THE WEEK IN CHESS  24            19.03.95        Mark Crowther.

1) Introduction
2) PCA CANDIDATES - Las Palmas
3) Linares 1995
6) LOMAS DE ZAMORA INTL.OPEN by Roberto Gabriel Alvarez
7) 50th Yugoslav Championships by Bosco Grove
8) Politiken Cup (Hillerod) by Lars Zwisler
9) The Toronto Class Championships by Gordie Mazur
10) STUDIES by Wlodek Proskurowski 
11) Tournament calendar by Michael Niermann.
	Intel World Chess Championship, Candidates Final  5 games
	Linares SuperGM Tournament			  9 games
	FIDE Women's Candidates Final			  3 games
	Toronto Class Championships			  2 games
	3rd San Martin International Tournament		 42 games
	Clarin Grand Prix Tournament Lomas de Zamora     77 games

1) Introduction

My thanks to Otto Borik, Bosco Grove, Michael Niermann, Gordie Mazur,
Ralph Frisch, Lars Zwisler, Brian Stephenson, Horacio Neto, Gabriel Sanchez
Roberto Gabriel Alvarez, Kevin O'Connell, Anjo Anjewierden and
Wlodek Proskurowski for help in preparing this issue.

Not too many comments this week as I haven't had time for one reason
and another. The tension is rising in the Anand - Kamsky match, one
mistake may settle it. I hope to complete the games for Linares by next

Updates will be available from Las Palmas when time permits at my
www site. (

Plenty of games for your entertainment this week.

Mark Crowther

2) PCA CANDIDATES - Las Palmas

LAS PALMAS March 1995.               1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 11 12  TOTAL
Kamsky, Gata    	USA 2710 g   1  =  0  =  =  =  =  =
Anand, Viswanathan      IND 2715 g   0  =  1  =  =  =  =  =

DATES: (All March) (1) 9th (2) 10th (3) 11th (4) 13th (5) 14th (6) 15th
(7) 17th (8) 18th (9) 19th (10) 21st (11) 22nd (12) 23rd

Many people have commented to me how boring the match has become. This
is not a view I share. I think that this has been a tense and
psychologically very interesting match. Anand in pure chess terms
has had the best of it without being able to add to his score. Kasparov
and others have suggested improvements after time control in game 7
for instance. As I speak I believe that Anand has a very nice position
in game 9. Note that in game 4 I have restored 17. Re3 as my favoured
move. A number of sources have 17. Re2 which I believe to be incorrect.

Both the players are supposed to attend press conferences after draws
and the winner in decisive games. I gather that Kamsky hasn't been
doing this in recent games. This may lead to a fine under PCA rules.

My www page will be updated when possible to keep you updated with the
match. (

Anand equalised with ease and then proceded to misplay badly. He ended
up in a tricky but holdable ending a pawn down.

Lots of theory followed by a Kamsky improvement. A draw after 26 moves.
Kamsky only used 7 minutes.

Kamksy played an inferior opening and before he got into serious trouble he
sacrificed a pawn to set up a solid postion which Anand never looked
like cracking.

Game 7 saw Kamsky sacrifice a pawn as black for pressure. Anand solidly
held on and assumed the initiative towards time control. 40.Bxh6 Qb1+
41.Qxb1 Bxb1 42.f3 f5 (Anand) and 41. Qf6 (Kasparov) would have put Kamsky
under more pressure. As it was this was a 43 move draw.

Kamsky assumed the initiative for the first time in a few games
with a Torre system verses the Gruenfeld. Anand clung on to draw.

3) Linares 1995

Vassily Ivanchuk won the Linares Tournament for the third time.
He won a point clear of Anatoly Karpov, and a further point
clear of 3rd placed Alexey Shirov. These 3 players were undefeated.
Short, Akopian and Lautier all lost large quantities of rating points
from this event. It is to be hoped that Rentero will continue the
event next year (he threatened to cancel this year) and that some
of the big names who were missing this year will play.

I hope to have the gamescores to the last four rounds next week sometime.
I will post them to my www site. (
Below are all the games I currently have from the last few rounds.

Linares (ESP), 1-17 March 1995.  cat. XVII (2654)
---------------------------------------  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 TOTAL  TPR
 1 Ivanchuk, Vassily         g UKR 2700  * = = 1 = 1 1 = = 1 = 1 1 1  10.0  2861
 2 Karpov, Anatoly           g RUS 2765  = * = 1 1 = = = 1 = 1 = 1 =   9.0  2786
 3 Shirov, Alexei            g LAT 2710  = = * 1 = = = = 1 = = = = 1   8.0  2736
 4 Topalov, Veselin          g BUL 2630  0 0 0 * = 1 = 1 1 1 1 = = 1   8.0  2742
 5 Khalifman, Alexander      g RUS 2635  = 0 = = * 1 1 = = 0 = = 1 1   7.5  2712
 6 Beliavsky, Alexander      g UKR 2650  0 = = 0 0 * 1 = = = 1 = 1 1   7.0  2682
 7 Tiviakov, Sergei          g RUS 2625  0 = = = 0 0 * 1 = = 1 = = =   6.0  2626
 8 Illescas Cordoba, Miguel  g ESP 2595  = = = 0 = = 0 * 0 = 1 = 1 =   6.0  2629
 9 Sokolov, Ivan             g BIH 2645  = 0 0 0 = = = 1 * = = 1 0 =   5.5  2597
10 Dreev, Alexey             g RUS 2650  0 = = 0 1 = = = = * 0 = 0 1   5.5  2596
11 Short, Nigel              g ENG 2655  = 0 = 0 = 0 0 0 = 1 * 1 = =   5.0  2566
12 Ljubojevic, Ljubomir      g YUG 2580  0 = = = = = = = 0 = 0 * = =   5.0  2572
13 Lautier, Joel             g FRA 2655  0 0 = = 0 0 = 0 1 1 = = * 0   4.5  2543
14 Akopian, Vladimir         g ARM 2655  0 = 0 0 0 0 = = = 0 = = 1 *   4.0  2512


Saint Petersburg March 1995.    1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 TOTAL
Polgar, Zsuzsa      HUN 2545 g  =  =  1  1  =  1  1	       5.5
Chiburdanidze, Maia GEO 2520 g  =  =  0  0  =  0  0	       1.5

Many thanks to Otto Borik for the game scores. (the first four games
appeared in TWIC 23 the remaining 3 in this issue.

by Roberto Alvarez (Special to TWIC)

IGM Bent Larsen and young IM Hugo Spangenberg share first place after
6 rounds of the 3rd San Martin International Tournament, helded in San
Martín City (17 Km from Buenos Aires City). The adjourned games were played
at "Círculo de Ajedrez de Villa Ballester", one of the best chess clubs in
Argentina, famous for holding the oldest open tournament (45 years
and continuing!).

These are the positions played 6 rounds: FIDE Category X Elo aver:2480
IGM norm: 9 pts; IM norm:6,5 pts

Round 1 (1995.03.10)

Becerra Rivero, Julio  -  Nogueiras, Jesus       1/2
Quinteros, Miguel A    -  Soppe, Guillermo       1-0
Rodriguez, Andres      -  Garbarino, Rodolfo     0-1
Valerga, Diego         -  Larsen, Bent           1/2
Sorin, Ariel           -  Ginzburg, Maximiliano  1/2
Sorokin, Maxim         -  Ricardi, Pablo         1/2
Scarella, Enrique      -  Spangenberg, Hugo      0-1

Round 2 (1995.03.11)

Spangenberg, Hugo      -  Sorin, Ariel           1/2
Larsen, Bent           -  Becerra Rivero, Julio  1-0
Nogueiras, Jesus       -  Rodriguez, Andres      1/2
Soppe, Guillermo       -  Ginzburg, Maximiliano  1-0
Ricardi, Pablo         -  Valerga, Diego         1-0
Quinteros, Miguel A    -  Sorokin, Maxim         1/2
Garbarino, Rodolfo     -  Scarella, Enrique      1/2

Round 3 (1995.03.12)

Becerra Rivero, Julio  -  Ricardi, Pablo         1-0
Rodriguez, Andres      -  Larsen, Bent           1-0
Valerga, Diego         -  Quinteros, Miguel A    1/2
Sorin, Ariel           -  Garbarino, Rodolfo     1/2
Sorokin, Maxim         -  Soppe, Guillermo       1/2
Scarella, Enrique      -  Nogueiras, Jesus       0-1
Ginzburg, Maximiliano  -  Spangenberg, Hugo      0-1

Round 4 (1995.03.13)

Larsen, Bent           -  Scarella, Enrique      1-0
Nogueiras, Jesus       -  Sorin, Ariel           1/2
Soppe, Guillermo       -  Spangenberg, Hugo      1/2
Ricardi, Pablo         -  Rodriguez, Andres      1/2
Quinteros, Miguel A    -  Becerra Rivero, Julio  0-1
Garbarino, Rodolfo     -  Ginzburg, Maximiliano  1-0
Sorokin, Maxim         -  Valerga, Diego         0-1

Round 5 (1995.03.14)

Spangenberg, Hugo      -  Garbarino, Rodolfo     1-0
Becerra Rivero, Julio  -  Sorokin, Maxim         1-0
Rodriguez, Andres      -  Quinteros, Miguel A    1-0
Valerga, Diego         -  Soppe, Guillermo       1/2
Sorin, Ariel           -  Larsen, Bent           0-1
Scarella, Enrique      -  Ricardi, Pablo         0-1
Ginzburg, Maximiliano  -  Nogueiras, Jesus       0-1

Round 6 (1995.03.15)

Larsen, Bent           -  Ginzburg, Maximiliano  1-0
Nogueiras, Jesus       -  Spangenberg, Hugo      1/2
Soppe, Guillermo       -  Garbarino, Rodolfo     1-0
Ricardi, Pablo         -  Sorin, Ariel           1/2
Quinteros, Miguel A    -  Scarella, Enrique      1-0
Valerga, Diego         -  Becerra Rivero, Julio  1/2
Sorokin, Maxim         -  Rodriguez, Andres      1-0


3rd San Martin International Tmt.     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 TOTAL TPR
 1 Spangenberg, Hugo      m ARG 2500  * . . = = . . . 1 . = . 1 1  4.5  2651
 2 Larsen, Bent           g DEN 2505  . * 1 . . . . 0 . = 1 . 1 1  4.5  2647
 3 Becerra Rivero, Julio  m CUB 2490  . 0 * = . 1 1 . . = . 1 . .  4.0  2640
 4 Nogueiras, Jesus       g CUB 2550  = . = * . . . = . . = . 1 1  4.0  2585
 5 Soppe, Guillermo       m ARG 2445  = . . . * . 0 . 1 = . = . 1  3.5  2536
 6 Ricardi, Pablo         m ARG 2530  . . 0 . . * . = . 1 = = 1 .  3.5  2525
 7 Quinteros, Miguel A    g ARG 2505  . . 0 . 1 . * 0 . = . = 1 .  3.0  2458
 8 Rodriguez, Andres      m URU 2435  . 1 . = . = 1 * 0 . . 0 . .  3.0  2507
 9 Garbarino, Rodolfo     m ARG 2420  0 . . . 0 . . 1 * . = . = 1  3.0  2452
10 Valerga, Diego         f ARG 2465  . = = . = 0 = . . * . 1 . .  3.0  2501
11 Sorin, Ariel           m ARG 2505  = 0 . = . = . . = . * . . =  2.5  2435
12 Sorokin, Maxim         g RUS 2535  . . 0 . = = = 1 . 0 . * . .  2.5  2421
13 Scarella, Enrique      f ARG 2380  0 0 . 0 . 0 0 . = . . . * .  0.5  2100
14 Ginzburg, Maximiliano  m ARG 2450  0 0 . 0 0 . . . 0 . = . . *  0.5  2086

6) LOMAS DE ZAMORA INTL.OPEN by Roberto Gabriel Alvarez

A reminder from TWIC 22 of the final standings. Roberto
has provided 75 games from this event. (MC)

Final Standings

1) IGM Sorokin,Maxin   2535	7.5
2) IGM Campora,Daniel  2525     7.0
3) IGM Panno,Oscar     2530     7.0
4) IM  Vasquez,Rodrigo 2515     7.0
5) IGM Zarnicki,Pablo  2515     6.5
6) IM  Spangenberg,H   2500     6.5
7) IM  Slipak,Sergio   2450     6.5
8) IGM Quinteros,M     2505     6.5
9) IM  Ricardi,Pablo   2530     6.0
10)IM  Hoffman,Alej    2515     6.0
11)IM  Giardelli,S     2465     6.0
12)IM  Soppe,Guill     2445     6.0
13)IM  Rodriguez,And   2435     6.0
14)IM  Bianchi,Guill   2425     6.0
15)IM  Gomez Baillo,J  2415     6.0
16)IM  Tempone,Marcelo 2415     6.0
17)FM  Giaccio,Alfredo 2390     6.0
18)FM  Scarella,Enr    2380     6.0
19)FM  Malbran,Guill   2335     6.0
20)    Iglesias,Jorge           6.0

7) 50th Yugoslav Championships by Bosco Grove

17 players 16 rounds.

Peter Popovic won this event outright. Gligoric
had a miserable time and came last.


1.  Popovic, Petar         YUG 2545 g	10
2.  Ilincic, Zlatko        YUG 2565 g	9.5
    Velimirovic, Dragoljub YUG 2520 g	9.5
4.  Drasko, Milan          YUG 2510 g	9
5.  Damljanovic, Branko    YUG 2575 g	8.5
    Simic, Radoslav        YUG 2485 g	8.5
7.  Matulovic, Milan       YUG 2445 g	8
    Kosic, Dragan          YUG 2500 m	8
9.  Abramovic, Bosko       YUG 2520 g	7.5
    Vukic, MIlan           YUG 2430 g	7.5

Other competitors:

   Petronic, Jovan        YUG 2450 m
   Gligoric, Svetozar     YUG 2455 g
   Tosic, Miroslav        YUG 2420 m
   Ristic, Nenad          YUG 2395 m *
   Nikolic, Stanimir      YUG 2355 g
   Barlov, Dragan         YUG 2485 g
   Mozetic, Dejan         YUG 2540 m

8) Politiken Cup (Hillerod) by Lars Zwisler

Here are the results in full.

11 Feb. - 19 Feb.         1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9  Pts.
 1. Emms,John ........... O 1 = 1 = 1 1 1 1   7   GM-Norm
 2. Schandorff,Lars ..... = = = = 1 1 1 1 1   7   GM-Norm
 3. Hansen,Sune Berg .... = 1 = = 1 = 1 1 1   7   GM-Norm
 4. Danielsen,Henrik .... 1 = = 1 1 = = 1 1   7   GM-Norm
 5. Ward,Christopher .... 1 1 = = O 1 1 1 =   6,5
 6. Kristensen,Bjarke ... O O = O 1 1 1 1 1   5,5
 7. Gausel,Einar ........ O = 1 = = 1 1 = =   5,5
 8. Borge,Nikolaj ....... = O = 1 1 = O 1 1   5,5
 9. Brynell,Stellan ..... O = 1 1 = = 1 O 1   5,5

 1. Jansa,Vlastimil ..... 1 = = O O 1 1 = 1   5,5
 2. Ahlander,Bjorn ...... O = O = O 1 = 1 =   4
 3. Christensen,Tobias .. = = = = = = O = O   3,5
 4. Olafsson,Helgi ...... O = = O = 1 = O O   3
 5. Karlsson,Lars ....... = O O O 1 O = O =   2,5
 6. Olesen,Martin ....... O O = = O O O = =   2
 7. Ostergaard,Jens ..... O O O = O O O 1 O   1,5
 8. Nielsen,Uffe V ...... O O O O O O = O 1   1,5
 9. Andersen,Jackie ..... O O O O = O = O O   1

9) The Toronto Class Championships by Gordie Mazur.


The annual Toronto Class Championships took place over the weekend of March
10-12 at the Primrose Hotel.

On the heels of his strong 2nd place performance at the recent Toronto Closed
(see TWIC 23), FM Ron Livshits took sole first with a fine win over FM Grant
Spraggett in the final round. Spraggett ended up sharing 2nd-4th with Michael
Schleifer, who travelled from Montreal, & Eduardo Teodoro IV. Teodoro drew
IM Bryon Nickoloff in the final round while Schleifer took off Goran Milicevic
in 25 moves when Milicevic underestimated Schleifer's attacking chances.
My thanks to Vojin Vujosevic for the Grant Spraggett-Ron Livshits game
which won it for Livshits.

The final results in the Master Section
---------								-----

1      Ron Livshits (2427) 						   4
2-4    M Schleifer (2408) G Spraggett (2405) E Teodoro IV (2357) 	   3.5
5-7    B Nickoloff (2467) B Palacios (2268) D Filipovich (2257) 	   3
8-11   G Milicevic (2375) R Vencl (2344) D McTavish (2225) B Powell (2075) 2.5
12-14  I Findlay (2409) B Evans (2230) U Casinathan (2202) 		   2
15-16  W Dutton (1837) Paszokowski (1784) 				   1
17-18  Mihaljevic (2383) J Ochkoos (2325) 				   0

Gordie Mazur -
Kadcom Computer Inc. 50 West Wilmot St., Unit 5 Richmond Hill, Ont. L4B 1M5                    Tel: 905-886-6668 Fax: 905-886-6691

10) STUDIES by Wlodek Proskurowski 

				TWIC 24

From the British Chess Solving Championship's final of the 1994/5 competition.

|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
| K | o |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+  O. PERVAKOV, 1987
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+  1st Comm., Armenian Central CC
|   |   | N |   |   | R |   |   |
+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+  White to move and win
| o | k |   | B |   |   | n |   |
+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+  + White pawn
| o |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+  o Black pawn
| + |   | + |   |   | + |   |   |
|   |   |   |   |   | q |   | n |

White has a Rook against Black's Queen (although its light pieces are much
more active) thus only strong mating threats can lead to a postulated win.

1.Nd3+ 		1.Ne4 Qa6+ 2.Kb8 Qc6! 3.Rc5 Qxc5 4.Bxc5+ Kc4 5.Kxb7
		(5.f3 Ne5 6.Kxb7 Nxf3) 5...Nhxf2 6.Bxf2 Nxf2
		7.Nxf2 Kc3 8.Nd3 Kxc2 9.Nb4+ Kc3=


2.Bh8 		The other possible move 2.Bg7 leads to a disaster: 2...b6
		3.Kxb6 Qb1+ 4.Nb4 Qxb4+ 5.Kc6 Ne5+ 6.Rxe5 Nxf2 7.Rd5
		(7.Bh8? Qf8!) 7...Qb7+ draws


3.Kxb6!  Qb1+

4.Nb4! 		difficult move to find; 4.Kc6 Qxc2!

	 Qxb4+ 	4...Ne5 5.Rxe5 transposes to the main line.



6.Rxe5!  Nxf2 	6...Ng3 7.Bg7! (7.fxg3? Qb5+!!=; 7.f3 Qf8!) 7...Kc3
		(7...Kd4 8.c3+) 8.Re4+

7.Bg7 		zugzwang


8.c3+   Qxc3+ 	8...Kxc3 9.Re4+

|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|   |   |   |   |   |   | B |   |
|   |   | K |   |   |   |   |   |
|   |   |   |   | R |   |   |   |
| o |   |   | k |   |   |   |   |
| o |   | q |   |   |   |   |   |
| + |   |   |   |   | n |   |   |
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |

Black keeps his Q vs. R advantage to this very moment but no longer, as

9.Rc5+ wins

11) Tournament calendar by Michael Niermann.

Many thanks to all who have sent us some tournament informations. But we
still need some help. If you want to support us, please send infos about
tournaments in your country to

March 24             Bled (SLO) 9xCH, ELO, norms, 120DM (ELO tmt), 100DM (B tmt)
    -April 1            Fax +386 64 221 377

Mar 24-26       MIDLAND INDIVIDUAL CHAMPIONSHIP: Derby Assembly Rooms,
        Bob Milner, 411 Cheadle Road, Cheddleton, Leek, Staffs ST13 7BH
        Tel: 0782 550112)

Mar 24-26       EAST DEVON CONGRESS: St Georges Hall, Exeter
        (E G Sparke, 12 Westbourne Terrace, Budleigh Salterton, Devon, EX9 6BR
        Tel: 0395 442585)

March 25             Offenbach (GER), U20, 4DM
                       Tel +49 69 842378

March 25/26          Jarny (FRA), 6xCH, 60min, 100F,
                       Tel +33 82334815

Mar 25  GOLDERS GREEN OPEN, plus Under 160, Under 120
        Adam Raoof, PO Box 1962, London NW4 4NF. (0181) 202 0982

Mar 26  ATHERTON RAPIDPLAY: Jubilee Hall, Atherton
        (G M Jones, 27 Clarke Street, Leigh, Lancashire WN7 4HU
        Tel: 0942 604262 or 0942 877269)

March 31 - April 2   Werther (GER), 5xCH, no ELO, 35DM
                       Tel +49 5203 6471

April 1-12           Budapest (HUN), "First Saturday"
                        GM-tmt (13rd), IM-tmt (13rd), Elo-tmt (9rd Schev)
                        Tel/Fax +361 263 2859

April 1              Wolfen (GER), 9.45, blitz, 20DM
                       Tel +49 3494 25628

April 1-2            Gloucester (ENG), Spectrum Congress. Sections: U-180,
                       U-140, U-105 (BCF).
                       The New County Hotel, Southgate Street, Gloucester.
                       Tel: Les Day, +44 1803 212136.

Apr 2   LETCHWORTH RAPIDPLAY CONGRESS: Plinston Hall, Broadway, Letchworth
        Tim Thurstan, 33 Brampton Park Road, Hitchin (0462) 459873

April 7-9            Erlangen (GER), 5xCH, 55/45 DM, just for players with
                       DWZ/ELO < 2100
                       Tel +49 9131 60084
                       Fax +49 9131 60087

April 7-9            Edinburgh (SCO), UK Weekend Chess Congress,
                       Open plus 8 other sections for adults and juniors
                       phone +??-131-667 0852 (Frank Banaghan)

April 8/9            Eupen (BEL) 7xCH, no ELO, 30DM/600BEF
                       Tel +32 87 742587
                       Fax +32 87 552716

April 9              Chelles (FRA), 9.00, 7xCH, 30min
                       Tel +33 (1)64260997

April 10-13          Jena (GER), 7xCH, U21, 25DM,
                       Tel +49 3641 51892

April 10-16          Seiffen (GER), 7xCH, just for players with
                       DWZ/ELO < 2300
                       Tel +49 37362 8354

April 10-17          Kecskemet (Hun), 9xCH, 40/120+G/60, ELO, norms
                       110DM (no ELO) - free (GM/IM/>2345)
                       tel +76/474-728
                       detailed info in TWIC 22

April 12-16          New York (USA),
                       Tel +1 2127194204

April 13-17          Fellbach-Schmiden (GER), 9xCH, ELO, norms?, 80DM,
                       Tel +49 711 586595
                        or +49 7191 82556

April 14-17          Passau (GER), 7xCH, ELO, no norms, 90DM
                        Tel +49 851 83811
                        Fax +49 851 81889

April 14-17          St.Germain-Lembron (FRA), 7xCH, 170F,
                       Tel +33 54878499

April 14-17          Sheffield (ENG), SHEFFIELD EASTER CHESS CONGRESS,
                       Sheffield Hallam University, 6xCH, 4 sections,
                       Details: B D Stephenson, 9 Roydfield Drive, Waterthorpe,
                                Sheffield, S19 6ND, England.
                       Tel   +??-114-2471579

April 15-17          Blois (FRA), 6xCH, 200F,
                        Tel +33 73910285

April 17-23          Gausdal (NOR), Norwegian Open, 9xCH, elo/norms?
                       Tel +47 22679520
                       Fax +47 22679513

April 17-28          Jewpatoria (UKR), youth tmt, 9xCH, no entry fee
                       Tel +7 0652 277097

April 25-May 3       Gausdal (NOR), Arnold Cup 9xCH, elo/norms?
                       Tel +47 22679520
                       Fax +47 22679513

April 26-29          New York (US), New York Open, 9xCH
                       Tel +?-1-212-719-4204
                       Fax +?-1-212-719-4369

April 30 - May 10    Smolensk (RUS), Belavenets memorial
                       Tel +7(081) 00-24562
                        or +7(081) 00-32940

May 5-13             Gausdal (NOR), Skei Masters, 10 player GM and IM tmts,
                       Tel +47 22679520
                       Fax +47 22679513

May 6-17             Budapest (HUN), "First Saturday"
                       GM-tmt (13rd), IM-tmt (13rd), Elo-tmt (9rd Schev)
                       Tel/Fax +361 263 2859

May 10-20            Waikiki, Hawaii (US) 10x CH, ELO, norms
                       e-mail Eric Schiller,
                       more details in TWIC 16

May 13               SHEFFIELD RAPIDPLAY CHESS CONGRESS, Handsworth Parish
                       Centre, Handsworth Road, Sheffield, 6xCH, 4 sections,
                       entries limited,
                       Details: B D Stephenson, 9 Roydfield Drive, Waterthorpe,
                                Sheffield, S19 6ND, England.
                       Tel   +??-114-2471579

May 19-22            Vancouver (CAN), 20th Annual Keres Memorial, open: 7xCH,
                       other sections: 6xCH, 40/120+G/60, entry 100 $can,
                       prizes 8000$can,
                       tel +?? (604) 686-8888
                       email  (Wilson Yeung)
                       detailed info in TWIC 23

May 19-27            Schaan (LIE) 9xCH, ELO, 100sFr
                       Tel +41 75 2324940
                       Fax +41 75 2322986

May 23-31            Maria Alm (AUT) Open for Senior-Player, 9xCH
                       Tel +43 6582 2196

May 25-28            Erlangen (GER) 7xCH, no ELO, 90DM
                       Tel +49 9131 47703

May 25-28            Crailsheim (GER) 7xCH, ELO, no norms, 90DM
                       Tel +49 7951 6468

May 25-28            Erfurt (GER), 9xCH, 30min, 25DM,
                       Tel +49 361 6435132

May 25-28            Herne (GER), 7xCH, 70DM,
                       Tel +49 2323 18112

May 25-28            Jarny (FRA), 7xCH, 120F,
                       Tel +33 82334815

May 27-29            Long Beach, California, (USA), 16th Annual Memorial Day
                       Classic, 6xCH, 7sections, long Beach Airport Marriott
                       Hotel (310-425-5210), $20,000 (US) guaranteed
                       tel 310-634-8477
                       fax 310-988-9573 (Charles Rostedt)

May 27-June 3        Mainz (GER) 9xCH, ELO,
                       Tel     +49 6131 223990 or
                       Tel/Fax +49 6131 85399

June 2-5             Jena (GER), 7xCH, 60DM,
                       Tel +49 3641 51892

June 3-10            Ischia (ITA) International Festival,
                       tel +39-81-668811 or +39-81-668875
                       fax +39-81-7612354 Mr. Fabio, Luca Orofino

June 3-14            Budapest (HUN), "First Saturday"
                        GM-tmt (13rd), IM-tmt (13rd), Elo-tmt (9rd Schev)
                        Tel/Fax +361 263 2859

June 10-16           Bolzano (ITA), International Open,
                       tel  +39-471-921870

June 10-18           Bad Bevensen (GER), 9xCH, ELO, norms?, 120DM,
                       Tel +49 5821 41024

June 14-18           Giessen (GER),14th Open, 7xCH, ELO, no norms, 75 DM
                       Tel +49 6403 71213
                        or +49 641 53492
                       Room Verkehrsamt Giessen, Berliner Platz, D-35390 Giessen
                       detailed info in TWIC 21(German) and 22 (English)

June 17              Locarno (CH), 9th International Marathon Open-air,
                       blitz (5 min), 39 rounds !
                       three groups of 40 players, divided by strength,
                       MANY GM - IM - FM in the first group!

June 17-18           Bad Bevensen (GER), 11xCH, 30min, 60DM,
                       Tel +49 5821 41024

June 17-19           Tartu (EST) 9xCH, 50DM (June 17+18)+ Blitz(June 19), no ELO
                        Tel +372 7 421281

June 17-24           Bolzano (ITA), Festival
                       tel  +39-471-921870

June 22-25           Milano (ITA), Robeccheto con Induno, International
                       Festival, 6rd
                       tel +39-2-9761580 Mr. Vito Grandieri, hours 15/21
                           +39-2-9746206 Mr. Flavio Polloni, hours 15/21

June 25-July 2       Telese (ITA), International Festival
                       tel +39-824-976980 Mr. Pancrazio Affinito

June 30-July 8       Velden (AUT)  9xCH, Elo, Norms, 750 oeS
                        Tel +43 4274 2103
                        Fax +43 4274 51078

July 1-12            Budapest (HUN), "First Saturday"
                        GM-tmt (13rd), IM-tmt (13rd), Elo-tmt (9rd Schev)
                        Tel/Fax +361 263 2859

July 8-16            Toronto (CAN), Canadian Open

July 14              Canberra (AUS), Humans v Computers Match
                       Info: Shaun Press, 42 Mockridge Cres, Holt 2617,

July 15-16           Canberra (AUS), Australian National University Open
                       Venue: Old Canberra House, ANU, Canberra, Australia
                       Info: Shaun Press, 42 Mockridge Cres, Holt 2617,

July 21              Biel (SUI) 12 tournaments, Open: 9-11xCH, ELO, norms
       -August 5        30sFr (blitz)-250sFr
                        Tel +41 32 534040
                        Fax +41 32 228688 or
                            +41 32 535925

July 29              Gausdal (NOR), Peer Gynt International, 9xCH, elo/norms?
    -August 4           Tel +47 22679520
                        Fax +47 22679513

July 29              Montecatini Terme - Int. Festival, 9xCH, ELO, norms
    -August 6          tel +39-572-78177 Mr. Paganelli
                       fax +39-572-772307

August 5-16          Budapest (HUN), "First Saturday"
                       GM-tmt (13rd), IM-tmt (13rd), Elo-tmt (9rd Schev)
                       Tel/Fax +361 263 2859

August 6-13          Gausdal International (NOR), 9xCH, elo/norms?
                       Tel +47 22679520
                       Fax +47 22679513

August 21-29         Porto S. Giorgio - Int. Festival
                       tel +39-734-679745 or +39-734-675590

October 1-2          Greater Sydney Chess Festival,
                       Venue: The Huntley Hotel, Parramatta, Australia
                       Contact: Australian Chess Enterprises, PO Box 6301
                                Baulkham Hills, NSW 2153, Australia
                       Tel x61-2-838-1529
                       Fax x61-2-838-1614

October 14-15        Boston, MA (USA), Sixth Harvard Cup Human Versus Computer
                       Chess Challenge (participation by invitation only;
                       spectators welcome)
                       Computer Museum
                       tel 617-876-5759; fax 617-491-9570;