THE WEEK IN CHESS 361 8th October 2001 by Mark Crowther

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Mark Crowther

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1) Introduction
2) 5th Russian Cup Final
3) International
4) October FIDE List
5) Polish Women's Championships
6) Bundesliga 2001-2
7) Ernst vs. Werle Match
8) Governor's Cup Kramatorsk
9) Slovenian Championships
10) Bulgarian Team Championships
11) 10th Monarch Assurance
12) American Women's Continental
13) Tatry Open 2001
14) Kastav IM
15) XVII Moratalaz Open
16) First Saturday October
17) Europe versus Asia rapidplay
18) Kramnik's EDAMI Interview
19) FIDE News
20) Tragic news from India
21) Zone 2.3.5
22) Forthcoming Events and Links


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Games section

5th Russian Cup Final            36 games International      4 games
Polish Women's Championships     55 games
Bundesliga 2001-2                64 games
Ernst vs. Werle Match             2 games
Governor's Cup Kramatorsk        29 games
Slovenian Championships         139 games
Bulgarian Team Championships    168 games
10th Monarch Assurance          254 games
American Women's Continental     36 games
Tatry Open 2001                 360 games
Kastav IM                        54 games
XVII Moratalaz Open             151 games
Europe versus Asia rapidplay     18 games
1370 games

1) Introduction

My thanks to Eugeny Atarov, Aben Rudy, Andrzej Polozowski, Vlad Barsi, Laszlo Nagy, Bert Hollmann, Ales Drinovec, Sipke Ernst, Ales Drinovec, Mikhail Golubev, Milen Petrov, John Saunders, Jan Vavrak, Ajedrez de Estilo, Shahcom, Michael Rahal, Vasudevan and all those who helped with this issue.

The new FIDE rating list and the start of the German Bundesliga and the 5th Russian Cup Final are probably the most eye-catching stories in a generally quiet week.

Hope you enjoy this issue.


2) 5th Russian Cup Final

The Final tournament of 5th Russian Cup takes place in the Kazan (Tatarstan) 2th-12th October 2001. Valerij Filippov and Valerij Popov lead on 4/6. My thanks to Eugeny Atarov.


5th Russian Cup Final Kazan RUS (RUS), 2-12 x 2001      cat. XII (2539)
                                     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1. Filippov, Valerij    g RUS 2617  * 1 = . = . . = . = 1 .  4.0  2652 
 2. Popov, Valerij       g RUS 2559  0 * . 1 . 1 = . = . . 1  4.0  2675 
 3. Kornev, Alexei         RUS 2525  = . * = . = . 1 = . = .  3.5  2612 
 4. Vaulin, Alexander    g RUS 2545  . 0 = * = . = . . 1 1 .  3.5  2609 
 5. Loginov, Valery A    g RUS 2507  = . . = * . . = = . = 1  3.5  2574 
 6. Burmakin, Vladimir   g RUS 2593  . 0 = . . * 0 . 1 1 . 1  3.5  2582 
 7. Kharlov, Andrei      g RUS 2656  . = . = . 1 * . = 0 . =  3.0  2518 
 8. Vorobiov, Evgeny E   g RUS 2503  = . 0 . = . . * . = 1 =  3.0  2513 
 9. Yevseev, Denis       m RUS 2530  . = = . = 0 = . * = . .  2.5  2503 
10. Timofeev, Artyom     f RUS 2521  = . . 0 . 0 1 = = * . .  2.5  2517 
11. Galliamova, Alisa    m RUS 2547  0 . = 0 = . . 0 . . * 1  2.0  2384 
12. Kurnosov, Igor         RUS 2361  . 0 . . 0 0 = = . . 0 *  1.0  2287 

3) International

The Second International Chess Tournament takes place October 7-15th in New York City at the Manhattan Chess Club.

IA Jerome Bibuld is the Chief Arbiter. The new FIDE Time controls (with 30 second increment) is being used. Games are to be broadcast live io ICC. Sponsor is The World Wide Web Chess Superstore. The Organizers are Paul Hodges of SmartChess and Jonathan Hains.

Internet coverage:

------------------------------------------------------------------------ It New York USA (USA), 7-15 x 2001          cat. X (2476)
                                          1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1. Cela, Altin               m ALB 2483  * . . . . . . . 1 .  1.0       
 2. Zugic, Igor               m CAN 2440  . * . . . . . . . 1  1.0       
 3. Gonzales, Jayson            PHI 2432  . . * . = . . . . .  0.5  2436 
 4. Novikov, Igor A           g UKR 2593  . . . * . = . . . .  0.5  2452 
 5. Perelshteyn, Eugene       m USA 2436  . . = . * . . . . .  0.5  2432 
 6. Nakamura, Hikaru          f USA 2452  . . . = . * . . . .  0.5  2593 
 7. Krush, Irina              m USA 2421  . . . . . . * ? . .  0.0       
 8. Wojtkiewicz, Aleksander   g POL 2568  . . . . . . ? * . .  0.0       
 9. Blatny, Pavel             g CZE 2478  0 . . . . . . . * .  0.0       
10. Shahade, Gregory          f USA 2455  . 0 . . . . . . . *  0.0       

Round 1 (October 7, 2001)

Cela, Altin              -  Blatny, Pavel            1-0   35  B15  Caro Kann
Zugic, Igor              -  Shahade, Gregory         1-0   32  A35  English Symmetrical
Gonzales, Jayson         -  Perelshteyn, Eugene      1/2   87  E91  King's Indian Classical
Nakamura, Hikaru         -  Novikov, Igor A          1/2   17  B97  Sicilian Najdorf
Krush, Irina             -  Wojtkiewicz, Aleksander   *     
* Postponed until October 16th 2001

4) October FIDE List

The new top 100 FIDE Rating list has been released for October 2001. Kasparov's lead at the top is cut to 29 points by Vladimir Kramnik. Anand's disaster in Germany cost him 24 points but he is still in clear third place. Alexander Morozevich is in fourth just ahead of Peter Leko. Veselin Topalov rises to sixth in the World with a gain of 22 points. Loek Van Wely is back in the top 10 again after a rise of 19 points. Alexei Shirov drops out of the top 10 for the first time in many years as a result of other players overtaking him. New entries to the top 100 include Peter Heine Nielsen, Stuart Conquest and Lenier Dominguez. Returns include Mihail Kobalija and John Nunn amongst others.

Top 100 October 2001 Rating List

Seek further info at FIDE's Internet site: or directly at where you will also find top lists for women and juniors also.

No. Name                              t  NAT  ja01 ap01 ju01 oc01 Gms DOB
  1 Kasparov, Gary..................  g  RUS  2849 2835 2838 2838   0 13.04.63
  2 Kramnik, Vladimir...............  g  RUS  2772 2797 2802 2809  10 25.06.75
  3 Anand, Viswanathan..............  g  IND  2790 2794 2794 2770  10 11.12.69
  4 Morozevich, Alexander...........  g  RUS  2745 2749 2749 2742  10 18.07.77
  5 Leko, Peter.....................  g  HUN  2745 2730 2730 2739  10 08.09.79
  6 Topalov, Veselin................  g  BUL  2718 2707 2711 2733  10 15.03.75
  7 Adams, Michael..................  g  ENG  2746 2750 2744 2731  10 17.11.71
  8 Ivanchuk, Vassily...............  g  UKR  2717 2731 2731 2731   0 18.03.69
  9 Bareev, Evgeny..................  g  RUS  2709 2709 2719 2719   0 21.11.66
 10 Van Wely, Loek..................  g  NED  2700 2670 2695 2714  26 07.10.72
 11 Kasimdzhanov, Rustam............  g  UZB  2693 2693 2704 2706   8 05.12.79
 12 Shirov, Alexei..................  g  ESP  2718 2722 2706 2706   0 04.07.72
 13 Khalifman, Alexander............  g  RUS  2690 2690 2700 2702   6 18.01.66
 14 Gelfand, Boris..................  g  ISR  2712 2712 2704 2701  19 24.06.68
 15 Smirin, Ilia....................  g  ISR  2686 2691 2702 2698   2 21.01.68
 16 Karpov, Anatoly.................  g  RUS  2679 2692 2692 2692   0 23.05.51
 17 Svidler, Peter..................  g  RUS  2695 2695 2695 2686  16 17.06.76
 18 Georgiev, Kiril.................  g  BUL  2676 2676 2695 2686  13 28.11.65
 19 Polgar, Judit (GM) w ...........  g  HUN  2676 2678 2686 2686   0 23.07.76
 20 Ponomariov, Ruslan..............  g  UKR  2677 2673 2684 2684   0 11.10.83
 21 Ye, Jiangchuan..................  g  CHN  2671 2671 2677 2681  15 20.11.60
 22 Dreev, Alexey...................  g  RUS  2685 2685 2690 2676  17 30.01.69
 23 Short, Nigel D..................  g  ENG  2676 2676 2664 2675   0 01.06.65
 24 Azmaiparashvili, Zurab..........  g  GEO  2670 2670 2674 2674   0 16.03.60
 25 Bologan, Viktor.................  g  MDA  2684 2676 2655 2668  18 14.12.71
 26 Beliavsky, Alexander G..........  g  SLO  2638 2638 2659 2668  9  17.12.53
 27 Grischuk, Alexander.............  g  RUS  2663 2667 2669 2666  16 31.10.83
 28 Sutovsky, Emil..................  g  ISR  2605 2604 2651 2664  18 19.09.77
 29 Onischuk, Alexander.............  g  UKR  2658 2658 2667 2660   9 03.09.75
 30 Akopian, Vladimir...............  g  ARM  2656 2654 2660 2660   0 07.12.71
 31 Sokolov, Ivan...................  g  BIH  2659 2659 2659 2658  35 13.06.68
 32 Zhang, Zhong....................  g  CHN  2607 2632 2667 2657  17 05.09.78
 33 Kharlov, Andrei.................  g  RUS  2639 2639 2656 2656   0 20.11.68
 34 Xu, Jun.........................  g  CHN  2655 2655 2646 2654  26 17.09.62
 35 Lautier, Joel...................  g  FRA  2658 2658 2675 2653  29 12.04.73
 36 Bacrot, Etienne.................  g  FRA  2618 2627 2653 2653  11 22.01.83
 37 Nikolic, Predrag................  g  BIH  2652 2652 2652 2652   0 11.09.60
 38 Vaganian, Rafael A..............  g  ARM  2641 2641 2650 2650   0 15.10.51
 39 Piket, Jeroen...................  g  NED  2632 2628 2630 2649  35 27.01.69
 40 Aleksandrov, Aleksej............  g  BLR  2610 2610 2646 2645   9 11.05.73
 41 Seirawan, Yasser................  g  USA  2640 2640 2644 2644   0 24.03.60
 42 Lutz, Christopher...............  g  GER  2609 2614 2643 2643   0 24.02.71
 43 Motylev, Alexander..............  g  RUS  2570 2601 2627 2641   6 17.06.79
 44 Zvjaginsev, Vadim...............  g  RUS  2631 2627 2638 2640   9 18.08.76
 45 Korchnoi, Viktor................  g  SUI  2639 2643 2617 2639  10 23.03.31
 46 Sakaev, Konstantin..............  g  RUS  2639 2637 2630 2639   9 13.04.74
 47 Malakhov, Vladimir..............  g  RUS  2613 2623 2637 2637   0 27.11.80
 48 Delchev, Aleksander.............  g  BUL  2587 2584 2629 2634  31 15.07.71
 49 Rublevsky, Sergei...............  g  RUS  2657 2657 2639 2634  15 15.10.74
 50 Jussupow, Artur.................  g  GER  2645 2645 2633 2633   0 13.02.60
 51 Tkachiev, Vladislav.............  g  FRA  2672 2672 2642 2632   9 09.11.73
 52 Movsesian, Sergei...............  g  CZE  2661 2661 2627 2631   2 03.11.78
 53 Sadler, Matthew.................  g  ENG  2633 2633 2631 2631   0 15.05.74
 54 Almasi, Zoltan..................  g  HUN  2640 2640 2630 2630   0 29.08.76
 55 Dautov, Rustem..................  g  GER  2631 2631 2630 2630   0 28.11.65
 56 Vallejo Pons, Francisco.........  g  ESP  2545 2559 2630 2630   0 21.08.82
 57 Lastin, Alexander...............  g  RUS  2631 2627 2628 2628   0 30.10.76
 58 Ehlvest, Jaan...................  g  EST  2638 2630 2627 2626   6 14.10.62
 59 Shipov, Sergei..................  g  RUS  2640 2640 2625 2625   0 17.04.66
 60 Nielsen, Peter Heine............  g  DEN  2585 2585 2593 2620  19 24.05.73
 61 Landa, Konstantin...............  g  RUS  2610 2610 2619 2619   0 22.05.72
 62 Lputian, Smbat G................  g  ARM  2607 2607 2608 2618   9 14.02.58
 63 Filippov, Valerij...............  g  RUS  2619 2632 2617 2617   0 28.11.75
 64 Hansen, Curt....................  g  DEN  2619 2619 2626 2613  18 18.09.64
 65 Pigusov, Evgeny.................  g  RUS  2572 2584 2613 2613   0 31.03.61
 66 Goldin, Alexander...............  g  USA  2595 2599 2594 2612  22 27.02.65
 67 Huebner, Robert Dr..............  g  GER  2616 2616 2612 2612   0 06.11.48
 68 Rustemov, Alexander.............  g  RUS  2620 2625 2607 2611  28 06.07.73
 69 Tregubov, Pavel V...............  g  RUS  2628 2628 2617 2611  18 21.12.71
 70 Milos, Gilberto.................  g  BRA  2608 2608 2614 2610   7 30.10.63
 71 Graf, Alexander.................  g  GER  2649 2649 2610 2610   0 25.08.62
 72 Hracek, Zbynek..................  g  CZE  2602 2603 2610 2610   0 09.09.70
 73 Nisipeanu, Liviu-Dieter.........  g  ROM  2596 2596 2609 2609   0 01.08.76
 74 Gulko, Boris F..................  g  USA  2622 2606 2602 2608  20 09.02.47
 75 Peng, Xiaomin...................  g  CHN  2648 2648 2629 2607  26 08.04.73
 76 Chuchelov, Vladimir.............  g  BEL  2539 2550 2607 2607   0 28.09.69
 77 Avrukh, Boris...................  g  ISR  2630 2600 2598 2606  28 08.01.78
 78 Gurevich, Mikhail...............  g  BEL  2694 2688 2633 2605  18 22.02.59
 79 Gyimesi, Zoltan.................  g  HUN  2564 2571 2602 2605   8 31.03.77
 80 Kaidanov, Gregory S.............  g  USA  2607 2601 2605 2605   0 11.10.59
 81 Asrian, Karen...................  g  ARM  2582 2582 2604 2604   0 24.04.80
 82 Luther, Thomas..................  g  GER  2544 2568 2604 2604   0 04.11.69
 83 Kobalija, Mihail................  g  RUS  2581 2590 2595 2603  11 03.05.78
 84 Istratescu, Andrei..............  g  ROM  2582 2561 2598 2603   8 03.12.75
 85 Milov, Vadim....................  g  SUI  2604 2605 2614 2602  29 01.08.72
 86 Sokolov, Andrei.................  g  FRA  2566 2568 2604 2602  11 20.03.63
 87 Rozentalis, Eduardas............  g  LTU  2630 2597 2588 2601  26 27.05.63
 88 Conquest, Stuart................  g  ENG  2546 2563 2565 2601  16 01.03.67
 89 Eingorn, Vereslav S.............  g  UKR  2589 2589 2598 2601   9 23.11.56
 90 Andersson, Ulf..................  g  SWE  2640 2640 2601 2601   0 27.06.51
 91 Timman, Jan H...................  g  NED  2629 2620 2597 2600  18 14.12.51
 92 Hickl, Joerg....................  g  GER  2582 2582 2600 2600   0 16.04.65
 93 Najdoski, Toni..................  g  MKD  2601 2600 2600 2600   0 04.05.70
 94 Tiviakov, Sergei................  g  NED  2597 2603 2618 2599  18 14.02.73
 95 Dorfman, Josif D................  g  FRA  2602 2602 2602 2599  11 01.05.53
 96 Najer, Evgeniy..................  g  RUS  2616 2600 2599 2599   9 22.06.77
 97 Fedorov, Alexei.................  g  BLR  2575 2590 2599 2599   0 27.09.72
 98 Speelman, Jonathan S............  g  ENG  2604 2594 2603 2596  20 02.10.56
 99 Dominguez, Lenier...............  g  CUB  2565 2556 2585 2596  11 23.09.83
100 Nunn, John D.M..................  g  ENG  2578 2578 2584 2595   0 25.04.55

5) Polish Women's Championships

Andrzej Polozowski sends news of the Polish Women's Championship in Brzeg Dolny, 25th September - 5th October 2001. Joanna Dworakowska won the even with 8/11.

ch-POL w Brzeg Dolny POL (POL), 25 ix-5 x 2001
                                       1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
 1. Dworakowska, Joanna  wg POL 2350  * 1 = 1 = 0 1 1 1 1 1  8.0  2455 
 2. Socko, Monika         m POL 2389  0 * = 1 1 1 0 1 = 1 1  7.0  2360 
 3. Grabarska, Barbara   wm POL 2253  = = * = = = 1 1 = = =  6.0  2297 
 4. Andrzejewska, Edyta     POL 2216  0 0 = * 1 1 1 0 = 1 1  6.0  2301 
 5. Kadziolka, Beata        POL 2162  = 0 = 0 * = = 1 1 = 1  5.5  2270 
 6. Toma, Katarzyna      wf POL 2174  1 0 = 0 = * = 0 1 = =  4.5  2197 
 7. Matras, Agnieszka    wm POL 2218  0 1 0 0 = = * 1 0 = 1  4.5  2192 
 8. Krupa, Monika        wm POL 2307  0 0 0 1 0 1 0 * 1 1 0  4.0  2148 
 9. Zawadzka, Jolanta       POL 2064  0 = = = 0 0 1 0 * = =  3.5  2134 
10. Kucypera, Anna          POL 2168  0 0 = 0 = = = 0 = * =  3.0  2084 
11. Blimke, Dalia        wm POL 2206  0 0 = 0 0 = 0 1 = = *  3.0  2081 

6) Bundesliga 2001-2

The first two rounds of the Bundesliga took place on October 6th-7th 2001. This year's event was hit by the withdrawal of Magdeburg only a few weeks before the start of the season. Round one saw a key match between defending champions Luebeck and last year's runners up Porz. The result was a 4.5-3.5 win for Luebeck. There were just three decisive results with Shirov and Bareev winning for Luebeck and Vaganian beating Epishin for Porz. Games from the matches held at Godesberg (Bonn) and Werder Bremen (which amounts to half the matches) are available. In addition the day before the official first day of the season the round 5 match (a single round weekend) between SV Wattenscheid and Castrop Rauxel was held ending in a 4½-3½ victory for Castrop Rauxel.

Coverage: and

Bundesliga 2001-2 

Round 5 5th October 2001

SV Wattenscheid   3½-4½  Castrop Rauxel      

  1  Aronian       0-1  Georgiev       1 
  2  Nielsen       1-0  Rozentalis     2 
  3  Rustemov      0-1  De Vreugt      3 
  4  Hall          ½-½  Doettling      4 
  5  Holzke        ½-½  Seul           8 
  7  Ellers        ½-½  Bosch         10 
 10  Straeter      0-1  Dinstuhl      11 
 12  Thiel         1-0  Hennig        12 

Round 1 6th October 2001 

Castrop Rauxel     4-4  Erfurter SK
  1  Georgiev      ½-½  Luther         1 
  2  Rozentalis    ½-½  Haba           2 
  3  De Vreugt     0-1  Paehtz,T       4 
  4  Doettling     1-0  Fontaine       5 
  5  Appel         ½-½  Mueller        6 
 10  Bosch         0-1  Votava         7 
 11  Dinstuhl      ½-½  Casper         8 
 14  Lemmers       1-0  Brueggemann   12 

SV Wattenscheid   5½-2½  SK König Plauen     

  1  Aronian       ½-½  Beliavsky      1 
  2  Nielsen       1-0  Bischoff       2 
  3  Rustemov      0-1  Markowski      3 
  4  Hall          ½-½  Boensch        5 
  5  Holzke        ½-½  Kindermann     6 
  6  Handke        1-0  Espig          7 
  7  Ellers        1-0  Kuraszkiewic   8 
 10  Straeter      1-0  Schaller       9 

SFR Neukölln       4-4  Solinger SG         

  1  Movsesian     ½-½  Lautier        2 
  2  Stohl         1-0  Piket          4 
  4  Berndt        0-1  Jussupow       5 
  6  Borriss       0-1  Nikolic        6 
  7  Polzin        0-1  Fressinet      7 
  8  Hellsten      ½-½  Sadler         8 
  9  Poldauf       1-0  Lobron         9 
 11  Rudolf        1-0  Naumann       13 

Godesberger SK    4½-3½  Hamburger SK        

  1  Dautov        ½-½  Dorfman        1 
  2  Gurevich      ½-½  Kempinski      2 
  3  Kengis        ½-½  Ftacnik        3 
  5  Kveinys       1-0  Hansen         6 
  6  Langheinrich  0-1  Wahls          7 
  7  Breder        ½-½  Mueller        8 
  8  Jackelen      1-0  Heinemann      9 
  9  Seger         ½-½  Reeh          11 

SG Köln Porz      3½-4½  Lübecker SV         

  1  Lutz          0-1  Shirov         1 
  2  Khalifman     ½-½  Adams          2 
  3  Van Wely      0-1  Bareev         3 
  4  Bacrot        ½-½  Speelman       4 
  6  Vaganian      1-0  Epishin        5 
  8  Andersson     ½-½  Hodgson        6 
  9  Hansen        ½-½  Nunn           8 
 10  Graf          ½-½  Hansen         9 

SV Werder Bremen  4½-3½  TV Tegernsee        

  1  Hracek        ½-½  Khenkin        1 
  2  Babula        1-0  Ribli          2 
  3  Schandorff    ½-½  Sokolov        3 
  4  McShane       0-1  Hertneck       4 
  5  Pelletier     ½-½  Nataf          5 
  6  Knaak         ½-½  Teske          7 
  7  Joachim       ½-½  Stangl         8 
  8  Meins         1-0  Kachiani-Ger  10 

Ksp Hamburg SC     1-7  Stuttgarter Sfr     

  1  Lamprecht     ½-½  Hickl          2 
  2  Pajeken       0-1  Gabriel        3 
  3  Hochgraefe    0-1  Bunzmann       4 
  4  Trisic        0-1  Buhmann        5 
  5  Buhr          0-1  Schmittdiel    6 
  6  Voigt         0-1  Duppel         7 
  7  Von Buelow    0-1  Volke          8 
  8  Berger        ½-½  Berezovsky    10 

Round 2 7th October 2001

Erfurter SK        3 - 5  SV Wattenscheid     

  1  Luther        ½-½  Aronian        1 
  2  Haba          ½-½  Nielsen        2 
  4  Paehtz,T      ½-½  Rustemov       3 
  5  Fontaine      ½-½  Hall           4 
  6  Mueller       0-1  Holzke         5 
  7  Votava        1-0  Handke         6 
  8  Casper        0-1  Ellers         7 
 12  Brueggemann   0-1  Straeter      10 

SK König Plauen   4½-3½  Castrop Rauxel      

  1  Beliavsky     ½-½  Georgiev       1 
  2  Bischoff      ½-½  Rozentalis     2 
  3  Markowski     ½-½  De Vreugt      3 
  5  Boensch       ½-½  Doettling      4 
  6  Kindermann    1-0  Appel          5 
  7  Espig         1-0  Bosch         10 
  8  Kuraszkiewic  0-1  Dinstuhl      11 
  9  Schaller      ½-½  Lemmers       14 

SG Heiligenhaus    ½ -7½  SFR Neukölln        

  5  Solleveld     0-1  Movsesian      1 
  7  Berkvens      0-1  Stohl          2 
  8  Van de Plass  0-1  Berndt         4 
  9  Schmitz       0-1  Borriss        6 
 10  Lindner       0-1  Polzin         7 
 11  Heller        0-1  Hellsten       8 
 12  Kesseler      0-1  Poldauf        9 
 13  Perschke      ½-½  Rudolf        11 

Hamburger SK       3-5  SG Köln Porz        

  1  Dorfman       ½-½  Lutz           1 
  2  Kempinski     ½-½  Khalifman      2 
  3  Ftacnik       ½-½  Van Wely       3 
  6  Hansen        ½-½  Bacrot         4 
  7  Wahls         ½-½  Vaganian       6 
  8  Mueller       ½-½  Andersson      8 
  9  Heinemann     0-1  Hansen         9 
 11  Reeh          0-1  Graf          10 

Lübecker SV        5-3  Godesberger SK      

  1  Shirov        0-1  Dautov         1 
  2  Adams         1-0  Gurevich       2 
  3  Bareev        ½-½  Kengis         3 
  4  Speelman      ½-½  Kveinys        5 
  5  Epishin       1-0  Langheinrich   6 
  6  Hodgson       ½-½  Breder         7 
  8  Nunn          ½-½  Jackelen       8 
  9  Hansen        1-0  Seger          9 

TV Tegernsee      6½-1½  Ksp Hamburg SC      

  1  Khenkin       ½-½  Lamprecht      1 
  2  Ribli         1-0  Pajeken        2 
  3  Sokolov       ½-½  Hochgraefe     3 
  4  Hertneck      1-0  Trisic         4 
  5  Nataf         1-0  Buhr           5 
  7  Teske         1-0  Voigt          6 
  8  Stangl        ½-½  Von Buelow     7 
 10  Kachiani-Ger  1-0  Berger         8 

Stuttgarter Sfr    1-7  SV Werder Bremen    

  2  Hickl         0-1  Hracek         1 
  3  Gabriel       0-1  Babula         2 
  4  Bunzmann      0-1  Schandorff     3 
  5  Buhmann       0-1  McShane        4 
  6  Schmittdiel   0-1  Pelletier      5 
  7  Duppel        ½-½  Knaak          6 
  8  Volke         0-1  Joachim        7 
 10  Berezovsky    ½-½  Meins          8 

Round 2 Standings:
 1. SV Werder Bremen   2 11½: 4½   4- 0
 2. SV Wattenscheid    2 10½: 5½   4- 0
 3. Lübecker SV        2  9½: 6½   4- 0
 4. SFR Neukölln       2 11½: 4½   3- 1
 5. TV Tegernsee       2 10 : 6    2- 2
 6. SG Köln Porz       2  8½: 7½   2- 2
 7. Stuttgarter Sfr    2  8 : 8    2- 2
 8. Godesberger SK     2  7½: 8½   2- 2
 9. SK König Plauen    2  7 : 9    2- 2
10. Solinger SG        1  4 : 4    1- 1
11. Castrop Rauxel     2  7½: 8½   1- 3
12. Erfurter SK        2  7 : 9    1- 3
13. SG Heiligenhaus    1  0½: 7½   0- 2
14. Hamburger SK       2  6½: 9½   0- 4
15. Ksp Hamburg SC     2  2½:13½   0- 4

7) Ernst vs. Werle Match

Koos Stolk reports that there was a match in Leeuwarden on 5th-6th October 2001 between Sipke Ernst and Jan Werle for a place in the 2002 Dutch Championship. This match was neccessary because they tied for best Dutch Player during the Open Dutch Championship in Dieren last July. Sipke Ernst won the match 1.5-0.5.

Ernst, Sipke  -  Werle, Jan    1-0   65  A17  English Opening
Werle, Jan    -  Ernst, Sipke  1/2   46  C10  French Rubinstein

ch-NED Qualification Match Leeuwarden NED (NED), 6-7 x 2001
                           1   2 
Ernst, Sipke m  NED 2440    1   =   1.5  2605
Werle, Jan      NED 2412    0   =   0.5  2247

8) Governor's Cup Kramatorsk

The Governor's Cup will took place in the town of Kramatorsk (Ukraine) October 2nd-7th 2001. The event was held in the A.V.Momot Regional Chess Club. Ruslan Ponomariov finished in clear first place (the result of his final game against Aleksej Aleksandrov is unavailable). My thanks to Mikhail Golubev.

Internet coverage:

Governor's Cup Kramatorsk UKR (UKR), 2-7 x 2001     cat. XV (2622)
                                       1  2   3   4   5   6 
1. Ponomariov, Ruslan     g UKR 2684  **  =1  ==  =.  11  11   7.0  2825 
2. Baklan, Vladimir       g UKR 2599  =0  **  ==  =1  1=  0=   5.0  2626 
3. Ehlvest, Jaan          g EST 2627  ==  ==  **  ==  =0  1=   5.0  2620 
4. Aleksandrov, Aleksej   g BLR 2646  =.  =0  ==  **  0=  11   4.5  2609 
5. Moiseenko, Alexander   g UKR 2581  00  0=  =1  1=  **  ==   4.5  2593 
6. Borovikov, Vladislav   m UKR 2593  00  1=  0=  00  ==  **   3.0  2478 

9) Slovenian Championships

The Slovenian Championship for men and women take place in Grize 1st-9th October 2001. There are 30 players in mens' section and 10 players in womens' section. Games and all other information at: Men: Women: My thanks to Ales Drinovec for the information.

ch-SLO w Grize SLO (SLO), 1-9 x 2001
                                  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1. Srebrnic, Ana   wf SLO 2176  * 1 . = = 1 . 1 1 1  6.0  2378 
 2. Kaps, Darja     wf SLO 2221  0 * 1 = 1 1 = . 1 .  5.0  2261 
 3. Krivec, Jana    wf SLO 2242  . 0 * 1 0 = 1 1 1 .  4.5  2187 
 4. Licina, Anita   wm SLO 2195  = = 0 * . . = 1 1 1  4.5  2219 
 5. Novak,Ksenija          ----  = 0 1 . * = = 0 . 1  3.5  2117 
 6. Marusic, Nada      SLO 2003  0 0 = . = * . 1 = 1  3.5  2101 
 7. Groselj, Petra  wf SLO 2111  . = 0 = = . * 0 = 1  3.0  2054 
 8. Hari, Veronika     SLO 2070  0 . 0 0 1 0 1 * . =  2.5  2001 
 9. Svent,Suzana           ----  0 0 0 0 . = = . * 1  2.0  1977 
10. Bukovec,Tina           ----  0 . . 0 0 0 0 = 0 *  0.5  1657 

ch-SLO Grize SLO (SLO), 1-9 x 2001
                                        1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 

 1. Grosar, Aljosa       m  SLO 2442  +12 +10 +13 = 5 = 4 = 3 + 6  .   .   5.5  2598 
 2. Mikac, Matjaz        m  SLO 2404  +17 = 6 = 3 +21 = 5 + 4 +10  .   .   5.5  2542 
 3. Soln, Primoz         m  SLO 2421  =18 +19 = 2 +20 + 9 = 1 = 5  .   .   5.0  2464 
 4. Podlesnik, Bogdan    m  SLO 2393  =26 +11 + 8 +15 = 1 - 2 +16  .   .   5.0  2471 
 5. Tratar, Marko        m  SLO 2416  =19 +24 +14 = 1 = 2 +16 = 3  .   .   5.0  2459 
 6. Mestrovic, Zvonimir  m  SLO 2428  +28 = 2 -15 +18 + 8 +13 - 1  .   .   4.5  2424 
 7. Sitnik, Igor            SLO 2294  -24 =25 +22 - 8 +26 +19 +18  .   .   4.5  2265 
 8. Crepan, Marjan       f  SLO 2283  =25 +22 - 4 + 7 - 6 +24 =11  .   .   4.0  2280 
 9. Velickovic, Zoran    f  SLO 2355  -20 +17 +23 =13 - 3 =11 +22  .   .   4.0  2287 
10. Jeric, Simon         m  SLO 2327  +29 - 1 =25 +14 =13 +20 - 2  .   .   4.0  2337 
11. Sakelsek, Tadej         SLO 2202  =14 - 4 +30 =27 +18 = 9 = 8  .   .   4.0  2306 
12. Lesjak, Milan           SLO 2196  - 1 =28 =19 -24 +30 +15 +20  .   .   4.0  2233 
13. Jelen, Igor          m  SLO 2398  +23 +20 - 1 = 9 =10 - 6 =17  .   .   3.5  2291 
14. Vombek, Dani         f  SLO 2309  =11 +26 - 5 -10 =17 =21 +25  .   .   3.5  2212 
15. Ivacic, Vladimir        SLO 2286  =21 +30 + 6 - 4 -16 -12 +24  .   .   3.5  2214 
16. Basagic, Zlatko      m  SLO 2377  =22 -18 +28 +25 +15 - 5 - 4  .   .   3.5  2262 
17. Kukovec, Borut          SLO 2094  - 2 - 9 =29 +30 =14 +27 =13  .   .   3.5  2267 
18. Gombac, Jan             SLO 2209  = 3 +16 =21 - 6 -11 +26 - 7  .   .   3.0  2240 
19. Novak, Gorazd           SLO 2160  = 5 - 3 =12 =23 +25 - 7 =21  .   .   3.0  2208 
20. Srebrnic, Marko         SLO 2161  + 9 -13 +24 - 3 +21 -10 -12  .   .   3.0  2207 
21. Zorko, Jure             SLO 2108  =15 +27 =18 - 2 -20 =14 =19  .   .   3.0  2203 
22. Sirnik, Bostjan         SLO 2156  =16 - 8 - 7 +29 =27 +23 - 9  .   .   3.0  2228 
23. Susnik, Matej           SLO 2233  -13 +29 - 9 =19 =24 -22 +27  .   .   3.0  2160 
24. Stubljar,Andrej             ----  + 7 - 5 -20 +12 =23 - 8 -15  .   .   2.5  2165 
25. Novak, Jernej           SLO 2138  = 8 = 7 =10 -16 -19 +28 -14  .   .   2.5  2182 
26. Srebrnic, Vojko         SLO 2201  = 4 -14 =27 =28 - 7 -18 +29  .   .   2.5  2162 
27. Starcic, Tadej          SLO 2248  =30 -21 =26 =11 =22 -17 -23  .   .   2.0  1984 
28. Penko, Igor             SLO 2238  - 6 =12 -16 =26 =29 -25  .   .   .   1.5  2056 
29. Spelec, Darko           SLO 2158  -10 -23 =17 -22 =28 =30 -26  .   .   1.5  1948 
30. Kokol,Peter                 ----  =27 -15 -11 -17 -12 =29  .   .   .   1.0  1924 

10) Bulgarian Team Championships

The Bulgarian Men's and Women's Team Chess Championships will be held 3rd-9th October 2001 in the winter resort of Pamporovo. The events will be 7 rounds Swiss System. The Men's competition is on 6 boards + 2 reserves, and women's 3 boards + 1 reserve. There will be a daily coverage at with most of the games of both competitions. The Bulgarian Rapid and Blitz Men and Women Championships will be held from 10 to 11 October again in Pamporovo. Information Milen Petrov.

Round 6 (of 7) Standings
  1   LOKOMOTIV, Sofia (1)          2452 23.5  4    120.0 463.25
  2   LUKOIL NEFTOHIMIK, Burgas (3) 2406 22.5  4    105.5 363.75
  3   DAVIDOV, Sandanski (2)        2439 22    5    122.0 441.00
 4-5  PERUN, Kresna (6)             2353 21.5  4    118.0 400.75
      LOKOMOTIV 2000, Plovdiv (4)   2403 21.5  3.5  124.5 444.75
  6   LOKOMOTIV, Plovdiv (5)        2368 20.5  3.5  122.0 410.25
  7   G.DASKALOV, Varna (11)        2116 19    3     92.5 189.50
 8-9  MARICA, Plovdiv (7)           2245 18.5  3.5  103.5 318.00
      PROGRES, Lovech (14)          2052 18.5  3.5   96.0 258.50
 10   ABRITUS, Razgrad (8)          2196 18    3    110.0 247.00
11-12 KAMENO, Kameno (13)           2066 17    2.5   92.0 247.75
      DEBUT, Orjahovo (12)          2077 17    2    109.0 239.75
 13   DARSHANS, Plovdiv (9)         2179 16.5  3    103.0 160.75
 14   JURI BENDEREV, Pernik (10)    2124 14.5  2.5  116.0 197.00
 15   DUEL, Parvomaj (15)           2000 5.5   1    109.5  25.50

Women Round 6 (of 7) Standings
  1 LOKOMOTIV, Plovdiv (2)         2268     14.5  6   57.5 134.75
  2 CHESS CLUB XXI, Sofia (1)      2323     13.5  5   64.5 138.25
  3 LOKOMOTIV 2000, Plovdiv (5)    2179     11.5  4   58.5  97.75
  4 LOKOMOTIV, Sofia (3)           2208     10.5  3   60.5  94.50
  5 KAPABLANKA, Dupnica (6)        2085     10.0  2.5 48.0  68.50
  6 VTSHK V.TARNOVO, V.Tarnovo (7) 2075      9.5  3   54.5  63.75
  7 SPARTAK FINTEKS, Plovdiv (4)   2199      9.0  3.5 53.0  56.00
  8 VSHK G.DASKALOV, Varna (9)     2060      8.5  3.5 59.5  64.25
  9 LOKOMOTIV, Mezdra (10)         2048      6.5  1.5 48.0  42.00
 10 IZGREV, Jablanica (11)         1965      5.5  1.5 50.0  36.75
 11 KAZANLAK, Kazanlak (12)        1951      4.5  1.5 44.5  25.75
 12 BENDEREV, Pernik (8)           2074      4.5  1   49.5  30.25

11) 10th Monarch Assurance

The 10th Monarch Assurance International Chess Tournament took place in the Cherry Orchard Hotel, Port Erin, Isle of Man 29th September - 7th October 2001. Mikhail Ulibin took clear first place ahead of a group of 10 players (Petr Kiriakov, Evgeny Gleizerov, Sergei Tiviakov, Yuri Yakovich, Alexander Baburin, Michail Brodsky, Jiri Stocek Alexander Galkin, Alexander Cherniaev and Bogdan Lalic). My thanks to John Saunders.

Official site:

10th Monarch Assurance Port Erin IOM (IOM), 29 ix-7 x 2001
                                          1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 
 1 Ulibin, Mikhail           g RUS 2583  +10 -12 +18 +29 =13 +25 = 2 =11 +15  6.5 2614
 2 Kiriakov, Petr            g RUS 2548  =16 +27 +33 + 6 =17 = 7 = 1 = 4 = 9  6.0 2615
 3 Gleizerov, Evgeny         g RUS 2587  +22 = 8 = 7 =10 +16 +19 - 4 =13 +17  6.0 2613
 4 Tiviakov, Sergei          g NED 2618  =13 +24 +41 = 5 =14 =11 + 3 = 2 =10  6.0 2571
 5 Yakovich, Yuri            g RUS 2577  +32 =14 +16 = 4 = 8 +26 = 6 =17 = 7  6.0 2618
 6 Baburin, Alexander        g IRL 2584  =25 +31 +12 - 2 +18 +15 = 5 =10 =11  6.0 2571
 7 Brodsky, Michail          g UKR 2528  +29 = 9 = 3 +31 =12 = 2 =13 +20 = 5  6.0 2589
 8 Stocek, Jiri              g CZE 2530  +26 = 3 +20 =25 = 5 =13 = 9 =12 +18  6.0 2588
 9 Galkin, Alexander         g RUS 2583  +19 = 7 =14 =26 +33 =10 = 8 +28 = 2  6.0 2557
10 Cherniaev, Alexander      m RUS 2437  - 1 +30 +37 = 3 +28 = 9 +14 = 6 = 4  6.0 2559
11 Lalic, Bogdan             g ENG 2528  =33 +36 =19 =21 +27 = 4 +22 = 1 = 6  6.0 2547
12 Gormally, Daniel          m ENG 2481  +23 + 1 - 6 =30 = 7 +32 =17 = 8 =13  5.5 2534
13 Shaw, John                m SCO 2478  = 4 =28 +53 +44 = 1 = 8 = 7 = 3 =12  5.5 2501
14 Flear, Glenn C            g ENG 2489  +47 = 5 = 9 +41 = 4 =17 -10 =19 +28  5.5 2504
15 Gallagher, Joseph G       g SUI 2516  +21 -16 +28 =27 +36 - 6 +26 +32 - 1  5.5 2444
16 Williams, Simon           m ENG 2369  = 2 +15 - 5 +50 - 3 -18 +53 +41 +25  5.5 2433
17 Hebden, Mark              g ENG 2550  =20 +44 =25 +24 = 2 =14 =12 = 5 - 3  5.0 2476
18 Hanley, Craig               ENG 2278  =53 +32 - 1 +34 - 6 +16 =19 +23 - 8  5.0 2429
19 McNab, Colin A            g SCO 2437  - 9 +42 =11 +38 +30 - 3 =18 =14 =20  5.0 2386
20 Afek, Yochanan            m ISR 2381  =17 +37 - 8 -28 +50 +36 +21 - 7 =19  5.0 2365
21 Ryan, Joseph                IRL 2305  -15 +49 +42 =11 -25 +39 -20 +35 =29  5.0 2313
22 Arakhamia-Grant, Ketevan  m GEO 2446  - 3 -41 +49 +42 +31 =29 -11 =27 +36  5.0 2299
23 Bisby, Daniel L             ENG 2285  -12 -50 +54 +48 =39 =30 +29 -18 +37  5.0 2214
24 Smith, Andrew Philip      f IRL 2234  +35 - 4 +39 -17 -26 +42 =30 =   +41  5.0 2266
25 Hillarp Persson, Tiger    g SWE 2438  = 6 +34 =17 = 8 +21 - 1 -28 +31 -16  4.5 2390
26 Kirsanov, O                 RUS 2365  - 8 +46 +35 = 9 +24 - 5 -15 =30 =34  4.5 2333
27 Willmoth, Robert            ENG 2239  +38 - 2 +48 =15 -11 -41 +39 =22 =32  4.5 2318
28 Collins, Sam                IRL 2194  +56 =13 -15 +20 -10 +33 +25 - 9 -14  4.5 2415
29 Sowray, Peter J           f ENG 2334  - 7 +43 +46 - 1 +44 =22 -23 =37 =21  4.5 2286
30 Valenti, Richard            FRA 2143  +50 -10 +56 =12 -19 =23 =24 =26 =33  4.5 2294
31 Simons, Martin              ENG 2215  +39 - 6 +43 - 7 -22 +46 =35 -25 +48  4.5 2269
32 Crouch, Colin S           m ENG 2407  - 5 -18 +52 +35 +41 -12 +51 -15 =27  4.5 2279
33 Marusenko, Petr           m UKR 2362  =11 +51 - 2 +53 - 9 -28 =48 +44 =30  4.5 2281
34 Spence, David               ENG 2185  +49 -25 =50 -18 =53 =43 =41 +47 =26  4.5 2184
35 Clark, Stephen P            ENG 2112  -24 +52 -26 -32 +55 +44 =31 -21 +43  4.5 2189
36 Jackson, Adrian             ENG 2230  +48 -11 =38 +47 -15 -20 =43 +51 -22  4.0 2239
37 Coathup, Roger              ENG 2130  +52 -20 -10 =43 =45 =53 +47 =29 -23  4.0 2161
38 Ellison, Derek George       ENG 2104  -27 +40 =36 -19 -42 =50 =45 +53 =46  4.0 2087
39 Yurenok, Maria S            ENG 2088  -31 +54 -24 +51 =23 -21 -27 =45 +50  4.0 2118
40 Benson, Paul J              ENG 2046  -44 -38 -47 -52 +   =55 +54 =42 +51  4.0 2038
41 Goodger, Martyn             ENG 2136  +55 +22 - 4 -14 -32 +27 =34 -16 -24  3.5 2251
42 May, Frank WLS              WLS ----  +45 -19 -21 -22 +38 -24 =46 =40 =44  3.5 2127
43 McNally, Bruce              SCO 2010  +51 -29 -31 =37 =46 =34 =36 =48 -35  3.5 2097
44 Howell, David WL            ENG 2170  +40 -17 +45 -13 -29 -35 +50 -33 =42  3.5 2129
45 Ormsby,Alan                 ENG ----  -42 +56 -44 =46 =37 -51 =38 =39 =49  3.5 2017
46 Bolt, Graham                ENG 2124  +54 -26 -29 =45 =43 -31 =42 =49 =38  3.5 2038
47 Allen, Keith                IRL 2289  -14 -53 +40 -36 =48 +49 -37 -34 +56  3.5 2071
48 Lutton, J.Ezra              ENG 2093  -36 +55 -27 -23 =47 +56 =33 =43 -31  3.5 2106
49 Stuart, E. Leslie           ENG 2039  -34 -21 -22 +54 =   -47 +55 =46 =45  3.5 2069
50 Van Kemenade,Rudy           ENG ----  -30 +23 =34 -16 -20 =38 -44 +56 -39  3.0 2072
51 Isherwood, Paul             ENG 2172  -43 -33 +55 -39 +52 +45 -32 -36 -40  3.0 2002
52 Dossett,Chris               ENG ----  -37 -35 -32 +40 -51 =54 -56 =55 +    3.0 1977
53 Bousbouras, Spyridon        GRE 2102  =18 +47 -13 -33 =34 =37 -16 -38  .   2.5 2133
54 Waugh,Jonathan              ENG ----  -46 -39 -23 -49 -56 =52 -40 +   +55  2.5 1904
55 Nicholson, John             IRL ----  -41 -48 -51 +56 -35 =40 -49 =52 -54  2.0 1852
56 Spanton, Timothy            ENG 2051  -28 -45 -30 -55 +54 -48 +52 -50 -47  2.0 1859

12) American Women's Continental

The American Women's Continental tournament took place in Merida Venezuela September 21st-29th 2001. Sulennis Pina and Maritza Arribas both of Cuba finished with 7.5/9 half a point clear of Liliana Burijovich.

Internet coverage:

Final Standings:
American Continental Women Merida VEN (VEN), 21-29 ix 2001
                                                    1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 

 1. Pina, Sulennis                  wm CUB 2289  +14 + 8 + 6 + 5 - 3 = 2 + 7 + 4 + 9  7.5  2440 
 2. Arribas, Maritza                wg CUB 2327  +15 = 3 = 5 +12 + 7 = 1 + 9 +14 + 8  7.5  2412 
 3. Burijovich, Liliana             wm ARG 2160  +11 = 2 +17 + 9 + 1 = 5 = 4 = 8 + 7  7.0  2374 
 4. Sanchez Castillo, Sarai            VEN 2108  =17 - 7 =13 +18 +12 +14 = 3 - 1 + 5  5.5  2176 
 5. Chang, Suzana1                     BRA 2112  +10 + 9 = 2 - 1 + 6 = 3 +12 - 7 - 4  5.0  2212 
 6. Blanco Acevedo, Maria Carolina     VEN 2185  +13 +18 - 1 - 7 - 5 +17 -11 +12 +16  5.0  2114 
 7. Moncayo Romero, Evelyn          wf ECU 2220  -18 + 4 +14 + 6 - 2 = 9 - 1 + 5 - 3  4.5  2163 
 8. Ubaldo Suarez, Maria Gisela        VEN 2112  +16 - 1 -12 -14 +18 +11 +13 = 3 - 2  4.5  2095 
 9. Martinez, Aleidi Josefina          VEN 2220  +12 - 5 +18 - 3 +13 = 7 - 2 +11 - 1  4.5  2125 
10. Lopez,Diana                        VEN ----  - 5 -13 =11 -15 +16 -12 +18 +17 +14  4.5  2029 
11. Hernandez,Zaida                    VEN ----  - 3 -12 =10 +16 +15 - 8 + 6 - 9 =13  4.0  2041 
12. Martinez, Ingrid Lorena         wm GUA 2015  - 9 +11 + 8 - 2 - 4 +10 - 5 - 6 =15  3.5  2045 
13. Duran,Luisa                        VEN ----  - 6 +10 = 4 =17 - 9 +15 - 8 -16 =11  3.5  1996 
14. Sequeda, Nancy                  wf VEN 2065  - 1 +16 - 7 + 8 +17 - 4 =15 - 2 -10  3.5  2044 
15. Mazariego-Kummerfeld, Carolina  wm GUA 2066  - 2 -17 =16 +10 -11 -13 =14 +18 =12  3.5  1965 
16. Jardines,Anies                     VEN ----  - 8 -14 =15 -11 -10 +18 +17 +13 - 6  3.5  1968 
17. Otazo,Annyd                        VEN ----  = 4 +15 - 3 =13 -14 - 6 -16 -10 +18  3.0  1940 
18. La Rosa, Edelmira                  VEN 2005  + 7 - 6 - 9 - 4 - 8 -16 -10 -15 -17  1.0  1750 

13) Tatry Open 2001

Jan Vavrak reports: The Tatry Open Chess Tournament (Slovakia) took place 29th September - 6th October 2001 in High Tatras. IM Tomas Likavsky won the event ahead of 231 participants (18 IM, 3 FM, 1 WGM, 1 WIM, 1 WFM).

Internet coverage: and

Tatry Open High Tatras SVK (SVK), 29 ix-6 x 2001
  1. Likavsky, Tomas        m  SVK 2410  7.5   47.0  6  39.5 
  2. Manik, Mikulas         m  SVK 2414  7.5   44.0  6  36.5 
  3. Vesselovsky, Serguei   m  CZE 2405  7.0   49.0  5  38.0 
  4. Antoniewski, Rafal     m  POL 2446  7.0   49.0  5  37.0 
  5. Hasangatin, Ramil      m  RUS 2482  7.0   46.0  5  36.0 
  6. Velicka, Petr          m  CZE 2472  7.0   46.0  5  35.5 
  7. Pokorna, Regina        wg SVK 2348  6.5   50.5  5  37.0 
  8. Sikorova, Olga         wm CZE 2274  6.5   49.0  5  34.5 
  9. Kalod, Radek           m  CZE 2480  6.5   48.5  5  36.5 
 10. Kasparov, Sergey       m  BLR 2494  6.5   48.5  4  35.0 
 11. Rigo, Zsolt               SVK 2340  6.5   48.0  4  37.0 
 12. Sikora-Lerch, Jan      m  CZE 2308  6.5   45.5  5  34.5 
 13. Biolek, Richard        m  CZE 2434  6.5   44.0  5  33.5 
 14. Bielczyk, Jacek        m  POL 2359  6.5   43.0  4  34.0 
 15. Langner, Ladislav      f  CZE 2387  6.5   42.5  5  32.0 
 16. Dudas, Jan                SVK 2238  6.5   42.5  5  31.5 
 17. Mitura, Vaclav            CZE 2235  6.5   42.5  5  30.5 
 18. Klemanic, Emil            SVK 2299  6.5   42.0  5  33.0 
 19. Michenka, Jozef        m  CZE 2319  6.5   40.5  6  32.5 
 20. Hlinka, Michal            SVK 2244  6.5   38.0  4  29.5 
 21. Motuz, Karol              SVK 2354  6.0   50.0  5  35.5 
 22. Kantorik, Marian          SVK 2299  6.0   48.0  4  35.5 
 23. Karlik, Vladimir       f  CZE 2283  6.0   46.5  4  34.0 
 24. Kotan, Ladislav        f  SVK 2347  6.0   46.0  4  34.5 
 25. Demeter, Peter            SVK 2290  6.0   46.0  3  33.0 
 26. Lanc, Alois            m  SVK 2373  6.0   44.0  4  32.5 
 27. Stradej, Vlastimil        CZE 2163  6.0   43.5  4  30.0 
 28. Zambor, Norbert           SVK 2270  6.0   43.0  5  33.0 
 29. Macak, Stefan             SVK 2214  6.0   42.5  6  31.0 
 30. Goban, Marek              SVK 2202  6.0   42.5  5  30.5 
 31. Poffers, Adriaan          NED ----  6.0   42.5  4  31.5 
 32. Furman, Boris             RUS 2279  6.0   39.5  4  28.5 
 33. Rogos,Jan jr              SVK ----  6.0   36.0  6  25.0 
232 players

14) Kastav IM

The Kastav IM tournament took place in Croatia 26th September - 5th October 2001. Faruk Bistric won the event with a score of 8.5/11. Patrick Van Hoolandt only played the first three rounds and was replaced by Ana Grobelsek. Games from the first nine rounds are available.

Internet coverage:

It IM Kastav CRO (CRO), 26 ix-5 x 2001                       cat. III (2313)
                                        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 
 1. Bistric, Faruk          m BIH 2456  * = 0 = 1 1 = 1 1 1 1 . 1  8.5  2534 
 2. Jovanic, Ognjen         f CRO 2409  = * = = = 1 = = 1 1 1 1 .  8.0  2491 
 3. Lovric, Branko          f CRO 2372  1 = * = = 1 1 = = = 1 = .  7.5  2453 
 4. Golubovic, Boris        m CRO 2465  = = = * = = = = 1 1 1 1 .  7.5  2444 
 5. Saric, Ante               CRO 2232  0 = = = * 1 = = 0 1 = 1 .  6.0  2368 
 6. Nurkic, Sahbaz          m BIH 2415  0 0 0 = 0 * = 1 1 1 1 1 .  6.0  2352 
 7. Zelenika, Srdjan          CRO 2328  = = 0 = = = * 0 = = 1 1 .  5.5  2324 
 8. Dumpor, Atif            f BIH 2329  0 = = = = 0 1 * 0 1 = . 1  5.5  2334 
 9. Biti, Ozren             f CRO 2327  0 0 = 0 1 0 = 1 * 1 = 1 .  5.5  2324 
10. Topalovic, Zlatko         CRO 2222  0 0 = 0 0 0 = 0 0 * = . 1  2.5  2133 
11. Kljako, Damir             CRO 2282  0 0 0 0 = 0 0 = = = * 0 .  2.0  2066 
12. Grobelsek, Ana            SLO 2055  . 0 = 0 0 0 0 . 0 . 1 * .  1.5  2102 
13. Van Hoolandt, Patrick     BEL 2176  0 . . . . . . 0 . 0 . . *  0.0       

15) XVII Moratalaz Open

The XVII Moratalaz Open took place 17th-27th October 2001 in Madrid, Spain. David Martinez Martin, Oleg Korneev, Ruslan Pogorelov, Irisberto Herrera and Sergei Simonenko finished on 7.5/9. My thanks to Ajedrez de Estilo for the information.

Internet coverage:

XVII Moratalaz Open Madrid ESP (ESP), 17-27 x 2001

 1. Martinez Martin, David            f  ESP 2297   7.5   53.5 6.00
 2. Korneev, Oleg                     g  RUS 2572   7.5   53.5 6.00
 3. Pogorelov, Ruslan                 g  UKR 2401   7.5   50.0 7.00
 4. Herrera, Irisberto                g  CUB 2444   7.5   49.0 7.00
 5. Simonenko, Sergei                 m  TKM 2419   7.5   48.5 6.00
 6. Lalic, Bogdan                     g  ENG 2528   7.0   52.0 5.00
 7. Komljenovic, Davor                g  CRO 2478   7.0   46.5 6.00
 8. Paredes Sanchez, Juan                ESP 2088   7.0   45.0 6.00
 9. Rabadan, Velasco Raul                ESP 2205   6.5   49.0 6.00
10. Garcia Cuenca, Victor                ESP 2193   6.5   47.5 6.00
11. Valles Moreno, Ivan                  ESP 2181   6.5   46.5 6.00
12. Perez de Aranda,Leonardo Ivan        ESP 2157   6.5   44.5 6.00
13. Perez Cameselle, Francisco           ESP 2097   6.5   44.0 5.00
14. Lopez de Turiso, Jose Angel          ESP 2115   6.5   42.0 6.00
15. Gonzalez Somoza, Oliver              ESP 2051   6.5   42.0 6.00
16. Alonso Fernandez,Marcos                  ----   6.5   41.0 6.00
17. Fernandez Garcia, Ignacio            ESP 2008   6.5   37.0 6.00
18. Fernandez del Rio,Sergio                 ----   6.5   35.0 6.00
19. Morales, John Alexander              COL 2354   6.0   48.0 5.00
20. Perez Pascual,Arturo                     ----   6.0   44.0 5.00
21. Valenti, Richard                     FRA 2143   6.0   44.0 4.00
22. Arata,Roberto                            ----   6.0   43.0 5.00
182 players

16) First Saturday October

There are four First Saturday events in Budapest October 6th-16th 2001, one GM tournament, two IM tournaments and one FM tournament.

Information from Laszlo Nagy and Vlad Barsi.

Internet coverage:

GM Tournament 06-17th October 2001 

 1  Horvath, Peter       HUN    IM   2.0
 2  Todorovic, Goran     YUG    GM   1.5
 3  Husari, Satea        SYR         1.5
 4  Hoang, Th. Trang     VIE    WGM  1.5
 5  Koneru, Humpy        IND    WGM  1.5
 6  Kosanovic, Goran     YUG    GM   1.0
 7  Fogarasi, Tibor      HUN    IM   1.0
 8  Dembo, Yelena        HUN    WGM  0.5
 9  Biro, Sandor         HUN    IM   0.5
10  Al-Sayed, Mahamad    QAT    IM   0.5
11  Jakab, Attila        HUN    IM   0.5
12  Spassov, Liuben      BUL    GM   0.0

IM Tournament A Group 06-17th October 2001

 1  Mensch, Etienne      FRA    FM   2.0
 2  Gonda, Laszlo        HUN         1.5
 3  Galyas, Miklos       HUN    IM   1.5
 4  Boguszlavszkij, Jev. HUN    IM   1.5
 5  Blasko, Istvan       HUN         1.5
 6  Seres, Lajos         HUN    IM   1.0
 7  Berczes, David       HUN         1.0
 8  Kersten, Uwe         GER    FM   0.5
 9  Somogyi, Istvan      HUN         0.5
10  Resika, Nathan       USA    FM   0.5
11  Nemeth, Zoltan       HUN    IM   0.5
12  Cooke, Eric          USA         0.0

IM Tournament B Group 06-15th October 2001

 1  Rajlich, Vasik       USA    FM    2.0
 2  Farago, Sandor       HUN    IM    1.5
 3  Rebers, Eugene       NED          1.5
 4  Tian, Tian           CHN          1.0
 5  Grafl, Florian       GER    FM    1.0
 6  Pataki, Gyozo        HUN          0.5/1
 7  Eperjesi, Laszlo     HUN    IM    0.0
 8  Reiss, Tibor         HUN          0.0
 9  Kahn, Evarth         HUN    IM    0.5/1 
10  Banusz, Tamas        HUN    No games

17) Europe versus Asia rapidplay

The Europe versus Asia rapidplay match took place in Batumi Opera House September 16th-20th 2001. This was a Double round Scheveningen system rapidplay (25 mins per side) event with play on three days: 17th,18th and 19th September 2001. 18 more games are now available my thanks to shahcom.

Official coverage: additional games

18) Kramnik's EDAMI Interview

Michael Rahal has sent a translation of an interview given on October 1st, as part of the EDAMI school and education/internet 2001-2002 campaign. The website is run by GM Miguel Illescas.

Kramnik's EDAMI Interview

19) FIDE News

FIDE have made a number of announcments about their forthcoming World Championships in Moscow. The time limit will be 1 hour 30 minutes for the whole game with an incremental time of 30 seconds per move from move 1. The Women's and Men's Championships will take place 25th November - 12th December 2001 at the Palace Meeting Hall of the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia. The final match of the Men's championships will take place 16th-26th January 2002 in the Moscow Hall of Columns. FIDE have produced a list of Men's and Women's Qualifiers. Source

20) Tragic news from India

Two Under-10 Asian Chess Champions M Abhinav and D Minoo and three other teammates Sekhar, Haricharan and M Madhuri from Andhra Pradesh were killed and International Master P D S Girinath was injured when a vehicle carrying them to a tournament met with an accident at Sakhigopal on Sunday 23rd September 2001. [Source South Nexus News].

Further details: Initial news, Injured Chess players out of danger and Tribute to players in "The Hindu" and from

21) Zone 2.3.5

After the American Women's Continental tournament there are now also Zone 2.3.5 events (men and women) in Merida Venezuela. They take place 1st-10th October 2001.

Internet coverage:

22) Forthcoming Events and Links

European Team Championships

The 18th European Team Championships take place in Leon, Spain 6th-15th November 2001. There are 40 registered countries, 38 mens teams and 32 women's. Players include 134 GMs, 49 IMs, 13 FMs, 33 WGMs and 20 WIMs. There will be more than 400 people including arbiters and organisation at the event. 9 of the 15 top players in the World will compete: GMs Michael Adams (England), Vassily Ivanchuk (Ukraine), Eugene Bareev, Alexander Morozevich, Alexander Khalifman (Russia), Boris Gelfand and Ilia Smirin (Israel), Loek Van Wely (Netherlands) and Alexey Shirov (Spain).

Internet site: (coverage by

European Youth Championships

The European Youth Championships take place in Oropesa del Mar, Spain 20th October - November 3rd 2001.


12 NATO Championships

The 12th NATO Championships take place in San Remo, Italy 8th-12th October 2001.

Internet coverage:

5th World Chess Team Championship

The 5th World Chess Team Championship will take place October 12th-20th 2001, in Yerevan, Armenia. The National Teams of Russia, Germany, Ukraine, Armenia, Hungary, Uzbekistan, Cuba, Iran, FYROM will participate in the event.

Information about the event and the teams will be available on the official website.

Internet coverage:

Hull Chess Congress

The Hull Chess Congress takes place 2nd-4th November 2001.

Further information:

Essent Chess tournament

The Essent Chess tournament takes place in Hoogeveen October 12th-20th 2001. Four player double round robin with Viktor Kortchnoi, Judit Polgar, Loek van Wely and Lazaro Bruzon.

Internet coverage:

2002 US Chess Championships

The 2002 US Chess Championships are held under the auspices of the United States Chess Federation (USCF) and sponsored by the Seattle Chess Foundation.

They take place in Seattle, Washington, January 5th-13th 2002 at the Seattle Center, home of the Space Needle, Pacific Science Center and Experience Music Project. 56 players will compete in a nine-round Swiss tournament for a $200,000 prize fund, with $15,000 slotted for the winner. Included in the line-up are Grandmasters, top women and junior players, as well as an emerging young stars who qualified in the US Open such as the second strongest woman player, 12 year old Hana Itkis.

Further information

Ladies vs. Veterans

The Klompendans Ladies vs Veterans tournament takes place in Amsterdam 23rd October - 3 November 2001. The venue is the Beurs van Berlage in Amsterdam. The event will be called the "Klompendans" chess tournament. Sponsored by Mr. J.J. van Oosterom.


Ladies Zhu Chen (China), Alisa Galliamova (Russia), Nana Ioseliani (Georgia), Xie Jun (China) and Sofia Polgar (Israel) Captain / Coach: Ljubomir Ljubojevic (Spain)

Veterans Vlastimil Hort (Germany), Victor Korchnoi (Switzerland), Lajos Portisch (Hungary), Vassili Smyslov (Russia) and Mark Taimanov (Russia) Playing captain : Vlastimil Hort (Germany)

Further information at:

3rd Friendship chess tournament

The 3rd Friendship chess tournament takes place 4th-14th December 2001 in Prerov (Czech Republic). There will be organized several tournaments including round-robin IM and GM tournament and 3 open tournaments. For more information contact the director of this tournament Mr. Richard Biolek (

Internet site:

ONCE Chess Lectures

Next month there will be some lectures by famous people in chess: Leontxo Garcia, GM Valery Salov, IM Boris Zlotnik, IM Ricardo Calvo. The organisers will publish the names of the winners of the literary contest about chess at the same time. ONCE is the organizer (spanish organization for blind people) of all these events.

Further details:

Free Online event launches an International on-line Tournament 3 levels : Beginners, Advanced and Profesional, in series of 5 players. Registration is free.


Linares Chess Open 2002

The IX ANIBAL CHESS OPEN in Linares, Spain takes place 1st-10th March, 2002. The dates are parallel to the XX CIUDAD DE LINARES International Chess Tournament. The event will be Swiss system, 10 rounds using the new FIDE time control. The venue will be the Hotel Anibal, Linares.

Prizes in Euros (-25% taxes) 1º D.Luis Rentero Suarez prize 10.000 2º 5.000 3º 2.500 4º 1.500 5º 1.000 6º-25º 300 26º-50º 160

Conditions: GM and IM with inscription confirmed by the Organization: free accommodation in a double room Hotel Anibal GM 2600 ELO check special conditions.

Special prices at Hotel Anibal for those players whose inscription had been confirmed by the Organization:

Double room: 24,50 euros per person Single room: 45,00 euros Continental Breakfast: 1,90 euros Buffet Breakfast: 3,80 euros Lunch: 4,90 euros Dinner:4,90 euros

IMPORTANT: Only those players whose inscription had been confirmed by the Organization are guaranteed these prices

Inscription: Every player: 50 euros e-mail: Fax: 34 953 652204

DEADLINE: Monday, 18th February

New Dolmen International

Title of Tournament: New Dolmen International Tournament Country: Malta Tournament dates: 13th January to 19 January 2002 Venue: New Dolmen Hotel, Qawra, St. Paul's Bay Prize Fund: US$ 5000 Format: Open 7 round Swiss FIDE Rated Organisers: International Chess Organising Committee (Malta) C/O New Dolmen Hotel, Qawra, St. Paul's Bay, Malta Fax No. +356 438730 Email:


S.C. Lasker Tournament

The Lasker Chess Club in Bucharest, Romania is organising an "Autumn Festival" 13th-27th October 2001.

There will be three events: A event IGM category 7-8 with 12-16 players a B IM Category 2-4 event with 12-16 players and a women's IM event Category 3-5 with 12-16 players.

Entry fees and details can be obtained from: The Romanian Chess Federation, Ion Campineanu Street, no. 20, phone: 312.55.25 or 312.70.56, fax: 312.19.44 Central Chess Club: Otetari Street, no. 2, phone 314.68.13. or Organizer: FIDE Master Emil Pessi: O.P. 38 – C.P. 80, 72250 Bucharest-Romania, phone 0040-1-240.07.00; fax: 0040-1-312.19.44 (if contacted he assures the reception of the players). E-mail: or

Czech Tour - Open Znojmo and Open Krkonose

Entries are still open for two FIDE open tournaments in the Czech Republic: OPEN ZNOJMO (7.-14.10. 2001) and OPEN KRKONOSE (1.-8.11. 2001) without additional pay. Nowadays more than 30 players from 8 countries in OPEN ZNOJMO and 40 players from 8 countries in OPEN KRKONOSE are registred. For more information look at:

Winterthur Chess Week

The 1st Winterthur Chess Week takes place in Winterthur (Switzerland) October 5th-14th 2001. The main event is a 9-round Open. Several GMs including Vadim Milov will play. First prize is CHF 3000 (US$ 1800). An invitational Youth tournament and a Youth Open (7 rounds October 8th-11th) will also be organized, as well as one Rapid (first prize CHF 1000) and two Blitz (CHF 500) tournaments.

Further details:

Extensions to the pgn standard

Alan Cowderoy (Palamede), Ben Bulsink (DGT Projects), Andrew Templeton (Palamede/Palview), Eric Bentzen (, Palamede), Mathias Feist (Chessbase) and Victor Zakharov (Chess Assistant) have started discussions on possible extensions to the PGN standard. The original standard was compiled by Steven J. Edwards but it hasn't been possible to contact him (if you read this they'd like to talk to you!).

The new proposals can be read at:

40th Groningen International Open

The 40th Groningen International Open is also the 3rd European Chess Championships, there are also invitational and open events. The festival takes place 19th December 2001 - 5th January 2002 Groningen, the Netherlands and is organised by Stichting Schaak Groningen.

Internet coverage:

XXXI Rilton Cup

The XXXI Rilton Cup takes place 27 December 2001 to 5th January 2002.


109th New Zealand Chess Championships 2001/2002

The 109th New Zealand Chess Championships 2001/2002 take place 28th December 2001 - 11th January 2002 in Christchurch. The venue will be at The Millennium Hotel, 14 Cathedral square, Christchurch, New Zealand. The Chief Arbiter will be IA Leon Muys (Netherlands).

Chris Wright reports they have had numerous enquiries from overseas regarding the tournament, from Russia, Belarus, England, Netherlands, Hungary, Ireland, and Australia. They hope to have a number of strong international players competing. The tournament will involve many of New Zealand's top players, as it is a selection event for next year's 35th World Chess Olympiad in Bled, Slovenia 2002.

Internet coverage:

Two New Books in German

There are two new books in German are out. Both are written by famous chess players.

Svetozar Gligoric and Sinisa Joksic have produced a book in German about the King's Indian Defence. The title is "Gligoric-variante" and it is in German. It is the story of the Mar del Plata variantion which Gligoric played first in 1953 and afterwards played and analysed a lot. The last games included in the book from May and June 2001.

More info:

The Exzelsior Verlag Berlin has just just published (in German) the only story by Emanuel Lasker: "Wie Wanja Meister wurde". A Hardcover book of 184 pages is costs DM 29.90. Further information

July FIDE List Study

Chess Siberia an article "Study of the July 2001 FIDE Rating List. Parts I-II" (By Boris Schipkov) are now available.

Bethune Tournament

The 22nd International chess Tournament takes place in Bethune (North of France) 26th-30th December 2001 7 rounds, 40 moves in 2 hours plus one hour K.O, first prize 10000 Francs (about 1500 $)

For more information:


Bundesliga 2001-2

The team lists for next Bundesliga season are out. The first round is on October 6th-7th 2001 with Porz-Luebeck being one of the top fixtures.

Internet coverage: and

44th World Congress of Chess Composition

The 44th World Congress of Chess Composition was held at Wageningen, Netherlands from 28th July to 4th August. The highlight of the week's program was the 25th World Chess Solving Championship, which took place on 31st July and 1st August.

Internet coverage:

Panormo Open, Greece

OAA Heraklio Chess Club, Epimenidis Cultural Company and the Greek Chess Federation are announcing the 2001 Panormo open tournament, part of the 2001 European Grand-Prix.

The tournament will be held in sunny Crete, Greece from October 20th-27th 2001 with a total prize fund of more than 3000 Euros (1st prize: 1000 Euros).

More information is available through the official website of the event:

Hawaii International Chess Festival Postponed

The Hawaii International Chess Festival has been postponed until 2003. It will have the first World Families Chess Championships. Pro (2000+), Mixed, and Amateur (all players under 2000). Prizes for all sorts of combinations of family members. Information:

British Rapidplay Championships

The British Rapidplay Chess Championships 2001 take place 20th-21st October 2001 at Bradford City Football Club, Valley Parade, Bradford.

Further details:

Corsica Open

The Corsica International Open takes place October 28th-31st 2001. 600 000 F of prices (91 500 euros). For more details (Schedule, prizes, travels) :

Tiviakov reports

Sergey Tiviakov's site has his reports on the European Championship in Ohrid (Macedonia) and the Dutch Championships in Leeuwarden.

Yin Hao+ vs. World Team (The Rematch)

Tom Hendricks reports: On July 5, 2001, Chinese IM Yin Hao (2576) will begin play against the World Team in an Internet correspondence chess game. This will be a rematch of the game they played last year. That game, which began July 5th, 2000 and ended January 18, 2001, was a 44-move struggle ending in a draw. This time colors will be reversed with Yin Hao now being white and the World Team black. As he was in the first game, Yin Hao will be assisted by U.S. correspondence player Richard Fleming (2404). The first game attracted World Team players from Brazil, Canada, England, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland and the United States. Most of these players first came together during the Kasparov vs. The World game held in 1999. The upcoming game is open to anyone who wishes to play and is willing to follow the basic guidelines of the World Team. Players of all skill levels are welcome. General game topics and specific strategy are discussed at a moderated board found at:

Visit the site and review the Game Rules and Move Selection Rules. To participate you must both register with AND click on 'Request Password' at the top of the strategy board page. Registration with is the process of selecting your UserName and Password. When you click on 'Request Password' you will be e-mailed another password that is specific to the strategy board. You will need to enter it only the first time that you post to the board. Those of you who participated in the first game with Yin Hao need not request the board password - it remains the same.

Book prizes and ICC (Internet Chess Club) memberships will be awarded throughout the game to lucky members of the World Team. So come and join the fun. Additional information can be obtained by writing to

Krkonose Open 2001

The 2nd Krkonose International Open which is part of the Czech Tour 2001/2002 takes place 1st-8th November 2001 in Snezkou, Czech Republic. The 9 round Swiss at a time rate of 40 moves per 2 hours and half an hour for each player to finish the game. Prize fund: altogether 20.000 CZK

Further information

Elbow Beach Bermuda

There will be several invitational GM and IM Tournaments in the Five star Elbow Beach Hotel in Bermuda prior to their traditional 5 round Open, 17th January to 4th February 2002. There will also be a nine round GM Open.

Contact Nigel Freeman at or see the site

Znojmo Open

The Znojmo Open (CZE) 2001 will take place 7th-14th October 2001. Contact: Dr. Jan Mazuch, Festival Director of CZECH OPEN 2001 - CZECH OPEN - International Chess Festival - CZECH TOUR - International Chess Tournaments Series - International Chess Calender -

Bourgogne weekender

There is a weekend tournament in Bourgogne 6th-7th October 2001. 70 000 Frs in prizes. Venue: Grande salle de l’Hexagone 1st blitz tournament - Saturday 6/10 at 14 h 30 10 000 Frs de prix – 1er 3000, 2000, 1000, 800 et prix par cat. élo II

2nd 5th Open International - Sunday 7th October 9h. 9 rondes : 3 x 10 min,2 x 15 min, 4 x 20 min. 60 000 Frs de prix garantis Général : 1er 5500 F, 2ème 4000, 3ème 3000,( 15 prix ) Spécial Féminines :1ère 2000 F, 2ème 1500, 3ème 1000 Tranches élo :0/1500, 1501/1700,1701/1900 et 1901/2100 et 2101 /2300 1er 1200 F, 2ème 900, 3ème 600, 4ème 300 Vétérans : 1er 1000 F, 2ème 600, 3ème 400. Jeunes : 1er 600 F

Contact: M. LOUIS Tél 03 85 82 55 75- Fax 03 85 82 59 96 e.mail : F. THIBAUDET Tél/fax 03 85 82 68 72 –

6th Wichern Open

The 75th Anniversary of the Barmbek Chess Club in Hamburg will see the 6th Wichern Open take place 13th-21st October 2001. Playing venue: Sports Hall of Wichern Schule in Hamburg (same place as in 1999).

Jubilee Open: 9 rounds Swiss, 7 hours of play (2h/40, 1h/20, 30min/rest). No double rounds. Open for all players. Entry fee: without Elo: 150 DM, Elo less than 2200: 100 DM, ELO higher than 2199: 50 DM, GM/IM free. Prizes 2500 DM / 2000 DM / 1500 DM, many more prices planned depending on number of participants.

Barmbek Open: Limited to players with German national rating (DWZ) less than 1800. 9 rounds Swiss, 5 hours of play (2h/40, 30min/rest). Entry fee: 80 DM, juniors: 40 DM. Prizes: 500 DM/300 DM/200 DM.

For further details: email

5th Open International Bavarian Masters

The 5th Open International Bavarian Masters takes place in Bad Wiessee, 27th October - 4th November 2001. Prize-funds: DM 42.000

Details and online-inscription at:

Weihnachts-Open 2001

The Weihnachts-Open 2001 takes place in Strausberg (Berlin) Germany from 27.12.2001 to 30.12.2001. The tournament will be ELO and DWZ rated. First prize : 500 DM entry fee : 30 DM

Further information: