THE WEEK IN CHESS 351 30th July 2001 by Mark Crowther

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Mark Crowther

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1) Introduction
2) Biel Chess Festival
3) British Chess Championships
4) Continental Open in Las Vegas
5) Politiken Cup
6) Czech Open
7) Dutch Open
8) Paul Keres Memorial
9) 7th Tan Chin Nam Cup
10) Zhong Hong Real Estate Cup
11) Zonal 3.3
12) European Juniors and Patras Open
13) Dortmund Open 2001
14) Emanuel Lasker Memorial
15) Heart of Finland Open
16) Cullera Open
17) Wilbert Paige Memorial
18) Karvina CZE 2001
19) Paris Open Championships
20) Canadian Open
21) Geller Memorial Odessa
22) Sao Paulo Pre-Continental
23) 5th Hogeschool Zeeland Tournament
24) Braingames launch Man-Machine Match
25) Two Kasparov stories
26) Open Championships of Quebec
27) World Open
28) Lebanese Chess Championships
29) Morrocan Championships
30) Seixal Xadrez 2001
31) Novosibirsk Open
32) Pan American Juniors
33) Professional World Chess Ranking
34) Forthcoming Events and Links


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Games section

Biel Chess Festival               18 games
Continental Open in Las Vegas     49 games
Politiken Cup                    297 games
Czech Open                       279 games
Dutch Open                       136 games
Paul Keres Memorial              273 games
7th Tan Chin Nam Cup              45 games
Zhong Hong Real Estate Cup        66 games
Zonal 3.3                        182 games
European Juniors                 375 games
Patras Open                      627 games
Emanuel Lasker Memorial           80 games
Heart of Finland Open            200 games
Cullera Open                     166 games
Wilbert Paige Memorial            45 games
Karvina CZE 2001                 180 games
Paris Open Championships         197 games
Canadian Open                     94 games
Geller Memorial Odessa            66 games
Sao Paulo Pre-Continental         30 games
World Open                       332 games
Morrocan Championships           130 games
Karpov Simul                       4 games
Pan American Juniors               8 games
3879 games

1) Introduction

My thanks to Olivier Breisacher, Chris Bird, Jan Mazuch, Thomas Henrich and Yin Hao, Przemek Jahr, Sami Hämäläinen, Hugh Brodie, Vitaliy Zaichuk, Herman Claudius van Riemsdijk, Rui Rodrigues and all those who helped with this issue.

A very busy week. Korchnoi's ability to play top chess into his 70s is the story of the week. The start of the European holiday season and a number of Chinese events makes it a very big magazine this week. The British Chess Championships will be covered daily by the London Chess Centre and TWIC, it started today.

Hope you enjoy this issue


2) Biel Chess Festival

The 34th Biel International Chess Festival takes place July 21st-August 4th with a strong Open, other tournaments and a strong GM Tournament. After seven rounds Viktor Korchnoi leads on 4.5/7 ahead of defending champion Peter Svidler and surprise package Yannick Pelletier.


Round 2 (July 24, 2001)

Korchnoi, Viktor     -  Grischuk, Alexander  1-0   49  A84  Dutch Defence
Gelfand, Boris       -  Pelletier, Yannick   1-0   55  D47  Queens Gambit Meran
Lautier, Joel        -  Svidler, Peter       0-1   40  D92  Gruenfeld Defence 5.Bf4

Round 3 (July 25, 2001)

Pelletier, Yannick   -  Korchnoi, Viktor     1-0   32  A30  English Symmetrical Variation
Svidler, Peter       -  Gelfand, Boris       1/2   21  C42  Petroff's Defence
Grischuk, Alexander  -  Lautier, Joel        1/2   26  C54  Giuoco Piano

Round 4 (July 26, 2001)

Svidler, Peter       -  Korchnoi, Viktor     1/2   20  C10  French Rubinstein
Grischuk, Alexander  -  Pelletier, Yannick   1/2   61  C02  French Advance
Lautier, Joel        -  Gelfand, Boris       1/2   20  E15  Queens Indian

Round 5 (July 27, 2001)

Korchnoi, Viktor     -  Lautier, Joel        1-0   58  D11  Slav Defence
Pelletier, Yannick   -  Svidler, Peter       1-0   27  D90  Gruenfeld Defence Flohr
Gelfand, Boris       -  Grischuk, Alexander  1/2   29  D34  Tarrasch Defence, Main Line

Round 6 (July 29, 2001)

Korchnoi, Viktor     -  Gelfand, Boris       1/2   22  E54  Nimzo Indian
Grischuk, Alexander  -  Svidler, Peter       1/2   44  B90  Sicilian Najdorf Variation
Lautier, Joel        -  Pelletier, Yannick   1/2   36  D47  Queens Gambit Meran

Round 7 (July 30, 2001)

Pelletier, Yannick   -  Gelfand, Boris       1/2   42  E12  Queens Indian Petrosian System
Svidler, Peter       -  Lautier, Joel        1/2   25  B30  Sicilian Rossolimo Variation
Grischuk, Alexander  -  Korchnoi, Viktor     1/2   31  C02  French Advance

GM Biel SUI (SUI), 23 vii-2 viii 2001          cat. XVI (2649)
                                   1  2  3  4  5  6 
1 Korchnoi, Viktor     g SUI 2617 ** 0. =. 1= 1= 1.  4.5  2765
2 Pelletier, Yannick   g SUI 2531 1. ** 1. 0= =. ==  4.0  2727
3 Svidler, Peter       g RUS 2695 =. 0. ** =. 1= 1=  4.0  2698
4 Gelfand, Boris       g ISR 2704 0= 1= =. ** =. =.  3.5  2619
5 Grischuk, Alexander  g RUS 2669 0= =. 0= =. ** =.  2.5  2545
6 Lautier, Joel        g FRA 2675 0. == 0= =. =. **  2.5  2532

3) British Chess Championships

The British Chess Championships sponsored by Smith & Williamson takes place Monday 30th July to Friday 10th August or in the event of a playoff Saturday 11th August. The reigning champion is Julian Hodgson who plays again this year. The event, with a £25,000 prize fund takes place at the Spa Center in Scarborough. Play will take place from 2.15-9.15 daily. TWIC and the London Chess Centre will provide coverage of the event. 4 games will be broadcast live via sensory boards simultaneously with text commentary. Daily round up with picture reports and analysis from John Henderson

4) Continental Open in Las Vegas

Chris Bird of Fantasy Chess reports: The Continental Open in Las Vegas took place 26th-29th July 2001.

On the final days play in Las Vegas, the highest rated players in the tournament did not disappoint. In Round 5, Onischuk beat overnight leader Donaldson, while Lputian beat Sulskis (although there was some slight controversy as to whether Lputian made the first time control or not).

Round 6 saw the usual Grandmaster draws at the top as Onischuk, Lputian and Goldin all settled for a share of the prize money (no blitz tie-break here). 8 people finished with 4½ and also collected a little bit of money for their efforts.

Continental Open Las Vegas USA (USA), 26-26 vii 2001
 1. Onischuk, Alexander      g  UKR 2667  5.0
 2. Lputian, Smbat G         g  ARM 2608  5.0
 3. Goldin, Alexander        g  USA 2594  5.0

 4. Sulskis, Sarunas         g  LTU 2573  4.5
 5. Gurevich, Dmitry         g  USA 2550  4.5
 6. Finegold, Benjamin       m  USA 2522  4.5
 7. Ivanov Igor V            m  USA 2461  4.5
 8. Browne, Walter S         g  USA 2447  4.5
 9. Akobian, Varuzhan        m  ARM 2442  4.5
10. Donaldson, John W        m  USA 2435  4.5
11. Anka, Emil               m  HUN 2390  4.5

12. Yermolinsky, Alex        g  USA 2571  4.0 
13. Gufeld, Eduard           g  USA 2466  4.0
14. Mulyar, Michael A        f  USA 2430  4.0
15. Tate, Emory              f  USA 2377  4.0
75 players

5) Politiken Cup

The 23rd Copenhagen Open (Politiken Cup) took place 16th-27th July 2001.

Alexander Rustemov, Peter Heine Nielsen, Mikhail Gurevich, Lev Psakhis and Nick De Firmian all finished on 8.5/11.

Internet coverage

Final Round 11 standings:
Politiken Cup Copenhagen DEN (DEN), 16-25 vii 2001
  1. Rustemov, Alexander              g  RUS 2607  8.5  2655 
  2. Nielsen, Peter Heine             g  DEN 2593  8.5  2634 
  3. Gurevich, Mikhail                g  BEL 2633  8.5  2608 
  4. Psakhis, Lev                     g  ISR 2566  8.5  2575 
  5. De Firmian, Nick E               g  USA 2552  8.5  2581 
  6. Hoi, Carsten                     m  DEN 2407  8.0  2513 
  7. Speelman, Jonathan S             g  ENG 2603  8.0  2530 
  8. Mortensen, Erling                m  DEN 2423  8.0  2531 
  9. Hector, Jonny                    g  SWE 2552  7.5  2529 
 10. Jepson, Christian                   SWE 2373  7.5  2545 
 11. Ward, Christopher                g  ENG 2493  7.5  2435 
 12. Palo, Davor                      f  DEN 2325  7.5  2380 
 13. Brynell, Stellan                 m  SWE 2486  7.5  2469 
 14. Lezcano Jaen, Pedro              m  ESP 2386  7.5  2445 
 15. Jakobsen, Ole                    m  DEN 2398  7.5  2458 
 16. Akesson, Joel                       SWE 2203  7.5  2369 
 17. Bekker-Jensen, Simon             m  DEN 2356  7.5  2323 
 18. Pedersen, Steffen                m  DEN 2453  7.5  2331 
 19. McShane, Luke J                  g  ENG 2511  7.0  2501 
 20. Nilssen, John Arni                  FAI 2333  7.0  2375 
 21. Pedersen, Christian Kyndel          DEN 2280  7.0  2361 
 22. Visweswaran, K                      IND 2299  7.0  2333 
 23. Berg, Klaus                      m  DEN 2438  7.0  2316 
 24. Aaberg, Anton                       SWE 2373  7.0  2339 
 25. Bekker-Jensen, David                DEN 2284  7.0  2317 
 26. Laubsch, Bernd                      GER 2311  7.0  2241 
 27. Jorgensen,Brian                     DEN ----  7.0  2155 
159 players

6) Czech Open

The Czech Open takes place 12th-29th July 2001. Mathias Womacka won the event with 7.5/9. My thanks to Jan Mazuch for the results and games.

Full details of all the events and pictures at:

Czech Open Pardubice CZE (CZE), 20-28 vii 2001
  1. Womacka, Mathias              m  GER 2469   7.5  2706 
  2. Burmakin, Vladimir            g  RUS 2593   7.0  2675 
  3. Fridman, Daniel               m  LAT 2562   7.0  2645 
  4. Yevseev, Denis                m  RUS 2530   7.0  2630 
  5. Neverov, Valeriy              g  UKR 2564   6.0  2621 
  6. Socko, Bartosz                g  POL 2559   7.0  2615 
  7. Solovjov, Sergey              m  RUS 2434   6.5  2637 
  8. Gavrilov, Alexei              m  RUS 2438   5.5  2618 
  9. Tomashevsky, Evgeny              RUS 2449   5.5  2608 
 10. Belov, Vladimir               m  RUS 2438   5.5  2605 
 11. Vokac, Marek                  g  CZE 2507   6.5  2601 
 12. Moroz, Alexander              g  UKR 2512   6.5  2583 
 13. Sasikiran, Krishnan           g  IND 2589   6.5  2581 
 14. Sergeev, Vladimir             m  UKR 2498   6.5  2580 
 15. Vorobiov, Evgeny E            g  RUS 2503   6.5  2540 
 16. Cioara, Andrei Nestor         m  ROM 2403   3.5  2518 
 17. Potkin, Vladimir              m  RUS 2530   5.5  2546 
 18. Babula, Vlastimil             g  CZE 2566   6.5  2554 
 19. Lalic, Bogdan                 g  ENG 2528   6.5  2550 
 20. Navara, David                 m  CZE 2491   6.5  2548 
 21. Jaracz, Pawel                 g  POL 2521   6.5  2534 
 22. Shestoperov, Aleksej             RUS 2429   5.5  2514 
303 players

7) Dutch Open

The Dutch Open took place in Dieren 16th-26th July. Semen Dvoirys won the event with 7/9.

Internet coverage:

Dutch Open Dieren NED (NED), 17-26 vii 2001
 1. Dvoirys, Semen I            g  RUS 2578  7.0  2664 
 2. Ernst, Sipke                m  NED 2440  6.5  2572 
 3. Werle, Jan                     NED 2412  6.5  2551 
 4. Krivoshey, Sergei           m  UKR 2449  6.5  2575 
 5. Dgebuadze, Alexandre        g  BEL 2547  6.5  2506 
 6. Meijers, Viesturs           m  LAT 2449  6.5  2520 
 7. Moiseenko, Alexander        g  UKR 2581  6.0  2459 
 8. Brodsky, Michail            g  UKR 2528  6.0  2488 
 9. Berelovich, Aleksandar      g  UKR 2513  6.0  2502 
10. Peng Zhaoqin                m  NED 2391  6.0  2525 
11. Odendahl, Reiner            f  GER 2365  6.0  2460 
12. Ikonnikov, Vyacheslav       g  RUS 2552  5.5  2467 
13. Rogozenko, Dorian           g  ROM 2548  5.5  2452 
14. Van den Doel, Erik          g  NED 2607  5.5  2432 
15. Stellwagen, Daniel             NED 2337  5.5  2477 
16. Tiviakov, Sergei            g  NED 2618  5.5  2403 
16. Janssen, Ruud               m  NED 2437  5.5  2393 
18. Smeets, Jan                    NED 2311  5.5  2351 
19. Van der Weide, Karel        m  NED 2448  5.5  2317 
65 players

8) Paul Keres Memorial

The Paul Keres Memorial takes place July 25th-31st 2001 in Tallinn, Estonia.

Internet coverage:

Standings Round 7 of 9
Keres Mem Open Tallinn EST (EST), 25-31 vii 2001
                                                 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   

 1. Sakaev, Konstantin             g  RUS 2630  +53 +25 +11 +15 + 6 + 8 = 2   6.5  2838 
 2. Gavrikov, Viktor               g  LTU 2567  +45 +20 +10 = 4 = 3 +14 = 1   5.5  2654 
 3. Miezis, Normunds               g  LAT 2524  +56 +16 =17 +13 = 2 +10 = 4   5.5  2608 
 4. Rytshagov, Mikhail             g  EST 2501  +42 +28 +18 = 2 = 8 +12 = 3   5.5  2602 
 5. Kveinys, Aloyzas               g  LTU 2535  +37 +19 +12 - 8 +17 = 6 = 7   5.0  2540 
 6. Sepp, Olav                     m  EST 2442  +46 +21 +36 + 7 - 1 = 5 = 9   5.0  2545 
 7. Kengis, Edvins                 g  LAT 2572  =22 +41 +33 - 6 +21 +23 = 5   5.0  2490 
 8. Lugovoi, Aleksei               g  RUS 2485  +62 +30 +35 + 5 = 4 - 1 =13   5.0  2550 
 9. Kulaots, Kaido                 m  EST 2529  +52 -35 +29 =25 +43 +24 = 6   5.0  2444 
10. Khamatgaleev, Alexej           m  RUS 2412  +44 +48 - 2 +28 +16 - 3 +27   5.0  2444 
11. Seeman, Tarvo                  m  EST 2440  +38 +27 - 1 -16 +49 +28 +26   5.0  2423 
12. Yewdokimov, Oleg               m  RUS 2390  +57 +43 - 5 +40 +15 - 4 +22   5.0  2459 
13. Stepovaia-Dianchenko, Tatiana  wg RUS 2451  +39 =40 +34 - 3 +36 +37 = 8   5.0  2386 
14. Cmilyte, Viktorija             m  LTU 2464  -47 +66 +22 +19 +26 - 2 =18   4.5  2350 
15. Yemelin, Vasily                g  RUS 2507  +51 +32 +26 - 1 -12 +42 =17   4.5  2407 
16. Smirnov, Artem                    RUS 2281  +59 - 3 +46 +11 -10 +39 =24   4.5  2367 
17. Lutsko, Igor                   m  BLR 2359  +63 +49 = 3 =24 - 5 +30 =15   4.5  2450 
18. Prakken, Gerrit                f  NED 2345  +55 +29 - 4 =36 =30 +40 =14   4.5  2366 
19. Reizniece, Dana                wg LAT 2312  +65 - 5 +51 -14 +53 =29 +37   4.5  2316 
20. Kanep, Meelis                     EST 2318  +58 - 2 =37 +48 -42 +56 +41   4.5  2286 
21. Nyysti, Sampsa                 f  FIN 2224  +78 - 6 =38 +60 - 7 +44 +42   4.5  2256 
22. Timoshin, Juri                    EST 2128  = 7 +60 -14 +38 =25 +35 -12   4.0  2342 
23. Lybin, Dmitry                  m  BLR 2434  +54 -36 +53 =35 +32 - 7 =29   4.0  2291 
24. Kiik, Kalle                    m  EST 2449  -34 +72 +49 =17 +33 - 9 =16   4.0  2281 
25. Sergejev, Roman                   EST 2324  +69 - 1 +45 = 9 =22 -27 +38   4.0  2281 
26. Nyback, Tomi                      FIN 2345  +66 +47 -15 +27 -14 +43 -11   4.0  2318 
27. Piarnpuu, Leili                wm EST 2212  +73 -11 +57 -26 +52 +25 -10   4.0  2283 
28. Krupenski, Yuri                   EST 2231  +61 - 4 +54 -10 +45 -11 +47   4.0  2266 
29. Karjakin, Sergei                  EST 2171  +71 -18 - 9 +57 +59 =19 =23   4.0  2281 
30. Tsiganova, Monika              wm EST 2266  +75 - 8 =47 +34 =18 -17 +51   4.0  2235 
31. Galianina-Ryjanova, Julia      wg RUS 2335  +72 =34 =40 -43 =39 =48 +53   4.0  2165 
32. Bjarnason, Saevar              m  ISL 2281  +70 -15 =42 +47 -23 =34 +52   4.0  2216 
33. Karner, Hillar                 m  EST 2292  =60 +68 - 7 +62 -24 =47 +48   4.0  2238 
34. Shaklein,Fedor                    RUS ----  +24 =31 -13 -30 +50 =32 =43   3.5  2284 
35. Akimov, Ivan                      RUS 2300  +64 + 9 - 8 =23 -37 -22 +63   3.5  2241 
36. Rogovoi, Mark                     RUS 2220  +74 +23 - 6 =18 -13 -38 +54   3.5  2238 
37. Muutnik, Valdo                    EST 2117  - 5 +65 =20 +68 +35 -13 -19   3.5  2273 
38. Petrov,Aleksandr                  EST ----  -11 +73 =21 -22 +67 +36 -25   3.5  2190 
39. Gomon, Dimitri                    EST 2030  -13 =75 +70 +41 =31 -16 =40   3.5  2223 
40. Krupenski, Igor                   EST 2226  +76 =13 =31 -12 +58 -18 =39   3.5  2221 
41. Fomina, Tatyana                wm EST 2269  =68 - 7 +59 -39 +61 +46 -20   3.5  2131 
42. Keskel, Marko                     EST 2067  - 4 +78 =32 +50 +20 -15 -21   3.5  2261 
43. Porrasmaa, Timo                   FIN 2212  +77 -12 +58 +31 - 9 -26 =34   3.5  2228 
44. Iljitchov,Vladimir                EST ----  -10 =50 -68 +70 +62 -21 +61   3.5  2099 
45. Teemae, Leo                       EST 2120  - 2 +61 -25 +72 -28 =58 +59   3.5  2160 
46. Mirme,Heino                       EST ----  - 6 +76 -16 +65 =48 -41 +58   3.5  2169 
47. Jogi, Jakob                       EST 2044  +14 -26 =30 -32 +68 =33 -28   3.0  2218 
48. Nicholson, John G              f  ENG 2192  +50 -10 +55 -20 =46 =31 -33   3.0  2143 
49. Danilov, Nikolai                  EST 2160  +67 -17 -24 +55 -11 -54 +60   3.0  2128 
50. Pitkanen, Juhani                  FIN ----  -48 =44 +63 -42 -34 +72 =56   3.0  1997 
51. Bashkite, Viktoria                EST 2065  -15 +64 -19 -58 +63 +66 -30   3.0  2105 
52. Lelumees, Brait                   EST 2110  - 9 -58 +64 +69 -27 +55 -32   3.0  2096 
53. Polonski, Vladimir                EST 2149  - 1 +69 -23 +66 -19 +57 -31   3.0  2194 
54. Shlokov,Vitali                    EST ----  -23 +74 -28 -59 +69 +49 -36   3.0  2099 
55. Shelajev,Oleg                     EST ----  -18 +71 -48 -49 +65 -52 +68   3.0  2065 
56. Budylina, Sofia                   EST 2076  - 3 -59 +76 =61 +60 -20 =50   3.0  2070 
57. Metsalu,Tauno                     EST ----  -12 +77 -27 -29 +72 -53 +71   3.0  2081 
58. Nyback, Jukka                     FIN ----  -20 +52 -43 +51 -40 =45 -46   2.5  2048 
59. Sarapik,Kristjan                  EST ----  -16 +56 -41 +54 -29 =62 -45   2.5  2037 
60. Nesterov,Mihhail                  EST ----  =33 -22 +67 -21 -56 +70 -49   2.5  2023 
61. Rosenvald,Helmut                  EST ----  -28 -45 +77 =56 -41 +67 -44   2.5  1997 
62. Vovk, Ilja                        EST 2061  - 8 =70 +75 -33 -44 =59 =66   2.5  2009 
63. Kestlane,Harry                    EST ----  -17 =67 -50 +75 -51 +73 -35   2.5  2001 
64. Shleimovitch,Viktor               EST ----  -35 -51 -52 =73 +75 =68 =69   2.5  1965 
65. Shelajev,Boris                    EST ----  -19 -37 +71 -46 -55 =69 +75   2.5  1959 
66. Vosu,Aare                         EST ----  -26 -14 +78 -53 +77 -51 =62   2.5  2052 
67. Zaplava,Vladimir                  EST ----  -49 =63 -60 +76 -38 -61 +78   2.5  1920 
68. Isakovs,Janis                     LAT ----  =41 -33 +44 -37 -47 =64 -55   2.0  1945 
69. Kartau,Rein                       EST ----  -25 -53 +73 -52 -54 =65 =64   2.0  1925 
70. Knjazev,D                         EST ----  -32 =62 -39 -44 +71 -60 =73   2.0  1895 
71. Zaitsenkov,Aleksei                EST ----  -29 -55 -65 +74 -70 +76 -57   2.0  1866 
72. Logun,Aleksei                     EST ----  -31 -24 +74 -45 -57 -50 +76   2.0  1971 
73. Moltshanov,Ivan                   EST ----  -27 -38 -69 =64 +78 -63 =70   2.0  1872 
74. Makarova, Natalj                  EST ----  -36 -54 -72 -71 -76 +78 +77   2.0  1873 
75. Avtshijev,Edgar                   EST ----  -30 =39 -62 -63 -64 +77 -65   1.5  1821 
76. Loomus,Harri                      EST ----  -40 -46 -56 -67 +74 -71 -72   1.0  1734 
77. Pihlaja,Timo                      SWE ----  -43 -57 -61 +78 -66 -75 -74   1.0  1721 
78. Makarova, Kermen                  EST ----  -21 -42 -66 -77 -73 -74 -67   0.0       

9) 7th Tan Chin Nam Cup

The 7th Tan Chin Nam Cup took place in Shanghai 9th-18th July 2001. Michal Krasenkow, Viktor Bologan and Ye Jiangchuan finished on 5.5/9.

My thanks to Thomas Henrich and Yin Hao.

7th Tan Chin Nam Cup Shanghai CHN (CHN), 9-18 vii 2001cat. XVI (2635)
                                      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1. Krasenkow, Michal     g POL 2573  * = = = 1 1 1 = = 0  5.5  2722 
 2. Bologan, Viktor       g MDA 2655  = * 1 0 0 = 1 1 1 =  5.5  2713 
 3. Ye Jiangchuan         g CHN 2671  = 0 * = = = 1 = 1 1  5.5  2711 
 4. Sokolov, Ivan         g BIH 2659  = 1 = * = = 0 = 0 1  4.5  2632 
 5. Zhang Zhong           g CHN 2632  0 1 = = * = 0 = = 1  4.5  2635 
 6. Xu Jun                g CHN 2655  0 = = = = * = = 1 =  4.5  2633 
 7. Dreev, Alexey         g RUS 2690  0 0 0 1 1 = * = 1 =  4.5  2629 
 8. Peng Xiaomin          g CHN 2648  = 0 = = = = = * = =  4.0  2590 
 9. Tkachiev, Vladislav   g FRA 2642  = 0 0 1 = 0 0 = * 1  3.5  2554 
10. Ni Hua                f CHN 2528  1 = 0 0 0 = = = 0 *  3.0  2522 

10) Zhong Hong Real Estate Cup

Yin Hao reports: The Zhong Hong Real Estate Cup took place Beijing China 20th-30th July 2001. IM Zhang Pengxiang took first place and his final GM norm.

In addition the Tian Lian Ann Cup (A) and (B) event took place 12th-28th July 2001 in Tianjin China. The Category 5, round robin had 12 players. The winners were IM Yu Shaoteng (A) 8.5/11 and IM Wang Rui (B) 7.5/11. No games so far, does anyone have them?

Zhong Hong Real Estate Cup Beijing CHN (CHN), 20-30 vii 2001cat. X (2476)
                                     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1. Zhang Pengxiang     m CHN 2487  * = = 0 = 1 = 1 1 1 1 1  8.0  2650 
 2. Li Shilong          m CHN 2486  = * 1 = = = = 1 1 = = 1  7.5  2608 
 3. Wu Shaobin          g SIN 2535  = 0 * = = = 1 1 = = 1 1  7.0  2572 
 4. Liang Jinrong       g CHN 2510  1 = = * = = = = = = = =  6.0  2509 
 5. Wang Zili           g CHN 2557  = = = = * = = = = = = 1  6.0  2504 
 6. Wu Wenjin           g CHN 2560  0 = = = = * = = = = 1 1  6.0  2504 
 7. Ni Hua              f CHN 2568  = = 0 = = = * = 0 1 1 1  6.0  2503 
 8. Wang Pin           wg CHN 2504  0 0 0 = = = = * 1 1 1 1  6.0  2509 
 9. Liang Chong         m CHN 2556  0 0 = = = = 1 0 * = 1 1  5.5  2468 
10. Datu, Idelfonso     f PHI 2445  0 = = = = = 0 0 = * = =  4.0  2377 
11. Mas, Hafizulhelmi   m MAS 2456  0 = 0 = = 0 0 0 0 = * =  2.5  2267 
12. Xu Yaping             SIN 2050  0 0 0 = 0 0 0 0 0 = = *  1.5  2205 

11) Zonal 3.3

The Chinese Zonals 3.3 for men and women took place in HeiBei, China 16th-29th April 2001. In the men's event Ye Jiangchuan who won and Zhang Zhong who came second qualified for the FIDE Championships. In the women's event Xu Yuhua won with 10.5/13 ahead of Wang Pin on 10 its unclear whether there will be four or five qualifiers. 10 years old Tan Zhongyi came last.

Source of games My thanks to Thomas Henrich who translated the names into English and to Yin Hao who sent me the standings to allow me to check them.

zt3.3 HeiBei CHN (CHN), 16-29 iv 2001                  cat. XII (2541)
                                1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 
 1. Ye Jiangchuan   g CHN 2671  * = = = = = 1 1 = 1 = 1 1 1  9.5  2706 
 2. Zhang Zhong     g CHN 2632  = * 1 1 = 0 = = = = 1 1 1 1  9.0  2675 
 3. Xu Jun          g CHN 2655  = 0 * = = = = = 1 1 1 = 1 1  8.5  2642 
 4. Liang Chong     m CHN 2560  = 0 = * = = = 1 1 = = 1 = 1  8.0  2626 
 5. Liang Jinrong   g CHN 2490  = = = = * = = = = = = 1 = 1  7.5  2602 
 6. Peng Xiaomin    g CHN 2648  = 1 = = = * = = = 0 = = 1 =  7.0  2562 
 7. Yu Shaoteng     m CHN 2502  0 = = = = = * = = = = = = 1  6.5  2544 
 8. Ni Hua          f CHN 2528  0 = = 0 = = = * = 1 = 1 = =  6.5  2542 
 9. Bu Xiangzhi     g CHN 2558  = = 0 0 = = = = * = 1 = 1 =  6.5  2539 
10. Wu Wenjin       g CHN 2570  0 = 0 = = 1 = 0 = * 1 1 = 0  6.0  2510 
11. Wang Zili       g CHN 2580  = 0 0 = = = = = 0 0 * 0 1 1  5.0  2451 
12. Wang Rui        m CHN 2526  0 0 = 0 0 = = 0 = 0 1 * 1 =  4.5  2432 
13. Zhou Weiqi        CHN 2310  0 0 0 = = 0 = = 0 = 0 0 * 1  3.5  2384 
14. Zhao Jun          CHN 2347  0 0 0 0 0 = 0 = = 1 0 = 0 *  3.0  2345 

zt3.3 Women HeiBei CHN (CHN), 16-29 iv 2001              cat. II (2295)
                                1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 
 1. Xu Yuhua      wg CHN 2501  * = 1 = = 1 1 = = 1 1 1 1 1  10.5  2529 
 2. Wang Pin      wg CHN 2504  = * 1 = = 1 = 1 = 1 1 = 1 1  10.0  2489 
 3. Xu Yuanyuan   wf CHN 2436  0 0 * 1 = 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1  8.5  2393 
 4. Zhu Chen      wg CHN 2538  = = 0 * = 1 0 1 1 = 1 0 1 1  8.0  2362 
 5. Gu Xiaobing      CHN 2242  = = = = * 0 1 1 0 = 1 0 1 1  7.5  2355 
 6. Li Ruofan     wm CHN 2278  0 0 1 0 1 * 0 0 1 = 1 1 1 =  7.0  2324 
 7. Huang Qian       CHN 2218  0 = 0 1 0 1 * = 0 1 0 1 = 1  6.5  2300 
 8. Yu Ting          CHN 2175  = 0 0 0 0 1 = * 1 = 0 1 1 1  6.5  2303 
 9. Ruan Lufei       CHN 2199  = = 0 0 1 0 1 0 * = 1 = 0 =  5.5  2245 
10. Gong Qingyun     CHN 2193  0 0 1 = = = 0 = = * = 1 0 =  5.5  2245 
11. Wang Yu       wf CHN 2413  0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 = * 1 1 1  5.5  2228 
12. Zhao Xue      wg CHN 2428  0 = 0 1 1 0 0 0 = 0 0 * 1 1  5.0  2197 
13. Zhou Guijue      CHN ----  0 0 0 0 0 0 = 0 1 1 0 0 * 1  3.5  2142 
14. Tan Zhongyi      CHN ----  0 0 0 0 0 = 0 0 = = 0 0 0 *  1.5  1981 

12) European Juniors and Patras Open

Patras was the venue for the European Junior Championships (under-20). The boys event was won by Zviad Izoria of Georgia with 8/11, Iweta Radziewicz scored 9.5/11 to take the girls title. Alongside this was the 3rd International Open which was won by Stelios Halkias. The events took place 15th-27th July 2001.

Internet coverage at: and

EuChJun Boys Patras GRE (GRE), 16-27 vii 2001
 1. Izoria, Zviad               m  GEO 2486   8.0  24613
 2. Korobov, Anton                 UKR 2470   7.5  24392
 3. Postny, Evgeny              m  ISR 2486   7.5  24381
 4. Buhmann, Rainer                GER 2498   7.5  24331
 5. Dziuba, Marcin              f  POL 2471   7.5  24321
 6. Timofeev, Artyom            f  RUS 2521   7.5  24050
 7. Pert, Nicholas              f  ENG 2475   7.0  24139
 8. Guseinov, Kadir             m  AZE 2456   7.0  23564
 9. Stryjecki, Marek            m  POL 2441   6.5  24675
10. Jirka, Jiri                    CZE 2292   6.5  24014
11. Berkvens, Joost                NED 2444   6.5  23961
12. Kujovic, Michal                SVK 2335   6.5  23940
13. Smirnov, Pavel              m  RUS 2530   6.5  23667
14. Berg, Emanuel               m  SWE 2496   6.0  24140
15. Flumbort, Andras               HUN 2372   6.0  24076
16. Mastrovasilis, Dimitrios       GRE 2435   6.0  23837
17. Lupulescu, Constantin          ROM 2465   6.0  23759
18. Lazar, Ales ml                 SLO 2259   5.5  23505
19. Kuemin, Simon               f  SUI 2313   5.5  23447
20. Pilaj, Herwig               f  AUT 2297   5.5  23359
21. Le Roux, Jean-Pierre           FRA 2285   5.5  23331
22. Vallin, Guillaume           m  FRA 2359   5.5  23235
23. Castaldo, Folco                ITA 2304   5.5  23181
24. Poliakov, Dmitry               BLR 2267   5.5  23030
25. Tsiamis, Konstantinos          GRE 2217   5.5  23023
26. Mladenov, Svetlin              BUL 2306   5.5  23006
27. Atakisi, Umut               f  TUR 2302   5.5  22238
28. Verkasalo, Tommi               FIN 2037   5.5  22153
29. Ginzburg, Mikhail              BLR 2274   5.0  23782
30. Pert, Richard G             f  ENG 2245   5.0  23472
31. Zvan, Ziga                     SLO 2168   5.0  22303
32. Haznedaroglu, Kivanc           TUR 2345   4.5  23646
33. Paljusaj, Edmond               CRO 2230   4.5  22882
34. Gengler, Pierre                LUX 2023   4.5  22301
35. Kafka, Graeme                  SCO 2104   4.5  22149
36. Zournatsidis, Evgenios         GRE 2098   4.5  21768
37. Georgiou, Kostantinos          GRE 2142   4.0  22334
38. Divaris, Kimon                 GRE 2240   3.5  22388
39. Hahabis,Nikolaos               GRE ----   3.5  22063
40. Guidarelli, Laurent         f  FRA 2323   3.5  21423
41. Giannakoulopoulos,Spyridon     GRE ----   2.5  21962
42. Polyviou,Polyvios              CYP ----   0.0  21441

EuChJun Girls Patras GRE (GRE), 16-27 vii 2001
 1. Radziewicz, Iweta      wg POL 2375 9.5  22464 
 2. Javakhishvili, Lela    wm GEO 2293 9.0  22375 
 3. Zakurdjaeva, Irina        RUS 2264 8.5  22593 
 4. Matnadze, Ana          wm GEO 2327 8.5  22160 
 5. Motoc, Alina           wf ROM 2226 6.5  22133 
 6. Matras, Agnieszka      wm POL 2218 6.0  22366 
 7. Karlovich, Anastazia   wm UKR 2295 6.0  22128 
 8. Sebag, Marie           wm FRA 2312 6.0  21785 
 9. Sperdokli, Elli           GRE 2141 6.0  21552 
10. Shtereva, Slabeja         BUL 2100 6.0  21220 
11. Richards, Heather      wf ENG 2230 5.5  22269 
12. Srebrnic, Ana          wf SLO 2176 5.5  22175 
13. Makka, Ioulia             GRE 2123 5.5  22128 
14. Kaps, Darja            wf SLO 2221 5.5  21376 
15. Wortel, Meike             NED ---- 5.5  21215 
16. Kovalevskaya, Natalia     BLR 2152 5.5  21152 
17. Hodova,Lucie              CZE ---- 5.0  21954 
18. Mietzner, Tina            GER 2093 5.0  21553 
19. Kieran, Rosalind       wf ENG 2083 5.0  21312 
20. Machalova, Veronika       SVK 2117 4.5  21165 
21. Klipper, Rebecca          FRA 2046 4.5  20994 
22. Krumina,Linda             LAT ---- 4.5  20905 
23. Yildiz, Betul             TUR 2061 3.5  20762 
24. Gizem,Acar                TUR ---- 3.0  20900 
25. Toubeli,Zoi               GRE ---- 2.0  20762 
26. Fantin, Alison            FRA ---- 2.0  20628 
27. Szabo, Virag              HUN 2013 0.0    0 

3rd Open Patras GRE (GRE), 18-26 vii 2001
  1. Halkias, Stelios            m  GRE 2505  7.5  52.5  44.00  37.5  2505 2602 +0.93
  2. Istratescu, Andrei          g  ROM 2598  7.0  57.5  43.75  38.0  2598 2606 +0.07
  3. Kotronias, Vasilios         g  CYP 2528  7.0  54.5  41.50  37.0  2528 2590 +0.61
  4. Krakops, Maris              g  LAT 2509  7.0  51.5  38.75  36.5  2519 2561 +0.43
  5. Gelashvili, Tamaz           g  GEO 2506  6.5  54.5  36.75  38.5  2506 2546 +0.47
  6. Bagaturov, Giorgi           g  GEO 2489  6.5  54.0  37.50  36.5  2489 2518 +0.38
  7. Rychagov, Andrey            m  RUS 2505  6.5  53.5  37.00  37.5  2505 2526 +0.29
  8. Genov, Petar                m  BUL 2473  6.5  53.0  35.75  35.5  2473 2461 -0.07
  9. Ovsejevitsch, Sergei        g  UKR 2529  6.5  52.5  37.50  34.5  2529 2494 -0.34
 10. Barsov, Alexei              g  UZB 2495  6.5  51.5  34.00  35.0  2495 2494 +0.02
 11. Potapov, Alexander1         m  RUS 2505  6.5  50.5  35.75  34.0  2505 2416 -0.79
 12. Marjanovic, Slavoljub       g  YUG 2485  6.5  50.0  33.75  36.0  2485 2469 -0.16
 13. Banikas, Hristos            g  GRE 2531  6.5  49.0  34.00  33.5  2531 2445 -0.79
 14. Velimirovic, Dragoljub      g  YUG 2507  6.5  49.0  33.75  34.5  2507 2437 -0.70
 15. Mastrovasilis, Athanasios   m  GRE 2441  6.5  49.0  33.25  32.5  2441 2407 -0.34
 16. Svetushkin, Dmitry          m  MDA 2461  6.5  48.5  32.25  32.5  2461 2365 -0.88
 17. Miladinovic, Igor           g  GRE 2496  6.0  51.5  32.25  35.0  2496 2445 -0.57
 18. Nikolaidis, Ioannis         g  GRE 2531  6.0  50.5  31.75  34.0  2531 2441 -0.93
 19. Khurtsidze, Nino            m  GEO 2446  6.0  50.0  30.50  34.0  2446 2415 -0.39
 20. Frhat, Ali                     EGY 2289  6.0  49.5  30.50  32.0  2289 2307 +0.15
 21. Nikolaidis, Konstantinos    f  GRE 2354  6.0  49.0  29.75  34.0  2354 2358 +0.06
 22. Tzermiadianos, Andreas      m  GRE 2446  6.0  49.0  29.50  32.0  2446 2342 -1.11
 23. Hadzimanolis, Antonios         GRE 2281  6.0  48.5  28.50  31.0  2281 2212 -0.75
 24. Managadze, Nikoloz          m  GEO 2420  6.0  48.0  28.25  32.5  2420 2365 -0.66
 25. Khetsuriani, Besarion       f  GEO 2415  6.0  48.0  28.00  31.5  2415 2267 -1.47
 26. Makropoulou, Marina         wg GRE 2313  6.0  47.0  28.25  30.5  2313 2295 -0.21
 27. Shavtvaladze, Nikoloz          GEO 2360  6.0  47.0  28.00  32.5  2360 2356 -0.03
 28. Yasin, Hur                     TUR 2218  6.0  45.0  27.50  29.0  2218 2155 -0.66
 29. Stoumbos, Konstantinos         GRE 2217  6.0  44.5  28.25  27.0  2217 2001 -1.88
 30. Valden, Petros                 GRE 2096  6.0  41.0  23.75  27.5  2096 2142 +0.51
 31. Zagrebelny, Sergey          g  UZB 2466  5.5  53.5  31.25  32.5  2466 2345 -1.34
145 players

13) Dortmund Open 2001

As reported last week the "Dortmund Sparkassen Chess Meeting 2001" took place July 12th-22nd 2001. Alongside the GM event was the Sparkassen Open which was won by Zoltan Varga. Sadly no games available.

Coverage: and

Final Standings after 11 rounds:
 1.      Varga,Zoltan              GM  2518 HUN 8.5   75.5
 2.      Lobzhanidze, Davit        IM  2501 GEO 8.0   79.0
 3.      Mikhalchishin,Adrian      GM  2518 SLO 8.0   72.5
 4.      Scholz,Christian              2399 GER 8.0   72.0
 5.      Prasad, Devaki V          IM  2440 IND 8.0   72.0
 6.      Epishin, Vladimir         GM  2583 RUS 7.5   78.5
 7.      Henrichs,Thomas           IM  2446 GER 7.5   73.5
 8.      Döttling,Fabian           IM  2510 GER 7.5   70.5
 9.      Kunte, Abhijit            GM  2547 IND 7.5   69.5
 10.     Balogh, Csaba                 2347 HUN 7.5   69.0
 11.     Orlov,Andrei                  2374 RUS 7.5   67.5
 12.     Meins,Gerlef              IM  2415 GER 7.5   66.5
 13.     Eismont,Igor                  2238 GER 7.5   66.5
 14.     Konguvel, Ponnuswamy      IM  2371 IND 7.5   60.0
 15.     Saltaev, Mihail           GM  2510 UZB 7.0   77.0
 16.     Belikov, Vladimir         GM  2508 RUS 7.0   73.0
 17.     Michalczak,Thomas         FM  2232 GER 7.0   72.0
 18.     Rigo, Janos               IM  2346 HUN 7.0   69.0
 19.     Schebler,Gerhard          IM  2485 GER 7.0   67.5
 20.     Schippan,Bernd                2183     7.0   63.5
 21.     Caoili,Arianne           WFM  2152 PHI 7.0   60.5
114 players

14) Emanuel Lasker Memorial

The 2001 Emanuel Lasker Memorial was played in Barlinek 19th-29th July 2001. The tournaments were very small, with only 16 players in open A and 34 in open B. Stanislav Voitsekhovsky, Michael Krasenkow and Evgeny Gleizerov finished on 7.5/10 in the main event. My thanks to Przemek Jahr (

Lasker Mem Open Barlinek CZE (CZE), 19-29 vii 2001
 1. Voitsekhovsky, Stanislav  g  RUS 2476  7.5  2646 
 2. Krasenkow, Michal         g  POL 2573  7.5  2630 
 3. Gleizerov, Evgeny         g  RUS 2587  7.5  2621 
 4. Borovikov, Vladislav      m  UKR 2593  7.0  2584 
 5. Ulibin, Mikhail           g  RUS 2583  7.0  2585 
 6. Schmidt, Wlodzimierz      g  POL 2438  7.0  2572 
 7. Mikhaletz, Lubomir        g  UKR 2485  5.0  2413 
 8. Babaev, Rashad               AZE 2361  5.0  2394 
 9. Abbasov, Farid            m  AZE 2426  4.5  2390 
10. Dworakowska, Joanna       wg POL 2350  4.0  2358 
11. Zielinska, Marta          wg POL 2399  4.0  2337 
12. Szczechowicz, Bartosz        POL 2298  4.0  2319 
13. Bator, Robert             m  SWE 2403  4.0  2313 
14. Shilov, Sergej            f  UKR 2291  2.5  2201 
15. Zschaebitz, Klaus         f  GER 2176  2.0  2160 
16. Dobrowolski, Aleksander      POL 2222  1.5  2105 

15) Heart of Finland Open

The Heart of Finland Open took place in Jyvaskyla, July 18th-22nd 2001. 9 grandmasters participated. Mihail Rytshagov of Estonia took clear first place with 7.5/9. Games now available my thanks to Sami Hämäläinen.

Internet coverage:

Heart of Finland Open Jyvaskyla, July 18th-22nd 2001
  1. Rytshagov Mihail      GM EST  7.5   52.0   41.50
  2. Seeman Tarvo          IM EST  7.0   53.0   41.00
  3. Novik Maxim           IM RUS  7.0   52.5   41.00
  4. Kveinys Aloyzas       GM LTU  7.0   52.0   40.50
  5. Ernst Thomas          GM SWE  7.0   51.0   40.00
  6. Solozhenkin Evgeniy   GM RUS  7.0   49.5   39.00
  7. Kengis Edvins         GM LAT  7.0   49.0   38.00
  8. Nyback Tomi              HSK  6.5   55.5   43.50
  9. Tella Jussi           IM FIN  6.5   54.0   42.50
 10. Yrjola Jouni          GM FIN  6.5   52.0   40.00
 11. Kochyev Alexander     GM RUS  6.5   51.0   40.50
 12. Fieandt John             FIN  6.5   50.5   40.00
 13. Lehtivaara Petri      FM FIN  6.5   49.5   38.50
 14. Kekki Petri           FM FIN  6.5   48.5   38.00
 15. Sorsa Nuutti             FIN  6.5   48.0   37.00
 16. Lehtinen Heikki       FM FIN  6.5   45.5   36.00
 17. Miezis Normunds       GM LAT  6.0   52.0   40.50
 18. Agopov Mikael         IM FIN  6.0   50.5   39.50
 19. Rantanen Yrjo         GM FIN  6.0   50.0   39.00
 20. Paasikangas-Tella J  WIM FIN  6.0   49.5   38.00
 21. Hentunen Asko         FM FIN  6.0   48.0   37.50
 22. Paronen Petteri          FIN  6.0   46.0   36.50
 23. Lehmusvaara Esa          FIN  6.0   44.5   35.00
 24. Hintikka Eero            FIN  6.0   42.5   32.50
 25. Natri Antero             FIN  6.0   42.0   33.00
 26. Palmo Pentti             FIN  6.0   41.5   33.00
 173 players

16) Cullera Open

The XXI Cullera tournament (1st International Open) took place in Spain 19th-27th July 2001. 108 players competed in the event which was won by Alexander Delchev with 7.5/9.

Internet coverage:

XXI Open Cullera ESP (ESP), 19-27 vii 2001
 1. Delchev, Aleksander              g  BUL 2629   7.5  50.0  55.00 
 2. Tyomkin, Dimitri                 g  ISR 2461   7.0  48.5  52.50 
 3. Moskalenko, Viktor               g  UKR 2509   7.0  47.5  51.50 
 4. Herrera, Irisberto               g  CUB 2444   7.0  46.5  46.50 
 5. Toledano Llinares, Juan Antonio  m  ESP 2338   7.0  41.5  43.50 
 6. Garcia Fernandez, Carlos         f  ESP 2411   6.5  48.5  53.00 
 7. Camarena Gimenez, Rufino         f  ESP 2328   6.5  45.5  49.00 
 8. Romero Holmes, Alfonso           g  ESP 2455   6.5  45.5  48.50 
 9. Llobel Cortell, Enrique             ESP 2400   6.5  45.0  49.00 
10. Vera, Reynaldo                   g  CUB 2563   6.5  42.5  45.50 
11. Soloviov, Sergei                 m  RUS 2417   6.0  50.0  53.50 
12. Adell Corts, Francisco              ESP 2148   6.0  48.5  51.00 
13. Fenollar Jorda, Manuel              ESP 2228   6.0  44.0  47.00 
14. Amura, Claudia N                 wg ARG 2360   6.0  42.0  42.00 
15. Jorge Bort, Emilio                  ESP 2197   6.0  41.5  44.50 
16. Sanchez Saez, Francisco             ESP 2129   6.0  40.5  44.50 
17. Dolezal, Cristian                f  ARG 2392   6.0  39.5  39.50 
18. Mascarell Garcia,Antonio            ESP ----   6.0  35.0  37.00 
108 players

17) Wilbert Paige Memorial

The Wilbert Paige Memorial International Chess Tournament in Harlem took place 14th-23rd July 2001.Stephen Muhammad won with 6.5/9. I give the games again as there were a couple of corrections to games given last week.

Internet coverage:

Wilbert Paige Mem New York USA (USA), 14-23 vii 2001  cat. IV (2328)
                                      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1. Muhammad, Stephen A   f USA 2307  * = 1 = 0 1 1 1 = 1  6.5  2496 
 2. Schleifer, Michael    m CAN 2369  = * = = 1 0 1 = 1 1  6.0  2448 
 3. Kobese, Watu          m RSA 2373  0 = * = = 1 = 1 1 1  6.0  2447 
 4. Morrison, William     f USA 2381  = = = * = = = 1 = 1  5.5  2402 
 5. Solomon, Kenny        f RSA 2290  1 0 = = * 1 1 0 = =  5.0  2375 
 6. Rogers, Norman          USA 2279  0 1 0 = 0 * 1 1 1 =  5.0  2376 
 7. Simutowe, Amon        m ZAM 2462  0 0 = = 0 0 * 1 1 1  4.0  2270 
 8. Simpson, Ronald       f USA 2296  0 = 0 0 1 0 0 * 1 1  3.5  2251 
 9. Nsubuga, Grace          UGA 2264  = 0 0 = = 0 0 0 * 1  2.5  2169 
10. Colding, Ernest         USA 2258  0 0 0 0 = = 0 0 0 *  1.0  1984 

18) Karvina CZE 2001

The Karvina Open in the Czech Republic took place 30th June -8th July 2001. This was a 9 rounds Swiss 40 moves per 2 hours and one hour to to end for the each player.


Open Karvina CZE (CZE), 30 vi-8 vii 2001
 1. Vokac, Marek            g  CZE 2480    7.0  
 2. Shtyrenkov, Veniamen    g  RUS 2500    7.0  
 3. Hasangatin, Ramil       m  RUS 2463    6.5  
 4. Helis, Tadeusz          f  POL 2231    6.5  
 5. Chetverik, Maxim        f  RUS 2336    6.5  
 6. Berezjuk, Sergej        m  CZE 2379    6.5  
 7. Sarakauskas, Gediminas  m  LTU 2403    6.5  
 8. Haba, Petr              g  CZE 2461    6.5  
 9. Kulhanek, Tomas            CZE 2391    6.5  
10. Sumaneev, Dmitry        m  RUS 2452    6.5  
11. Firt, Stanislav         f  CZE 2322    6.5  
106 players

19) Paris Open Championships

The Paris Open Championships took place 21st-29th July 2001. Christian Bauer won the main Open event.

Internet coverage:

ch-Paris Open Paris FRA (FRA), 21-29 vii 2001
  1. Bauer, Christian             g  FRA 2576  7.5  2621  2631
  2. Shneider, Aleksandr          g  UKR 2493  7.0  2620  2618
  3. Fressinet, Laurent           g  FRA 2606  7.0  2619  2621
  4. Lupu, Mircea-Sergiu          g  FRA 2454  7.0  2603  2601
  5. Miroshnichenko, Evgenij      m  UKR 2539  7.0  2596  2596
  6. Savchenko, Stanislav         g  UKR 2549  7.0  2556  2551
  7. Shchekachev, Andrei          g  RUS 2546  7.0  2548  2542
  8. Timoshenko, Georgy           g  UKR 2554  7.0  2543  2545
  9. Shirazi, Kamran              m  USA 2432  7.0  2538  2537
 10. Kruppa, Yuri                 g  UKR 2552  7.0  2509  2485
 11. Khenkin, Igor                g  GER 2579  7.0  2477  2464
 12. Santo Roman, Marc            g  FRA 2426  7.0  2411  2409
 13. Inkiov, Ventzislav           g  BUL 2470  6.5  2529  2527
 14. Bergez, Luc                  m  FRA 2392  6.5  2514  2508
 15. Payen, Arnaud                m  FRA 2353  6.5  2487  2480
 16. Van de Oudeweeter, Arthur    f  NED 2409  6.5  2479  2472
 17. Okhotnik, Vladimir           m  UKR 2446  6.5  2474  2468
 18. Lukov, Valentin              g  BUL 2469  6.5  2451  2445
 19. Pira, Davoud                 m  FRA 2432  6.5  2377  2360
 20. Chabanon, Jean-Luc           m  FRA 2511  6.5  2375  2338
 21. Szabolcsi, Janos             m  HUN 2418  6.0  2521  2519
 22. Verat, Laurent               f  FRA 2319  6.0  2469  2467
 23. Handke, Florian              m  GER 2384  6.0  2451  2449
 24. Chomet, Pascal               m  FRA 2370  6.0  2446  2444
 25. Castaignet, Laurent             FRA 2143  6.0  2405  2403
 26. Kuzmin, Gennadi P            g  UKR 2542  6.0  2397  2379
 27. Touzane, Olivier             m  FRA 2382  6.0  2381  2379
 28. Calistri, Tristan               FRA 2305  6.0  2376  2375
 29. Murey, Jacob                 g  ISR 2480  6.0  2374  2367
 30. Grimberg, Gilbert            f  FRA 2300  6.0  2351  2349
 31. Valuet, Bertrand                FRA 2269  6.0  2348  2346
 32. Leroy, Didier                   FRA 2377  6.0  2327  2325
 33. Lamoureux, Charles           m  FRA 2369  6.0  2325  2323
 34. Coursaget, Nicolas              FRA 2236  6.0  2296  2294
 35. Chinchilla, Eugenio          f  CRC 2298  6.0  2295  2293
 36. Lepan, Marvin                   FRA 2184  6.0  2273  2270
228 players

20) Canadian Open

Hugh Brodie reports: The 2001 Canadian Open was held in the small (pop. 5,000) university town (Mount Allison University) of Sackville, New Brunswick. The two participating GM's - Larry Christiansen (USA), and Anthony Miles (ENG) - dominated the event - both finishing with 9/10 - 1.5 points ahead of the field (169 players). Among the group of five players tied for third (7.5/10), was 14 year old Mark Bluvshtein of Toronto - the only non-titled player in this score group.

Complete crosstable at:

Canadian Open Sackville CAN (CAN), 7-15 vii 2001
 1. Christiansen, Larry M  g  USA 2570  9.0
 2. Miles, Anthony J       g  ENG 2565  9.0
 3. Cummings, David H      m  CAN 2369  7.5
 4. O'Donnell, Tom         m  CAN 2357  7.5
 5. Ochkoos, Jura             CAN 2285  7.5
 6. Gaspariants, Vladimir  f  RUS 2305  7.5
 7. Bluvshtein, Mark          CAN 2303  7.5
 8. Mulyar, Michael A      f  USA 2430  7.0
 9. Kirby,Patrick             CAN ----  7.0
10. Mayo, Alvah               CAN 2103  7.0
11. Saunders,Stephen          CAN ----  7.0
169 players

21) Geller Memorial Odessa

Vitaliy Zaichuk reports: The Geller Memorial in Odessa took place 3rd-13th July 2001. There were no IM norms in this first in what is hoped to be many memorials.

Geller Mem Odessa UKR (UKR), 3-13 vii 2001                  cat. IV (2331)
                                        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1. Sumets, Andrey         m UKR 2438  * = 1 0 = 1 1 1 1 = 1 1  8.5  2531 
 2. Kasparov, Sergey       m BLR 2494  = * 1 = = 0 1 1 = 1 1 1  8.0  2490 
 3. Fingerov, Dmitry       m UKR 2407  0 0 * 1 1 = = 1 = 1 1 1  7.5  2456 
 4. Eryomenko, Volodymyr     UKR 2151  1 = 0 * 0 1 1 = 1 1 0 1  7.0  2448 
 5. Shevchenko, Sergey     m UKR 2425  = = 0 1 * 0 1 = 1 = 1 1  7.0  2423 
 6. Zakharchenko, Arnold   m UKR 2399  0 1 = 0 1 * = 0 = 1 1 1  6.5  2389 
 7. Tishin, D              m UKR 2362  0 0 = 0 0 = * 1 1 1 1 =  5.5  2327 
 8. Gorbunov,Igor            RUS ----  0 0 0 = = 1 0 * 1 1 0 1  5.0  2324 
 9. Petrenko, Svetlana    wm MDA 2357  0 = = 0 0 = 0 0 * = 1 1  4.0  2226 
10. Rabin, V               m RUS 2224  = 0 0 0 = 0 0 0 = * 1 =  3.0  2165 
11. Shteinberg, Boris      m RUS 2288  0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 * 0  2.0  2072 
12. Trimbashevskij, Igor   m UKR 2421  0 0 0 0 0 0 = 0 0 = 1 *  2.0  2060 

22) Sao Paulo Pre-Continental

Herman Claudius van Riemsdijk reports: On Saturday and Sunday (July 28th and 29th 2001) an interesting tournament was held in the Sao Paulo Chess Club (99 years old last June 12th). Five invited players and one qualified (Santos) played a double Round Robin with games of 25' each with an additional 10'' per move. There were three important prizes (all about US$ 1.600,00) which allowed the prize winners to cover all expenses for the American Continental Tournament in Cali, Colombia (August 9 until 20). The sponsor was Itaú Bank. IA Marius van Riemsdijk was chief arbiter and myself the tournament director.

Crosstable, photos, all games and more details, at HiperChess:

Pre-Continental g/25,10 Sao Paulo BRA (BRA), 28-29 vii 2001cat. IX (2462)
                                   1  2  3  4  5  6 
1 Leitao, Rafael       g BRA 2571 ** == 1= 11 11 11  8.5  2736
2 Lima, Darcy          g BRA 2543 == ** == 1= 11 11  7.5  2638
3 Sunye Neto, Jaime    g BRA 2558 0= == ** =1 10 10  5.0  2442
4 Matsuura, Everaldo   m BRA 2437 00 0= =0 ** 1= 1=  4.0  2394
5 Pelikian, Jefferson  m BRA 2415 00 00 01 0= ** 11  3.5  2361
6 Santos, M.V.M          BRA 2247 00 00 01 0= 00 **  1.5  2208

23) 5th Hogeschool Zeeland Tournament

The 5th Hogeschool Zeeland Tournament in Vlissingen takes place 28th July - August 4th 2001. Rustam Kasimdzhanov, Loek Van Wely, Jereon Piket, Vladimir Epishin, Oleg Romanishin, Lev Psakhis, V Ikonnikov, Friso Nijboer, and D Lobzhanidze are amongst the players.

Internet coverage:

24) Braingames launch Man-Machine Match

Tuesday, 31st July will see a press conference at the Galleria Suite, Chelsea Village, Fulham Road. London SW6.

The eight game match will take place in Le Royal Meridiene Hotel in Manama, Bahrain, 12th October - 1st November, with the host, Emir Sheikh Hamad Bin Issa al-Khaleifa offering $1 million to Kramnik if he wins, $800,000 if he draws and $600,000 if he loses.

Internet details: and

25) Two Kasparov stories

According to a report on the European Chess Union site Garry Kasparov is to play in a Europe against Asia match. The continental match against Asia is to be held in Batumi (Georgia) September 15th-19th 2001.

The Seattle Chess Foundation has postponed the launch of their Scholastic Initiative with Garry Kasparov by a year. The visit will now take place in September 2002.

Further details:

26) Open Championships of Quebec

The Quebec Open Championships were won by Maxim Turov with 8.5/9. The event took place July 21st-28th 2001. I will round up the games when they are all available.


Final Standings 9 Rounds: 
 1 Turov, Maxim                RUS   2550 8.5     42.5    26.5  51.5    8
 2 Oral, Thomas                CZE   2540 8       41.0    27.0  52.0    7
 3 Rozentalis, Eduardas        LTH   2594 7.5     37.5    27.5  52.5    7
 4 Linskiy, Oleg               CAN   2474 5.5     30.5    27.5  52.5    5
 5 Mikanovic, Goran            CAN   2343 5.5     30.5    25.5  46.5    5
 6 Schleifer, Michael          CAN   2384 5.5     30.0    24.0  49.0    4
 7 Bannon, Eric                CAN   2160 5.5     29.5    25.0  46.0    4
 8 St-Amand, Paul              CAN   2126 5.5     29.5    23.0  41.5    4
 9 Barbeau, Sylvain            CAN   2490 5.5     29.0    26.0  50.5    5
10 Cuartas, Carlos             COL   2360 5.5     27.5    22.0  42.5    3
11 Tessier-Desrosiers, Olivier CAN   2060 5.5     24.5    23.0  38.5    4
12 Sullivan, Neil              CAN   2138 5.5     23.0    21.0  36.0    5
13 Audet-Bouchard, Nicolas     CAN   2069 5.5     21.5    22.0  39.0    4
14 Gaspariants, Vladimir       RUS   2239 5       26.5    24.5  44.0    4
15 Fortier, Marc-André         CAN   2073 5       25.5    23.5  44.5    3
16 Luksza, Arkadiusz           CAN   2241 5       25.0    26.0  48.5    5
17 Grondin, Jean-Philippe      CAN   2217 5       25.0    25.0  47.0    3
18 Hua, Lefong                 CAN   2305 5       24.5    22.5  40.5    3
19 Lawson, Eric                CAN   2122 5       23.5    23.0  40.0    3
20 Masse, Hugues               CAN   2144 5       23.5    21.5  37.0    4
50 players

27) World Open

The 29th World Open took place in Philadelphia June 30th - July 8th 2001. The winner was Alexander Goldin after a playoff. Smirin, Shulman, Benjamin, Onischuk, Goldin, Ivanov, and Yudasin all finished on 7 points after 9 rounds. Games from all 9 rounds are now available.

Internet coverage:

29th World Open Philadelphia USA (USA), 30 vi-8 vii 2001
  1. Smirin, Ilia              g  ISR 2702 7 
  2. Onischuk, Alexander       g  UKR 2658 7  
  3. Yudasin, Leonid           g  ISR 2562 7  
  4. Goldin, Alexander         g  ISR 2599 7  
  5. Shulman, Yuri             g  BLR 2551 7  
  6. Benjamin, Joel            g  USA 2581 7  
  7. Ivanov, Alexander         g  USA 2582 7  
  8. Hodgson, Julian M.        g  ENG 2581 6½
  9. Stripunsky, Alexander     g  USA 2497 6½ 
 10. Chernin, Alexander        g  HUN 2601 6½
 11. Finegold, Benjamin        m  USA 2511 6½ 
 12. Gruenfeld, Yehuda         g  ISR 2520 6½ 
 13. Fedorowicz, John P        g  USA 2525 6½ 
 14. Blatny, Pavel             g  CZE 2478 6½
 15. Doettling, Fabian         m  GER 2509 6½ 
 16. Zaichik, Gennadi          g  GEO 2504 6½ 
 17. Vovsha, Eli                  ISR 2371 6½ 
 18. Kriventsov, Stanislav G   f  USA 2350 6½ 
 19. Tate, Emory               f  USA 2377 6½
 20. Rogers, Norman               USA 2272 6½ 
 21. Wojtkiewicz, Aleksander   g  POL 2576 6  
 22. Lesiege, Alexandre        g  CAN 2564 6  
 23. Ashley, Maurice           g  USA 2484 6  
 24. Garcia, Gildardo          g  COL 2490 6  
 25. Perelshteyn, Eugene       m  USA 2436 6  
 26. Gaprindashvili, Valerian  m  GEO 2486 6  
 27. Bonin, Jay R              m  USA 2381 6  
 28. Young, Angelo             m  PHI 2420 6 
 29. Solomon, Kenneth          f  RSA 2290 6  
 30. Chiong, Luis R                   ---- 6 
 31. Ariel, Donny              f  USA 2354 6  
 32. Gonzales, Jayson             PHI 2396 6  
 33. Palos, Osman              m  BIH 2339 6 
 34. Smith, Bryan G            f  USA 2308 6  
 35. Shahade, Jennifer         wm USA 2257 6  
 36. Alvarado, Nelson                 ---- 6  
228 players 

28) Lebanese Chess Championships

The Lebanese Chess Championships take place 24th June to 2nd August. They are using a knock-out format.

Full coverage:

29) Morrocan Championships

The Morrocan Championships took place in Rabat (I think) July 17th-26th July 2001.

35 players competed in the 9 round Swiss System event. It was a little tricky to sort out the names of the players from the files and the round 4 games were missing.

Internet coverage:

Final Standings (round 9)
No.  PNo.  Name                 Score WP    SB     PS    rat.  W-We
 1.  Hamdouchi Hicham            7.5  48.0  39.50  34.0  2533  -1.26
 2.  El Adnani Mokhliss          6.5  48.0  31.50  36.5  2195  +0.64
     Fareh Youness               6.5  53.0  33.50  35.5  0000  +1.50
 4.  Tissir Mohamed              6.0  51.0  32.00  33.5  2384  -1.14
     Kamouss Ali                 6.0  48.0  30.75  31.5  2090  +1.68
     Sebbar Ali                  6.0  46.5  28.25  29.0  2150  +0.80
     Akhrouf Lissan Eddine       6.0  35.0  19.50  25.0  1820  +1.20
 8.  Chorfi Khalid               5.5  50.5  29.50  32.0  2191  +0.23
     Zerkik Abdessalam           5.5  39.5  21.75  26.0  1910  +1.54
10.  Bentafrit Samir             5.0  46.0  24.00  28.0  2300  -1.88
     El Ammari Khalid            5.0  47.0  22.25  27.5  1900  +2.40
     Mounib Abdelaziz            5.0  39.5  17.50  27.0  2040  -1.76
     Hifad Rachid                5.0  40.0  20.75  23.5  0000  +0.50
14.  Ben Yahya Aarabi            4.5  45.0  18.25  26.5  1950  +0.22
     Slami Zoheir                4.5  39.5  17.75  24.5  2100  -2.68
     Chaoui Khalid               4.5  45.0  20.75  23.5  2000  +0.51
     Aakel Said                  4.5  41.0  17.00  22.5  1840  +0.56
     Chehboune Mohamed           4.5  40.0  17.25  20.5  1800  +0.94
     Ben Ammor Akram             4.5  36.0  17.00  19.5  1750  +1.48
20.  Nassim Essabah Rahal        4.0  41.0  14.50  22.5  1750  +1.17
     Laaroussi Abdellah          4.0  34.0  12.50  19.0  1770  +0.16
     Faouzi Abdelatif            4.0  32.5  13.00  18.5  1980  -2.24
     Bridila Mohamed             4.0  33.5  10.25  17.0  1730  -0.84
24.  El Kouch Ahmed              3.5  41.5  14.25  19.5  1640  +2.15
     Mabrouk Aissam              3.5  40.0  11.75  17.0  1760  -0.40
     Aassim Abdelhadi            3.5  36.0  11.50  16.5  0000   1663
     Bougayou Rachid             3.5  32.5  10.25  16.5  0000   1598
     Kerkazi Aziz                3.5  32.5   8.75  11.0  1600  -0.36
29.  El Hamdaoui Mustapha        3.0  38.0  10.75  17.5  0000   1636
30.  El Aamarti Mohamed Youssef  2.5  33.5   8.25  12.5  0000   1616
     Maa El Ainin Mustapha       2.5  31.5   3.75   9.5  1175  -0.10
32.  Aribi Taoufik               2.0  33.0   4.00  11.5  0000   1310
33.  Bennis Zakaria              1.5  44.5  24.25  13.0  2285  -0.38
     Zekraoui Lhoucine           1.5  41.5  22.25  12.5  1880  +0.00
35.  El Idrissi Chafiq           1.0  33.5  12.50   7.0  2167  -2.11

30) Seixal Xadrez 2001

Rui Rodrigues reports: The first International Open "Seixal Xadrez 2001" took place 21st-22nd July 2001. More than 220 players participated in the event. The Bulgarian GM Vladimir Georgiev was the champion, thanks to the better tie-break than Diogo Fernando both scored 8/9. Karpov was the host of this event. He played two simultaneous exhibitions one against the Portuguese team and one with a group of Portuguese young talents.

Internet coverage:

Seixal Xadrez 2001
 1. Vladimir Georgiev     GM  8.0  58.0  8.00
 2. Diogo Fernando        FM  8.0  58.0  8.00
 3. Branko Damljanovic    GM  7.5  58.5  7.00
 4. Jose Pinheiro         FM  7.5  52.5  7.00
 5. Antonio Fernandes     IM  7.5  52.0  7.00
 6. Rex Blalock               7.5  52.0  7.00
 7. Rui Damaso            IM  7.5  51.0  7.00
 8. Dragan Paunovic       IM  7.0  52.5  6.00
 9. Aleksa Strikovic      GM  7.0  51.5  6.00
10. Vladimiro Pina            7.0  50.5  7.00
11. Victor Ylianovsky         7.0  50.5  7.00
12. Sergio Rocha          IM  7.0  50.5  6.00
13. Carlos P Santos       IM  7.0  50.0  6.00
14. Aleksandar H. Wohl    IM  7.0  48.0  7.00
15. Paulo Lima                7.0  47.5  7.00
16. Jorge Costa               7.0  46.5  7.00
17. Jose Andrade              7.0  45.5  7.00
18. Fernando Ribeiro      FM  7.0  45.5  7.00
281 players

31) Novosibirsk Open

The Novosibirsk Capital of Siberia 2001 open took place July 18th-29th 2001. Andrei Belozerov won with 9/11. Only a few games are available so I will wait to see if there are more.

Further details:

Finals Standings (Round 11)
 1. Belozerov, Andrei     9.0  79.0  63.00  60.0  2507  2613  +1.19  
 2. Bocharov, Dmitry      8.5  77.0  55.75  53.0  2385  2538  +2.12  
    Shushpanov, R         8.5  74.5  55.50  53.0  2436  2525  +1.13  
    Katalymov, Boris N    8.5  72.5  55.25  46.5  2424  2460  +0.47  
 5. Erikalov, A           8.0  78.5  55.25  49.5  2451  2487  +0.41  
    Abashev, Denis        8.0  78.0  53.75  51.5  2395  2480  +1.18  
    Frolov, Denis         8.0  75.5  54.25  47.5  2446  2476  +0.30  
 8. Pak Kil En            7.5  75.0  48.50  47.0  2213  2474  +3.50  
    Permiakov,Vladimir    7.5  74.5  47.50  47.5  2345  2411  +1.01  
    Isanbaev, Ramil       7.5  73.5  46.50  49.0  2362  2406  +0.68  
    Degterev, Alexander   7.5  67.5  42.50  45.0  2328  2348  +0.30  
12. Akselrod, Vladislav   7.0  79.0  43.50  51.0  2415  2379  -0.50  
    Grachev, Jury         7.0  75.5  44.00  46.0  2380  2358  -0.37  
    Chigvintsev, Andrei   7.0  74.0  45.75  44.5  2414  2306  -1.47  
    Fatkhutdinov, Gafija  7.0  73.0  41.00  48.0  2204  2398  +2.30  
    Solodovnikov, Mikhail 7.0  72.0  43.75  46.0  2189  2427  +2.89  
    Zarezenko, Ilya       7.0  71.5  42.75  42.0  2241  2364  +1.49  
    Yudin, Sergei         7.0  71.0  41.25  46.0  2288  2372  +1.20  
    Yakunin, Alexey       7.0  70.5  39.50  44.0  2353  2357  +0.10  
    Maletin, Pavel        7.0  70.5  40.75  43.5  2254  2358  +1.22  
    Kuznetsov, Yakov      7.0  70.0  42.00  42.0  2254  2237  -0.15  
    Bibko, Ivan           7.0  69.0  39.00  42.0  2208  2362  +1.85  
    Arestanov, T          7.0  68.5  38.00  46.0  2257  2306  +0.56  
    Kopilov, Alexander    7.0  68.0  40.75  43.0  2382  2323  -0.70  

32) Pan American Juniors

There is a correction to the standings and games from the Girls section. The player who finished third was Rocio Vasquez Ramirez.

Am Junior Girls Yucay PER (PER), 7-16 vii 2001
 1. Sanchez Castillo, Sarai     VEN 2108 7.5  41.0
 2. Moncayo Romero, Evelyn   wf ECU 2220 6.5  31.5
 3. Vasquez Ramirez, Rocio   wm ECU 2231 6.5  30.0
 4. Calle, Miryam               PER 2125 6.0  28.0
 5. Zapata, Karen            wm PER 2023 5.5  26.0
 6. Nejanky,Maisa               ARG ---- 5.5  25.0
 7. Morales,Luciana             PER ---- 5.0  29.0
 8. Meza, Anahi                 ARG 2154 5.0  26.0
 9. Esplana,Estefany            PER ---- 5.0  18.0
10. Castaneda,Katiushka         VEN ---- 4.5  25.0
11. Farhat, Barbara Souza       BRA 2095 4.5  23.0
12. Farhat, Stella de Souza     BRA 2053 4.5  20.0
13. Delai, Paula             wf BRA 2024 4.0  22.0
14. Valverde, Tatiana           PER ---- 4.0  21.5
15. Elichiguerra,Melisa         VEN ---- 3.0  15.5
16. Garcia,Victoria             PER ---- 2.5  15.0
17. Sandoval,Claudia            BOL ---- 1.5   8.5

33) Professional World Chess Ranking

The Professional World Chess Ranking for August 1st for players rated 2500 and higher has been released. Produced by Ken Thomson, New Jersey and calculated by Vladimir Dvorkovich, Moscow.

NN Name                    Birthday    NAT  Rat  Var 
 1 Kasparov,Garry          13.04.1963  RUS  2798 122 
 2 Kramnik,Vladimir        25.06.1975  RUS  2793 128 
 3 Anand,Viswanathan       11.12.1969  IND  2732 136 
 4 Topalov,Veselin         15.03.1975  BUL  2706 169 
 5 Leko,Peter              08.09.1979  HUN  2699 106 
 6 Morozevich,Alexander    18.07.1977  RUS  2699 203 
 7 Ivanchuk,Vassily        18.03.1969  UKR  2692 149 
 8 Gelfand,Boris           24.06.1968  ISR  2679 136 
 9 Khalifman,Alexander     18.01.1966  RUS  2671 137 
10 Adams,Michael           17.11.1971  ENG  2670 150 
11 Bareev,Evgeny           21.11.1966  RUS  2659 159 
12 Shirov,Alexei           04.07.1972  ESP  2656 171 
13 Ponomariov,Ruslan       11.10.1983  UKR  2652 160 
14 Svidler,Peter           17.06.1976  RUS  2646 162 
15 Kasimdzhanov,Rustam     05.12.1979  UZB  2637 164 
16 Smirin,Ilia             21.01.1968  ISR  2637 170 
17 Van Wely,Loek           07.10.1972  NED  2636 169 
18 Bacrot,Etienne          22.01.1983  FRA  2634 155 
19 Ye Jiangchuan           20.11.1960  CHN  2634 162 
20 Dreev,Alexey            30.01.1969  RUS  2631 171 
21 Karpov,Anatoli          23.05.1951  RUS  2630 130 
22 Polgar,Judit (GM)       23.07.1976  HUN  2630 172 
23 Grischuk,Alexander      31.10.1983  RUS  2629 167 
24 Georgiev,Kiril          28.11.1965  BUL  2629 186 
25 Azmaiparashvili,Zurab   16.03.1960  GEO  2627 174 
26 Zhang Zhong             05.09.1978  CHN  2620 184 
27 Lautier,Joel            12.04.1973  FRA  2619 154 
28 Short,Nigel D           01.06.1965  ENG  2614 162 
29 Lputian,Smbat G         14.02.1958  ARM  2609 151 
30 Sutovskij,Emil          19.09.1977  ISR  2609 211 
31 Kharlov,Andrei          20.11.1968  RUS  2605 148 
32 Bologan,Viorel          14.12.1971  MDA  2605 196 
33 Hjartarson,Johann       08.02.1963  ISD  2604 176 
34 Onischuk,Alexander      03.09.1975  UKR  2603 136 
35 Akopian,Vladimir        07.12.1971  ARM  2603 166 
36 Lutz,Christopher        24.02.1971  GER  2599 139 
37 Dautov,Rustem           28.11.1965  GER  2596 179 
38 Beliavsky,Alexander G   17.12.1953  SLO  2595 165 
39 Vaganian,Rafael A       15.10.1951  ARM  2594 181 
40 Aleksandrov,Aleksej     11.05.1973  BLR  2593 162 
41 Benjamin,Joel           11.03.1964  USA  2591 174 
42 Sakaev,Konstantin       13.04.1974  RUS  2590 159 
43 Rohde,Michael A         26.08.1959  USA  2588 188 
44 Graf-Nenashev,Alexander 25.08.1962  UZB  2587 185 
45 Nikolic,Predrag         11.09.1960  BIH  2586 151 
46 Tkachiev,Vladislav      09.11.1973  FRA  2584 148 
47 Malakhov,Vladimir       27.11.1980  RUS  2584 176 
48 Nielsen,Peter-Heine     24.05.1973  DEN  2583 182 
49 Tukmakov,Vladimir B     15.03.1946  UKR  2582 156 
50 Novikov,Igor A          23.05.1962  UKR  2581 131 

34) Forthcoming Events and Links

British Rapidplay Championships

The British Rapidplay Chess Championships 2001 take place 20th-21st October 2001 at Bradford City Football Club, Valley Parade, Bradford.

Further details:

13th Cannes Open

The 13th Cannes Open take place 28th July - 5 August 2001.

Internet coverage:

Swiss Chess Tour 2001

The 2nd Chess Summer in Bern

Bern: International Chess Festival for everybody August 4th-12th. Hotel Ambassador (****) Special chess-rate!

The 5 Tornaments: Ambassador Open: August 4th-12th 2001. Open to all, 9 rounds, Swiss system. Time control: 2 hours for 40 moves + one hour to complete the game.

Prizes: 2.000/1.500/1.000/800/600/500/400/300/2x250/5x200 SF. Entry fee: 140 SF (juniors+FM 70 SF); GM, IM free.

Summernights Open: August 5th –11th 2001. Open to all, 7 rounds, Swiss System. Time control 30 moves for 1.30 hours + 30 minutes until the end. Games start from 18.00-22.00 each days. Prizes: 1.000/800/600/500/400/300/4x200 SF: Entry fee: 110 SF (juniors+FM 55 SF); GM, IM free.

Junior Open: August 5th – 11th 2001. Open to junior born 1981 and jounger, till 2000 rating. Rounds 7, Swiss system. Time control: 2 hours for 40 moves + one hour to complite the game. Games start 11.00-17.00 each days.

Senior Open. August 5th – 11th 2001. Open to all born 1941 and before, 7 rounds, Swiss system. Time control: 2 hours for 40 moves + one hour to complite the game. Games start 11.00-17.00 each days.

Blitz tournament: August 4th 2001. start at 13.00 p.m. Time 5 minutes; 11 rounds Swiss system. Entry fee 30 SF (juniors 10 SF)

Playing room with air-conditioning.

More information: Robert Spoerri, Tiergarten 33, CH-3400 Burgdorf, tel: 00/41/34/4240106; Fax: 00/41/34/4240107 E-mail:

Korinthos 2001

5th Korinthos Open will take place 28th July-5th August 2001 in Korinthos.

Further information: Official site

Miercurea Ciuc

The Caissa 2001 tournaments in Miercurea Ciuc (Romania) takes place 20th-30th August and 20th-30th September 2001. There will be chess tournaments for IM, wIGM and wIM norms as well as an ELO event.

Further details:

The organiser is Sandor Biro E-mail : Tel+Fax : (+40)-66-116712

Hasselbacken 2001

The Hasselbacken Open 2001 takes place in Stockholm 28th July - 5th August 2001. There are 3 tournaments: Scandic International Grandmaster Tournament (9 rounds), Scandic International Ladies Tournament (9 rounds) and Hasselbacken Chess Open (7 rounds)

Internet coverage:

1st Asean International Open Chess Championships

The 1st Asean International Open Chess Championships take place 29th July - 5th August, 2001 in Brunei, Darussalam.

Further information

World Junior Chess Championships

144 players from 53 countries (86 boys and 58 girls) confirmed their participation in the 2001 World Junior Chess Championship, August 16-29 in Athens, Greece. This is an increase of over 50% compared with the previous year, when a total of 92 players participated.

A full list of the participants (boys & girls) is available online at

Website for the Championships:

Liepajas Rokade

The Latvian Chess Association, Ltd. "Chess club" and Ltd. and "Baltika" are organising the eighth international chess tournament "Liepaja’s Rocade"

The are organising an 11 round rapidplay (GM event 25 minutes and 1 hour for the open) Supertournament and a seperate 9 round open August 2nd-4th 2001 and a Bliz on August 5th at Liepaja’s Latvian Society House, Rozu square 5/6.

Players in the super-tournament: Alexei Shirov, Alexander Shabalov, Aleksandrs Wojtkiewicz, Aleksandr Khalifman, Ulf Andersson, Jaan Ehlvest, Edvins Kengis, Ututs Adianto, Maxim Dlugy, Darmens Sadvakasovs, Aloyzas Kveinys, and Viktorija Cmilyte. Further details and contact info:

Champions League 2001

The European Club Cup finals take place in 22th-30th SEPTEMBER 2001.

More than 300 chess players, the best in the world, will come to Crete in order to claim the Champions League Title. The Games will be held via Swiss system of 7 rounds and the teams will use 6 players and the right to use two substitutes.

Live coverage:

Corsica Open

The Corsica International Open takes place October 28th-31st 2001. 600 000 F of prices (91 500 euros). For more details (Schedule, prizes, travels) :

Malbork Castle Cup (Poland)

The 4th Malbork Castle Cup (Poland) takes place 8th-9th September 2001.

1st prize 1200 PLN (600DM) for more detailed information (English, German and Polish) see the Internet site:

Tiviakov reports

Sergey Tiviakov's site has his reports on the European Championship in Ohrid (Macedonia) and the Dutch Championships in Leeuwarden.

Bucharest IM

SC Lasker in Bucharest, Romania is organising an IM tournament 5th-19th August 2001. The event will be Category 2 to 4 and have 12-16 players.

Entry fees: <= 2150 400 DM 2151-2200 300 DM 2201-2250 250 DM 2251-2300 200 DM 2301-2400 150 DM >= 2401 100 DM

Accommodation 100-150 DM in private rooms or apartments for all the period of the tournament. Starting date: 5th august 2001. Opening ceremony 14°° in the Chess Club "Sah Astral", Mendeleev street N° 36-38.

Time limits: 40 moves / 2 hours, then 1 hour for 20 moves + 30 minutes KO. The games will be played every day from 1430-2130.

Prizes: declared before the 3rd round.

Address in Bucharest: Romanian Chess Federation, Ion Campineanu street, no. 20, phone: 312.70.56, fax: 312.19.44; Central Chess Club: Otetari Street, no. 2, phone 314.68.13. Organizer: FIDE Master Emil Pessi: O.P. 38-C.P. 80, 72.250 Bucharest-Romania, phone 0040-1-240.07.00; fax: 0040-1-312.19.44 (if contacted he assures the reception of the players). E-mail: or

Organizer FIDE Master Emil Pessi

European Open Rapid and Blitz Championships

EUROPEAN OPEN RAPID AND BLITZ CHAMPIONSHIPS August 28th - September 2nd, 2001, Sopot, Poland

The Championships under the aegis of the European Chess Union will be held from August 28 (day of arrival) till September 2 (day of departure), 2001 in the Sport Hall of the City of Sopot, Poland. City of Sopot is one of the most elegant and most popular Polish seaside resort, situated between the City of Gdañsk and the City of Gdynia. (Airport Gdansk – Rembiechowo).

Tournaments are open for all players rated and unrated from Zones 1.1 to 1.9. The number of players of the federation is not limited. Entrance fee are as follows: The EU Rapid Championship - US$ 20, the EU Blitz Championship – US$ 15.

European Rapid Championship be held August 29-30, 2001 (11 rounds of the Swiss system, rate of play 30 minutes – no additional seconds). Prize fund 30.000 DEM (German Marks) – 20 prizes from 6.000 to 200 DEM.

European Rapid Championship be held August 31 – September 1, 2001 (20 double rounds of the Swiss system, altogether 40 games, rate of play 5 minutes – no additional seconds). Prize fund 20.000 DEM (German Marks) – 20 prizes from 4.000 to 150 DEM.

Most of the hotels (including the breakfast), single and double rooms – from 10 USD to 50 USD per night/ per person.

INFORMATION, APPLICATIONS (until August 15, 2001) and HOTEL RESERVATION (until August 1, 2001) Organizers: Regional Chess Association „Pomorze” under the aegis of the Polish Chess Federation, Office – “Miramar” hotel in Sopot - tel/fax +48 (0) (58) 550-00-11 Mr. Piotr Sobolewski, (Polish and Russian languages) tel. +48 (059) 620-12-48 mobile: (+48) (0) (601) 802-008 Information (German language) Mr. Karl-Heinz Langer tel: 0049-331-2703-900, e-mail: Information (Russian language) Mrs. Svetlana Mednikova tel. (+48)- (0) 609-489-156 e-mail:

All details, application forms and ECU Regulations you can find on (the Polish Chess Federation) and on

Yin Hao+ vs. World Team (The Rematch)

Tom Hendricks reports: On July 5, 2001, Chinese IM Yin Hao (2576) will begin play against the World Team in an Internet correspondence chess game. This will be a rematch of the game they played last year. That game, which began July 5th, 2000 and ended January 18, 2001, was a 44-move struggle ending in a draw. This time colors will be reversed with Yin Hao now being white and the World Team black. As he was in the first game, Yin Hao will be assisted by U.S. correspondence player Richard Fleming (2404). The first game attracted World Team players from Brazil, Canada, England, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland and the United States. Most of these players first came together during the Kasparov vs. The World game held in 1999. The upcoming game is open to anyone who wishes to play and is willing to follow the basic guidelines of the World Team. Players of all skill levels are welcome. General game topics and specific strategy are discussed at a moderated board found at:

Visit the site and review the Game Rules and Move Selection Rules. To participate you must both register with AND click on 'Request Password' at the top of the strategy board page. Registration with is the process of selecting your UserName and Password. When you click on 'Request Password' you will be e-mailed another password that is specific to the strategy board. You will need to enter it only the first time that you post to the board. Those of you who participated in the first game with Yin Hao need not request the board password - it remains the same.

Book prizes and ICC (Internet Chess Club) memberships will be awarded throughout the game to lucky members of the World Team. So come and join the fun. Additional information can be obtained by writing to

Global Chess Computer 2001

There is a match between many strong computers and players on the Internet. More information (english/french)

New web pages

Chlodwig´s Chess Pages Links, downloadable games etc


The official web site of an Iranian chess magazine called Shatrandj has been launched. Its address is: The site is in Persian and English. In addition to introduction of the magazine some chess news about Asian Junior Championship, Asian Individual Men Championship, 5th world Team Championship, Baku Junior Team Tournament and etc besides some special photos of the World Chess Championship 2000 Final are now available.

Ron Banwell Masters

The Ron Banwell Masters, incorporating the Commonwealth Championships will take place 18-27 August. It will be part of the 5th Mind Sports Olympiad (London). It will take place at South Bank University, Faculty of the Built Environment, 202 Wandsworth Road, London SW8 2JZ. Entry is open to anybody from anywhere. It will be free to the first two nominees of each Commonwealth federation. Entry is also free to disabled players. It will be possible to gain international honours in this 10 round Swiss. Further details: Tony Corfe. e mail:

Lostboys 2001

The ninth Lost Boys tournament will be held from Friday August 10th up until Sunday August 19th in Amsterdam. One can subscribe to the tournament by filling in a form on paper (ask Anne-Marie Nuss by email or phone 0031-76-5141114) or this digital form. It is not possible to subscribe in an other way. There is a new playing venue: 'Sporthal De Pijp'. This location offers excellent accommodations.

Further information:

Krkonose Open 2001

The 2nd Krkonose International Open which is part of the Czech Tour 2001/2002 takes place 1st-8th November 2001 in Snezkou, Czech Republic. The 9 round Swiss at a time rate of 40 moves per 2 hours and half an hour for each player to finish the game. Prize fund: altogether 20.000 CZK

Further information

6th International Chess Open San Agustín (under 18)

The José Ramón Memorial takes place in Avilés, 18th to 25th of August 2001. Prizemoney 660,000 pesetas distributed in up to 30 prizes. 1st 100,000 pesetas, 2nd 90,000 pesetas, 3rd 80,000 pesetas etc

Players under 18 years old. Born after January 1st 1983.

Entry fee: 3,000 pesetas, including an invitation to the closing dinner which will take place on August 25th at 22:00 hours.

Further information:

Stork Young Masters

Anjo Anjewierden reports: The Royal Dutch Chess Federation is organising a special Round Robin IM-tournament with 9 rounds, named the Stork Young Masters. The IM tournament is scheduled 6th-11th August 2001 in Hengelo. For the tournament there are still some places left.

Our offer contains the following conditions for the Stork Young Masters: A. IM or GM and FIDE Elo above 2400 Free board and lodging (5 - 11 August) during the tournament and receive a starting money of Dfl. 250,- B. Player with FIDE Elo above 2350 Free board and lodging during the tournament

This offer is valid until June 21st. The players will be informed about being placed in the IM tournament or not soon after June 21st.

Players who are ready to accept our offer, must send their reactions as soon as possible to:

Stichting Caïssa Stork Young Masters group tel: +31 - 74 243 26 46 or +31 - 74 242 12 91 P.O. box 255 fax: +31 - 53 480 00 18 NL - 7550 AG Hengelo e-mail:

Elbow Beach Bermuda

There will be several invitational GM and IM Tournaments in the Five star Elbow Beach Hotel in Bermuda prior to their traditional 5 round Open, 17th January to 4th February 2002. There will also be a nine round GM Open.

Contact Nigel Freeman at or see the site

Korinthos Open

The 5th international open tournament of Korinthos, Greece will be held July 28th-August 5th 2001,with total prizes about 5000 EUROs, first prize 1500 Euros.

Further information

Glyfada Open 2001

3rd International Chess Tournament "Glyfada 2001" that will take place from August 31st-September 8th 2001 in Glyfada, Athens, Greece.

Further information at the new Web site of "Zeno Chess Club" : http:\\

VI Paks Cup

The VI Paks Cup Hungary, GM, IM, and FM tournaments take place 18th-28th August 2001. The GM and IM events are 11 rounds and the FM group is 9 rounds, 7 days and there is no entry fee. Accomodation: 5-11 EURO/day Info: Videki Sandor

Znojmo Open

The Znojmo Open (CZE) 2001 will take place 7th-14th October 2001. Contact: Dr. Jan Mazuch, Festival Director of CZECH OPEN 2001 - CZECH OPEN - International Chess Festival - CZECH TOUR - International Chess Tournaments Series - International Chess Calender -

Bourgogne weekender

There is a weekend tournament in Bourgogne 6th-7th October 2001. 70 000 Frs in prizes. Venue: Grande salle de l’Hexagone 1st blitz tournament - Saturday 6/10 at 14 h 30 10 000 Frs de prix – 1er 3000, 2000, 1000, 800 et prix par cat. élo II

2nd 5th Open International - Sunday 7th October 9h. 9 rondes : 3 x 10 min,2 x 15 min, 4 x 20 min. 60 000 Frs de prix garantis Général : 1er 5500 F, 2ème 4000, 3ème 3000,( 15 prix ) Spécial Féminines :1ère 2000 F, 2ème 1500, 3ème 1000 Tranches élo :0/1500, 1501/1700,1701/1900 et 1901/2100 et 2101 /2300 1er 1200 F, 2ème 900, 3ème 600, 4ème 300 Vétérans : 1er 1000 F, 2ème 600, 3ème 400. Jeunes : 1er 600 F

Contact: M. LOUIS Tél 03 85 82 55 75- Fax 03 85 82 59 96 e.mail : F. THIBAUDET Tél/fax 03 85 82 68 72 –

6th Wichern Open

The 75th Anniversary of the Barmbek Chess Club in Hamburg will see the 6th Wichern Open take place 13th-21st October 2001. Playing venue: Sports Hall of Wichern Schule in Hamburg (same place as in 1999).

Jubilee Open: 9 rounds Swiss, 7 hours of play (2h/40, 1h/20, 30min/rest). No double rounds. Open for all players. Entry fee: without Elo: 150 DM, Elo less than 2200: 100 DM, ELO higher than 2199: 50 DM, GM/IM free. Prizes 2500 DM / 2000 DM / 1500 DM, many more prices planned depending on number of participants.

Barmbek Open: Limited to players with German national rating (DWZ) less than 1800. 9 rounds Swiss, 5 hours of play (2h/40, 30min/rest). Entry fee: 80 DM, juniors: 40 DM. Prizes: 500 DM/300 DM/200 DM.

For further details: email

5th Open International Bavarian Masters

The 5th Open International Bavarian Masters takes place in Bad Wiessee, 27th October - 4th November 2001. Prize-funds: DM 42.000

Details and online-inscription at:

Bergen tournament in Norway

Bergen Chess International 2001 takes place in Bergen 4th-12th August 2001 Further information:

Contact IA Hans Olav Lahlum, at for further information.

III Sants Hostafrancs i La Bordeta International Open

10 round Swiss System open. Venue Barcelona (Spain) 1st-10th September 2001.

Further details:

VII Tatry Open in Slovakia

VII Tatry Open 2001 in Tatranské Zruby 29 September - 6 October 2001.

Further information:


The Municipality of Peristeri in Athens, Greece will organize the 2001 World Junior Chess Championship for boys & girls up to 20 years old.

The games will be played during August 16-29 in the Exhibition Center of Peristeri, Athens. It is the first major FIDE event to be organized in Greece after the 1998 Zonal Tournament 1.5 in Panormo, Crete. It is also the first major chess event which will be organized in Athens, the host city of the 2004 Olympic Games.

The games will be covered through the Internet by Greek Chess Online - the official website.

An official invitation will be soon delivered to all federations.

IM George Mastrokoukos Greek Chess Federation Presidential Board Member

Italian Events including European and World over 60s

21st Chess Festical in Bratto, Italy takes place August 22nd-30th 2001. Full details:

Over 60 events in Italy: The European Championships for over 60s take place in Saint-Vincent, September 15th-23rd 2001 and the World Championships for over 60s take place in Arco (Trento), October 15th-28th Details in "calendario" section of Italian Federation's site:

Summer in Olomouc (Czech Republic)

The traditional chess festival Olomouc Chess Summer 2001, takes place August 1st-9th, 2001. There will be organized several tournaments:

1) GM round robin tournament, category 8-10 FIDE (10-12 players) 2) IM round robin tournament, category 3-4 FIDE (10-12 players) - 2-3 groups 3) FIDE open - 9 rounds, 2/40+1 (August 2-9, 2001)

The second event MLADI OPEN 2001 is a tournament for young players up to age of 20. It will take place on June 24th-28th, 2001 in Olomouc as well. There will be 2 categories:

1) FIDE open 2) national open

1st prize in the FIDE OPEN is free entry to the round-robin IM tournament of category 3-4 FIDE in Olomouc (1.-9.8.2001). Other prizes also. Complete information about both events:

Information about FIDE open in August are also published at Czech Tour series site

VI International Chess Festival in Cesenatico

The VI International Chess Festival in Cesenatico takes place 9th-16th September 2001. Open events etc.

Internet coverage:

Pilsen Open

The 7th International Chess Festival "Festival Schneider Bohemia " Pilsen 2001, takes place 18th-26th August 2001 at the "Strelecky stadion" Pilsen Lobzy (The Czech Republic). The main tournament of this Festival is the International Open Czech Championship. (1st prize 20 000 CZK, sum of prizes 81 000 CZK). For detailed information look at

International Championships of Slovakia

International Championships of Slovakia 2001, which will be hold as tournament A of Presov Chess Festival 2001: Presov Chess Festival 11.8 - 19.8.2001 (9 rounds) A) International Championship of Slovakia 2001 (OPEN) - 1st prize 30 000 Sk (about 1500 DEM) - total prize fund 114 000 Sk (about 5500 DEM) B) National Open - 1st prize 7 000 Sk (about 350 DEM) - total prize fund 31 000 Sk (about 1500 DEM) Venue: Presov, SPS Strojnicka school (next to hotel Saris) Accomodation: College of SPS Strojnicka - 2-beds room 10 DEM / person / night - 1-bed room 13 DEM / person / night Boarding: SPS Strojnicka 10 DEM per day Registration deadline 15.7.2001 Further information:

Weihnachts-Open 2001

The Weihnachts-Open 2001 takes place in Strausberg (Berlin) Germany from 27.12.2001 to 30.12.2001. The tournament will be ELO and DWZ rated. First prize : 500 DM entry fee : 30 DM

Further information:

Rebel vs. the World events

Chess Tiger vs the Web organized by ChessBrain located at: Rebel Century 3.0 is playing against the Internet at ChessLines located at: and the brand-new Gambit Tiger 2.0 plays against the Internet on the fastest PC around. Organization: Ed Panek and Jorge Pichard, location at: The overall address is:

Roenne Chess Club's 100th anniversary tournament

On occasion of its 100th anniversary Roenne Chess Club, Bornholm (Denmark), holds a major Swiss tournament where at least 10 GMs will be participating. 9 rounds with a total rate of play of 6 hours It takes place 24th-30th June 2001.

Further information: Bent Schioett Hansen, Laerkevej 19, 3700 Roenne, Denmark.

Phone: +45 5695 1453 Fax: +45 5695 1453


Bergen Chess International

Bergen Chess International 4-12. August 2001 Playing venue: Bergen, Norway 9 rounds open GM-tournament 50-60 participants of which 6-7 GMs and 7-8 IMs. Limited number of unrated players. 7 hour playing session No double rounds or adjournments No start fee for foreign players with FIDE ELO.

Internet coverage:

European Youth Championships

Information on the European Youth Chess Championships (August 30th - September 10th 2001) and F.I.D.E. Congress (September 4th to 10th) is now on-line.

Internet coverage:

Hawaii International Chess Festival Postponed

The Hawaii International Chess Festival has been postponed until 2003. It will have the first World Families Chess Championships. Pro (2000+), Mixed, and Amateur (all players under 2000). Prizes for all sorts of combinations of family members. Information: