, Lembit                          g EST 2650  2630 29
 42 Hjartarson, Johann                   g ISL 2630  2630  0
 43 Gurevich, Mikhail                    g BEL 2610  2629 22 [last version 50]
 44 Nikolic, Predrag                     g BIH 2640  2629 22
 45 Tiviakov, Sergei                     g RUS 2655  2627 65
 46 Andersson, Ulf                       g SWE 2645  2623 36
 47 Shabalov, Alexander                  g USA 2645  2620 54
 48 Gulko, Boris F                       g USA 2585  2620 39
 49 Rogers, Ian                          g AUS 2605  2618 21
 50 Khalifman, Alexander                 g RUS 2645  2616 59
 51 Giorgadze, Giorgi                    g GEO 2610  2616 57
 52 Nenashev, Alexander                  g UZB 2625  2616 29
 53 Alterman, Boris                      g ISR 2600  2616 19
 54 Hracek, Zbynek                       g CZE 2615  2615 34
 55 Lputian, Smbat G                     g ARM 2615  2614 41
 56 Lautier, Joel                        g FRA 2625  2613 66
 57 Morovic Fernandez, Ivan              g CHI 2605  2613 18
 58 Sutovsky, Emil                       g ISR 2575  2612 35
 59 DeFirmian, Nick E                    g USA 2605  2610 41
 60 Sokolov, Ivan                        g BIH 2620  2610 33
 61 Lutz, Christopher                    g GER 2600  2610 25
 62 Miles, Anthony J                     g ENG 2590  2609 55
 63 Piket, Jeroen                        g NED 2605  2609 43
 64 Aleksandrov, Aleksej                 g BLR 2595  2609 34
 65 Ponomariov, Ruslan                   g UKR 2585  2609 32
 66 Wahls, Matthias                      g GER 2605  2609  9
 67 Bologan, Viktor                      g MDA 2585  2608 57
 68 Hansen, Curt                         g DEN 2610  2608 20
 69 Adianto, Utut                        g INA 2610  2607 39
 70 Granda Zuniga, Julio E               g PER 2605  2607 29
 71 Kaidanov, Gregory S                  g USA 2625  2606 34
 72 Sturua, Zurab                        g GEO 2600  2605 46
 73 Vaganian, Rafael A                   g ARM 2630  2605 26
 74 Magomedov, Magaram                   g TJK 2540  2604 51
 75 Chernin, Alexander                   g HUN 2610  2604 10
 76 Avrukh, Boris                        g ISR 2565  2603 34
 77 Ibragimov, Ildar                     g RUS 2610  2602 47
 78 Pigusov, Evgeny                      g RUS 2605  2602 21
 79 Speelman, Jonathan S                 g ENG 2600  2601 46
 80 Novikov, Igor A                      g UKR 2545  2601 39
 81 Kharlov, Andrei                      g RUS 2575  2600 20
 82 Annakov, Babakuli                    g TKM 2600  2600  0
 83 Nunn, John D.M                       g ENG 2600  2600  0
 84 Dautov, Rustem                       g GER 2625  2598 32
 85 Yermolinsky, Alex                    g USA 2625  2597 51
 86 Kasimdzhanov, Rustam                 g UZB 2570  2595 22
 87 Nisipeanu, Liviu-Dieter              g ROM 2575  2594 53
 88 Minasian, Artashes                   g ARM 2620  2594 28
 89 Atalik, Suat                         g TUR 2585  2593 87
 90 Ehlvest, Jaan                        g EST 2620  2593 71
 91 Benjamin, Joel                       g USA 2595  2593 42
 92 Eingorn, Vereslav S                  g UKR 2610  2592 42
 93 Timoshenko, Georgy                   g UKR 2595  2592 31
 94 Dorfman, Josif D                     g FRA 2585  2590 25
 95 Palac, Mladen                        g CRO 2560  2589 49
 96 Dolmatov, Sergey                     g RUS 2575  2589 11
 97 Komarov, Dimitri                     g UKR 2570  2588 57
 98 Markovic, Miroslav                   m YUG 2575  2587 47
 99 Volkov, Sergey                       g RUS 2605  2587 42
100 Spasov, Vasil                        g BUL 2595  2587 18

4) 14th European Club Championships

Sinisa Joksic reports from the European Club Cup finals in Belgrade. The venue was the Hotel Jugoslavija on the river Danube and took place January 11-13th 1999. Panfox from Breda in the Netherlands won the event.

ROUND 1 11 January 1999

  1. "AGROUNIVERZAL" Zemun YUG 2670
     1. Kramnik, Vladimir G 2780 RUS
     2. Anand Vizvanathan G 2795 IND
     3. Beliavsky, Alexander G 2645 SLO
     4. Gelfand, Boris G 2675 BLR 
     5. Damljanovic, Branko G 2555 YUG
     6. Ilincic, Zlatko G 2570 YUG
     7. Drasko, Milan G 2515 YUG
     8. Mikhalchishin, Adrian G 2530 SLO

  2. SV "PANFOX" Breda NED 2670
     1. Van Wely, Loek G 2635 NED  
     2. Timman, Jan G 2655 NED 
     3. Adams, Michael G 2715 ENG 
     4. Lautier, Joel G 2625 FRA
     5. Gurevich, Mikhail G 2610 BEL
     6. Vaganian, Rafael G 2630 ARM
     7. Van der Wiel, John G 2525 NED
     8. Kuijf, Marinus G 2445 NED

     1. Svidler Peter G 2710 RUS
     2. Khalifman, Alexander G 2645 RUS
     3. Sakaev, Konstanti G 2635 RUS 
     4. Epishin, Vladimir G 2585 RUS
     5. Ivanov, Sergey G 2570 RUS 
     6. Solozhenkin, Evgeniy G 2535 RUS 
     7. Popov, Valerij G 2520 RUS

  CC "BOSNA" Sarajevo BIH 2585
     1. Sokolov, Ivan G 2620 BIH 
     2. Lputian, Smbat G 2615 ARM 
     3. Kozul, Zdenko G 2570 CRO 
     4. Kurajica, Bojan G 2570 BIH 
     5. Piket, Jeroen G 2606 HED 
     6. Dizdarevic, Emir G 2530 BIH
     7. Galic, Zeljko F 2365 BIH 

  5. KSz "STILON" Gorzow POL 2545
     1. Krasenkow, Michal G 2655 POL 
     2. Shipov, Sergei G 2635 RUS 
     3. Khenkin,Igor G 2600 RUS 
     4. Markowski, Tomasz G 2525 POL 
     5. Jaracz, Pavel IM 2465 POL 
     6. Czerwonski,Aleksander IM 2390 POL

  6. "ELITZUR" Petah Tikva ISR 2572 
     1. Yermolinsky, Alex G 2625 USA 
     2. Smirin, Ilia G 2615 ISR 
     3. Alterman, Boris G 2600 ISR 
     4. Yudasin, Leonid G 2550 ISR  
     5. Sutovskiy, Emil G 2575 ISR 
     6. Oratovsky, Michael IM 2465 ISR 
     7. Finkel Alexander G 2455 ISR 
     8. Tyomkin Dimitri IM 2465 ISR 

  7. "POLONIA" Warszawa POL 2573 
     1. Shirov, Alexei G 2720 ESP 
     2. Oll, Lembit G 2650 EST 
     3. Rozentalis, Eduardas G 2575 LTU 
     4. Gdanski, Jacek G 2540 POL 
     5. Macieja, Bartlomiej IM 2480 POL 
     6. Socko, Bartosz IM 2475 POL 
     7. Kuczynski, Robert G 2470 POL 

  8. "BEER SHEVA" ISR 2542
     1. Huzman Alexander G 2575 ISR 
     2. Golod, Vitali G 2555 ISR 
     3. Avrukh, Boris G 2565 ISR 
     4. Greenfeld, Alon G 2535 ISR 
     5. Mikhalevski Victor G 2540 ISR 
     6. Tseitlin Mark G 2480 ISR 

The prize fund is 15.000 SF divided into quarters; 1. 7.500 SF 2. 3.750 SF 3. 2.250 SF and 4. 1.500 SF.

After the first round two of the top four seeded teams are out! Agrouniverzal with Kramnik, Anand, Beliavsky and Gelfand lost deservedly to the persistent Warszawa team. Simply they had the greater desire to win. Anand won a tremendous game with Oll. Shirov beat Kramnik in a long ending with pawn up and Gdanski took advantage of poor Gelfand's play. Rozentalis-Beliavsky was a fighting draw. Even more of a surprise was the disasterous result of Sankt Petersburg. All was finished by the first time-control. The three Beer Sheva players with the white pieces, Huzman, Avrukh and Mikhalevsky brought about a 3:0 lead, and reserved a place in the final four. Without doubt the most experienced team (and with the highest average rating, too) Netherland's champions Panfox carried out a strange tactic. They made five draws in a few hours, and left Jan Timman with a hopeful position. It was the correct decision and Timman played convincingly and won. Neither Bosnian player had to work hard for the second team from Poland. Armenian Smbat Lputian is famous as very successful team player, with Kozul's help he took Sarajevo into the second round. IM Pavel Jaracz only alleviated the pain with a nice win against Piket. In the 2nd round the pairings are: "PANFOX" - "BOSNA" and "POLONIA" - "BEER SHEVA" for 1-4 place. "SANKT PETERSBUR" - "AGROUNIVERZAL" and "STILON" - "ELITZUR" for 5-8.

1st Round

"ELITZUR" Petah Tikva, ISR     -   "PANFOX" Breda, NED 2,5:3,5
Smirin, Ilia G 2615 ISR        -  Van Wely, Loek G 2635 NED    1/2
Alterman, Boris G 2600 ISR     -  Timman, Jan G 2655 NED       0:1 
Yudasin, Leonid G 2550 ISR     -  Adams, Michael G 2715 ENG    1/2
Oratovsky, Michael IM 2465 ISR -  Lautier, Joel G 2625 FRA     1/2
Finkel Alexander G 2455 ISR    -  Gurevich, Mikhail G 2610 BEL 1/2 
Tyomkin Dimitri IM 2465 ISR    -  Vaganian, Rafael G 2630 ARM  1/2

Huzman Alexander G 2575 ISR    -  Svidler Peter G 2710 RUS        1:0
Golod, Vitali G 2555 ISR       -  Khalifman, Alexander G 2645 RUS 1/2 
Avrukh, Boris G 2565 ISR       -  Sakaev, Konstanti G 2635 RUS    1:0
Greenfeld, Alon G 2535 ISR     -  Ivanov, Sergey G 2570 RUS       1/2
Mikhalevski Victor G 2540 ISR  -  Solozhenkin, Evgeniy G 2535 RUS 1:0
Tseitlin Mark G 2480 ISR       -  Popov, Valerij G 2520 RUS       1/2

"POLONIA" Warszawa POL  -   "AGROUNIVERZAL" Zemun YUG 3,5:2,5
Shirov, Alexei G 2720 ESP       -  Kramnik, Vladimir G 2780 RUS   1:0
Oll, Lembit G 2650 EST          -  Anand, Viswanathan G 2795 IND  0:1
Rozentalis, Eduardas G 2575 LTU -  Beliavsky Alexander G 2645 SLO 1/2
Gdanski, Jacek G 2540 POL       -  Gelfand, Boris G 2675 BLR      1:0
Macieja, Bartlomiej IM 2480 POL -  Damljanovic, Branko G 2555 YUG 1/2
Socko, Bartosz IM 2475 POL      -  Ilincic, Zlatko G 2570 YUG     1/2

"STILON" Gorzow POL  -   "BOSNA" Sarajevo BIH 2,5:3,5
Krasenkow, Michal G 2655 POL      -  Sokolov, Ivan G 2620 BIH     1/2
Shipov, Sergei G 2635 RUS         -  Lputian, Smbat G 2615 ARM    0:1
Khenkin,Igor G 2600 RUS           -  Kozul, Zdenko G 2570 CRO     0:1
Markowski, Tomasz G 2525 POL      -  Kurajica, Bojan G 2570 BIH   1/2
Jaracz, Pavel IM 2465 POL         -  Piket, Jeroen G 2606 HED     1:0
Czerwonski,Aleksander IM 2390 POL -  Dizdarevic, Emir G 2530 BIH  1/2

ROUND 2 12 January 1999

The Dutch champions "Panfox" from Breda and "Polonia" from Warszawa (Poland) will play in the final of the European Club Cup to decide the best chess club in Europe. Pairings for the third and last day:

"PANFOX" Breda, NED - "POLONIA" Warszawa POL for the champion, 
"POLONIA" Warszawa POL - "BEER SHEVA" ISR for the 3th place, 
"AGROUNIVERZAL" Zemun YUG - "ELITZUR" Petah Tikva, ISR for the 5th place and 
"SANKT PETERSBURG" RUS - "STILON" Gorzow POL for the 7th place. 
The last round starts on Wednesday at 3 p.m. 


"PANFOX" Breda, NED  -  "BOSNA" Sarajevo BIH   5:1
Van Wely, Loek G 2635 NED - Sokolov, Ivan G 2620 BIH  1:0
Timman, Jan G 2655 NED - Lputian, Smbat G 2615 ARM 1:0
Adams, Michael G 2715 ENG - Kozul, Zdenko G 2570 CRO  1:0
Lautier, Joel G 2625 FRA - Kurajica, Bojan G 2570 BIH  1/2
Gurevich, Mikhail G 2610 BEL - Piket, Jeroen G 2606 HED        1/2
Vaganian, Rafael G 2630 ARM - Dizdarevic, Emir G 2530 BIH  1:0

"POLONIA" Warszawa POL  -  "BEER SHEVA" ISR   4:2
Shirov, Alexei G 2720 ESP - Huzman Alexander G 2575 ISR 1:0
Oll, Lembit G 2650 EST - Golod, Vitali G 2555 ISR  1/2
Rozentalis, Eduardas G 2575 LTU - Avrukh, Boris G 2565 ISR   1/2
Gdanski, Jacek G 2540 POL - Greenfeld, Alon G 2535 ISR 1/2
Macieja, Bartlomiej IM 2480 POL - Mikhalevski Victor G 2540 ISR    1/2
Socko, Bartosz IM 2475 POL - Tseitlin Mark G 2480 ISR 1:0

"STILON" Gorzow POL  -  "ELITZUR" Petah Tikva, ISR 2,5:3,5
Krasenkow, Michal G 2655 POL - Smirin, Ilia G 2615 ISR  1:0
Shipov, Sergei G 2635 RUS - Alterman, Boris G 2600 ISR 1/2
Khenkin,Igor G 2600 RUS - Yudasin, Leonid G 2550 ISR 1/2
Markowski, Tomasz G 2525 POL - Oratovsky, Michael IM 2465 ISR  1/2
Jaracz, Pavel IM 2465 POL - Finkel Alexander G 2455 ISR 0:1
Czerwonski,Aleksander IM 2390 POL - Tyomkin Dimitri IM 2465 ISR 0:1

Svidler Peter G 2710 RUS - Kramnik, Vladimir G 2780 RUS 1/2
Khalifman, Alexander G 2645 RUS - Anand Visvanathan G 2795 IND 1/2
Sakaev, Konstanti G 2635 RUS - Beliavsky, Alexander G 2645 SLO  1/2 
Epishin, Vladimir G 2585 RUS - Gelfand, Boris G 2675 BLR 0:1
Ivanov, Sergey G 2570 RUS - Damljanovic, Branko G 2555 YUG  0:1 
Popov, Valerij G 2520 RUS - Ilincic, Zlatko G 2570 YUG 1/2

No-one expected such an easy match for Panfox against the experienced team from Bosnia. After three hours all was clear. Vaganian won and immediately after, in a row, Van Wely, Mickey Adams and Timman. The Hastings winner, Ivan Sokolov blundered in a position which he should have held. Adams and Jan Timman played wonderful games, leaving the spectators divided as to which was better.

Alexei Shirov carried all of the Polish team's hopes. When Polonia led with 3:2 (on six board Socko (21) beat Mark Tceitlin (56)) and, when a draw was enough for final, Alexei, who is official challenger Gary's PCA, continued for win. Like in the first round, Shirov demonstrated the highest ending technich, to outplay Huzman, Svidler's conquerer in the first round, in fine the rook ending.

Agrouniverzal's dream team after a "Titanic" performance in the first round, changed to that of "Terminator" in the second. Disregarding the fact that St Petersburg was on paper a stronger team than they lost to in the first round, they made light of the job. They dominated throughout, as in football, when one team plays all the time in their opponent's half. Gelfand played a pretty game against Epishin, who didn't play in the first round and, Damljanovic assisted him to confirm the win. An interesting fact, St Petersburg played half of the Russian team that won the last Olympiad, yet they will fight only for the 7th place!

Grandmaster Krasenkov could do nothing alone. He won a very nice game against Smirin but Beer Sheva were strong on the bottom two boards. The executioners were Finkel and Tyomkin.

A characteristic of the second round was that after four hours all the games except Shirov-Huzman and Sakaev-Beliavsky were over but without any short games! More than two thousand spectators passed through the playing hall in the Hotel "Jugoslavija" on the second day.

ROUND 3 [Final] 13 January 1999

The new European Champions are "Panfox" from Breda, who have also been Dutch Champions several times. In the last five years Panfox have been champions four times.

Against Polonia, in the final, they were great favorites by the reputation of their players and their ratings and experience.

At the start all was in their favour. Shirov fell into a prepared variation from Van Wely. Following the famous Gruenfeld Defence, from the Karpov-Kasparov match with a bishop sacrifice on f7. On the 23rd move Shirov thought more than an hour. (Shirov had spent 1.15 and Van Wely only 5 minutes!) In the other games Dutch players also had good positions. Shirov's long think bore fruit however, a nice pawn sacrifice which made the position unclear. This was the start of an astonishing turnaround in fortune in the games. Vaganian made a mistake, losing a rook and the game. Timman got into a difficult position, lost a pawn and suddenly everybody saw "Polonia" as favourites. Half an hour later it looked even worse, Tinmman was in a lost position and in the other games Poland's players were all right. The ten minutes before the first time control a new change in fortunes. Adams sacrificed a bishop for two pawns and an attack. Rozentalis was shocked and in time trouble lost. Lautier drew and Oll allowed Timman some hope to save the game. Coaches start to calculate what might happen with a tied match score. As a rule, you first take off the last board, and as the Dutch side's player (Vaganian) lost, 3:3 would be enough. Nevertheless a tied result didn't happen.

Timman saved a draw with his opponent's help and when peace was agreed on the top board the match was all was over. A draw was enough for the Dutch, but Gurevich was a pawn up and the winning position. He won, and so the Dutch also won the match. "Bosnia" wanted so much to take third place and the final medal. Sokolov won nicely but then Avrukh, Tseitlin and Mikhalevski were turned over. Grandmaster Piket tried to reduce the deficit, fighting nearly seven hours, and more than 100 moves, in a rook ending a pawn up.

Fifth were "Agrouniverzal" with it's "dream" team. Their fans expected much more. The chess elite of Kramnik, Anand, Beliavsky and Gelfand made just plus one from 12 games! "Agrouniverzal" entered in the final because they were hosts, in the last round they got the chance to have revenge against "Elitzur", who eliminated them in semi-final. They did so, with wins from Gelfand and Damljanovic, just like the day before. Kramnik, a pawn up, pressed for a win against Smirin for 75 moves.

The "Sankt Petersburg" team didn't win a single game in the first two rounds. In the last match Sakaev, Solozhenkin and Popov won.

The championship was very interesting with the lot of nice, fighting games. The players like this type of tournament, just because it is not so long. Even the best players can find three free days. A new idea of making the event longer with 10 teams, who have to play each other is surely wrong.

"Agrouniverzal" organized championships at three weeks notice. It wasn't bad but with the more time it could have been much better. (The Press-center and Bulletin office were not as good as they should have been).

The few thousand chess fans who visited tournament were satisfied although there were only seven demonstration boards.


"PANFOX" Breda, NED  -  "POLONIA" Warszawa POL  3,5:2,5
Van Wely, Loek G 2635 NED - Shirov, Alexei G 2720 ESP   1/2
Timman, Jan G 2655 NED - Oll, Lembit G 2650 EST   1/2
Adams, Michael G 2715 ENG - Rozentalis, Eduardas G 2575 LTU   1:0
Lautier, Joel G 2625 FRA - Gdanski, Jacek G 2540 POL   1/2
Gurevich, Mikhail G 2610 BEL - Macieja, Bartlomiej IM 2480 POL   1:0
Vaganian, Rafael G 2630 ARM - Socko, Bartosz IM 2475 POL   1/2

"BOSNA" Sarajevo BIH  -  "BEER SHEVA" ISR   2:4
Sokolov, Ivan G 2620 BIH - Huzman, Alexander G 2575 ISR   1:0 
Lputian, Smbat G 2615 ARM - Golod, Vitali G 2555 ISR   1/2
Kozul, Zdenko G 2570 CRO - Avrukh, Boris G 2565 ISR   0:1
Kurajica, Bojan G 2570 BIH - Greenfeld, Alon G 2535 ISR   0:1
Piket, Jeroen G 2606 HED - Mikhalevski, Victor G 2540 ISR   1/2
Dizdarevic, Emir G 2530 BIH - Tseitlin, Mark G 2480 ISR   0:1

"AGROUNIVERZAL" Zemun YUG  -  "ELITZUR" Petah Tikva, ISR   4:2
Kramnik, Vladimir G 2780 RUS - Smirin, Ilia G 2615 ISR   1/2
Anand Vizvanathan G 2795 IND - Alterman, Boris G 2600 ISR   1/2
Beliavsky, Alexander G 2645 SLO - Yudasin, Leonid G 2550 ISR   1/2
Gelfand, Boris G 2675 BLR - Oratovsky, Michael IM 2465 ISR   1:0
Damljanovic, Branko G 2555 YUG - Finkel, Alexander G 2455 ISR   1:0
Ilincic, Zlatko G 2570 YUG - Tyomkin, Dimitri IM 2465 ISR  1/2

Svidler, Peter G 2710 RUS - Krasenkow, Michal G 2655 POL  1/2
Khalifman, Alexander G 2645 RUS - Shipov, Sergei G 2635 RUS 1/2
Sakaev, Konstanti G 2635 RUS - Khenkin, Igor G 2600 RUS  1:0
Epishin, Vladimir G 2585 RUS - Markowski, Tomasz G 2525 POL 1/2 
Solozhenkin, Evgeniy G 2535 RUS - Jaracz, Pavel IM 2465 POL  1:0
Popov, Valerij G 2520 RUS - Czerwonski,Aleksander IM 2390 POL  1:0

1. SV "PANFOX" Breda NED 2670
Van Wely, Loek G 2635 NED             2.0 out of 3 
Timman, Jan G 2655 NED                2.5
Adams, Michael G 2715 ENG             2.5        
Lautier, Joel G 2625 FRA              1.5        
Gurevich, Mikhail G 2610 BEL          2.0        
Vaganian, Rafael G 2630 ARM           1.5        

2. "POLONIA" Warszawa POL 2573 
Shirov, Alexei G 2720 ESP             2.5/3      
Oll, Lembit G 2650 EST                1.0 
Rozentalis, Eduardas G 2575 LTU       1.0        
Gdanski, Jacek G 2540 POL             2.0        
Macieja, Bartlomiej IM 2480 POL       1.0        
Socko, Bartosz IM 2475 POL            2.5      

3. "BEER SHEVA" ISR 2542
Huzman Alexander G 2575 ISR           1.0/3 
Golod, Vitali G 2555 ISR              1.5 
Avrukh, Boris G 2565 ISR              2.5       
Greenfeld, Alon G 2535 ISR            2.0       
Mikhalevski Victor G 2540 ISR         2.0      
Tseitlin Mark G 2480 ISR              1.5       

4. CC "BOSNA" Sarajevo BIH 2585
Sokolov, Ivan G 2620 BIH              1.5/3
Lputian, Smbat G 2615 ARM             1.5 
Kozul, Zdenko G 2570 CRO              1.0 
Kurajica, Bojan G 2570 BIH            1.0 
Piket, Jeroen G 2606 HED              1.0   
Dizdarevic, Emir G 2530 BIH           0.5  

Kramnik, Vladimir G 2780 RUS          1.0/3
Anand Vizvanathan G 2795 IND          2.0 
Beliavsky, Alexander G 2645 SLO       1.5   
Gelfand, Boris G 2675 BLR             2.0 
Damljanovic, Branko G 2555 YUG        2.5  
Ilincic, Zlatko G 2570 YUG            1.5 

6. "ELITZUR" Petah Tikva ISR 2572  
Smirin, Ilia G 2615 ISR               1.0/3     
Alterman, Boris G 2600 ISR            1.0 
Yudasin, Leonid G 2550 ISR            1.5 
Oratovsky, Michael IM 2465 ISR        1.0  
Finkel Alexander G 2455 ISR           1.5  
Tyomkin Dimitri IM 2465 ISR           2.0     

Svidler Peter G 2710 RUS              1.0/3
Khalifman, Alexander G 2645 RUS       1.5/3 
Sakaev, Konstanti G 2635 RUS          1.5/3   
Epishin, Vladimir G 2585 RUS          0.5/2 
Ivanov, Sergey G 2570 RUS             0.5/2 
Solozhenkin, Evgeniy G 2535 RUS       1.0/2
Popov, Valerij G 2520 RUS             2.0/3

8. KSz "STILON" Gorzow POL 2545
Krasenkow, Michal G 2655 POL          2.0/3
Shipov, Sergei G 2635 RUS             1.0
Khenkin,Igor G 2600 RUS               0.5     
Markowski, Tomasz G 2525 POL          1.5 
Jaracz, Pavel IM 2465 POL             1.0
Czerwonski,Aleksander IM 2390 POL     0.5

Final roundup

The top three teams, "PANFOX", "POLONIA" and "BEER SHEVA" got nice cups and medals. The prize fund was 15.000 swiss francs, 1st 7.500 SF, 2nd 3.750 SF, 3rd 2.250 SF and 4th 1.500 SF. 49 players played in the event including 43 grandmasters and 6 IMs. There were 4 grandmasters present as reserves and the more than 30 who just visit the event. Only "Sankt Petersburg used 7 players. 48 players was from Europe and only one from Asia - Anand. Even Anand now lives in Spain. Of 72 games 33 were decisive or 46% there were 49 draws. Non of the matches finished tied!

The best results on the boards were: 
Board 1 - Alexei Shirov ("Polonia") 2,5/3 
Board 2 - Jan Timman ("Panfox") 2,5/3 
Board 3 - Michael Adams ("Panfox") 2,5/3 
Board 4 - Bolris Avrukh ("Beer Sheva") 2,5/3 
Board 5 - Branko Damljanovic ("Agrouniverzal") 2,5/3 
      and Bartosz Socko ("Polonia") 2,5 /3  

The best player was Alexei Shirov, the best game was Anand-Oll from Round 1, won by Anand. Eight players flew from Belgrade to Wijk ann Zee: Anand, Kramnik, Shirov, Svidler, Timman, Van Wely, Sokolov and Piket.

The longest game was Piket-Mikhalevski (draw in 105 moves). The shortest Alterman-Shipov and Shipov-Khalifman both 14 moves. There were only 9 short draws, under 20 moves. The shortest decisive game was Huzman-Svidler 1:0 in 22 moves and the longest Gurevich-Macieja 1:0 in 72 moves. If you count game points the result was: Panfox 12 out of 18, Beer Sheva and Agrouniverzal 10,5 , Polonia 10, Elitzur and Sankt Petersburg 8, and Bosnia and Stilon 6,5 points.

The Champions "Panfox" were the best organized and led team. Near the bar most frequently were the players from "Panfox", "Bosnia" and "Agrouniverzal". - Interesting is where the players were born. Former Soviet Union 30, ex-Yugoslavia 6, Poland 6, Netherlands 3, England, France, Israel and India 1 player.

The organization was good except that there were only 7 demonstration boards,a very bad Press-center and Bulletin.

There were several thousand spectators who visited championship. Every night (unfortunately very late) there was a TV broadcast of about 40 minutes. - The Championships were held in the Hotel "Jugoslavija" on the river Danube. - The 14th European Club Championship was a great chess event, with the great chess players. Only with the best chess players can a chess event be great. Even the Olympiad without the best players loses sense. The players like these short strong events. Three rounds it is not so hard, and everybody can find time to participate. The only things that is important is for it to be in some nice place or in big town in the center of Europe.

5) Women's World Chess Championships

Susan Polgar is in discussions with FIDE over the defence of her Women's World Chess Championship title. Both the timing and venue are being discussed. She is at the start of the eighth month of pregnancy so she has requested a postponement until July at least (in order to recover from giving birth and to prepare) but was granted a postponement only until the end of May by the FIDE general assembly. In addition to this the deadline for submitting bids for hosting the match is January 31st, 1999. The Chinese chess federation are reported to be preparing a bid, however according to FIDE's regulations Polgar can decline to play in her opponent's homeland (which wasn't the case for the semi-final with Galliamova). If the Chinese is the only bid (which may be the case), Polgar may indeed exercise her right and refuse to play in China and FIDE would have to come up with an alternative venue. She has also made efforts to find sponsors in Hungary and/or in the United States, so far without success. As a permanent resident of the US she has also written to the USCF (a letter dated December 16th 1998 for the attention of Michael Cavallo) but has received no response from the USCF. She is still quite hopeful that the match will take place outside China, later in the year however.

6) VI Open Hotel Anibal -Linares 99 (Spain)

Report from Maximiliano Alvarez. The International Open "Hotel Anibal" took place in Linares, Spain 8-17 January 1999. The event was won by Alexey Dreev with 8/10 ( + 6 = 4 ) ahead on tie-break from Artashes Minasian ( + 7 = 2 - 1). Russian born (now Argentina) Maxim Sorokin scored (+5=5) to finish 3rd drawing with Dreev and Minasian. The Open was very strong, further down the field for example were 23rd Andrei Sokolov 24th Romanishin and 26th Tiviakov !! all on 6/10. Games from the first 9 rounds are available.

Official coverage: Also 20-29 of January sees the Open "Hotel Ciudad de Ubeda".

  1-2    Dreev, Alexey                RUS   2645      8        62.5   
        Minasian, Artashes           ARM   2620      8        59.0   
  3-6   Sorokin, Maxim               ARG   2570      7.5      60.0   
        Kharlov, Andrei              RUS   2575      7.5      59.0  
        Burmakin, Vladimir           RUS   2560      7.5      59.0  
        Giorgadze, Giorgi            GEO   2610      7.5      54.5   
 7-12   Kazhgaleyev, Murtas          KAZ   2550      7        58.0   
        Bologan, Viktor              MDA   2580      7        55.5  
        Sashikiran, Krishnan         IND   2470      7        54.0  
        Landa, Konstantin            RUS   2520      7        53.0  
        Genba, Vladimir              RUS   2450      7        49.5  
        Kalantarian, Norik           ARM   2415      7        49.5   
 13-21  Grischuk, Alexander          RUS   2490      6.5      60.0   
        Minasian, Ara                ARM   2450      6.5      55.0  
        Ramesh, R. B.                IND   2365      6.5      54.5  
        Borges Mateos, Juan          CUB   2480      6.5      54.5  
        Bagaturov, Giorgi            GEO   2540      6.5      53.0  
        Rashkovsky, Nukhim           RUS   2535      6.5      52.5  
        Asrian, Karen                ARM   2600      6.5      52.0  
        Salmensuu, Olli              FIN   2420      6.5      52.0  
        Pierrot, Facundo             ARG   2420      6.5      50.5   
 22-43  Yandemirov, Valeri           RUS   2470      6        58.5   
        Sokolov, Andrei              RUS   2565      6        58.0  
        Romanishin, Oleg             UKR   2600      6        57.5  
        Nogueiras, Jesus             CUB   2510      6        56.5  
        Tiviakov, Sergei             RUS   2655      6        56.5  
        Kovacevic, Slobodan          YUG   2420      6        54.0  
        Sulypa, Alexandre            UKR   2415      6        53.5  
        Prasad, Devaki V             IND   2405      6        52.5  
        Delchev, Aleksander          BUL   2575      6        52.0  
        Gaprindashvili, Valerian     GEO   2405      6        52.0  
        Herrera, Irisberto           CUB   2425      6        51.5  
        Maherramzade, Javad          AZE   2440      6        51.0  
        Pedzich, Dominik             POL   2435      6        50.5  
        Kunte, Abhijit               IND   2505      6        50.0  
        Holmsten, Aleksei            FIN   2400      6        50.0  
        Olafsson, Helgi              ISL   2505      6        49.5
        Arencibia, Walter            CUB   2550      6        49.0  
        Becerra Rivero, Julio        CUB   2485      6        48.5  
        Grigore, George              ROM   2475      6        47.5  
        Summerscale, Aaron           ENG   2455      6        47.5  
        Garcia, Silvino              CUB   2420      6        45.5  
        Gonzalez Garcia, Jose        MEX   2445      6        43.0   
 44-56  Svetushkin, Dmitry           MDA   2460      5.5      58.5   
        Georgiev, Vladimir           BUL   2540      5.5      55.0  
        Yegiazarian, Arsen           ARM   2500      5.5      55.0  
        Estrada Nieto, Julian        MEX   2375      5.5      52.0  
        Watson, John L               USA   2365      5.5      51.0  
        Candela Perez, Jose          ESP   2380 2355 5.5      51.0  
        Konguvel, Ponnuswamy         IND   2410      5.5      49.5 
        Van Der Weide, Karel         NED   2490      5.5      49.0  
        Saravanan, V                 IND   2390      5.5      49.0  
        Nouro, Mikael                FIN   2335      5.5      48.0  
        Shirazi, Kamran              USA   2410      5.5      47.0  
        Verduga, Denis               MEX   2315      5.5      46.5  
        Dumitrescu, Dragos           ROM   2405      5.5      45.0   
 57-74  Narciso Dublan, Marc         ESP   2460 2465 5        57.0   
        Kotanjian, Trigan            ARM   2215      5        53.5  
        Russek, Guil                 MEX   2395      5        50.0  
        Piankov, Evgenij             UKR   2375      5        49.5  
        Quinn, Mark                  IRL   2350      5        49.0  
        Gokhale, C. S.               IND   2335      5        46.5  
        Subbaraman, Vijayalakshmi    IND   2335      5        46.0  
        Betaneli, Aleksandr          USA   2340      5        46.0  
        Khassanov, Marat             CAN   2320      5        46.0  
        Kunte, Mrunalini             IND   2150      5        46.0  
        Bjerring, Kai                DEN   2335      5        45.5  
        Fierro Baquero, Marta Lorena ECU   2240      5        45.5  
        Zakarian, David              ARM   2290      5        45.5  
        Fernandez Romero, Ernesto    ESP   2195 2245 5        45.0  
        Bykhovsky, Anatoly           RUS   2415      5        43.5  
        Peric, Slavisa               YUG   2200      5        42.0  
        Spaan, Nathanel              NED   2265      5        42.0  
        Appleberry, Martin           USA   2310      5        40.0   

130 players

7) Bad Zwesten Open

Lubomir Ftacnik reports: The Bad Zwesten open took place in a small spa town near Kassel in Hessen, in the heart of Germany. The efforts of a professional advertising comapany dealing with sport events G4 promotion and a chess organizer and publisher Juergen Daniel resulted in a successful 3rd annual open with 190 players, 11 GMs. The event was a 9 round swiss system event. The first two editions of the event were 7 round affairs but the organisers of the event decided to heed the complaints of the players and move to 9 rounds. So January 2nd-6th saw 9 rounds in 5 days (each running a maximum of 6 hours), quite a heavy load for european players not used to the lovely stress of opens in the US. One of the advantages is the compression of the event into minimum number of days so local players only have to give up 2-3 working days. One special feature was the virtual absence of the middle field, the top stars had to fight out for the prize fond in direct encounters. The main star of the event, Joel Lautier, managed to fullfil his seeding and took first prize by virtue of a superior "Hort system" tie-break ahead of Shchekachev and Baklan. The open in Zwesten seems to have been the strongest event at the start of the year beating even the Schwaebisch Gmuend which has a much longer tradition.

Leading final standings
Bad Zwesten GER (GER), I 1999
  1 Lautier, Joel             g FRA 2625    7.5 /9  2683
  2 Shchekachev, Andrei       g RUS 2560    7.5 /9  2588
  3 Baklan, Vladimir          m UKR 2585    7.5 /9  2735
  4 Ftacnik, Lubomir          g SVK 2585    7.0 /9  2645
  5 Wojtkiewicz, Aleksander   g POL 2595    7.0 /9  2608
  6 Luther, Thomas            g GER 2560    7.0 /9  2534
  7 Heck, Norbert             f GER 2320    7.0 /9  2526
  8 Enders, Peter             g GER 2485    7.0 /9  2388
  9 Epishin, Vladimir         g RUS 2585    6.5 /9  2522
 10 Sandner, Gunter             GER 2345    6.5 /9  2469
 11 Glek, Igor V              g RUS 2580    6.5 /9  2462
 12 Seul, Georg               m GER 2445    6.5 /9  2472
 13 Mossakowski, Florian        GER 2215    6.5 /9  2484
 14 Ackermann, Hans-Werner      GER 2270    6.5 /9  2372
 15 Gutman, Lev               g GER 2480    6.0 /9  2427
 16 Sokolov, Ewgeni             GER 2360    6.0 /9  2431
 17 Haub, Thorsten-Michael    m GER 2410    6.0 /9  2373
 18 Langheinrich, Ferenc        GER 2245    6.0 /9  2423
 19 Kiese, Matthias             GER 2175    6.0 /9  2392
 20 Schaller, Sven            f GER 2345    6.0 /9  2258
 21 Koeller, Oliver             GER 2290    6.0 /9  2290
 22 Wippermann, Till            GER 2180    6.0 /9  2384
 23 Mainka, Romuald           g GER 2480    6.0 /9  2451
 24 Zumsande, Martin            GER 2250    6.0 /9  2310
 25 Majer, Damir                GER 2295    6.0 /9  2191
 26 Kountz, Jochen            f GER 2290    6.0 /9  2254
 27 Nill, Jessica            wf GER 2200    6.0 /9  2287
 28 Gjokaj,Gjon                 GER ----    6.0 /9  2240
 29 Schumacher, Gottfried       GER 2165    6.0 /9  2255
 30 Goessling, Guido            GER 2120    6.0 /9  2260
 31 Chandler, Patrick           GER 2195    6.0 /9  2195
 32 Kleinschroth, Roland        GER 2170    6.0 /9  2249
190 players

8) Trinec open

Lubomir Ftacnik reports: The open in Trinec was the second in the modern chess history of this industrial town in the north of Moravia close to the Polish border. The event is closely connected with the rise of the local team to the Czech extra league and the mild interest of some of the managers in Trinec steel works for chess. The town itself has a rich chess tradition from the times of Czechoslovakia, Karpov accidently played in Trince (and won) his first tournament abroad there in 1967 (the Soviets supposedly thought it a junior event MC). The event ran from 26th December 1998 3rd Jan 1999 with Czech stars competing for the first prize. The winner Vokac is well known for his lifelong devotion to chess, activity in the Czech chess federation, chess writing but he also has a GM norm and the ambition to enter the club of the best. A well run and locally popular event should become annual as a good chance to gain international experience for many lesser players.

Leading final standings
 1 Vokac, Marek            m CZE 2525  7.0  2577
 2 Pisk, Petr                CZE 2315  6.5  2525
 3 Orsag, Milan            m CZE 2405  6.5  2516
 4 Kozakov, Mikhail        m UKR 2400  6.5  2470
 5 Mirumian, Vigen         m ARM 2470  6.5  2409
 6 Starostits, Ilmars        LAT 2330  6.0  2453
 7 Sergienko, Sergey       m RUS 2405  6.0  2417
 8 Michenka, Jozef         m CZE 2315  6.0  2407
 9 Babula, Milan           m CZE 2325  6.0  2403
10 Splosnov, Sergei          BLR 2350  6.0  2397
11 Voloshin, Leonid        m CZE 2440  5.5  2405
12 Hagara, Eduard            SVK 2250  5.5  2424
13 Berzinsh, Roland        m LAT 2445  5.5  2347
14 Hagarova, Zuzana       wg SVK 2335  5.5  2346
15 Kupka, Slavoj           f CZE 2325  5.5  2281
16 Frolik, Martin            CZE 2255  5.0  2351
17 Sikora-Lerch, Jan       m CZE 2380  5.0  2348
18 Buchnicek, Petr           CZE 2240  5.0  2332
19 Gross, Stefan           m CZE 2330  5.0  2321
20 Walek, Milan              CZE 2295  5.0  2335
21 Jakubowski, Krzysztof   f POL 2235  5.0  2334
22 Jirka, Jiri               CZE 2195  5.0  2265
23 Zabystrzan, Pavel         CZE 2325  5.0  2286
24 Chernyshov, Konstantin  m RUS 2485  5.0  2285
25 Kislov, Mikhail         m RUS 2385  5.0  2283
26 Blazkova, Petra           CZE 2240  5.0  2330
58 players

9) 2nd South Wales Masters

The 2nd South Wales Masters IM tournament was played from January 11th-15th at the Newport Leisure Centre. Because of the lateness of the ELO ratings it is uncertain as to the category of the event (the missing rating Panczyk, I have given his July 98 rating) the rest of the ratings are the new ones. Ruth Sheldon scored a women's GM norm which seems to be the only one possible from the event. Colin Crouch won with 6.5/9. Source John Saunders and the 4NCL pages (Jon Gilbert supplied him the gamescores and results).

Newport WLS  1999

                             1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
1   Crouch,C     2430   +23  * ½ ½ 0 1 1 ½ 1 1 1   6.5/9
2   Cobb,J       2287  +134  ½ * 1 ½ ½ 1 1 0 ½ 1   6.0/9  26.25
3   Sheldon,R    2265  +158  ½ 0 * 1 0 ½ 1 1 1 1   6.0/9  22.75
4   Cobb,C       2275   +62  1 ½ 0 * 1 ½ 0 1 ½ ½   5.0/9  22.50
5   Baker,CW     2390   -65  0 ½ 1 0 * 1 1 0 1 ½   5.0/9  21.00
6   Devereaux,M  2220   +42  0 0 ½ ½ 0 * ½ ½ 1 1   4.0/9
7   Varley,P     2273   -58  ½ 0 0 1 0 ½ * 1 0 ½   3.5/9
8   Buckley,S    2144   +41  0 1 0 0 1 ½ 0 * ½ 0   3.0/9  14.50
9   Panczyk,K    2365  -203  0 ½ 0 ½ 0 0 1 ½ * ½   3.0/9  12.00
10  Beaumont,C   2298  -129  0 0 0 ½ ½ 0 ½ 1 ½ *   3.0/9  11.25

10) Tapolca Open Tournament

Laszlo Nagy reports: The traditional Talopca Open chess tournament ran from 8th to 16th of January in Budapest, in the tournament halls of the Hungarian Chess Federation. The organizer was Parej, Jozsef. There were 90 players from 6 countries: HUN, VIE, RUS, ARM, SLO, CAN. 74 of the players had FIDE ratings, with 7 IM-s, and 4 FM-s.

The event was won by Russian IM Konstantin Chernyshov who scored 8/9 ahead of Nguyen Anh Dung on 7.5 and Levente Majzik on 7.0.

Budapest HUN (HUN), I 1999
 1 Chernyshov, Konstantin  m RUS 2485  8.0 /9  2620
 2 Nguyen Anh Dung         m VIE 2495  7.5 /9  2579
 3 Majzik, Levente           HUN 2280  7.0 
 4 Antal, Gergely            HUN 2195  6.5 
 5 Papp, Gellert             HUN 2205  6.5
 6 Pasztor, Ferenc           HUN 2265  6.5
 7 Francsics, Endre          HUN 2285  6.5
 8 Kahn, Evarth            m HUN 2325  6.0
 9 Kun, Gabor                HUN 2260  6.0
10 Galyas, Miklos          f HUN 2440  6.0 /9  2435
...90 players

The next First Saturday Chess tournaments in Budapest start in Budapest from 6th of February. There are 4 events: 1. GM closed tournament cat.VII-VIII. for the GM-norms,/10-14 participants/, 2. IM-closed tmt cat.I-III. for the IM-norms,/10-14 players/, 3. ELO-closed tmt for the ratings,/minimally 9 games/ 4. Scheveningen system tmt for the nonrated players who wants to make ELO- ratings /9 games/. Contact: Nagy, Laszlo, the organizer Tel-fax: (361)-2632859 E-mail: Webpage:

11) Gausdal Troll Masters 1999

Bjarke Kristensen reports: The danish GM Sune Berg Hansen became the sole winner of this years tournament at Gausdal Høifjellshotel in Norway. Pre-tournament favorite and reign US-champ Nick de Firmian as expected held the lead from round one but when he stumbled against latvian GM Miezis in round 7 (and lost) the young dane immediately grabbed the lead and went on to win the event with another two wins in the final rounds. The Gausdal Troll Masters tournament used to be one of the strongest Opens in Scandinavia in the early nineties, but when the famous tournament organizer Arnold J. Eikrem passed away the event looked destined to go in. But with strong support from the venue younger people (most of all Hans Olav Lahlum) the event was revived this year. In other words - Gausdal Høifjellshotel may maintain it's former status as the chess mecca of the north. Next years event is scheduled to take place from the 10th to 16th of January year 2000!

Gausdal NOR (NOR), I 1999
                                       1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 
 1 Hansen, Sune Berg      g DEN 2520  +17 +11 = 6 = 2 = 3 = 4 + 9 + 5 + 7  7.0  2591
 2 Miezis, Normunds       g LAT 2515  + 8 +20 = 9 = 1 - 5 + 6 + 3 = 4 +10  6.5  2521
 3 DeFirmian, Nick E      g USA 2605  + 7 +16 = 4 + 9 = 1 = 5 - 2 + 6 +13  6.5  2535
 4 Nielsen, Peter Heine   g DEN 2515  +13 +15 = 3 = 6 +19 = 1 = 5 = 2 +17  6.5  2534
 5 Ornstein, Axel         m SWE 2425  +18 - 6 +24 +10 + 2 = 3 = 4 - 1 +11  6.0  2469
 6 Borge, Nikolaj         m DEN 2455  =10 + 5 = 1 = 4 +11 - 2 +16 - 3 +15  5.5  2406
 7 Fyllingen, Roy Harald  m NOR 2405  - 3 =10 +13 =11 =17 +21 +15 + 9 - 1  5.5  2282
 8 Trygstad, Kristian       NOR 2255  - 2 =18 =12 =26 =20 =11 +24 =10 +16  5.0  2126
 9 Hersvik, Daniel          NOR 2080  +19 +21 = 2 - 3 -24 +15 - 1 - 7 +12  4.5  2189
10 Bjornsson, Sigurbjorn    ISL 2190  = 6 = 7 +27 - 5 +13 =19 =17 = 8 - 2  4.5  2316
11 Ferkingstad, Sjur        NOR 2075  +25 - 1 +20 = 7 - 6 = 8 +19 =17 - 5  4.5  2195
12 Lie,Espen                    ----  =14 -27 = 8 =18 +26 -16 +22 +23 - 9  4.5  2132
13 Lie, Kjetil A            NOR 2240  - 4 +17 - 7 +23 -10 +26 +20 =16 - 3  4.5  2220
14 Johansson, Per           SWE 2115  =12 -24 =18 =17 -16 =23 +28 +21 =22  4.5  2195
15 Borchgrevink,Harald          ----  +28 - 4 +23 =16 +21 - 9 - 7 +19 - 6  4.5      
16 Hreinsson,Hlidar             ----  +22 - 3 -19 =15 +14 +12 - 6 =13 - 8  4.0  2185
17 Johansen, Terje          NOR 2270  - 1 -13 +25 =14 = 7 +24 =10 =11 - 4  4.0  2136
18 Johansen, Arild          NOR 2120  - 5 = 8 =14 =12 =27 =22 =21 =20 =19  4.0  2140
19 Svendsen,Bertil              ----  - 9 +25 +16 +27 - 4 =10 -11 -15 =18  4.0  1956
20 Bjerke,Silje                 ----  +26 - 2 -11 =21 = 8 +27 -13 =18 =25  4.0  2090
21 Tallaksen,Geir               ----  +23 - 9 +28 =20 -15 - 7 =18 -14 +24  4.0  1858
22 Hansen,Victor                ----  -16 -23 -26 +25 +28 =18 -12 +24 =14  4.0  1983
23 Valgardsson,Gudjon           ----  -21 +22 -15 -13 =25 =14 +26 -12 +28  4.0  2148
24 Arngrimmsson,Dagur           ----  =27 +14 - 5 +28 + 9 -17 - 8 -22 -21  3.5  2157
25 Bergsson,Stefan              ----  -11 -19 -17 -22 =23 +28 +27 =26 =20  3.5  1872
26 Fant, Goran              SWE 2090  -20 -28 +22 = 8 -12 -13 -23 =25 +27  3.0  2054
27 Egilsson,Helgi               ----  =24 +12 -10 -19 =18 -20 -25 =28 -26  2.5  1860
28 Angeltveit,Vigleik           ----  -15 +26 -21 -24 -22 -25 -14 =27 -23  1.5  2102

12) 1999 Australian Chess Open

The 1999 Australian Chess Open was held at the University of the Sunshine Coast 2nd - 14th of January 1999. The event was won by GM Vadim Milov (2640) on 10/11 with GM Darryl Johansen (2490) 2nd on 9.5/11 and GM Ian Rogers (2605) finished third on 8.5/11. IM's Gary Lane, Alex Wohl and Stephen Solomon also participated.

More detailed information at the website:

My thanks to Theos Rippis 1999 Australian Open Chess Championship Bulletin Editor.

Australian Open Champion    Vadim Milov
2nd    Darryl Johansen
3rd    Ian Rogers
=4th    Alex Wohl
        Gary Lane
        Mark Chapman
        Bob Smith
        Yumjav Taivanbaatar

Australian Open Woman Champion    Arianne Caoili
Equal Best Australian Woman       Cathy Rogers
                                  Veronica Klimenko
Best under 18 & equal 1st under 2200    David Smerdon
Equal best under 16 & under 14    Zong-Yuan Zhao
                                  Kuan-Kuan Tian
Best under 12    Christopher Page
Equal 1st under 2200    Manuel Weeks
                                  John Sutherland
                                  Morton Lonborg

Suncoast AUS (AUS), I 1999
  1 Milov, Vadim             g SUI 2640  10.0 /11  2701
  2 Johansen, Darryl K       g AUS 2490   9.5 /11  2618
  3 Rogers, Ian              g AUS 2605   8.5 /11  2496
  4 Wohl, Aleksandar H       m AUS 2440   8.0 /11
  5 Lane, Gary W             m ENG 2405   8.0 /11  2509
  6 Chapman, Mark              SCO 2075   8.0 /11  2387
  7 Smith, Robert W          f NZL 2310   8.0 /11  2454
  8 Taivanbaatar, Yumjav       MGL 2080   8.0 /11      
  9 Haag, Martin               GER 2290   7.5 /11  2322
 10 Smerdon, David             AUS 2105   7.5 /11
 11 Sandler, Leonid          f AUS 2385   7.5 /11  2269
 12 Weeks, Manuel              AUS ----   7.5 /11
 13 Allen, Andrew              AUS 2255   7.5 /11  2296
 14 Leskiewicz, Maksymilian    AUS 2210   7.5 /11
 15 Laird, Craig             f AUS 2300   7.5 /11  2200
 16 Stephson, David            AUS 2200   7.5 /11
 17 Szuveges,Grant                 ----   7.5 /11
 18 Sutherland, John           NZL 2055   7.5 /11
 19 Lonborg, Morten            DEN 2130   7.5 /11
 20 Canfell, Gregory           AUS 2260   7.5 /11
 21 Myers, John                AUS 2060   7.0 /11
 22 Zhao Zong Yuan                 ----   7.0 /11
 23 Sarfati, Jonathan D      f NZL 2300   7.0 /11  2175
 24 Depasquale, Chris        f AUS 2305   7.0 /11  2166
 25 Mehltreter,Otto                ----   7.0 /11
 26 Tian,Kuan Kuan                 ----   7.0 /11
 27 Saw, Geoffrey              AUS 2205   7.0 /11
 28 Wright, Neil               AUS ----   7.0 /11
 29 Ingram,Benny                   ----   7.0 /11
 30 Sheldrick,Kevin                ----   7.0 /11      
 31 Speck,Nicholas                 ----   6.5 /11  2253
 32 Reilly, Tim                AUS 2270   6.5 /11  2120
 33 Christensen, Thomas        DEN 2290   6.5 /11  1944
 34 Solomon, Stephen J       m AUS 2435   6.5 /11  2261
155 players etc

13) Chess Oscars for 1998

"64 — Chess Review" magazine is aking for votes for the "Chess Oscar" a vote for the best 10 chess players of the year. Last year 300 chess journalists from 55 countries took part in these ballots. Chess journalists and other chess personalities are able to participate. Votes can be by to fax to: 7-095-2020961 or by e-mail to Votes are needed soon. You should say which magazine you represent. Alexander Roshal Editor-in-Chief "64"

14) Bundesliga 98-99

There has to be some frustration that least a selection of the most important games from the Bundesliga aren't made available. The results are available on the internet (see below) The Bundesliga in Germany has reached its seventh round and Solinger have a clear lead already which should take them to the title. In the games section are two games which are of interest from the event so far.

Results and some coverage at and at

Standings after 7 rounds
 1. Solinger SG        7 41½:14½  14- 0 2. SG Köln Porz       7 36 :20   14- 0
 3. Dresdner SC        7 33 :23   11- 3 4. SK Delmenhorst     7 30½:25½   9- 5
 5. Hamburger SK       7 31 :25    8- 6 6. USC Magdeburg      7 28 :28    7- 7
 7. SFR Neukölln       7 26½:29½   7- 7 8. PSV Duisburg       7 26½:29½   7- 7
 9. SV Wattenscheid    7 26 :30    7- 710. SK Fr.Zähringen    7 26 :30    6- 8
11. SV Werder Bremen   7 25 :31    6- 812. Erfurter SK        7 25½:30½   5- 9
13. SG Bochum          7 25½:30½   4-1014. SK Passau          7 22½:33½   3-11
15. Castrop Rauxel     7 25½:30½   2-1216. SK Viernheim       7 19 :37    2-12

15) 1999 Caribbean Open International Tournament

The 1999 Caribbean Open International Tournament is coming to a close. Gerald Hertneck, Alexander Stripunsky, Chris Ward, Stuart Conquest and Henry Urday are the 5 GMs in the field of 50 players. The event runs 12-18th January 1999. Henry Urday, Stuart Conquest and Alexander Stripunsky lead with 6.5/8 with one round to go. My thanks to Carlyle Singh for the games from the event.

Full coverage is at: including Stewart Reuben's account of the event.

Leading standings after 8/9 rounds.
 1-3  URDAY, HENRY               PER   2475     6.5     30.5    31.5  42.0 100.00
      CONQUEST, STUART           ENG   2490     6.5     30.5    30.0  39.0  50.00
      STRIPUNSKY, ALEXANDER      USA   2520     6.5     30.0    31.5  39.0  40.00
 4-5  HERTNECK, GERALD           GER   2555     6       30.5    30.5  39.5  39.15
      WARD, CHRISTOPHER          ENG   2505     6       29.5    31.0  41.0  38.30
  6   DENNY, KEVIN               BAR   2260     5.5     24.5    29.5  38.5  37.45
7-17  OSTOS, JULIO               VEN   2330     5       25.5    29.0  37.5  36.60
      ALVAREZ, JOHAN             VEN   2200     5       24.0    30.0  40.5  35.74
      ROHL, JUAN                 VEN   2330     5       24.0    25.5  34.5  34.89
      NOGUEIRA, IVAN             BRA   2285     5       23.5    27.0  35.5  34.04
      GIBBS, GRANTEL             JAM            5       23.0    30.5  41.0  33.19
      RAMSINGH, YOGENDRANATH     TRI   2235     5       23.0    25.0  33.5  32.34
      NAKAMURA, HIKARU           USA            5       22.0    27.5  37.0  31.49
      CHONG, KURTIS              TRI            5       21.0    25.5  35.0  30.64
      REUBEN, STEWART            ENG   2240     5       21.0    24.0  31.5  29.79
      SANCHEZ, SARAI             VEN   2075     5       20.0    25.5  35.0  28.94
      HARPER, RYAN               TRI            5       19.0    22.0  29.0  28.09
50 players

16) XXVII Rilton Cup 1998-1999

The Rilton Cup took place in Stockholm, Sweden. 28.12.98-6.1.99. Mikhail Ulibin won the 27th Rilton Cup , he scored 7.5 points and was a half point clear of Agrest, Nataf and Yakovich on 7. There were 7 players on 6.5 and 16 on 6 points. Final round games now available (thanks to Dadi Jonsson of Chess in Iceland).

Official coverage was on the Chess in Iceland pages at: