THE WEEK IN CHESS 284 17th April 2000 by Mark Crowther

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Mark Crowther

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1) Introduction
2) Pula, Croatia Zone 1.2
3) Karpov-Xie Jun Match
4) Oakham GM
5) Danish Championships
6) 73rd St. Petersburg Championships
7) 19th Reykjavik International Open
8) SG Köln Porz win the Bundesliga
9) Dos Hermanas Open
10) Court of Sports Arbitration
11) Val Zemitis International
12) Category 10 Chalapathi Grandmasters
13) Belgian Interteams
14) Estonian Club Cup
15) Three Ukranian tournaments
16) Bad Wildbad
17) Werther Open
18) Championships of Uruguay
19) Championships of the Faroe Islands
20) Dutch Chess Championships
21) First Saturday, April
22) Miguel Najdorf Blitz
23) Forthcoming Events and Links


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Games section

Pula, Croatia Zone 1.2             102 games
Karpov-Xie Jun Match                 4 games
Oakham GM                           35 games
Danish Championships                13 games
73rd St. Petersburg Championships   24 games
19th Reykjavik International Open  148 games
Bundesliga                         127 games
Dos Hermanas Open                  184 games
Val Zemitis International           45 games
Chalapathi Grandmasters             50 games
Belgian Interteams                 240 games
Estonian Club Cup                  177 games
Puchko Memorial Alushta             91 games
Kiev Spring 2000                    66 games
Caissa Open 2000                   243 games
Bad Wildbad                        106 games
First Saturday, April GM            18 games
First Saturday, April IMA           35 games
First Saturday, April IMB           19 games
1727 games

1) Introduction

My thanks to GZdaily, Terra Sport, John Henderson, Thomas Heine Bech, Grandmaster Chess School, Gunnar Bjornsson, Susan Polgar, John Donaldson, Visweswaran, Alain Talon, Ülar Lauk, Chess Sector (Ukraine), Bert Hollmann, Alejandro Nogueira, Anjo Anjewierden, Kees Stap, Laszlo Nagy, Adrián Roldán, and all those who helped with this issue.

This week the issue is dominated by chess. Lots of it! Probably the most important event is the strong Zonal in Pula Croatia. There hasn't been an announcement on the FIDE Championships for 2000 but its still expected to go ahead and its worth qualifying for. Elsewhere there is a good mix of national championships, interesting closed events and opens.

Hope you enjoy this issue


2) Pula, Croatia Zone 1.2

ZONE 1.2 tournament for the FIDE World Chess Championships takes place in Pula (CRO) 11th-22nd April 2000. There are seven qualifying places available from this very strong 11 round Swiss system event.

Links: &

zt 1.2 Pula CRO (CRO), 11-22 iv 2000
                                        1   2   3   4   5   6  
 1 Beliavsky, Alexander G  g SLO 2640  +30 =18 = 6 = 8 +19 +13    4.5  2726
 2 Milov, Vadim            g SUI 2653  = 5 +19 =10 =13 +25 = 4    4.0  2665
 3 Lutz, Christopher       g GER 2587  =17 =29 +31 =10 = 6 + 8    4.0  2610
 4 Mitkov, Nikola          g FRM 2547  =32 +33 = 9 +18 = 8 = 2    4.0  2653
 5 Sermek, Drazen          g SLO 2517  = 2 +16 =18 =12 = 9 =11    3.5  2653
 6 Pavasovic, Dusko        g SLO 2544  =29 +17 = 1 = 9 = 3 =12    3.5  2594
 7 Zaja, Ivan              m CRO 2452  -12 +15 =11 +14 =16 = 9    3.5  2637
 8 Kurajica, Bojan         g BIH 2530  +27 +12 =13 = 1 = 4 - 3    3.5  2542
 9 Huzman, Alexander       g ISR 2574  +22 =10 = 4 = 6 = 5 = 7    3.5  2572
10 Hickl, Joerg            g GER 2556  +26 = 9 = 2 = 3 =12 =15    3.5  2622
11 Psakhis, Lev            g ISR 2599  =20 =14 = 7 +23 =13 = 5    3.5  2561
12 Palac, Mladen           g CRO 2570  + 7 - 8 +29 = 5 =10 = 6    3.5  2551
13 Hertneck, Gerald        g GER 2571  +28 +23 = 8 = 2 =11 - 1    3.5  2617
14 Dizdarevic, Emir        g BIH 2520  =21 =11 =24 - 7 +26 +25    3.5  2598
15 Sutovsky, Emil          g ISR 2597  -23 - 7 +27 +34 +20 =10    3.5  2461
16 Avrukh, Boris           g ISR 2620  =19 - 5 =34 +31 = 7 +24    3.5  2541
17 Nedev, Trajce           m FRM 2484  = 3 - 6 -28 +27 +32 +30    3.5  2472
18 Gabriel, Christian      g GER 2564  +34 = 1 = 5 - 4 =24 =19    3.0  2534
19 Hulak, Krunoslav        g CRO 2495  =16 - 2 +32 +21 - 1 =18    3.0  2590
20 Mohr, Georg             g SLO 2488  =11 =21 =25 =24 -15 +29    3.0  2558
21 Smirin, Ilia            g ISR 2666  =14 =20 =23 -19 =28 +32    3.0  2474
22 Pelletier, Yannick      m SUI 2478  - 9 =27 =33 =32 =30 +28    3.0  2397
23 Stanec, Nikolaus        m AUT 2479  +15 -13 =21 -11 =29 =26    2.5  2478
24 Slobodjan, Roman        g GER 2561  =33 =31 =14 =20 =18 -16    2.5  2455
25 Gallagher, Joseph G     g SUI 2558  =31 =32 =20 +28 - 2 -14    2.5  2435
26 Feletar, Darko            CRO 2410  -10 =28 =30 +33 -14 =23    2.5  2437
27 Bosnjak, Damir            BIH ----  - 8 =22 -15 -17 +34 +33    2.5  2440
28 Forster, Richard        m SUI 2462  -13 =26 +17 -25 =21 -22    2.0  2402
29 Jakubovic, Nedzad         BIH 2368  = 6 = 3 -12 =30 =23 -20    2.0  2402
30 Ekstroem, Roland        m SUI 2498  - 1 =34 =26 =29 =22 -17    2.0  2346
31 Kutuzovic, Branko       m CRO 2432  =25 =24 - 3 -16 =33 =34    2.0  2412
32 Weinzettl, Ernst        m AUT 2402  = 4 =25 -19 =22 -17 -21    1.5  2345
33 Golubovic, Boris        m CRO 2449  =24 - 4 =22 -26 =31 -27    1.5  2211
34 Grosar, Aljosa          m SLO 2449  -18 =30 =16 -15 -27 =31    1.5  2258

3) Karpov-Xie Jun Match

Anatoly Karpov was in Guangzhou China to play FIDE Women's Chess Champion Xie Jun in a "female vs. male chess contest". There were four games at regular timerates (April 9-12) and another two at rapid timerates (April 14th). The event was sponsored by the Chess Association of China and After two draws Karpov did manage one classic Karpovian squeeze in game three to win the four game series by 2.5-1.5 in the rapidplay games he won one and drew one against the FIDE Women's World Champion winning the six game series 4-2.

Internet coverage at:

Regular timerate games (9-12 April 2000)

Karpov, Anatoly  -  Xie Jun          1/2   46  E84  Kings indian; Saemisch
Xie Jun          -  Karpov, Anatoly  1/2   55  B12  Caro-Kann
Karpov, Anatoly  -  Xie Jun          1-0   39  E84  Kings indian; Saemisch
Xie Jun          -  Karpov, Anatoly  1/2   17  B12  Caro-Kann

Rapidplay games (14th April 2000)

Karpov, Anatoly  -  Xie Jun          1-0   36  A16  English; 1.c4
Xie Jun          -  Karpov, Anatoly  1/2   39  C02  French; Advance

Female vs Male Match Guanzhou CHN (CHN), 9-14 iv 2000
                              1   2   3   4   5   6 
Karpov, Anatoly  g RUS 2696    =   =   1   =   1   =   4.0  2667
Xie Jun          g CHN 2542    =   =   0   =   0   =   2.0  2571

4) Oakham GM

The Oakham GM tournament takes place 11th-19th April 2000, Oakham School, Rutland, Leicestershire. Games start at 1300 hours each day except the last, when there will be an 1100 start. The event is Category VII with an ELO average of 2406 (GM norm 7, IM norm 5). The event uses the same time rate as the FIDE World Chess Championships. Using a Digital Clock the initial rate of play is 40 moves in 100 minutes, but throughout the game each player receives 30 seconds for every move made. After 40 moves each player is given a 50-minute bonus After 60 moves each player is given a 10-minute bonus. Players must keep an up-to-date scoresheet at all times. John Henderson reports fully daily for TWIC.

After seven rounds there is a three way tie for first between Daniel Gormally, Nicholas Pert and Chris Ward all on 5/7, they are 1.5 points clear of the next four players.

Millennium Masters Oakham ENG (ENG), 11-19 iv 2000cat. VII (2406)
                                 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1 Gormally, Daniel   m ENG 2504 * = 1 0 . 1 1 = . 1  5.0  2549
 2 Pert, Nicholas     f ENG 2396 = * = = = . 1 . 1 1  5.0  2569
 3 Ward, Christopher  g ENG 2509 0 = * 1 . = . 1 1 1  5.0  2552
 4 Hummel, Patrick      USA 2347 1 = 0 * 0 1 . 0 1 .  3.5  2430
 5 Aagaard, Jacob     m DEN 2396 . = . 1 * = 0 0 1 =  3.5  2379
 6 McDonald, Neil R   g ENG 2438 0 . = 0 = * = 1 . 1  3.5  2400
 7 Krush, Irina      wm USA 2399 0 0 . . 1 = * 1 0 1  3.5  2401
 8 Afek, Yochanan     m ISR 2349 = . 0 1 1 0 0 * = .  3.0  2381
 9 McNab, Colin A     g SCO 2424 . 0 0 0 0 . 1 = * =  2.0  2227
10 Norris, Alan J     f SCO 2301 0 0 0 . = 0 0 . = *  1.0  2129

5) Danish Championships

Danish Chess Championships 2000 take place April 15th-24th 2000 in Aalborg, Denmark. Sadly 65 year old Bent Larsen has had to withdraw from the event due to ill health (contrary to earlier information his illness is quite serious).. His loss to Steffen Pedersen will count towards any norms that Pedersen achieves but not towards the result of the event. My thanks to Thomas Heine Bech.

Internet coverage (live)

Round 1 (April 15, 2000)

Berg, Klaus              -  Schandorff, Lars         1/2   14  D03  Queen's pawn
Hansen, Lars Bo          -  Danielsen, Henrik        1/2   30  A80  Dutch defence
Mortensen, Erling        -  Nielsen, Peter Heine     1/2   45  A00  Irregular
Fries-Nielsen, Jens Ove  -  Hansen, Curt             0-1   61  B23  Sicilian; Closed

Round 2 (April 16, 2000)

Hansen, Curt             -  Nielsen, Peter Heine     1/2   17  D37  Queen's gambit
Schandorff, Lars         -  Mortensen, Erling        1-0   80  A30  English; 1.c4 c5
Danielsen, Henrik        -  Berg, Klaus              1/2   49  A03  Bird (1.f4)
Fries-Nielsen, Jens Ove  -  Pedersen, Steffen        0-1   42  B50  Sicilian

Round 3 (April 17, 2000)

Nielsen, Peter Heine     -  Schandorff, Lars         1/2   15  D85  Gruenfeld indian
Hansen, Lars Bo          -  Fries-Nielsen, Jens Ove  1/2   24  E70  Kings indian
Pedersen, Steffen        -  Hansen, Curt             0-1   24  D63  QGD;
Mortensen, Erling        -  Danielsen, Henrik        0-1   74  B01  Scandinavian

ch-DEN Aalborg DEN (DEN), 15-24 iv 2000                cat. XI (2503)
                                      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 
1 Hansen, Curt             g DEN 2618 * . . = . . 1 . 1  2.5 /3  2755
2 Schandorff, Lars         g DEN 2511 . * . = = . . 1 .  2.0 /3  2601
3 Danielsen, Henrik        g DEN 2514 . . * . = = . 1 .  2.0 /3  2603
4 Nielsen, Peter Heine     g DEN 2564 = = . * . . . = .  1.5 /3  2525
5 Berg, Klaus              m DEN 2419 . = = . * . . . .  1.0 /2  2512
6 Hansen, Lars Bo          g DEN 2569 . . = . . * . . =  1.0 /2  2472
7 Pedersen, Steffen        m DEN 2454 0 . . . . . * . 1  1.0 /2  2524
8 Mortensen, Erling        m DEN 2447 . 0 0 = . . . * .  0.5 /3  2256
9 Fries-Nielsen, Jens Ove  m DEN 2430 0 . . . . = 0 . *  0.5 /3  2274

6) 73rd St. Petersburg Championships

The 73rd St. Petersburg Championships took place April 3rd-13th 2000. This was a 12 player all-play-all event. Valery Loginov was two points clear of the field after seven of the eleven rounds but had to play all his closest rivals. In the end Valery Loginov just hung on to win edging out Evgeny Shaposhnikov on tie-break, both finished on 7/11. In 3rd place was Konstantin Aseev who along with Aleksei Lugovoi scored 6.5/ in excellent form with a score of +5=2 two points clear of the field with 6/7. He hasn't played any of the players in joint second on four points however.

Official Site is that of the Grandmaster Chess School:

73rd St Petersburg Championships RUS (RUS), 3-13 iv 2000cat. XI (2505)
                                    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1 Loginov, Valery A     g RUS 2512 * 1 0 = 0 = 1 1 = 1 = 1  7.0  2605
 2 Shaposhnikov, Evgeny  f RUS 2503 0 * 0 = = = 1 = 1 1 1 1  7.0  2606
 3 Aseev, Konstantin N   g RUS 2517 1 1 * = = = 1 = 0 = = =  6.5  2568
 4 Lugovoi, Aleksei      g RUS 2515 = = = * = = 1 = = = 1 =  6.5  2568
 5 Popov, Valerij        g RUS 2534 1 = = = * = = = = = = 1  6.5  2566
 6 Yemelin, Vasily       g RUS 2540 = = = = = * 0 1 1 0 = 1  6.0  2537
 7 Chepukaitis, Genrikh    RUS 2393 0 0 0 0 = 1 * 1 = = 1 1  5.5  2514
 8 Ivanov, Sergey        g RUS 2543 0 = = = = 0 0 * = 1 1 =  5.0  2465
 9 Alekseev, Evgeny        RUS 2475 = 0 1 = = 0 = = * = 0 =  4.5  2442
10 Ionov, Sergey         g RUS 2558 0 0 = = = 1 = 0 = * = =  4.5  2434
11 Solozhenkin, Evgeniy  g RUS 2528 = 0 = 0 = = 0 0 1 = * 1  4.5  2437
12 Sivokho, Sergey         RUS 2436 0 0 = = 0 0 0 = = = 0 *  2.5  2299

7) 19th Reykjavik International Open

The 19th Reykjavik International Chess Tournament took place in the Reykjavík City Hall 5th-13th April 2000. The event was a 9 round, Swiss System event with 76 players competing. The event was a triumph for Hannes Stefansson who finished with a great score of 7.5/9 (a performance of around 2787) a point clear of the chasing group of Nigel Short, Viktor Korchnoi (who was defeated by Stefansson in the final round) Alexander Grischuk, Aleksander Wojtkiewicz, Tony Miles, the new Chinese star Bu Xiangzhi and Jaan Ehlvest who all finished on 6.5/9.

Reykjavík is the European City of Culture for the Year 2000 and the tournament was part of this event. My thanks to Gunnar Bjornsson.

Coverage at:

19th Reykjavic International ISL (ISL), 5-13 iv 2000
 1 Stefansson, Hannes              g ISL 2566 7.5 39.0  50.0
 2 Short, Nigel D                  g ENG 2683 6.5 44.0  56.0
 3 Korchnoi, Viktor                g SUI 2659 6.5 41.0  52.0
 4 Grischuk, Alexander             m RUS 2581 6.5 41.0  52.0
 5 Wojtkiewicz, Aleksander         g POL 2563 6.5 38.0  48.0
 6 Miles, Anthony J                g ENG 2579 6.5 37.0  48.0
 7 Bu Xiangzhi                     m CHN 2565 6.5 36.5  47.0
 8 Ehlvest, Jaan                   g EST 2621 6.5 35.5  46.0
 9 Sokolov, Ivan                   g BIH 2637 6.0 39.0  51.0
10 Timman, Jan H                   g NED 2655 6.0 38.5  49.5
11 Markowski, Tomasz               g POL 2531 6.0 36.0  46.0
12 Conquest, Stuart                g ENG 2563 6.0 35.5  46.0
13 Arizmendi Martinez, Julen Luis  m ESP 2445 6.0 35.5  46.0
14 McShane, Luke J                 m ENG 2438 5.5 41.0  52.5
15 Gretarsson, Helgi Ass           g ISL 2543 5.5 35.5  44.5
16 Drei, Andrea                    f ITA 2351 5.5 35.0  45.0
17 Salmensuu, Olli                 m FIN 2418 5.5 35.0  44.5
18 Agrest, Evgenij                 g SWE 2603 5.5 34.5  44.0
19 Oral, Tomas                     g CZE 2545 5.5 34.5  44.0
20 Olafsson, Helgi                 g ISL 2491 5.5 33.5  43.5
21 Johannessen, Leif Erlend        m NOR 2431 5.5 33.5  43.0
22 DeFirmian, Nick E               g USA 2575 5.0 40.0  51.0
23 Christiansen, Larry M           g USA 2596 5.0 38.5  50.0
24 Bricard, Emmanuel               m FRA 2461 5.0 36.5  47.0
25 Hillarp Persson, Tiger          g SWE 2548 5.0 35.0  45.0
26 Schulz, Michael                   GER 2224 5.0 33.0  42.0
27 Gunnarsson, Arnar                 ISL 2227 5.0 32.0  41.5
28 Thorfinnsson, Bjorn               ISL 2195 5.0 32.0  40.5
29 Thorhallsson, Throstur          g ISL 2489 5.0 31.0  40.5
30 Bjornsson, Tomas                f ISL 2224 5.0 30.5  39.0
31 Kristjansson, Stefan              ISL 2254 5.0 30.0  38.0
32 Schnabel, Ralf                    GER 2233 5.0 29.5  38.0
33 Sigfusson, Sigurdur             f ISL 2215 5.0 29.0  39.0
34 Halldorsson, Jon Arni             ISL 2173 5.0 28.5  35.5
76 players

8) SG Köln Porz win the Bundesliga

The final weekend of the German Bundesliga 1999-2000 took place April 8th-9th 2000. SG Köln Porz were two points clear having drawn just one match all season. After their 6½-1½ win over Hamburger SK in round 14 they probably didn't need to win their final game to win the title but they did win 5-3 in the final match against Lübecker SV. Solinger SG were clear second and duly won both their matches but with little hope of catching Porz. The bottom four teams were Dresdner SC, SK König Plauen , SV Tegernsee and PSV Duisburg who I believe were all relegated. Games now available with Morozevich and Khalifman were the two big names playing and they both were double winners.

All results and games:

Venue Solingen

Round 14 8th April 2000

Solingen     Dresden          6:2
Wattenscheid Plauen           4,5:3,5

Round 15 9th April 2000

Dresden      Wattenscheid     3,5:4,5
Plauen       Solingen         3,5:4,5

Venue Delmenhorst

Round 14 8th April 2000

Delmenhorst  Passau           4:4
Bremen       Tegernsee        5:3

Round 15 9th April 2000

Passau       Bremen           4:4
Tergernsee   Delmenhorst      2,5:5,5

Venue Neukölln

Round 14 8th April 2000

Neukölln       Godesberg      3,5:4,5
Magdeburg      Castrop-Rauxel 5,5:2,5

Round 15 9th April 2000

Godesberg      Magdeburg      4:4
Castrop-Rauxel Neukölln       2,5:5,5

Venue Porz

Round 14 8th April 2000

Porz         Hamburg          6,5:1,5
Duisburg     Lübeck           5,5:2,5

Round 15 9th April 2000

Hamburg      Duisburg         5,5:2,5
Lübeck       Porz             3:5

Final Standings

 1. SG Köln Porz      15 82 :38   29- 1
 2. Solinger SG       15 76½:43½  27- 3
 3. SK Delmenhorst    15 64½:55½  20-10
 4. Godesberger SK    15 62 :58   19-11
 5. SK Passau         15 63 :57   16-14
 6. SV Werder Bremen  15 59½:60½  16-14
 7. Castrop Rauxel    15 58½:61½  16-14
 8. Hamburger SK      15 61 :59   15-15
 9. SFR Neukölln      15 60½:59½  14-16
10. USC Magdeburg     15 60 :60   13-17
11. Lübecker SV       15 59 :61   13-17
12. SV Wattenscheid   15 49½:70½  12-18
13. Dresdner SC       15 54 :66   10-20
14. SK König Plauen   15 52 :68    9-21
15. SV Tegernsee      15 52 :68    6-24
16. PSV Duisburg      15 46 :74    5-25

9) Dos Hermanas Open

Dos Hermanas Open tournament took place 7th-15th April 2000. 151 players competed. Hristos Banikas of Greece edged out Roberto Cifuentes Parada of the Netherlands on tie-break when both finished on 7.5/9. They were half a point clear of Hichem Hamdouchi (who has had a number of good results recently), Branko Damljanovic and Antonio Gamundi Salamanca who was the top Spanish player.

Official Site:

Open Dos Hermanas ESP (ESP), 7-15 iv 2000
 1 Banikas, Hristos               m GRE 2535  7.5
 2 Cifuentes Parada, Roberto      g NED 2483  7.5

 3 Hamdouchi, Hichem              g MAR 2513  7.0
 4 Damljanovic, Branko            g YUG 2534  7.0
 5 Gamundi Salamanca, Antonio     m ESP 2450  7.0

 6 Miladinovic, Igor              g GRE 2538  6.5
 7 Matamoros Franco, Carlos S     m ECU 2492  6.5
 8 Franco Ocampos, Zenon          g ESP 2511  6.5
 9 Komljenovic, Davor             g CRO 2506  6.5
10 Lalic, Bogdan                  g ENG 2548  6.5
11 Kogan, Artur                   g ISR 2483  6.5
12 Illescas Cordoba, Miguel       g ESP 2581  6.5
13 Stefanova, Antoaneta           m BUL 2495  6.5

14 Reinaldo Castineira, Roi       f ESP 2345  6.0
15 Mellado Trivino, Juan          m ESP 2493  6.0
16 Korneev, Oleg                  g RUS 2619  6.0
17 Tyomkin, Dimitri               m ISR 2516  6.0
18 Magem Badals, Jordi            g ESP 2529  6.0
19 Garcia Luque, Agustin          f ESP 2333  6.0
20 Vassallo, Mauricio               ARG 2404  6.0
21 Okhotnik, Vladimir             m UKR 2499  6.0
22 Campora, Daniel H              g ARG 2534  6.0
23 Kovacevic, Slobodan            m YUG 2415  6.0

24 Veingold, Aleksandr            m EST 2448  5.5
25 Suba, Mihai                    g ROM 2510  5.5
26 Estremera Panos, Sergio        m ESP 2353  5.5
27 Braga, Fernando                m ITA 2449  5.5
28 Colovic, Aleksandar            m FRM 2414  5.5
29 Ivanisevic, Ivan               m YUG 2460  5.5
30 Pinheiro, Jose                 f POR 2272  5.5
31 Fernandez Garcia, Jose Luis    g ESP 2443  5.5
32 Gonzalez Galvan, Juan Manuel     ESP 2167  5.5
33 Eslon, Jaan                    m SWE 2350  5.5
34 Garcia Ramos, Javier             ESP 2310  5.5
35 Medina Carrasco, Santiago        ESP 2173  5.5
36 Schmidt, Jan Peter             f GER 2324  5.5
37 Nuevo Perez, Antonio             ESP 2195  5.5
38 Teran Alvarez, Ismael          f ESP 2401  5.5
39 Rodriguez Gerrero, Enrique       ESP 2133  5.5
40 Landero Luna, Vincente           ESP 2280  5.5
41 Moreno Fuentes,A                 ESP ----  5.5
42 Diaz Castro, S                   ESP ----  5.5
43 Blanco Perez, D                  ESP ----  5.5

44 Frois, Antonio                   POR 2350  5.0
45 Spraggett, Kevin               g CAN 2529  5.0
46 Pogorelov, Ruslan              g UKR 2455  5.0
47 Barrero Garcia, Carlos           ESP 2300  5.0
48 Calaf Rellver, Guifre            ESP 2244  5.0
49 Oms Pallise, Josep             m ESP 2419  5.0
151 players

10) Court of Sports Arbitration

FIDE now has two cases which have gone to the Court of Sports Arbitration in Lausanne over its World Championships.

Anatoly Karpov has brought a case because FIDE allegedly didn't consult him as it should have over the date of the FIDE World Championships in Las Vegas. FIDE have counter claimed for $1.8m in their response. Karpov was supposed to respond before the end of March, the process is not an open one so it isn't possible to say whether he has or not.

FIDE update:

Susan Polgar has instituted similar proceedings over her loss of the Women's title. The lawsuit was submitted by Ms. Polgar's lawyer on April 6, 2000. She is suing FIDE for the women's World Championship title as well as monetary compensation. Polgar was defaulted when a date for her match against Xie Jun could not be agreed. FIDE has until May 30, 2000 to submit their defense documents.

More details from Susan Polgar's point of view at:

There is a not terribly helpful site at: for the Tribunal of Arbitration for Sport. It explains the rules but they don't publish how cases are progressing at least on the internet.

11) Val Zemitis International

John Donaldson reports: The Mechanics Institute hosted the Val Zemitis International April 5-14. The IM norm event, had IM Cela (2527) as top seed, was Category 4 (2340).

The tournament officially ended on Friday April 14th, but there were two postponed games left as 15-year-old Vinay Bhat had school exams during the tournament. Vinay Bhat won both these games and with them the tournament, he also scored his third and final IM norm. On Saturday he beat fellow teenager David Pruess to move up to plus two then on Sunday he won his final game against IM Guillermo Rey who was leading with plus three (this final game I will publish in next week's TWIC). It was a hard-fought tournament with almost 2/3rds of the games finishing decisively. It had four players under 20 (Bhat, Pruess, Reizniece and Akopian).

Further details:

The tournament was named after the Latvian-American master Val Zemitis of Davis, California, who celebrated his 75th birthday during the event. Mr. Zemitis is the author of "The Unknown Tal" , the first book to appear (circa 1960) on the Latvian great. Zemitis is one of the great popularizers of chess in the United States. At one time he subscribed to over 200 chess magazines and published extensive lists of journals and chess book dealers which he made available free of cost to interested parties all over the world. He has made it possible for many European youngsters to make their debuts in the United States ranging from Zsuzsa Polgar (San Francisco 1985) to Dana Reizniece (a 19-year-old Latvian WIM)who played in the Zemitis.

Val Zemitis IM San Francisco USA (USA), 4-13 iv 2000cat. IV (2340)
                                    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1 Bhat, Vinay S           USA 2398 * 1 1 = = 1 1 0 1 0  6.0  2459
 2 Altounian, Levon      f USA 2438 0 * = = 1 1 = = = 1  5.5  2409
 3 Rey, Guillermo        m USA 2359 0 = * = = = = 1 1 1  5.5  2418
 4 Cela, Altin           m ALB 2527 = = = * 0 = 0 = 1 1  4.5  2319
 5 Baginskaite, Camilla wm USA 2240 = 0 = 1 * 0 = 1 0 1  4.5  2351
 6 Ilic, Zoran1          m YUG 2381 0 0 = = 1 * = 1 0 1  4.5  2335
 7 Lobo, Richard           ENG 2300 0 = = 1 = = * 1 0 0  4.0  2301
 8 Reizniece, Dana      wm LAT 2259 1 = 0 = 0 0 0 * 1 1  4.0  2306
 9 Pruess, David           USA 2228 0 = 0 0 1 1 1 0 * =  4.0  2309
10 Akopyan, Harutyun     f USA 2274 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 = *  2.5  2181

12) Category 10 Chalapathi Grandmasters

The Chalapathi Grandmasters, a category 10 GM tournament, took place in the coastal town of Guntur, Lam in Andhra Pradesh., India running April 2nd-16th 2000. Andrey Shariyazdanov won the event with 10/13 a point clear of Alexander Fominyh. My thanks to Visweswaran.

Official coverage at:

Final standings:

Chalapathi GM Guntur, AP IND (IND), 3-13 iv 2000               cat. X (2482)
                                     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 
 1 Shariyazdanov, Andrey  g RUS 2612 * = = = 1 1 = 1 1 1 1 = = 1  10.0  2682
 2 Fominyh, Alexander     g RUS 2551 = * = = = = = = = 1 1 1 1 1   9.0  2617
 3 Yurtaev, Leonid        g KGZ 2536 = = * 1 = 1 0 1 1 0 1 = 1 =   8.5  2587
 4 Ibragimov, Ildar       g RUS 2611 = = 0 * = 0 1 1 1 = 1 = 1 1   8.5  2581
 5 Sasikiran, Krishnan    m IND 2514 0 = = = * 1 = = 0 1 1 1 = 1   8.0  2566
 6 Barua, Dibyendu        g IND 2555 0 = 0 1 0 * 1 0 = = = 1 1 1   7.0  2504
 7 Kunte, Abhijit         m IND 2487 = = 1 0 = 0 * = = = = = = 1   6.5  2481
 8 Sandipan, Chanda         IND 2424 0 = 0 0 = 1 = * = 0 1 1 = 1   6.5  2486
 9 Prasad, Devaki V       m IND 2421 0 = 0 0 1 = = = * = = = = =   5.5  2429
10 Thipsay, Praveen M     g IND 2475 0 0 1 = 0 = = 1 = * 0 0 = =   5.0  2395
11 Saravanan, V           m IND 2412 0 0 0 0 0 = = 0 = 1 * 1 = 1   5.0  2399
12 Koneru, Humpy            IND 2244 = 0 = = 0 0 = 0 = 1 0 * = =   4.5  2389
13 Prakash, G B           m IND 2435 = 0 0 0 = 0 = = = = = = * 0   4.0  2344
14 Rahman, Ziaur          m BAN 2465 0 0 = 0 0 0 0 0 = = 0 = 1 *   3.0  2271

13) Belgian Interteams

Alain Talon reports: Rochade 1 were the clear winners of the Belgian Interteam Championships. The final round (11) finished on March 19th 2000. The event had its share of controversy because of a dispute between the team KASK and the Belgian Chess Federation. KASK were expelled from the competition for refusing to pay a fine. They took the case to court and won. They now don't have to pay the fine and because there is no time to play the matches they missed they will play in division one again.

Round 6			
Rochade 1	  	  Leuven 1  		    6	-	2
Anderlecht 1  	KASK 1 			        -	
KGSRL 2 		     Eupen 1 		      5	-	3
Jean Jaurès 1	 Deurne 1 		     6	-	2
KGSRL 1 		     CREB 1 		       7	-	1
Liège 1 		     Borgerhout 1	   3	-	5
Round 7			
Borgerhout 1	  Rochade 1		   2.5	-	5.5
CREB 1 		      Liège 1 		      3	-	5
Deurne 1 		    KGSRL 1 		    3.5	-	4.5
Eupen 1 		     Jean Jaurès 1	6.5	-	1.5
KASK 1 		      KGSRL 2 	       		-	
Leuven 1 		    Anderlecht 1	   3	-	5
Round 8			
Rochade 1		    Anderlecht 1	 4.5	-	3.5
KGSRL 2 		     Leuven 1      5.5	-	2.5
Jean Jaurès 1 	KASK 1 		         -	
KGSRL 1 		     Eupen 1 	    	3.5	-	4.5
Liège 1 		     Deurne 1 	     	5	-	3
Borgerhout 1	  CREB 1      		5.5	-	2.5
Round 9			
CREB 1 		      Rochade 1	     	3	-	5
Deurne 1 		    Borgerhout 1	 4.5	-	3.5
Eupen 1 		     Liège 1 	      	3	-	5
KASK 1 		      KGSRL 1        			-	
Leuven 1 		    Jean Jaurès 1	4.5	-	3.5
Anderlecht 1	  KGSRL 2 	    	3.5	-	4.5
Round 10			
Rochade 1		    KGSRL 2 	      	6	-	2
Jean Jaurès 1	 Anderlecht 1 	2.5	-	5.5
KGSRL 1 		     Leuven 1 	   	3.5	-	4.5
Liège 1 		     KASK 1         			-	
Borgerhout 1	  Eupen 1 	    	2.5	-	5.5
CREB 1 		      Deurne 1    		3.5	-	4.5
Round 11			
Deurne 1     		Rochade 1	     	4	-	4
Eupen 1 		     CREB 1 		     5.5	-	2.5
KASK 1 		      Borgerhout 1		    -	
Leuven 1 		    Liège 1 		    4.5	-	3.5
Anderlecht 1	  KGSRL 1 		      2	-	6
KGSRL 2 		     Jean Jaurès 1	2.5	-	5.5
Final Standings
Rochade 1					54.5
KGSRL 1					  44.0
Eupen 1					  42.5
Borgerhout 1		41.0
Anderlecht 1		39.5
KGSRL 2					  39.0
Deurne 1					 38.0
Liège 1					  37.5
Jean Jaurès 1	37.5
Leuven 1					 35.5
CREB 1					   31.0

14) Estonian Club Cup

Ülar Lauk reports: The Estonian Chess Club Cup took place over two three day periods in Tallinn. The 1st leg was 25th-27th February 2000 the 2nd leg 7th-9th April 2000.

1.round 25.02 Uus-Pärnu - Vabaettur II 6-0; Kadriorg - Reval-Sport 3,5-2,5; Vabaettur I - CC P.Keres 3,5-2,5 2.round 26.02 Uus-Pärnu - Kadriorg 6-0; Vabaettur I - Vabaettur II 4,5-1,5; Reval-Sport - CC P.Keres 5,5-0,5 3.round 26.02. Uus-Pärnu - Reval-Sport 3,5-2,5; Kadriorg - Vabaettur I 4,5-1,5; Vabaettur II - CC P.Keres 3-3 4.round 27.02 Reval-Sport - Vabaettur I 4-2; Uus-Pärnu - CC P.Keres 4-2; Kadriorg - Vabaettur II 4-2 5.round 27.02 Kadriorg - CC P.Keres 5-1; Reval-Sport - Vabaettur II 3,5-2,5; Uus-Pärnu - Vabaettur I 3-3

Final results: 1. Chess Club Uus-Pärnu 47 2. Chess Club Kadriorg 34,5 3. Reval-Sport Tallinn 33,5 4.Vabaettur I Tallinn 31 5. Vabaettur II Tallinn 18,5 6. Chess Club P.Keres Tallinn 14,5

The winners were Chess Club Uus-Pärnu. There players scored as follows: GM Viktor Gavrikov 1/2, IM Kaido Külaots 5/6, IM Kalle Kiik 4/5, IM Tarvo Seeman 6/10, IM Olav Sepp 9/10, FM Vallo Maidla 7/8, Hendrik Olde 4/4, Meelis Kanep 4/5, IM Leili Pärnpuu 6/8, Margit Brokko 1/2

Further information:

15) Three Ukranian tournaments

There have been two recent all-play-all events in the Ukraine. Further details:

Puchko Memorial Alushta

The A.B.Puchko Memorial took place in Alushta (Ukraine) 19th-31st March 2000. This Category 8 event was won by Andrei Kovalev with 10.5/13 a point clear of Valerian Gaprindashvili.

AB Puchko Mem Alushta UKR (UKR), 22-31 iii 2000                cat. VIII (2437)
                                        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 
 1 Kovalev, Andrei           g BLR 2490 * 0 1 1 1 1 = 1 1 = 1 = 1 1  10.5  2683
 2 Gaprindashvili, Valerian  m GEO 2446 1 * = = 1 1 1 = 0 1 1 1 = =   9.5  2611
 3 Kuzmin, Gennadi P         g UKR 2466 0 = * = 1 = 1 = = 1 1 1 1 =   9.0  2575
 4 Kozakov, Mikhail          m UKR 2426 0 = = * 1 = 0 = = = 1 0 1 1   7.0  2466
 5 Shengelia, Davit            GEO 2387 0 0 0 0 * = = = 1 1 1 1 = 1   7.0  2469
 6 Alexandrova, Olga        wg UKR 2400 0 0 = = = * = 1 1 0 0 1 1 =   6.5  2439
 7 Mchedlishvili, Mikheil    m GEO 2436 = 0 0 1 = = * = 1 = 0 0 = 1   6.0  2407
 8 Khurtsidze, Nino         wg GEO 2464 0 = = = = 0 = * 1 = = 0 = 1   6.0  2405
 9 Sulypa, Alexandre         m UKR 2449 0 1 = = 0 0 0 0 * = 1 1 1 =   6.0  2406
10 Mikhaletz, Lubomir        g UKR 2513 = 0 0 = 0 1 = = = * 1 = = =   6.0  2401
11 Salinnikov, D.Y           m RUS 2403 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 = 0 0 * 1 = 1   5.0  2352
12 Rogovski, Vladimir        m UKR 2466 = 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 = 0 * 0 =   4.5  2324
13 Zajarnyi, Anatolyi        m MDA 2395 0 = 0 0 = 0 = = 0 = = 1 * =   4.5  2330
14 Kononenko, Tatiana       wg UKR 2374 0 = = 0 0 = 0 0 = = 0 = = *   3.5  2266

Kiev Spring 2000

The Category 11 Kiev Spring 2000 tournament took place 22nd March-1st April 2000 saw a three way tie between Viorel Iordachescu, Yuri Kruppa and Vladimir Baklan shared first with 7.5/11.

Kiev Spring Tournament UKR (UKR), 22 iii-1 iv 2000     cat. XI (2507)
                                   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1 Iordachescu, Viorel  g MDA 2560 * = = = 1 = 1 1 1 = = =  7.5  2635
 2 Kruppa, Yuri         g UKR 2561 = * = = = = = 1 1 1 1 =  7.5  2635
 3 Baklan, Vladimir     g UKR 2571 = = * = = = = 1 1 = 1 1  7.5  2634
 4 Korotylev, Alexey    m RUS 2477 = = = * = 1 0 = = 1 1 1  7.0  2612
 5 Vysochin, Spartak    m UKR 2494 0 = = = * = 1 0 = 1 = 1  6.0  2544
 6 Malakhatko, Vadim    g UKR 2568 = = = 0 = * 0 = 1 1 = 1  6.0  2537
 7 Kasparov, Sergey     m BLR 2465 0 = = 1 0 1 * = 0 = = 1  5.5  2511
 8 Vorobiov, Evgeny E   m RUS 2500 0 0 0 = 1 = = * 0 1 1 1  5.5  2508
 9 Svetushkin, Dmitry   m MDA 2486 0 0 0 = = 0 1 1 * 0 = 1  4.5  2444
10 Galinsky, Timofey    m UKR 2424 = 0 = 0 0 0 = 0 1 * = 1  4.0  2412
11 Gritsak, Orest       m UKR 2522 = 0 0 0 = = = 0 = = * 1  4.0  2404
12 Kosikov, Alexey I      UKR 2460 = = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *  1.0  2128

Caissa Open 2000

The Caissa Open took place in Kharkov (Ukraine) January 27th-2nd February 2000. This open was won by Vladislav Borovikov with 7.5/9.

Caissa Open 2000 Kharkov UKR (UKR), 27 i-2 ii 2000
                                         1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 
 1 Borovikov, Vladislav     m UKR 2472  +42 +20 +13 = 5 = 3 +14 + 7 = 2 + 4  7.5  2622
 2 Surjadnji, Aleksei       m UKR 2423  -26 +29 +35 +18 =12 +19 + 5 = 1 + 8  7.0  2453
 3 Miroshnichenko, Evgenij  m UKR 2465  +23 +31 = 8 +11 = 1 - 7 =14 +27 +13  6.5  2473
 4 Budnikov, Oleg             UKR 2363  +50 -46 +42 =30 +28 +13 +12 + 7 - 1  6.5  2370
 5 Zubarev, Alexander1      m UKR 2476  +35 +18 +10 = 1 = 7 =12 - 2 +16 = 9  6.0  2430
 6 Gasanov, Eldar             UKR 2400  -44 +47 +23 =27 =20 +31 - 8 +14 +12  6.0  2300
 7 Shalimov, Valery         m UKR 2400  +47 =12 +46 +28 = 5 + 3 - 1 - 4 +16  6.0  2383
 8 Tugaj, Sergey              UKR 2290  +51 +45 = 3 -12 =30 +35 + 6 +10 - 2  6.0  2355
 9 Kobylkin, Evgeni         f UKR 2380  -12 +50 =34 +45 +17 =20 =13 +19 = 5  6.0  2323
10 Bochkarev, Alexander2      UKR 2334  +32 +44 - 5 +46 -13 +34 +20 - 8 +22  6.0  2298
11 Khodotov, Jury             UKR 2364  +54 +26 +27 - 3 -14 +30 -16 +34 +20  6.0  2358
12 Areshchenko,A              UKR ----  + 9 = 7 +17 + 8 = 2 = 5 - 4 +15 - 6  5.5  2462
13 Matjushin, Gennady         UKR 2275  +37 +24 - 1 +21 +10 - 4 = 9 +23 - 3  5.5  2324
14 Grin, Dmitry               UKR 2282  =29 +36 =21 +24 +11 - 1 = 3 - 6 +27  5.5  2295
15 Simantsev, Mikhail       m UKR 2447  +41 -27 +22 -20 +47 =18 +28 -12 +32  5.5  2210
16 Askarian, Karen            UKR 2274  -45 +25 =41 +22 =34 +21 +11 - 5 - 7  5.0  2250
17 Nester, Igor               UKR 2266  +33 =21 -12 +32 - 9 +29 -27 +28 =18  5.0  2167
18 Ustianovich, Nazar         UKR 2258  +25 - 5 +26 - 2 +46 =15 -19 +40 =17  5.0  2294
19 Kolpakchi, Vladimir        UKR 2285  =36 +48 -28 +41 +27 - 2 +18 - 9 =23  5.0  2250
20 Biriukov, Nikolai          UKR 2255  +53 - 1 +44 +15 = 6 = 9 -10 +35 -11  5.0  2336
21 Ushenina,A                 UKR ----  +39 =17 =14 -13 +42 -16 -35 +50 +34  5.0  2262
22 Shurkaev,D                 UKR ----  =28 +38 -15 -16 =44 +46 +47 +31 -10  5.0  2253
23 Matjushin, Oleg            UKR 2188  - 3 +52 - 6 =25 +51 +38 +30 -13 =19  5.0  2287
24 Sidorchuk, D               UKR ----  +30 -13 +49 -14 -31 +50 -34 +47 +38  5.0  2251
25 Poluektov, Y               RUS 2257  -18 -16 +54 =23 -38 +49 =26 +44 +35  5.0  2224
26 Aniskovitch, Alexandr      BLR 2111  + 2 -11 -18 =33 -29 +43 =25 +37 =31  4.5  2172
27 Karlovich, Anastazia       UKR 2242  +52 +15 -11 = 6 -19 +41 +17 - 3 -14  4.5  2294
28 Semerij, Yurij             UKR 2240  =22 +40 +19 - 7 - 4 +32 -15 -17 +41  4.5  2211
29 Kovalenko,A                UKR ----  =14 - 2 +39 -34 +26 -17 =36 =30 +43  4.5  2199
30 Sukharev, Sergey           UKR 2245  -24 +54 +48 = 4 = 8 -11 -23 =29 +40  4.5  2133
31 Kuzmenko, Yevgen           UKR 2252  +43 - 3 -45 +51 +24 - 6 +44 -22 =26  4.5  2112
32 Dubivka,G                  UKR ----  -10 =39 +40 -17 +49 -28 +38 +33 -15  4.5  2232
33 Pelagejchenko,N            UKR ----  -17 -42 +52 =26 +39 -47 +41 -32 +50  4.5  2111
34 Khodotov, Gennady          UKR 2229  -48 +37 = 9 +29 =16 -10 +24 -11 -21  4.0  2107
35 Kolkin, Michail            UKR 2206  - 5 +43 - 2 +50 +45 - 8 +21 -20 -25  4.0  2146
36 Ivasenko,K                 UKR ----  =19 -14 -47 -38 =37 +53 =29 =39 +44  4.0  2085
37 Leshchenko, S              UKR ----  -13 -34 =43 -39 =36 +54 +49 -26 +47  4.0  2087
38 Kovalenko, Sergey          UKR 2277  =40 -22 -51 +36 +25 -23 -32 +46 -24  3.5  1969
39 Gevorkyan, Robert          ARM 2241  -21 =32 -29 +37 -33 +51 -40 =36 =45  3.5  1920
40 Kovalenko,N                UKR ----  =38 -28 -32 -49 +52 +42 +39 -18 -30  3.5  2114
41 Maratkanov, Evgeny         UKR 2140  -15 +53 =16 -19 +43 -27 -33 +48 -28  3.5  2085
42 Rybakov, Sergey            UKR 2205  - 1 +33 - 4 =44 -21 -40 +51 -43 +52  3.5  2016
43 Salenko,V                  UKR ----  -31 -35 =37 +54 -41 -26 +53 +42 -29  3.5  2021
44 Romashko, Andrey           UKR 2035  + 6 -10 -20 =42 =22 +45 -31 -25 -36  3.0  2064
45 Lineykin,D                 UKR ----  +16 - 8 +31 - 9 -35 -44 -50 =52 =39  3.0  2061
46 Karanda,K                  UKR ----  +49 + 4 - 7 -10 -18 -22 =48 -38 =53  3.0  2087
47 Gavrish, Leonid            UKR 2037  - 7 - 6 +36 +48 -15 +33 -22 -24 -37  3.0  2013
48 Yurchenko,O                UKR ----  +34 -19 -30 -47 -50 +52 =46 -41 =49  3.0  2010
49 Katuzian, Valery           UKR 2283  -46 =51 -24 +40 -32 -25 -37 +54 =48  3.0  1903
50 Dissky,Y                   UKR ----  - 4 - 9 +53 -35 +48 -24 +45 -21 -33  3.0  1980
51 Yeremenko,A                UKR ----  - 8 =49 +38 -31 -23 -39 -42 =53 =54  2.5  2026
52 Stepanenko,S               UKR ----  -27 -23 -33 =53 -40 -48 +54 =45 -42  2.0  1850
53 Poplavsky, A               UKR ----  -20 -41 -50 =52 -54 -36 -43 =51 =46  1.5  1770
54 Borodavkin,A               UKR ----  -11 -30 -25 -43 +53 -37 -52 -49 =51  1.5  1854

16) Bad Wildbad

The Bad Wildbad tournament took place April 1st-7th 2000. Vladimir outpaced the field to take first place with 7.5/9 half a point clear of Sergey Galdunts, Mikheil Kekelidse and Ulrich Schulze. My thanks to Bert Hollmann.

Further information at:

 1. Epishin Vladimir     GM 2667 2383 7,5 2656 2669
 2. Galdunts Sergey      IM 2473 2314 7,0 2534 2487
 3. Kekelidse Mikheil    IM 2461 2409 7,0 2629 2500
 4. Schulze Ulrich       IM 2368 2188 7,0 2408 2380
 5. Nikolac Juraj        GM 2449 2291 6,5 2457 2455
 6. Martinovic Slobodan  GM 2448 2256 6,5 2422 2450
 7. Henrichs Thomas      IM 2428 2329 6,5 2495 2448
 8. Luther Thomas        GM 2505 2376 6,0 2501 2506
 9. Lanka Zigurds        GM 2503 2283 6,0 2408 2485
10. Polak Tomas          IM 2503 2284 6,0 2409 2485
11. Velicka Petr         IM 2458 2232 6,0 2357 2440
12. Kalod Radek          IM 2445 2367 6,0 2492 2458
13. Joachim Sven            2445 2302 6,0 2427 2445
14. Krivoshey Sergei     IM 2434 2335 6,0 2460 2443
15. Senff Martin            2349 2278 6,0 2403 2365
16. Koscielski Janusch      2330 2217 6,0 2342 2337
17. Kummerow Heiko       FM 2326 2142 6,0 2267 2317
18. Sprenger Jan            2256 2183 6,0 2308 2271
19. Saltaev Mihail       GM 2471 2284 5,5 2364 2450
20. Ristic Nenad         GM 2435 2311 5,5 2391 2429
21. Wehmeier Stefan      IM 2400 2218 5,5 2298 2381
22. Petrossian Suren        2366 2304 5,5 2384 2372
23. Vatter Hans-Joachim  FM 2362 2183 5,5 2263 2344
24. Brustkern Jürgen        2303 2086 5,5 2166 2276
25. Freitag Roland          2268 2272 5,5 2352 2289
26. Wippermann Till         2255 2236 5,5 2316 2273
27. Heimrath Reiner         2221 2238 5,5 2318 2248
28. Gabriel Josef           2202 2133 5,5 2213 2205
29. Römhild Marcus          2134 2116 5,5 2196 2167
112 players

17) Werther Open

Bert Hollmann reports: there was a five round Swiss system event in Werther, Germany (near Bielefeld, around 100km from Dortmund and Hannover). There were 190 players in 3 groups. 61 players (40 with ELO ratings) finished the "A-group". In the final round Vladimir Epishin won a fine attacking game against Viesturs Meijers and he was joined on 100% by Christian Richter, who defended well against IM Sergei Simonenko and won also. Epishin had a better "Buchholz" (sum of the scores of his opponents) so he took first place. More information will probably follow next week.

Further information at:

Leading final Standings:
 1. Epishin,Vladimir GM    2667  PSV Duisburg 1920   RUS  5.0 15.0 16.0
 2. Richter,Christian      2134  SK Turm Emsdetten   GER  5.0 15.0 12.0
 3. Meijers,Viesturs IM    2482  Godesberger SK 1929 LAT  4.0 14.0 19.0
 4. Lingnau,Carsten IM     2366  SF Katernberg 1913  GER  4.0 13.0 13.0
 5. Salov,Sergej IM        2303  Lübecker SV 1873    RUS  4.0 12.0 16.0
 6. Gössling,Guido         2194  SG Detmold          GER  4.0 11.0 12.0 

18) Championships of Uruguay

The Uruguayan Championships take place in Montevideo (capital city) 15th-23rd of April. The event is a 9 round Swiss. Leading players: IM Roselli Mailhe Bernardo (2401), FM Curi Milia Gabriel (2332), FM Crosa Coll Martín (2225), FM Izquierdo Daniel (2283), Riverol Silvera Jose I (2269), Maiztegui Casas Lincoln (2260), Carvalho Guillermo (2162)... 32 players. My thanks to Alejandro Nogueira.

More information (in spanish) at :

Official page:

19) Championships of the Faroe Islands

The Championships of the Faroe Islands are being held at Oyrarbakki April 15th-22th. More information can be found at:

20) Dutch Chess Championships

The Broekhuis Dutch Chess Championships take place in Rotterdam 7th-19th May 2000. The field is: 1. Loek van Wely 2646 2. Jeroen Piket 2643 3. Dimitri Reinderman 2561 4. John van der Wiel 2558 5. Erik van den Doel 2522 6. Friso Nijboer 2540 7. Dennis de Vreugt 2498 8. Manuel Bosboom 2461 9. Herman Grooten 2393 10. Paul van der Sterren 2526 11. Sergei Tiviakov 2567 12. Fritz SSS*

An English version of the Dutch Chess Championships press release can be read at:

Publicity around the event centers on whether Fritz SSS a computer program should play. There has been much discussion in the Dutch chess newsgroup and there is a protest site:

21) First Saturday, April

There were two IM groups and one GM group for the FS April events which ran April 1st-14th 2000. In the GM Group GMs Zoltan Varga and Tibor Tolnai shared first with IM Nguyen Anh Dung on 7/11, the GM norm was 8.

Stefan Van Blittersvijk (NLD), Joost Berkvens, (NLD), Adam Sziebert (HUN),Lenar Murzin (RUS), Heikki Lehtinen and Peter Froehlich (GER) all reached IM norms in the two IM events.

In May there will be two IM events which take place 6th-18th of May. Entries so far include: IMs Janos Dudas (HUN), Laszlo Eperjesi (HUN), Peter Hardicsay (HUN), Sandor Farago (HUN), Miklos Ors (HUN) and Miklos Kaposztas (HUN). Other players Kim Pilgaard (DEN), Mads Boe (DEN), Rasmus Skytte (DEN), Xue Zhao (CHN) Xu Yibing (CHN) male, Yu Mingyuan (CHN), Leonid Kritz (RUS), Marc Geenen (BEL), Wolter Kai (GER), Thomas Kamaryt (AUT), Adam Szeberenyi (HUN), Vasik Rajlich (USA), Natan Resika (USA). Eric Cooke (USA) and Peter Froehlich (GER). If you are interested in playing contact Laszlo Nagy.

Info: Nagy, Laszlo, e-mail: Tel-fax: (361)-263-28-59 Mobile: (36)-30-230-1914 ICQ # 44805877.

Final Standings:

FSGM April Budapest HUN (HUN), 1-13 iv 2000        cat. VIII (2434)
                                 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1 Varga, Zoltan      g HUN 2530 * = 1 = = 1 = 0 1 1 = =  7.0  2526
 2 Tolnai, Tibor      g HUN 2514 = * = = = = = 1 1 = = 1  7.0  2528
 3 Nguyen Anh Dung    m VIE 2496 0 = * 0 = 1 = 1 = 1 1 1  7.0  2529
 4 Hoang Thanh Trang  m VIE 2448 = = 1 * = 1 1 0 0 1 1 0  6.5  2497
 5 Horvath, Csaba     g HUN 2519 = = = = * 0 = = 1 = = 1  6.0  2461
 6 Berkvens, Joost      NED 2297 0 = 0 0 1 * = 1 1 0 1 1  6.0  2481
 7 Fogarasi, Tibor    m HUN 2429 = = = 0 = = * = 0 = = 1  5.0  2397
 8 Kallio, Heikki     m FIN 2452 1 0 0 1 = 0 = * 0 = = =  4.5  2366
 9 Kahn, Evarth       m HUN 2301 0 0 = 1 0 0 1 1 * = = 0  4.5  2380
10 Almasi, Istvan     m HUN 2420 0 = 0 0 = 1 = = = * = =  4.5  2369
11 Galyas, Miklos     m HUN 2440 = = 0 0 = 0 = = = = * =  4.0  2330
12 Balogh, Csaba        HUN 2356 = 0 0 1 0 0 0 = 1 = = *  4.0  2338

FSIMA April Budapest HUN (HUN), 1-13 iv 2000             cat. II (2291)
                                 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 
 1 Froehlich, Peter   f GER 2375 * = = = = 1 1 = = 1 1 1 1 =  9.5  2459
 2 Lehtinen, Heikki     FIN 2246 = * 1 = = 0 = 1 1 = 1 1 1 1  9.5  2469
 3 Sziebert, Adam     f HUN 2334 = 0 * = 1 = = 1 1 1 = 1 1 1  9.5  2462
 4 Maki-Uuro, Miikka  f FIN 2341 = = = * = 1 1 = = = = = 0 1  7.5  2344
 5 Dembo, Yelena        ISR 2269 = = 0 = * 1 0 = = = 1 = 1 =  7.0  2321
 6 Farago, Sandor     m HUN 2271 0 1 = 0 0 * 0 = = 1 = 1 1 1  7.0  2321
 7 Murzin, Lenar      f RUS 2231 0 = = 0 1 1 * = 1 1 0 0 0 1  6.5  2295
 8 Eperjesi, Laszlo   m HUN 2365 = 0 0 = = = = * = 0 = 1 = 1  6.0  2256
 9 Orso, Miklos       m HUN 2341 = 0 0 = = = 0 = * = = = 1 1  6.0  2258
10 Atakisi, Umut        TUR 2274 0 = 0 = = 0 0 1 = * = 0 = 1  5.0  2205
11 Driamin, D           RUS 2230 0 0 = = 0 = 1 = = = * 0 = 0  4.5  2185
12 Cooke, Eric          USA 2266 0 0 0 = = 0 1 0 = 1 1 * 0 0  4.5  2183
13 Alfred, Nathan       ENG 2200 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 = 0 = = 1 * 0  4.5  2188
14 Guedon, Stephanne    FRA 2332 = 0 0 0 = 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 *  4.0  2146

FSIMB April Budapest HUN (HUN), 1-13 iv 2000                cat. II (2289)
                                        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1 Van Blitterswijk, Stefan  f NED 2308 * 1 = 1 1 = 1 = 1 1 1 1  9.5  2596
 2 Dudas, Janos              m HUN 2321 0 * = 1 = 1 1 = 1 = 1 1  8.0  2461
 3 Karttunen, Mika             FIN 2313 = = * 0 = 1 1 1 0 = 1 1  7.0  2388
 4 Szeberenyi, Adam            HUN 2257 0 0 1 * = 1 1 = 0 1 = 1  6.5  2357
 5 Barth, Norbert              GER 2192 0 = = = * = = = 1 = = =  5.5  2297
 6 Yu Mingyuan                 CHN 2419 = 0 0 0 = * = = 1 = = 1  5.0  2241
 7 Rajlich, Vasik G            USA 2309 0 0 0 0 = = * 0 1 1 1 1  5.0  2251
 8 Vadasz, Laszlo            g HUN 2285 = = 0 = = = 1 * 0 0 1 0  4.5  2224
 9 Khechumyan, Gagik           ARM 2236 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 * 1 = 0  4.5  2228
10 Nemeth, Zoltan            m HUN 2379 0 = = 0 = = 0 1 0 * 0 1  4.0  2178
11 Dolgener, Tobias            GER 2260 0 0 0 = = = 0 0 = 1 * =  3.5  2158
12 Resika, Nathan A            USA 2190 0 0 0 0 = 0 0 1 1 0 = *  3.0  2123

22) Miguel Najdorf Blitz

The Club Argentino de Ajedrez in Buenos Aires held a blitz event on Saturday April 8th. $5.600 in prizes, starts at 18-00. 143 players competed. Pablo Zarnicki was the clear winner with 8/9.


Leading final standings:
 1. ZARNICKI Pablo       8.0  51.5   56.00
 2. ALONSO Salvador      7.5  48.0   51.00
 3. CASOY Gaspar         7.0  50.5   54.50
 4. PIERROT Facundo      7.0  50.0   54.00
 5. SLIPAK Sergio        7.0  49.5   53.50
 6. LABOLLITA Martin     7.0  49.5   53.00
 7. SCHWEBWER Samuel     7.0  47.0   50.50
 8. ANDRES Miguel        7.0  46.0   49.50
 9. DIAZ Nahuel          7.0  44.5   47.50
10. RUBINETTI Jorge      7.0  43.0   46.50
11. HOFFMAN Alejandro    6.5  47.5   51.50
12. GOMEZ BAILLO Jorge   6.5  45.5   50.00
13. SPANGENBERG Hugo     6.5  45.5   49.50
14. MONIER Raul          6.5  44.0   48.50
15. DOLEZAL Cristian     6.5  39.5   41.50
16. BERTONA Fernando     6.5  38.5   39.50

(Pablo Ricardi, Andres Rodriguez and Ariel 
Sorin were amongst those on 6.0)

23) Forthcoming Events and Links

Czech Open

The 11th International Chess Festival Pardubice takes place 13th - 30th July 2000.

Events: A - open grand master tournament with rating for FIDE (participation of players with ELO FIDE 2200 min.) B - open rating tournament with rating for FIDE (players with ELO FIDE or ELO national 1950 min.) C - open performance tournament (players without ELO FIDE with ELO national 1700 min.) D - open amateur tournament (players without any ELO or with ELO national lower than 1950) E - open 4-member team tournament with rating for FIDE (players without age and performance limitation) F - open 4-member team tournament of young players up to the age of 16 (players born in 1984 and younger regardless ELO) G - open active chess tournament (players without age and performance limitation) H - blitz marathon (players without age and performance limitation) I - blitz tournament (players without age and performance limitation)

Applications together with accommodation orders should be sent by 15th June 2000 to the following address: AVE-KONTAKT Sukova 1556 530 02 Pardubice CZECH REPUBLIC tel./fax +420-40-65 35 200 e-mail:

Full details:

Swiss Chess Tour, Lenk and Crans Montana

LENK The 12th International Chess Tournament runs April 20th-24th 2000.

Three events: Lenkerhof Open - open to all, 7 rounds, Swiss system. After Round 5 the first four players will play a knock-out for the winner and the others continue in a Swiss system tournament. Time control 40 moves for 2 hours and 30 minutes till the end. Venue Hotel "Lenkerhoh" (****). Round 1st starts April 20th at 6.30pm.

Residence-Holiday Open - players under 2000 only, 5 rounds, Swiss system. Round 1 starts April 20th at 2 p.m. Venue Hotel "Residence" (***). Junior Open - born 1980 and younger, more than 1800, 7 rounds, Swiss system. Round 1 starts on April 20th at 6.30 pm. Piano concert April 22nd at 8.30 p.m. Registered: GMs Florin Gheorghiu (ROM-winner 1990), Attila Groszpeter (HUN), Andrej Sokolov (RUS-winner 1996), Vladimir Tukmakov (UKR-winner 1992 and 1999), Zoltan Varga (HUN)and Lothar Vogt (GER), IMs Joszef Dobos (HUN) and Sandor Videki (HUN) and WGM Ketino Kachiani-Gersinska (GER).

CRANS MONTANA - The 2nd International Chess Tournament run from April 28th -May 1st

Etrier Open - open to all, 7 rounds, Swiss system. After round 5 the first four players will play a knock-out for the winner and the others continue in a Swiss system tournament. Time control: each players will have 2 hours to complete the game. Last 5 minutes without writing moves. Registered: GMs Florin Gheorghiu (ROM), Leonid Gofstein (ISR), Ketino Kachiani-Gersinska (GER), Milos Pavlovic (YUG), Vladimir Tukmakov (UKR) and IM Alexander Cherniaev Alexander (RUS).

More information: Robert Spoerri, Tiergarten 33, Ch-3400 Burgdorf, tel: 00/41/34/4240106; Fax: 00/41/34/4240107 E-mail:

Sigeman & Co Chess Tournament 2000

The Sigeman & Co Chess Tournament 2000 will be held 23rd-29th May 2000 in Malmö, Sweden. This year the event is a four player double round-robin event with: IGM Judit Polgar, IGM Jan Timman, IGM Ulf Andersson and IGM Tiger Hillarp-Persson.


Heart of Finland Tournament

10th International Heart of Finland Tournament, the biggest open tournament in Finland, will be played in Jyvaskyla, Finland 19-23.7.2000. More information:

Tanta Open

The Tanta Open takes place 2nd-13th May 2000 in Tanta City about 90 km from Cairo-Egypt.

9 Round Swiss 40 Players ( 2 GMs ­ 10 IMs) ­ 25 Egyptian players - Time control 7 hours ­ Fischer system. Arrival 2nd May 2000 1st round 3 May, last round 12th May. Closing ceremony and departure 13th May. Play start at 4pm daily. Full Accommodation and 3 meals in a 3 star Hotel single room for GMs and double room for IMs. 1st Prize 750 U.S.$ - 2nd 650$ - 3rd 600 ­ 4th 550 ­ 5th 500 - 6th 450 ­ 7th 400 ­ 8th 350 ­ 9th 300 ­ 10th 250. 400 U.S.$ for every GM over 2500 and 250 U.S.$ for every IM over 2300 The organisers need only one player from each country and have vacancies for around 5 IMs. Free transportation inside Egypt, including to and from the Airport. 2 Free Touristic tours.

Email and Contact: Hassan Khaled General Director Egyptian Chess Federation

Julian Borowski IGM event

The Julian Borowski IGM tournament in Essen takes place 26th April-5th May 2000. Group A (cat. XV) players: Alexei Dreev (2679), Vadim Milov (2653), Vadim Zvjaginsev (2641), Alexander Beliavsky (2640), Robert Huebner (2620), Curt Hansen (2618), Rustem Dautov (2602), Emil Sutovsky (2597), Igor Glek (2554) and Klaus Bischoff (2544). Group B (cat. X) has 10 players too.

Further details:

Redbus International

The Redbus group of companies, owned by Cliff Stanford, the founder of Demon Internet, have just announced that they will again be supporting an elite knockout tournament to run alongside the Southend Easter Congress. The time control will again be 100 minutes plus 30 seconds per move for the whole game with one round per day and two games per round. Matches tied at 1-1 will be decided by two ten minute games followed by sudden death blitz if necessary. The prize fund is £7,400. The full line-up for the Redbus Knockout is: Michael Adams 2715 Jon Speelman 2604 Tony Miles 2579 Bogdan Lalic 2548 John Emms 2546 Murray Chandler 2527 Glenn Flear 2519 Jim Plaskett 2515 Daniel King 2514 Chris Ward 2509 Jonathan Rowson 2499 Nigel Davies 2497 Peter Wells 2494 Mark Hebden 2493 Matthew Turner 2489 Luke McShane 2438 The Southend Easter Congress will have events for players of all strengths and is supported this year by Southend Council and The GFI group. The top section will be a seven round FIDE rated Open. Players wishing to participate at Southend should call Howard Grist On 01702 617976

Presov Chess Festival 2000

Presov Chess Festival 2000, 12th -20th August A) Grandmaster tournament (10 participants, round robin, 10th category FIDE) B) Women's grandmaster tournament (10 participants, round robin, 10th category FIDE) C) OPEN for players with Elo FIDE minim. 2100 D) National OPEN E) Accompanying programme (simultaneous game, blitz, football, ...)

Total prize fund 169 900 Sk (about $4000). There are still FREE places for players in A as well in B tournament (and of course in C and D tournaments).

Official web-pages of the Presov Chess Festival 2000

Last year: The results of the Presov Chess Festival 1999 are in TWIC250

The organising committee of the Presov Chess Festival 2000 can be contacted at:

New York Open

Michael Atkins reports: The New York Open is back!! Long, the strongest Open tournament in the U.S., the NY Open is scheduled over the period of May 5-11, 2000. Playing at the New Yorker Hotel in Manhattan, the same site as the last two NYO's, the Open section will feature $50,000 in prizes which is about $10,000 more than in the open section in 1998.

New York Open website

Send checks, money orders, or credit card information to New York Open, 21W. 46th St., Room 1004, New York, NY 10036. Tel. (212) 719-4204 Fax (212) 719-4369 e-mail:

Lausanne Young Masters

The second edition of the Olympic Capital Young Masters Tournament will take place in Lausanne between 30th May - 4th June 2000. 3 events will take place in the Casino de Montbenon. Young Masters: GM R.Ponomariov (Elo 2626), GM A.Malakhov (Elo 2601), GM A.Grischuk (Elo 2581), the junior world champion GM A.Galkin (Elo 2566), the youngest GM Bu Xiangzhi (Elo 2565), IM Laurent Fressinet (Elo 2518), IM F.Jenni (Elo 2466) and IM L.McShane (Elo 2438) take part. Masters Open for players above 2000 ELO The MASTERS OPEN are actually registered : GM's V.Epishin, V.Tukmakov, A.Volzhin,J.Gallagher, E Prié, WGM A.Kosteniuk (15 years old) and also some other young talented players such as T.Radjabov (13) or V.Gashimov (13) from Azerbajdjan. and other titled players compete. Also an Open for other amateur players. Information and registration on our home-page more information : +41.21.729.63.85 fax +41.21.729.63.31

World Seniors

The 10th World Senior Championships will be held September 10th-24th, 2000 in the small village of Rowy in Poland. The event is open to men born in 1939 or earlier and women in 1949 or earlier).

Further information: Polish and Russian language: Mr. Alfred Obszanski - Postomino, Poland, tel/fax: + 48 (59) 810-85-77 or German language: Mr. Jerzy Konikowski - Dortmund (Germany), tel/fax: +49 (231) 17-15-67 e-mail:

Official site: or

Ivan Cvitanovic Memorial

The Ivan Cvitanovic Memorial, a 10 player, Category 7 Round Robin takes place 29th April - 7th May 2000 in Split, Croatia.

Internet coverage:

South African Closed

The South African Closed Championships 2000 will take place over the Easter weekend and following week in Port Elizabeth. This will be a 10 player single round robin event. Participants: Charles de Villiers (2335),Ewan Kromhout, Llaurence Ball, Maxwell Solomon, Nicholas van der Nat (2116), Lyndon Bouah (2175), Jacques Ophoff, Adriaan Calitz, Deon Pick and Solly Mauba.

Qingdao, China

Qingdao, a seaside resort 1000 km South-East of Beijing, takes place 15th-24th July. There is a flight from Budapest on July 13th and it is possible to combine with the FIRST SATURDAY Budapest tournament 1st -13th July.

Events: 1. GM closed tmt cat.IX.-X. Prizes: 1500-1250-1000-750-500 USD 2. IM closed tmt cat.II. , Prizes: 600-500-400-300-200 USD 3. Open Swiss, Prizes: 400-300-200-150-100 USD

More info: Nagy Laszlo, e-mail: Phone: (361)-263-28-59 Mobile: (36)-30-230-19-14

Two Mexican Events

The Mexican National Championship and International Open, takes place 18th-23rd April in the City of Irapuato, State of Guanajuato.

Website: (All the information is in Spanish)

In June there is an interesting quadrangular tournament between Shirov (Spain), Polgar (Hungary), Akopian (Armenia) and Gilberto Hernandez (Mexico). It will be a double round robin, running 13th-21st June 2000 in the City of Merida, State of Yucatan, with 260, 000 pesos in prizes.

There is an English Wesite for the event and at the same time there is an open tournament. Details in English on the Open here.

Veszprem Summer Tournament

VI.Veszprem Summer - HEMO Coup, International Chess Tournament from 22nd-30th July.2000. Venue: HEMO Building (Presidial Culture House) Zalka Mate square 1, Veszprem city, Hungary Organizer: HEMO Chess Society, Veszprém.

Events: "A" group - IM tournament , 10 players "B" group - Swiss type open tournament in 9 rounds according to the FIDE rules.

Entry fees: "A" group: 10.000 HUF (about 70 DM) "B" group: below FIDE 2200 3.500 HUF (25 DM) 2200 - 2299 3.000 HUF (20 DM) 2300 - 2399 2.000 HUF (13 DM) 2400 - ------ HUF Prizes: "B" group: 60.000 HUF; 40.000 HUF; 20.000 HUF; 15.000 HUF; 10.000 HUF; 5.000 HUF.

Information: Norbert Szelényi Phone number: 88-401-400 Place of work: 88-426-233 /358 (am. 8.00 - pm. 16.00) Fax number: 88-426-233 /364 (am. 8.00 - pm. 16.00) For more information E-mail to:

Web pages: and

Frankfurt Chess Classic 2000

The Frankfurt Chess Classic 2000 takes place June 16th-25th 2000. There will be six events: The Fujitsu Siemens Giants (6 players, double round robin, 4 days, June 22nd -25th) Participants: Anand, Kasparov, Kramnik, Leko, Morozevich, Shirov. Masters (8 players, double round robin, 4 days, June 22nd to June 25th) Participants: Adams, Bareev, Ivanchuk, Rabiega (winner of the German championships), Topalov, Van Wely (winner of last years open), Yussupov and the winner of this years open tournament. Computer exhibition matches (5 players, 2 games per match, June 17th to June 18th) Participants: Anand, Kramnik, Leko, Morozevich, Shirov · Ordix Open (15 rounds swiss, 3 days, June 16th to June 18th) The winner qualifies for the Master tournament, which starts afterwards! · two simuls (June 19th, June 20th) one by Kasparov and one by Ivanchuk · two Fischer Random Chess exhibition games In all events each player has 25 minutes per game. The opening ceremony will take place on the evening of June 21st, all players are obliged to participate. The closing ceremony including price giving takes place on June 25th following the last round of the Giants. Further details:

soLett Chess Open 2000

soLett Chess Open 2000 will be played at Scandic Hotel, Skellefteå in the northern part of Sweden 16th-24th April 2000 . Grandmasters as Evgenij Agrest, Yuri Yakovic, Alexander Volzhin, Tiger Hillarp Persson, Vitali Golod, Nikola Mitkov, Alexei Lugovoi, Jonny Hector and Viktor Mikhalevski are registered. There will also be played a WIM-tournament: Skellefteå Kraft- Sweden Ladies International with 16 participants. Information at:

Foxwoods Chess Open

The 2nd annual Foxwoods Chess Open April 20th-24th 2000 7-round Swiss at the world's largest casino $100,000 prize fund.

Further coverage by Michael Atkins at:

Olomouc Opens

June 25-29, 2000 - Olomouc (CZE) "MLADI OPEN 2000" swiss system, 7 rounds 1) FIDE OPEN - for young players up to 20 years of age, 1st prize - FREE START in round-robin tournament 4th category FIDE in August in Olomouc 2) national open A - players born in 1984 and younger 3) national open B - players born in 1988 and younger Contact: Agentura 64, 783 73 Grygov 337, Czech Republic, tel./fax: ++420-68-5393327, e-mail:, WWW:

August 2-10, 2000 - Olomouc (CZE) "OLOMOUC CHESS SUMMER 2000" 1) round-robin GM tournament 10th category FIDE (10-12 players) 2) 2 round-robin IM tournaments 4th category FIDE (10-12 players) 3) FIDE open - swiss, 9 rounds, 2/40+1, 1st prize 10000 CZK We are looking for players without title for both round robin tournaments! Contact: Agentura 64, 783 73 Grygov 337, Czech Republic, tel./fax: ++420-68-5393327, e-mail:, WWW:

Garry Koshnitsky Memorial

The Garry Koshnitsky Memorial Australian Chess Festival is being held this year from 7 June to 13 August in memory of arguably the most important figure in Australian chess history who died last year at the age of 91. The festival commences with the Surfers Paradise Parkroyal International which is being held at a five star venue on Queensland's Gold Coast in order to give Australian players the opportunity to play top class overseas opposition. The nine round Swiss event features GMs Nikolic, Ftacnik, Rogers and Johansen and runs from 7-17 June. Whilst the Prize Fund is a modest $5,000 the playing conditions are superb and the hotel is situated in one of the world's great holiday destinations. Entry fees are IMs and GMs FOC, players rated 2300+ $150, 2200+ $250, 2100+ $350, 2000+ $450. Overseas players are half price and there are discounts for payment by 15/3/00 ($50) and 15/4/00 ($25). There are very special room rates at the Parkroyal only available to competitors ($75 single, $37.50 twin share).

The Garry Koshnitsky Festival features the following events: 7 to 17 June Parkroyal Surfers Paradise International 18 June Parkroyal Surfers Paradise Corporate challenge 19 to 23 June GM coaching in local schools 24 to 25 June Gold Coast Open 26 to 30 June GM coaching of elite Australian juniors 1 to 2 July Noosa Open 8 to 9 July Queen Victoria Building event, Sydney 15 to 16 July Australian National University Open, Canberra 24 July to 4 August Australian Masters, Reserve Bank Building, Melbourne 12 to 13 August Adelaide Weekender (Festival Finale)

Contact details: Graeme Gardiner, President Australian Chess Federation, C/O Somerset College, Somerset Drive, Mudgeeraba, Gold Coast, Queensland 4213 Phone: (+61 7 international) or (07) 5530 3777 (w); (07) 5530 5794 (h); (07) 5525 2676 (fax) Email:

Bergen NOR

Tournament name : Bergen Chess International Site: Bergen, Norway. Date: 21-29th July 2000 Prize Fund : NOK 10000/6000/4000/2000/1000 + rating prizes The prize fund is garanteed. Entry fee : No entry fee for foreigners with FIDE-ELO Conditions : May be offered to a limited number of IMs/GMs. Number of rounds : 9 System : Modifed Swiss Rate of play : 2 hours/40 moves, 1 hour/20 moves, 0.5 hour/rest Side events : Rapid tournaments, GM-simuls, blitz etc

Home page :

40-50 participants are expected of which there will be 5-6 GMs and 6-8 IMs. Only 6 unrated players will take part. Confirmed titled players: GM Yakovich (2580), GM Volzhin (2548), GM Gausel (2492), GM Djurhuus (2484), IM L. Johannessen (2431), IM Fyllingen (2408), IM Bern (2379) and IM Gullaksen (2353).

Politiken Cup 2000

The Politiken Cup in Copenhagen, Denmark takes place 17th-28th July 2000. There is a new venue at the Nørrebrohallen with room for 500-700 players.

Further information:

13th Ciudad de León Tournament

The 13th Ciudad de León Tournament will again use the "advanced chess" format (players will be allowed to use a computer for databases and a playing program). The competitors will be Anand, Shirov, Judith Polgar and Illescas. The event will run June 1st-5th 2000 (playing days: June 2nd Shirov-Illescas 2 game match, June 3rd Anand-Polgar 2 game match, June 3rd, final. The venue is the Junta de León” building, with the opening ceremony in the Conde Luna Hotel and the closing ceremony and Judit Polgar simul at the University.

The website is at: and the English version will be up soon at:

Kobuleti (Georgia, Adjaria)

There are two events in Kobuleti (Georgia, Adjaria a health resort on the Black Sea not far from Batumi). The Martve Open 2000 30th July-8th August 2000.The organisers are the Head Department of Physical & Military Training of Ministry of Education of Georgia, Chess school for children tenagers of the Kobuleti region named after Nana Ioseliani and Zurab Azmaiparashvili. A 9 round Swiss. Main open for Men and Women along with Junior Boys and Girls under 6,8,10,14 and 16 events.

In August 10th-19th 2000 the Remka Open. A 9 round Swiss. Main open for Men and Women along with Junior Boys and Girls under 6,8,10,14 and 16 events.

Further information : Fax: +(995)32 98 70 53; Phone: +(995) 32 999521, 958366, 226745 in Tbilisi and 63317, 62589, 63581 in Kobuleti (code 8-88236).. E-mail:,