THE WEEK IN CHESS 381 25th February 2002 by Mark Crowther

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Mark Crowther

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1) Introduction
2) Linares 2002
3) NAO Chess Masters
4) Petrov Memorial
5) Donald Byrne Memorial
6) Einstein Match and Press Conference 2002
7) Serbian Championships
8) Aphrodite Women's Chess Tournament
9) V Málaga International Open
10) GM Loek van Wely vs REBEL
11) Cat IX in Sao Paulo
12) 9th Open Metalis
13) Bundesliga
14) European Grand Prix in Antalya
15) Hastings Premier under grave threat
16) Singapore Chess News
17) 24th Bulgarian Open
18) Le Mans Masters
19) Aeroflot Open 2002 Corrections
20) Forthcoming Events and Links


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Games section

Linares 2002                       9 games
NAO Chess Masters                 20 games
Petrov Memorial                  186 games
Donald Byrne Memorial             41 games
Serbian Championships            189 games
Aphrodite Women's Tournament      82 games
V Málaga International Open       60 games
GM Loek van Wely vs REBEL          4 games
Cat IX in Sao Paulo               25 games
9th Open Metalis                  80 games
European Grand Prix in Antalya    99 games
Aeroflot Open 2002 Corrections     8 games
803 games

1) Introduction

My thanks to Laszlo Nagy, Argiris Kotsis, Mirjana Medic, Mihajlo Savic, Jerry Bibuld, Javier Rubio, Aydin Saray, Jovan Petronic, Javier Rubio, Aard Daanen, Ajedrez21, David Llada, John Henderson, Andy McFarland and all those who helped with this issue.

The Linares tournament got off to an exciting start with Ruslan Ponomariov beating Vassily Ivanchuk to take the lead after the first round. Ponomariov in turn was defeated in round two by Michael Adams. All eyes will be on the FIDE World Chess Champions debut in this kind of competition and especially his games against Kasparov in rounds 6 (with white on March 1st) and 13. Kasparov has looked a bit rusty after a long layoff from play although his openings look as good as ever. The NAO Masters has been a disappointment so far. As expected Morozevich has been responsible for most of the decisive games, however his three losses and a draw has to be counted the shock of the week. The Einstein Group PLC will hold a press conference with Vladimir Kramnik in London (Kramnik will also play and exhibition match against David Howell) it will be interesting to hear their plans.

Hope you enjoy this issue.


2) Linares 2002

Linares is a seven player double round robin with Garry Kasparov, Viswanathan Anand, Michael Adams, Vassily Ivanchuk, Alexei Shirov, Francisco Vallejo Pons and FIDE Champion Ruslan Ponomariov. It takes place 22nd February - 10th March 2002. There are on the spot photo reports for TWIC from John Henderson. The first three rounds only saw two decisive games, Ponomariov's win against Vassily Ivanchuk in round 1 and Michael Adams defeat of Ponomariov in round two. Kasparov looks a little rusty as he missed chances in both his drawn games.

Round 1 (February 23, 2002)

Shirov, Alexei           -  Anand, Viswanathan       1/2   52  B49  Sicilian Paulsen
Vallejo Pons, Francisco  -  Kasparov, Garry          1/2   49  A28  English Four Knights
Ponomariov, Ruslan       -  Ivanchuk, Vassily        1-0   45  C18  French Winawer

Round 2 (February 24, 2002)

Adams, Michael           -  Ponomariov, Ruslan       1-0   76  C92  Ruy Lopez Chigorin
Anand, Viswanathan       -  Vallejo Pons, Francisco  1/2   29  C67  Ruy Lopez
Ivanchuk, Vassily        -  Shirov, Alexei           1/2   13  D11  Slav Defence

Round 3 (February 25, 2002)

Shirov, Alexei           -  Adams, Michael           1/2   25  C88  Ruy Lopez Closed
Vallejo Pons, Francisco  -  Ivanchuk, Vassily        1/2   30  C26  Vienna Game
Kasparov, Garry          -  Anand, Viswanathan       1/2   42  B49  Sicilian Paulsen

SuperGM Linares ESP (ESP), 22 ii-2 iii 2002                cat. XX (2732)
                                       1  2  3  4  5  6  7 
1 Adams, Michael           g ENG 2742 ** .. =. .. .. 1. ..  1.5 / 2  2914
2 Anand, Viswanathan       g IND 2757 .. ** =. =. =. .. ..  1.5 / 3  2727
3 Shirov, Alexei           g ESP 2715 =. =. ** .. .. .. =.  1.5 / 3  2738
4 Vallejo Pons, Francisco  g ESP 2629 .. =. .. ** =. .. =.  1.5 / 3  2770
5 Kasparov, Garry          g RUS 2838 .. =. .. =. ** .. ..  1.0 / 2  2693
6 Ponomariov, Ruslan       g UKR 2727 0. .. .. .. .. ** 1.  1.0 / 2  2729
7 Ivanchuk, Vassily        g UKR 2717 .. .. =. =. .. 0. **  1.0 / 3  2565

3) NAO Chess Masters

The NAO Chess Masters tournament takes place 22nd February - 3rd March 2002. Alexander Morozevich, Veselin Topalov, Peter Leko, Boris Gelfand, Evgeny Bareev, Anatoly Karpov, Joel Lautier, Etienne Bacrot, Laurent Fressinet and Igor-Alexandre Nataf play. The event is turning out to be a disaster for top seed Alexander Morozevich who has started with 0.5/4.

Internet coverage:

Round 1 (February 22, 2002)

Bareev, Evgeny         -  Leko, Peter            1-0   29  A30  English Symmetrical
Gelfand, Boris         -  Nataf, Igor-Alexandre  1-0   66  E92  King's Indian Classical
Topalov, Veselin       -  Morozevich, Alexander  1-0   33  C78  Ruy Lopez Moeller 
Karpov, Anatoly        -  Fressinet, Laurent     1/2   66  D46  Semi-Slav Defence
Lautier, Joel          -  Bacrot, Etienne        1/2   30  C45  Scotch Game

Round 2 (February 23, 2002)

Bareev, Evgeny         -  Gelfand, Boris         1/2   27  A29  English Four Knights
Bacrot, Etienne        -  Topalov, Veselin       1/2   25  E13  Queens Indian 5.Bg5
Fressinet, Laurent     -  Lautier, Joel          1/2   22  B30  Sicilian Rossolimo 
Leko, Peter            -  Morozevich, Alexander  1-0   44  C78  Ruy Lopez 
Nataf, Igor-Alexandre  -  Karpov, Anatoly        0-1   27  B12  Caro Kann Advanced

Round 3 (February 24, 2002)

Gelfand, Boris         -  Leko, Peter            1/2   33  E15  Queens Indian
Karpov, Anatoly        -  Bareev, Evgeny         1/2   23  D12  Slav Defence
Topalov, Veselin       -  Fressinet, Laurent     1/2   23  C92  Ruy Lopez Chigorin
Lautier, Joel          -  Nataf, Igor-Alexandre  1/2   45  E97  King's Indian Classical
Morozevich, Alexander  -  Bacrot, Etienne        1/2   36  C99  Ruy Lopez Chigorin

Round 4 (February 25, 2002)

Bareev, Evgeny         -  Lautier, Joel          1/2   46  A37  English Symmetrical
Gelfand, Boris         -  Karpov, Anatoly        1/2   43  B12  Caro Kann Advanced
Fressinet, Laurent     -  Morozevich, Alexander  1-0   43  C10  French Rubinstein
Leko, Peter            -  Bacrot, Etienne        1/2   34  C99  Ruy Lopez Chigorin
Nataf, Igor-Alexandre  -  Topalov, Veselin       1/2   33  C42  Petroff's Defence

NAO Masters Cannes FRA (FRA), 22 ii-3 iii 2002       cat. XVIII (2677)
                                        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1. Bareev, Evgeny          g RUS 2707  * = = . . = . 1 . .  2.5  2794 
 2. Karpov, Anatoly         g RUS 2693  = * = = . . . . 1 .  2.5  2731 
 3. Gelfand, Boris          g ISR 2703  = = * . . . . = 1 .  2.5  2759 
 4. Fressinet, Laurent      g FRA 2591  . = . * = = . . . 1  2.5  2810 
 5. Topalov, Veselin        g BUL 2739  . . . = * . = . = 1  2.5  2727 
 6. Lautier, Joel           g FRA 2687  = . . = . * = . = .  2.0  2623 
 7. Bacrot, Etienne         g FRA 2649  . . . . = = * = . =  2.0  2720 
 8. Leko, Peter             g HUN 2713  0 . = . . . = * . 1  2.0  2700 
 9. Nataf, Igor-Alexandre   g FRA 2546  . 0 0 . = = . . * .  1.0  2512 
10. Morozevich, Alexander   g RUS 2742  . . . 0 0 . = 0 . *  0.5  2351 

4) Petrov Memorial

The Petrov Memorial took place in St. Petersburg, Russia February 12th-20th 2002. The event was a 9 rounds Swiss with 2 hours for 40 moves plus 1 hour to finish. 19 GMs and about 30 IMs participated. 16 year old IM Evgeny Alekseev won the event with 7/9 he tied with three other players Alexei Kornev, Alexander Areshchenko and Denis Yevseev on the same score.

Internet coverage: (in Russian) (in English) and

Petrov Mem Open St Petersburg RUS (RUS), 12-20 ii 2002
  1. Alekseev, Evgeny          m  RUS 2552   7.0  2691 
  2. Kornev, Alexei               RUS 2536   7.0  2660 
  3. Areshchenko, Alexander    m  UKR 2470   7.0  2659 
  4. Yevseev, Denis            m  RUS 2540   7.0  2616 
  5. Goloshchapov, Alexander   g  UKR 2545   6.5  2599 
  6. Eliseev, Alexei           m  RUS 2489   6.5  2609 
  7. Izoria, Zviad             m  GEO 2547   6.5  2569 
  8. Loginov, Valery A         g  RUS 2524   6.5  2583 
  9. Mchedlishvili, Mikheil    m  GEO 2527   6.5  2523 
 10. Karasev, Vladimir I       m  RUS 2436   6.5  2535 
 11. Kuporosov, Viktor         m  RUS 2473   6.0  2545 
 12. Yandemirov, Valeri        g  RUS 2502   6.0  2531 
 13. Zakharstov, Viacheslav V  m  RUS 2531   6.0  2539 
 14. Shushpanov, Rustam           RUS 2460   6.0  2547 
 15. Rychagov, Andrey          m  RUS 2544   6.0  2520 
 16. Riazantsev, Alexander     g  RUS 2511   6.0  2509 
 17. Ivanov, Oleg V               UKR 2350   6.0  2554 
 18. Shaposhnikov, Evgeny      m  RUS 2523   6.0  2503 
 19. Vorobiov, Evgeny E        g  RUS 2534   6.0  2507 
 20. Psakhis, Lev              g  ISR 2572   6.0  2510 
 21. Voitsekhovsky, Stanislav  g  RUS 2527   6.0  2516 
 22. Skatchkov, Pavel          m  RUS 2464   5.5  2514 
 23. Aseev, Konstantin N       g  RUS 2591   5.5  2465 
 24. Chuprov, Dmitry           m  RUS 2484   5.5  2480 
 25. Kashtanov, Ruslan         f  RUS 2392   5.5  2481 
 26. Lugovoi, Aleksei          g  RUS 2510   5.5  2494 
 27. Zakharevich, Igor         g  RUS 2466   5.5  2507 
 28. Kochyev, Alexander        g  RUS 2410   5.5  2449 
 29. Bocharov, Dmitry          m  RUS 2452   5.5  2438 
 30. Khurtsidze, Nino          m  GEO 2434   5.5  2433 
 31. Kruppa, Yuri              g  UKR 2551   5.5  2476 
 32. Ovod, Evgenija            wg RUS 2355   5.5  2488 
 33. Alikhanov, Felix             RUS 2305   5.5  2460 
 34. Mukhin, Georgy               RUS 2373   5.5  2385 
 35. Popov, Valerij            g  RUS 2593   5.5  2407 
122 players

5) Donald Byrne Memorial

Jerry Bibuld sends news of the Donald Byrne Memorial-Penn State International Master Tournament. USCF Executive Director Frank Niro presented an engraved plaque, commemorating the career of IM Byrne, to his widow Mrs. Donald (Madge) Byrne. During the presentation ceremony, he expressed the belief that Donald Byrne will be inducted into the U. S. Chess Hall of Fame in the near future. IM Donald Byrne was the younger brother of GM Robert Byrne. He died at the age of 46 after suffering from ill-health for most of his career. Stanislav Kriventsov and Norman Rogers both made IM norms. There are a few games which will be played on the 26th February. Full round up of results next week.

Internet coverage:

Remaining games

Simpson - Muhammad (3)
Kriventsov - Charbonneau (7)
Muhammad - Formanek (7)
Simpson - Schneider (7)

Donald Byrne Mem Penn State USA (USA), 20-26 ii 2002      cat. IV (2327)
                                          1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1. Chiong, Luiz              m PHI 2364  * 1 0 = 1 1 1 1 1 =  7.0  2543 
 2. Rogers, Norman              USA 2333  0 * 1 1 = = = 1 1 1  6.5  2492 
 3. Kriventsov, Stanislav G   f USA 2415  1 0 * . 1 = = 1 1 1  6.0  2502 
 4. Charbonneau, Pascal       f CAN 2386  = 0 . * 1 = 1 1 = 1  5.5  2450 
 5. Formanek, Edward W        m USA 2300  0 = 0 0 * 1 = = . 1  3.5  2289 
 6. Adu, Oladapo              m NGR 2239  0 = = = 0 * = = = =  3.5  2257 
 7. Belorusov, Mikhail          RUS 2299  0 = = 0 = = * 0 1 =  3.5  2250 
 8. Simpson, Ronald           f USA 2290  0 0 0 0 = = 1 * . .  2.0  2175 
 9. Muhammad, Stephen A       f USA 2317  0 0 0 = . = 0 . * 1  2.0  2180 
10. Schneider, Igor             USA 2331  = 0 0 0 0 = = . 0 *  1.5  2080 

6) Einstein Match and Press Conference 2002

Kramnik will be in London on March 1st 2002 at the English Speaking Union 37 Charles Street, off Berkeley Square. Press conference starts at 11:30. Blitz match starts at 12:00 midday. 11 year old British Schoolboy David Howell will play World Classical Chess Champion, Vladimir Kramnik. The 'blitz' chess match is being staged by Einstein Group plc. The 4 'blitz' matches each last a maximum of 10 minutes - (total duration of match - 40 minutes). If David draws only one of the matches against Kramnik, David will have set a world record for the youngest person ever to have scored against a reigning World Champion in single combat. David and Vladimir will play for the Einstein Trophy, which will be awarded to David, if he sets a world record. Live coverage on the London Chess Center site.

7) Serbian Championships

Mihajlo Savic reports: The Men's and Women's Championship of Serbia took place in Leskovac 15th-23rd February 2002. It was the semi-final championships of Yugoslavia. The tournaments were 9 round Swiss events. Three top players will take part in the Championship of Yugoslavia. IM Miodrag Savic won the Men's championship with 7/9 ahead of GM Dejan Antic and IM Goran Arsovic. The only woman in this event was 15 year old Aleksandra Dimitrijevic she came close to qualification but lost to the winner Savic. IM Maja Kostic won in the women's competition with 7/9. Youth player Stojanovic Marija and cadet player Stojanovic Andjelija qualified for the women's Championships with 6/9. The Chief arbiter was Rados Marjanovic and arbiter for pairings was Jovan Dragic.

Men's Standings

Place Name                          Rtg  Title Score Buch. 

  1   Savic, Miodrag R. (5)         2469 im    7      49.0 
  2   Antic, Dejan (4)              2470 gm    6.5    47.5 
 3-6  Arsovic, Goran (9)            2437 im    6      45.5 
      Tadic, Branko (7)             2459 im    6      43.0 
      Savicevic, Vlatko (13)        2411       6      43.0 
      Brenjo, Slavisa (6)           2462 im    6      42.5 
7-10  Lajthajm, Borko (12)          2422 fm    5.5    47.0 
      Vojinovic, Goran (8)          2456 im    5.5    45.0 
      Dimitrijevic, Aleksandra (31) 2227 wfm   5.5    43.5 
      Arsovic, Zoran (15)           2404 im    5.5    43.0 
11-20 Perunovic, Miodrag (24)       2305       5      48.0 
      Perunovic, Milos (2)          2474 im    5      47.5 
      Vujadinovic, Goran (16)       2394 im    5      46.0 
      Stojanovic, Dalibor (10)      2433 fm    5      45.0 
      Marcetic, Nikola (17)         2365       5      44.5 
      Tosic, Miroslav (1)           2495 gm    5      44.0 
      Predojevic, Borki (21)        2324 fm    5      43.5 
      Dimitrijevic, Srdjan (26)     2253       5      41.5 
      Maksimovic, Branimir (14)     2408 im    5      38.0 
      Markovic, Milovan (22)        2306 fm    5      37.0 
21-25 Radovanovic, Dusan (18)       2346       4.5    46.0 
      Mozetic, Dejan (3)            2471 im    4.5    42.5 
      Petkovic, Dragoslav (23)      2305 fm    4.5    41.0 
      Vratonjic, Slobo (11)         2432 im    4.5    38.5 
      Atanaskovic, Predrag (33)     2204       4.5    35.0 
26-32 Brajic, Miloje (27)           2252       4      38.0 
      Puzic, Slobodan (30)          2233       4      38.0 
      Irizanin, Radoje (38)         2099       4      37.5 
      Hrzic, Ivan (19)              2345       4      37.0 
      Jovic, Stanoje (20)           2338       4      36.0 
      Vuckovic, Branko (36)         2169       4      34.0 
      Aksentijevic, Malisa (35)     2169       4      32.5 
33-37 Djokic, Nebojsa (29)          2239       3.5    40.0 
      Bogosavljevic, Boban (25)     2273       3.5    36.5 
      Todorovic, Zoran (37)         2120       3.5    34.0 
      Krstic, Ranko (32)            2208       3.5    33.5 
      Lepojevic, Nebojsa (39)       2091       3.5    33.0 
38-40 Dimovski, Nebojsa (41)                   3      39.5 
      Gavrilovic, Leonardo (28)     2244       3      39.0 
      Stankovic, Goran (40)         2044       3      35.0 
 41   Marcetic, Predrag (42)                   1.5    34.5 
 42   Vasic, Vladimir (34)          2174       0      10.0 

Women's Standings: 

Place Name                      Rtg  Title Score Buch. 

  1   Kostic, Maja (1)          2172 wim   7      48.0 
 2-6  Stojanovic, Marija (12)   2024       6      49.0 
      Stojanovic, Andjelija (6) 2101 wfm   6      46.5 
      Urosevic, Marija (11)     2039       6      45.0 
      Mladenovic, Jelena (4)    2122       6      44.5 
      Djuric, Vesna (7)         2094       6      44.5 
  7   Vranesevic, Danica (21)              5.5    36.5 
  8   Tuvic, Nada (10)          2042       5      41.0 
9-14  Dimovski, Aleksandra (5)  2105       4.5    46.5 
      Stojanovic, Nadezda (8)   2083 wfm   4.5    45.5 
      Vasic, Milena (2)         2167       4.5    43.0 
      Zendilovska, Katarina (3) 2139       4.5    40.5 
      Cvetanovic, Gordana (13)             4.5    38.0 
      Stojanovic, Maja (18)                4.5    35.5 
15-16 Dimic, Jovana (14)                   4      36.0 
      Jovic, Jelena (15)                   4      31.0 
17-18 Vojinovic, Jovana (20)               3.5    41.5 
      Paramentic, Mila (9)      2042 wfm   3.5    36.5 
 19   Stojanovic, Ksenija (17)             3      38.0 
20-21 Mitrovic, Marija (16)                2.5    35.0 
      Veljkovic, Jelena (19)               2.5    34.0 
 22   Jovanovic, Zorica (22)               1.5    35.0 

8) Aphrodite Women's Chess Tournament

The International Women's Chess Tournament in memory of Aphrodite Vazelaki took place 16th-23rd February 2002. Tatiana Shumiakina won the event with 8/9.

Further details:

Final Standings: 
Aphrodite Athens GRE (GRE), 16-23 ii 2002
 1. Shumiakina, Tatiana    wg RUS 2358  8.0  48.0
 2. Stiri, Alexandra          GRE 2145  7.0  49.0
 3. Sorokina, Anastasia    wm BLR 2187  6.5  48.5
 4. Papadopoulou, Vera        GRE 2145  6.0  49.0
 5. Makka, Ioulia             GRE 2167  5.0  45.0
 6. Petraki, Maria            GRE 2105  5.0  48.5
 7. Korou, Laskarina          GRE 2005  5.0  40.0
 8. Mourtzouni, Maria         GRE ----  5.0  39.5
 9. Savova, Stefka         wm BUL 2168  4.5  48.5
10. Makka, Evanthia           GRE 2061  4.5  45.0
11. Nikolaidi, Eleni          GRE ----  4.5  35.5
12. Stoumbou, Eleni           GRE ----  4.5  32.0
13. Stefanidi, Maria-Anna     GRE 2065  4.0  50.0
14. Petsetidi, Maria          GRE 2011  4.0  38.0
14. Seretaki, Konstantina     GRE ----  4.0  34.5
16. Zi, Efrosini              GRE ----  4.0  34.5
17. Pagkali, Marianna         GRE ----  3.5  33.0
18. Makantani, Evdokia        GRE ----  2.0  27.5
19. Vazelaki, Stamatia        GRE ----  1.0  33.0
20. Skordili, Georgia         GRE ----  1.0  31.0

9) V Málaga International Open

The V Málaga International Open takes place 22nd February - 2nd March 2002. Three rounds have been completed so far.

Further details on the event at:

Round 3 (of 9) Standings:
Open Malaga ESP (ESP), 22 ii-2 iii 2002
 1. Suba, Mihai                     g  ROM 2528  3.0
 2. Baron Rodriguez, Jesus          m  ESP 2400  3.0
 3. Labollita, Martin               m  ARG 2398  3.0
 4. Barria, Daniel                  f  CHI 2368  3.0
 5. Herrera, Irisberto              g  CUB 2474  3.0
 6. Rizouk, Aimen                   m  ALG 2467  3.0
 7. Matamoros Franco, Carlos S      m  ECU 2456  3.0
 8. Jaime Montalvan, Luis Felipe       ESP 2248  3.0
 9. Korneev, Oleg                   g  RUS 2568  2.5
10. Cifuentes Parada, Roberto       g  ESP 2521  2.5
11. Cabrera, Alexis                 m  CUB 2440  2.5
12. Lorenzini, Martin                  ARG 2363  2.5
13. Valero Fuertes, Carlos             ESP 2175  2.5
14. Fernando, Diogo                 f  POR 2360  2.5
15. Pogorelov, Ruslan               g  UKR 2460  2.5
16. Hernando Rodrigo, Jose Maria       ESP 2389  2.5
17. Damaso, Rui                     m  POR 2412  2.5
18. Lalic, Bogdan                   g  ENG 2523  2.5
19. Garcia Martinez, Silvino        g  CUB 2395  2.5
20. Munoz Moreno, Francisco J       f  ESP 2283  2.5
117 players

10) GM Loek van Wely vs REBEL

Loek Van Wely played the program Rebel Century 4.0 February 19th- 22nd 2002. The four game match used the classical time rate of three minutes per move. The match was drawn 2-2. White won every game.

Official site: Rebel:

11) Cat IX in Sao Paulo

The II Mario Covas International Chess Festival takes place in São Paulo February 20th-28th 2002. The Category IX event has the following players: Rafael Leitao, Rodrigo Disconzi da Silva, Gilberto Milos, Carlos Sega, Martin Crosa, Luiz Loureiro, Ivan Morovic Fernadez, Pablo Zarnicki, Darcy Lima and Jefferson Pelikian.

Internet coverage:

Round 5 Standings:
Mario Covas Jr Sao Paulo BRA (BRA), 20-28 ii 2002            cat. IX (2461)
                                             1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1. Lima, Darcy                  g BRA 2540  * . . . = . 1 = 1 1  4.0  2647 
 2. Morovic Fernandez, Ivan      g CHI 2554  . * = . . = 1 = . 1  3.5  2539 
 3. Zarnicki, Pablo              g ARG 2493  . = * . = . = 1 . 1  3.5  2584 
 4. Leitao, Rafael               g BRA 2571  . . . * = = = . 1 1  3.5  2567 
 5. Milos, Gilberto              g BRA 2580  = . = = * 1 . . = .  3.0  2558 
 6. Pelikian, Jefferson          m BRA 2415  . = . = 0 * . 1 = .  2.5  2495 
 7. Sega, Carlos Alberto           BRA 2291  0 0 = = . . * . 1 .  2.0  2442 
 8. Loureiro, Luiz                 BRA 2358  = = 0 . . 0 . * . 0  1.0  2239 
 9. Disconzi da Silva, Rodrigo   f BRA 2415  0 . . 0 = = 0 . * .  1.0  2239 
10. Crosa, Martin                f URU 2393  0 0 0 0 . . . 1 . *  1.0  2263 

12) 9th Open Metalis

The 9th Open Metalis 2002 (Open Single Championship Of Slavonia And Baranya) took place in Bizovac Croatia. 122 players from 4 countries took place. Time-rate: 2 hours per player for the whole game. Ognjen Cvitan won the event with 6/7. News from Mirjana Medic.

Internet coverage:

9th Open Metalis Bizovac CRO (CRO), 21-13 ii 2002

 1. Cvitan, Ognjen          g  CRO 2550  6.0  23.5 
 2. Rogulj, Branko          m  CRO 2452  5.5  22.5 
 3. Kovacevic, Blazimir     m  CRO 2443  5.5  22.5 
 4. Vukic, Milan            g  YUG 2500  5.5  22.0 
 5. Stevic, Hrvoje          m  CRO 2530  5.5  22.0 
 6. Jovanovic, Zoran CRO       CRO 2360  5.5  22.0 
 7. Leventic, Ivan          m  CRO 2439  5.5  21.5 
 8. Cebalo, Miso            g  CRO 2492  5.5  21.5 
 9. Farago, Ivan            g  HUN 2500  5.5  21.0 
10. Vargic, Drago           f  CRO 2295  5.5  19.5 
11. Franic, Milan           m  CRO 2415  5.0  21.0 
12. Sax, Gyula              g  HUN 2584  5.0  21.0 
13. Kristovic, Marijan      f  CRO 2313  5.0  19.0 
14. Rasic, Damir            f  BIH 2338  5.0  19.0 
15. Jukic, Zdenko              CRO 2295  5.0  19.0 
16. Buric, Danijel             CRO 2235  5.0  18.5 
17. Rosandic, Denis         f  CRO 2248  5.0  17.5 
122 players

13) Bundesliga

The 8th and 9th rounds of the Bundesliga took place over the weekend of 23rd-24th February 2002. Lübecker consolidated their advantage in the championships although they only had a narrow 4.5-3.5 win in their round 8 match against Erfurter SK.

Round 8 23rd February 2002

SK König Plauen    2 - 6  Hamburger SK 
  1  Beliavsky     ½ : ½  Dorfman        1 
  2  Bischoff      0 : 1  Kempinski      2 
  4  Gdanski       0 : 1  Ftacnik        3 
  5  Boensch       ½ : ½  Gustafsson     4 
  6  Kindermann    0 : 1  Berg           5 
  7  Espig         0 : 1  Wahls          7 
  8  Kuraszkiewic  ½ : ½  Mueller        8 
  9  Schaller      ½ : ½  Reeh          11 

Erfurter SK        3½-4½  Lübecker SV 
  1  Luther        1 : 0  Speelman       4 
  2  Haba          ½ : ½  Epishin        5 
  4  Paehtz,T      0 : 1  Hodgson        6 
  5  Fontaine      0 : 1  Nunn           8 
  6  Mueller       0 : 1  Hansen         9 
  7  Votava        1 : 0  Conquest      10 
  8  Casper        0 : 1  Hector        12 
  9  Paehtz,E      1 : 0  Mortensen     14 

Solinger SG        6 - 2  TV Tegernsee 
  3  Kasimdzhanov  0 : 1  Khenkin        1 
  4  Piket         1 : 0  Hertneck       4 
  5  Jussupow      ½ : ½  Beim           6 
  6  Nikolic       1 : 0  Teske          7 
  9  Lobron        ½ : ½  Gross          9 
 12  Rowson        1 : 0  Kachiani-Ger  10 
 13  Naumann       1 : 0  Bromberger    11 
 14  Schaefer      1 : 0  Klundt        12 

SG Heiligenhaus    1½-6½  Stuttgarter Sfr 
  4  Van Mil       0 : 1  Golubev        1 
  5  Solleveld     ½ : ½  Hickl          2 
  6  Dutreeuw      0 : 1  Gabriel        3 
  7  Berkvens      ½ : ½  Bunzmann       4 
  9  Schmitz       0 : 1  Buhmann        5 
 10  Lindner       ½ : ½  Schmittdiel    6 
 11  Heller        0 : 1  Duppel         7 
 13  Perschke      0 : 1  Zeller         9 

Castrop Rauxel     2½-5½  SV Werder Bremen 
  1  Georgiev      ½ : ½  Hracek         1 
  2  Rozentalis    1 : 0  Babula         2 
  4  Doettling     0 : 1  Schandorff     3 
  5  Appel         0 : 1  McShane        4 
  6  Gallagher     ½ : ½  Pelletier      5 
  7  Watson        0 : 1  Joachim        7 
  9  Hoffmann      ½ : ½  Meins          8 
 11  Dinstuhl      0 : 1  Heissler      10 

SV Wattenscheid    4 - 4  Ksp Hamburg SC 
  1  Aronian       ½ : ½  Lamprecht      1 
  2  Nielsen       1 : 0  Pajeken        2 
  3  Rustemov      ½ : ½  Hochgraefe     3 
  5  Holzke        1 : 0  Buhr           5 
  6  Handke        ½ : ½  Voigt          6 
  7  Ellers        0 : 1  Von Buelow     7 
 10  Straeter      0 : 1  Berger         8 
 12  Thiel         ½ : ½  Wendt          9 

SFR Neukölln       1½-6½  SG Köln Porz 
  2  Stohl         ½ : ½  Lutz           1 
  3  Kallai        ½ : ½  Khalifman      2 
  4  Berndt        0 : 1  Van Wely       3 
  5  Brynell       ½ : ½  Vaganian       6 
  6  Borriss       0 : 1  Hansen         9 
  7  Polzin        0 : 1  Graf          10 
  9  Poldauf       0 : 1  Van der Doel  11 
 10  Thiede        0 : 1  Nijboer       13 

Round 9 24th February 2002

Hamburger SK       4½-3½  Erfurter SK 
  1  Dorfman       ½ : ½  Luther         1 
  2  Kempinski     1 : 0  Haba           2 
  3  Ftacnik       1 : 0  Paehtz,T       4 
  4  Gustafsson    1 : 0  Fontaine       5 
  5  Berg          0 : 1  Mueller        6 
  7  Wahls         0 : 1  Votava         7 
  8  Mueller       ½ : ½  Casper         8 
 11  Reeh          ½ : ½  Paehtz,E       9 

Lübecker SV        6½-1½  SK König Plauen 
  4  Speelman      0 : 1  Beliavsky      1 
  5  Epishin       1 : 0  Bischoff       2 
  6  Hodgson       1 : 0  Gdanski        4 
  8  Nunn          1 : 0  Boensch        5 
  9  Hansen        ½ : ½  Kindermann     6 
 10  Conquest      1 : 0  Espig          7 
 12  Hector        1 : 0  Pfretzschner  11 
 14  Mortensen     1 : 0  Dirr          13 

TV Tegernsee       5½-2½  SG Heiligenhaus 
  1  Khenkin       ½ : ½  Van Mil        4 
  4  Hertneck      ½ : ½  Solleveld      5 
  6  Beim          1 : 0  Dutreeuw       6 
  7  Teske         0 : 1  Berkvens       7 
  9  Gross         1 : 0  Schmitz        9 
 10  Kachiani-Ger  1 : 0  Lindner       10 
 11  Bromberger    1 : 0  Heller        11 
 12  Klundt        ½ : ½  Perschke      13 

Stuttgarter Sfr    5 - 3  Solinger SG 
  1  Golubev       0 : 1  Kasimdzhanov   3 
  2  Hickl         + : -  Piket          4 
  3  Gabriel       ½ : ½  Jussupow       5 
  4  Bunzmann      0 : 1  Nikolic        6 
  5  Buhmann       1 : 0  Lobron         9 
  6  Schmittdiel   ½ : ½  Rowson        12 
  7  Duppel        1 : 0  Naumann       13 
  9  Zeller        1 : 0  Schaefer      14 

SV Werder Bremen   5½-2½  SV Wattenscheid 
  1  Hracek        1 : 0  Aronian        1 
  2  Babula        ½ : ½  Nielsen        2 
  3  Schandorff    ½ : ½  Rustemov       3 
  4  McShane       ½ : ½  Holzke         5 
  5  Pelletier     ½ : ½  Handke         6 
  7  Joachim       ½ : ½  Ellers         7 
  8  Meins         1 : 0  Straeter      10 
 10  Heissler      1 : 0  Thiel         12 

Ksp Hamburg SC     3½-4½  Castrop Rauxel 
  1  Lamprecht     ½ : ½  Georgiev       1 
  2  Pajeken       0 : 1  Rozentalis     2 
  3  Hochgraefe    ½ : ½  Doettling      4 
  5  Buhr          0 : 1  Appel          5 
  6  Voigt         ½ : ½  Gallagher      6 
  7  Von Buelow    1 : 0  Hoffmann       9 
  8  Berger        0 : 1  Dinstuhl      11 
  9  Wendt         1 : 0  Hennig        12 

Godesberger SK     4 - 4  SFR Neukölln 
  1  Dautov        ½ : ½  Stohl          2 
  2  Gurevich      1 : 0  Kallai         3 
  3  Kengis        ½ : ½  Berndt         4 
  5  Kveinys       0 : 1  Brynell        5 
  6  Langheinrich  ½ : ½  Borriss        6 
  7  Breder        0 : 1  Polzin         7 
  8  Jackelen      1 : 0  Poldauf        9 
  9  Seger         ½ : ½  Thiede        10 


 1. Lübecker SV        9 47 :25   17- 1
 2. SG Köln Porz       8 43 :21   14- 2
 3. SV Werder Bremen   9 45½:26½  13- 5
 4. TV Tegernsee       9 41½:30½  12- 6
 5. Solinger SG        8 37½:26½  10- 6
 6. SFR Neukölln       8 34 :30   10- 6
 7. Hamburger SK       9 37½:34½  10- 8
 8. Stuttgarter Sfr    9 39 :33    9- 9
 9. Godesberger SK     8 33 :31    8- 8
10. Castrop Rauxel     8 30½:33½   8- 8
11. SV Wattenscheid    8 29 :35    5-11
12. Erfurter SK        8 27½:36½   4-12
13. SK König Plauen    8 23½:40½   3-13
14. SG Heiligenhaus    8 16½:47½   2-14
15. Ksp Hamburg SC     9 19 :53    1-17

14) European Grand Prix in Antalya

The European Grand Prix in Antalya (Turkey) takes place 22nd February - 2nd March 2002.

Further details

Leading Round 3 Standings:
Open Antalya TUR (TUR), 22 ii-2 iii 2002

 1. Georgiev, Krum         g  BUL 2513 3.0       
 2. Chatalbashev, Boris    g  BUL 2529 3.0       
 3. Volkov, Sergey         g  RUS 2567 3.0       
 4. Grunberg, Mihai        m  ROM 2463 2.5  2513 
 5. Djuric, Stefan         g  YUG 2487 2.5  2552 
 6. Gelashvili, Tamaz      g  GEO 2552 2.5  2556 
 7. Poluljahov, Aleksandr  g  RUS 2527 2.5  2522 
 8. Spasov, Vasil          g  BUL 2571 2.5  2600 
 9. Atakisi, Umut          f  TUR 2311 2.5  2431 
10. Ivanisevic, Ivan       g  YUG 2540 2.5  2552 
11. Popchev, Milko         g  BUL 2448 2.5  2353 
12. Moldobaev, Emelbek     m  KGZ 2407 2.5  2507 
13. Sideif-Sade, Fikret I  m  AZE 2405 2.5  2448 
67 players

15) Hastings Premier under grave threat

Due to budgetery cuts by Hastings Borough Council (25% which has added to the 23% cuts already in place over the last 5 years) the Hastings Premier is almost certain not to take place this year. After a run of over 80 years, interrupted on by the war, the Hastings Premier is on the verge of extinction. The Congress as a whole could also under threat. The Congress is looking either for the decision to be reversed or for a new sponsor.

16) Singapore Chess News

The International FIDE rated tournament "Hari Raya Haji " took place at the Singapore Chess Federation premises, exactly 64(!) players form USA, China, Yugoslavia, Uzbekistan, Singapore, Bangladesh, Vietnam & Malaysia took part. The event was jointly won by Woman International master Sanja Petronic (Yugoslavia), International master Domingo Ramos (Phillipines), Julio Sadorra (Philippines), Tan Chor Chuan & Siti Zulaikha. It was a well organized 3 day event played under the new exausting FIDE time control. Many local junior Singapore champions participated, gaining the necessary international experience, two of them achieving provisional FIDE rating. Many trophies were awarded to youngsters in under 8,10 and 12 boys and girls groups. Detailed results at:

Leading Final Standings:
  1. Ramos, Domingo         2322  5.0  25.0  
     Sadorra,Julio          1999  5.0  25.0  
     Tan Chor Chuan         2149  5.0  24.5  
     Petronic, Sanja        2276  5.0  23.0  
     Siti, Zulaikha Faudzi  2040  5.0  21.5  
  6. Seck, Chris            1984  4.5  23.5  
     Khegay, Anjela         2239  4.5  23.0  
     Abdullah Che Hassan    1991  4.5  22.0  
  9. Khaled, Omar           2125  4.0  21.5  
     Tan Poh Heng           1997  4.0  21.5  
     Kek Wei Chuan          2119  4.0  21.0  
     Yeo, Evan              1976  4.0  21.0  
     Lee Choon Keat         1888  4.0  20.5  
     Chan Weng Chee         1836  4.0  20.0  
     Low Ying Min           2107  4.0  18.0  
64 players

17) 24th Bulgarian Open

The 24th Bulgarian Open Championship Georgi Tringov took place 12th-18th February 2002. Julian Radulski had the best tie-break of the six players who finished on 7/9. No games available.

Internet coverage:

Final (9 round) Standings: 
  1   Radulski, Julian (2)        BUL   2499  im    7        42.5  
  2   Cheparinov, Ivan (5)        BUL   2450  im    7        41.5  
  3   Dimitrov, Vladimir (4)      BUL   2451  gm    7        41.5  
  4   Dobrev, Nanko (15)          BUL   2343  im    7        40.0  
  5   Drenchev, Petar (9)         BUL   2401        7        39.0  
  6   Vasilev, Milen (7)          BUL   2419  im    7        38.0  
  7   Popchev, Milko (6)          BUL   2448  gm    6.5      41.0  
  8   Peev, Pejcho (14)           BUL   2356  im    6.5      40.5  
  9   Georgiev, Krum (1)          BUL   2513  gm    6.5      39.0  
 10   Pantev, Veselin (16)        BUL   2325        6.5      35.5  
 11   Rusev, Krasimir (24)        BUL   2282        6.5      34.0  
 12   Stamenkov, Vancho (8)       MKD   2417  fm    6        41.0  
 13   Panbukchian, Valentin (18)  BUL   2321  im    6        39.0  
 14   Kukov, Velislav (33)        BUL   2207        6        37.5  
 15   Nikolov, Sasho (12)         BUL   2360  im    6        36.0  
 16   Mladenov, Plamen (54)       BUL               6        36.0  
 17   Stojanov, Svetlin (13)      BUL   2357        6        35.5  
 18   Panteleev, Petar (28)       BUL   2247        6        34.5  
 19   Kocovski, Ivan (23)         MKD   2297  fm    6        32.0  
 20   Milchev, Nikolaj (42)       BUL   2131        6        32.0  
109 players

18) Le Mans Masters

The Le Mans Masters takes place February 17th-24th 2002. Anthony Wirig scored an IM norm. Full details not yet avaliable.

Internet coverage:

19) Aeroflot Open 2002 Corrections

The Aeroflot Open 2002 took place in Moscow 4th-11th February 2002. Five players, Gregory Kaidanov, Alexander Grischuk, Aleksej Aleksandrov, Alexander Shabalov and Vadim Milov finished on 6.5/9. Andy McFarland sends corrections to 8 round 7 games that were incomplete.

Further details:

20) Forthcoming Events and Links

III Internet Tournament "Ciudad de Dos Hermanas"

IM Michael Rahal (EDAMI) reports that the Dos Hermanas City Council and the Municipal Foundation for Sport of Dos Hermanas in conjunction with ICC and EDAMI (Miguel Illescas Chess School) are holding their third Internet Chess tournament between the 15th and the 23rd of March 2002.

The event will take place on ICC ( and has prizes totalling 4.850 Euros (1st: 1.500 Euros + invitation to the Dos Hermanas International Open).

There will be 12 Swiss System qualifiers (two per day) with the winner of each event progressing to the final.

Last years field included 48 GM over 2.145 participants from 70 countries.

If you wish to take part there are further details, rules and entry forms available at:

First Saturday March and Spring Festival

The First Saturday March tournaments will run 2nd-15th March 2002 in Budapest Hungary. These events will be followed by the Spring Festival. There will be a GM group and at least one IM Group. Contact Laszlo Nagy if you are interested in playing in any of these events. E-mail: Phone-fax: (361)-263-28-59 mobile: (36)-30-230-1914.

First Saturday March GM. Participants of the 2nd-15th of March cat.VII-VIII. FS GM-tournament: IGM KOSANOVIC, Goran /YUG,2428/, IGM LUKÁCS, Péter /HUN, 2444/, IGM VARGA, Zoltán /HUN, 2510/, FM BALOGH, Csaba /HUN, 2398/, IM BREDER, Dennis /GER,2441/, IM JAKAB, Attila /HUN, 2406/, ERDÕS, Viktor /HUN, 2383/, WGM KONERU, Humpy /IND, 2539/, IM VAJDA, Albert /ROM, 2364/, IM BUTNORIUS, Algimantas /LTU, 2449/, FLUMBORT, András /HUN, 2436/, IM ANTAL, Gergely /HUN, 2426/, IM KUSTÁR, Sándor /HUN, 2413/, WGM DEMBO, Yelena /HUN, 2346/. Average: 2428, cat.VIII. Reserves: WGM TRANG, Hoang /VIE/, IM SZEBERÉNYI, Ádám /HUN/, IM PINTÉR, Gábor /HUN/. Max. 14 players.

March IM Tournament. Participants of the 2nd-15th of March cat.I-II-III IM-tournament: IM EPERJESI, László /HUN/, PAPP, Gábor /HUN/, SZABÓ, Krisztián /HUN/, IM BOGUSZLAVSZKIJ, Jevgenyij /HUN/, SCHULZE, Hubertus /GER/, FM BRUSTKERN, Juergen /GER/, IM FARAGÓ, Sándor /HUN/, MOLNÁR, Béla /HUN/, FM DUB, Zeev /ISR/, COOKE, Erik /USA/, ASAUSKAS, Henrikas /LTU/. IM KAHN, Evarth /HUN/, FM BOGNÁR, Csaba /HUN/ ALFRED, Nathan /ENG/, SCHLUSNIK, Nándor /HUN/, KONERU, Ashok /IND/, IM HABIBI, Ali /GER/, FM RADOJEVIC, Zoran /YUG/, IM VIGH, Bela /HUN/, FM MENSCH, Etienne /FRA/, MARTINI, Balázs /HUN/, IM NEMETH, Zoltan /HUN/. Reserve: DOMBAI, István /HUN/

18th Budapest Spring Festival 9 rounds Swiss Open Chess Tournament 15th-23rd of March 2002. Venue: Hungarian Chess Federation. Time rate: 90 minutes till the end, + 30s increment.

Astana Tournament

The Astana tournament (Kazakstan) takes place at the end of May. The players will be Garry Kasparov, Vladimir Kramnik, Viswanathan Anand, Michael Adams, Veselin Topalov and Darmen Sadvakasov.

2nd Eger International

2nd International Round Robin Tmt. Eger (HUN) For acquiring rating and IM norms date: from the 20th to 28th february 2002 category: Tournament A = category II to IV Tournament B = Rating tournament Tournament C = GM tournament, category VII to IX number of participants: 12 to 14 (3 unrated players in the rating tournament) time limit: closed tournament with 10 - 12 rounds, 2 h/40 moves + 1 h /20 moves + 30 min for all remaining moves entry fee: depending on rating, to be stipulated with the organizer additional program: active chess tournament, thermal bath, sight seeing of the historic city of Eger and its pituresque surroundings place: Apartmenthouse Atrium, Eger accomodation: lodging at good price, right next to the tournament place: apartments with bath/shower and WC, telephone, TV, balcony, garage information: Europe Chess, IM Ali Habibi * Postfach 1148 * D-35436 Linden * email: The Europe Chess Round Robin Tournaments will be held in different European Countries. Combine quality chess with your vacation! If you register at least 5 participants ahead of time, we can organize a tournament at a date you pick. Soon more information in different chess magazines and on the internet.

Wroxham Masters

The Wroxham Masters take place March 9th-15th 2002. Players: GM C Bauer 2578 France GM G Flear 2511 England GM K Arkell 2463 England IM D Gormally 2506 England IM B Kelly 2445 Ireland IM K Arakhamia-Grant 2410 Georgia WGM E Paehtz 2383 Germany WGM M Fierro Baquero 2382 Ecuador WGM E Repkova 2345 Slovakia .

Internet coverage:

2002 Uruguay Championships

The website for the 2002 Uruguayan Championships is at: There are various qualifiers in February and March before the finals in April. They started on February 9th 2002.

36th Ballarat Begonia Tournament

The 36th Ballarat Begonia Chess Tournament will be held the weekend of 9-11th March 2002 coinciding with the Begonia Festival. Confirmed participants include Australia’s two grandmasters Ian Rogers and Darryl Johansen. 80-100 chess players are expected to play in Ballarat arriving from as far as Queensland, South Australia and even overseas. Details:

January 2002 FIDE List Study

Chess Siberia has a new article "Study of the January 2002 FIDE Rating List" (by Boris Schipkov, 11.02.2002).

BCF Grading Questionaire

Results of the British Chess Federation Grading Questionaire are available at the British Chess Federation site.

Internet site:

Third Saturday March

Sinisa Drazic reports: that the Third Saturday tournaments in Novi Sad will take place 16th-24th March. The GM event has G Kosanovic, V Kostic, Humpy Koneru, Micic Cedomir, Robert Fontaine, F Bistric, L Murzin, Sinisa Drazic and M Scekic. Three more players are needed including one GM not rated less than 2380.

In the IM event players already competing are: Z Basagic, M Pap, Ashot Koneru, Matej Sebenik, R Mujagic, S Manojlovic, M Stojkovic, Laurent Giudarelli, A Dumpor, Markus Held, Luca Barillaro, I Buljovcic There are already 12 players, the organisers are looking for two more players to make the event 13 rounds.

Contact Sinisa Drazic

Savaria Summer

SAVARIA SUMMER International Chess Open Szombathely (Hungary), 26th July- 1st August 2002. Two events an "A" group- for FIDE-Elo and a "B" group- for children under 13. Further details from: KORPICS Zsolt H-9700 Szombathely, Rohonci 13. +(36)-30/951-0063

Greek On-line Tournament

The five winners of the 1st On-Line Chess Tournament in Greece will receive free hospitality without entry fee in the following tournaments: International Tournament of Ikaria 2002, International Tournament of Korinthos 2002, International Tournament of Kavala 2002 "NATIONAL" ORGANIZ SYSTEMS S.A. the official sponsor of the 1st Internet Chess Championship in Greece has offered 3.000 Euros towards the prizes.

Further details:

Free entry:

Oslo Easter Chess Festival

Oslo Easter Chess Festival consists of The Open Norwegian Championships 23-30 March and The Open Norwegian Youth Championships 23-27 March. Both tournaments will be rated in FIDE.

Further information: (also in English).

Denkbiatlon in Eindhoven

On March 30th for the second time a so called Denkbiatlon will be organized in Eindhoven, The Netherlands. It is a 5 round Swiss tournament and in each round a participant plays a game in chess and in international draughts (10 x 10) against the same opponent (15 minutes per person) Prices 200 euro, 100 euro and 50 euro. Ron Heusdens, who participated in several Dutch championships in international draughts and has a national chessrating of 2076, will defend his title. Homepage: E-mail, tel. (31)402431617.

Canadian Championship Zonal 2.2

Canadian Championship Zonal 2.2 will run March-April as an 11 round Swiss with GMs Spraggett and Lesiege. Internet coverage:

Dutton Chess

The Toronto Closed Championship will finish the 12 player RR schedule Sat. Feb. 9. Isai Berengolts leads FMs Brett Campbell (2001 Champion) and Ian Findlay. Dutton CC hosts one weekend Swiss per month. The top active Canadian IMs play, as well as the occasional visiting GM (Tyomkin, Yudasin).


13th Goodricke International

The 13th edition of the Goodricke International Open Chess Tournament, recognised by FIDE & All India Chess Federation has been scheduled between 17th and 27th March 2002 at Gorky Sadan, Calcutta. This is the most prestigious open chess tournament of Asia participated by leading GMs, WGMs, IMs representing 20-22 countries. In our earlier editions organized by Alekhine Chess Club more than 150 Grandmasters including GM Viswanathan Anand, GM Vassily Smyslov, GM Viktor Korchnoi, GM Nigel Short etc took part. Schedule: 11 rounds Swiss Tournament (4 hour session), Prize Fund: $10,500 Board and Lodging are free for GM, IM (2400+), WGM (2355+). Lodging is free for all players. Start Money / Pocket Money: As per contact. Telephone No.: 091 033 280 3858; Fax: 091 033 247 9559 / 476 6733 E-mail:

Further details:

3rd Annual Millennium Chess Festival

The 3rd Annual Millennium Chess Festival takes place March 1st-33rd 2002, in Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA. $15,000 guaranteed prize fund. Five-Round Swiss. The MCF will again be held at the Ramada Plaza Oceanfront in this Atlantic resort city. GMs and IMs recieve special "comps" including free accomodations in a double room and free entry fee. See website for details. For more information:

6th United Insurance International Masters

6th United Insurance International Masters Chess Tournament 2002 10th April to 20th April 2002 Venue: Conference-Room National Sports Council 62/3 Purana Paltan, Dhaka-1000 Organised by : Bangladesh Chess Federation Sponsored by : United Insurance Company Limited Tournament System : 11 Round Swiss Number of Participants : Around 40 Schedule : 10th April to 20th April 2002 Arrival : 9th April 1st Round plays : 10th April Main session : Every day 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Last Round : 20th April 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The rate of play : 6 Hours play. Rate of play 40 moves in 2 hours and rest of the moves in 1 hour to finish the game. Prize distribution : 20th March 5:00 p.m. Prize Fund : US$ 1500 divided as follows: 1st - US$ 500, 2nd - US$ 300, 3rd - US$ 200, 4th - US$ 100, 5th -100 US$ 6th - US$ 75, 7th - US$ 75, 8th - US$ 75, 9th - US$ 75 Note: Cash prize will be divided equally among Equal pointers. Accommodation : Free for all IM and Foreign Rated Players with 2200+ Food : Modest Food & Local transportation will be given to all IM and Foreign Rated Players with 2200+ Appearance Fee : No appearance many will be given but some pocket money Will be given to select foreign players. Passage : Passage up to Dhaka would have to be borne by players own Federation. Last Date of entry : Invited players must send their conformation to participate in the above tournament on or before 15th March 2002 to the General Secretary, Bangladesh Chess Federation, 62/3 Purana Paltan, Dhaka-1000, Fax No- 880-02-9666766 or 9563304 Phone N0- 880-02-9666766, E-mail: (Syed Shujauddin Ahmed) General Secretary Bangladesh Chess Federation.

Open in Bangladesh

Open International Chess Tournament 2002 29th March 2002 to 8th April Venue: Conference-Room National Sports Council 62/3 Purana Paltan, Dhaka-1000 Organised by : Bangladesh Chess Federation Tournament System : 11 Round Swiss Number of Participants : Around 40 Schedule : 29th March - 8th April, 2002 Arrival : 28th March 1st Round plays : 29th March Main session : Every day 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Last Round : 8th April 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The rate of play : 6 Hours play. Rate of play 40 moves in 2 hours, then rest of moves in 1 hour to finish the game. Prize distribution : 8th April 5:00 p.m. Prize Fund : US$ 5000 divided as follows: 1st - US$ 1800, 2nd - US$ 1000, 3rd - US$ 600, 4th - US$ 300, 5th - US$ 300 6th - US$ 200, 7th - US$ 200, 8th - US$ 200, 9th - US$ 200, 10th -US$ 200 Note: Cash prize will be divided equally among Equal pointers. Accommodation : Free for all GM, IM and Foreign Rated Players with 2300+ Food : Modest Food & Local transportation will be given to all GM, IM and Foreign Rated Players with 2300+ Appearance Fee : Some appearance money will be given to GM's. Some pocket money will be given to IM's and Rated 2400+ Passage : Passage up to Dhaka would have to be borne by players own Federation. Last Date of entry : Invited players must send their conformation to participate in the above tournament on or before 15th March 2002 to the General Secretary, Bangladesh Chess Federation, 62/3 Purana Paltan, Dhaka-1000, Fax No- 880-02-9666766 or 9563304 Phone N0- 880-02-9666766, E-mail: (Syed Shujauddin Ahmed) General Secretary Bangladesh Chess Federation

NK Snelschaken Voor Clubteams

The NK Snelschaken Voor Clubteams takes place 1 June 2002 at the Golden Tulip Bel Air hotel, Johan de Witlaan, Den Haag organised by the SC De Vogelwijk Further information: Ruud Vissers, 010-2207070 (kantoor) of 06-26776496

Reykjavik Open

The Reykjavik Open takes place March 7th-15th 2002. Organised by "The Icelandic Chess Federation" and "Reykjavik Chess Club".


2nd Helsinki Chess Circuit

2nd Helsinki Chess Circuit, Feb 25 - Mar 8, 2002 Helsinki Chess Circuit will be played in the House of Chess, in the center of Helsinki, from February 25th to March 8th, 2002. Events: Group A: 10-12 players all-play-all IM-event, for players ELO-rated over 2200, IM-norm possibility. Group B: 8-12 players all-play-all ELO-event, for players rated 1900-2200. Group C: 8-12 players all-play-all event, for players rated under 1900. Players interested to participate, please contact the main organizer Mr. Sami Hämäläinen,

Further details:

2nd Oxford University Chess Congress

The 2nd Oxford University Chess Congress takes place on the 27th & 28th April, 2002 at Lincoln College, Oxford. Sections: Open (a new Terence Chapman Grand Prix Elite event), U-170 Major & U-125 Minor. Please visit for more information. Alternatively one can contact Jonathan Smith at The Queen's College, Oxford, OX1 4AW; email or on 07813 307563 , but please only 'phone after 7pm.

Eupen Chess Open

The Schachklub Rochade Eupen-Kelmis VoG, Kehrweg 11, B-4700 Eupen ( is organising an Easter Open 23rd-24th March 2002. Info Entry: Guenter Delhaes, Karl-Weiss-Strasse 44, B-4700 Eupen Telefon & Fax : 0032(0)87.552716 bis 18h00 Telefon : 0032(0)87.742578 nach 19h00

X Lasker Memorial Barlinek Poland

The X Lasker Memorial Festival in Barlinek Poland takes place 17th-27th July 2002. Blitz, rapid, open A, open B and under-16 events. Further details: Krzysztof Kedzior E-Mail:

Tony Miles Memorial

Tony Miles Memorial Open on May 18th-19th 2001 in Thunder Bay, Ontario.


17th North Sea Cup

Esbjerg will stage a 17th North Sea Cup July 5th-13th 2002, probably category 13-14. A 10 player round-robin hoping to carry on the reputation with previous tournament winners like Short, Jusupov, Adorjan, Larsen, Vaganian, C.Hansen, Svidler etc. Info: Brian Isaksen at

New FIDE Sites

There are two new FIDE sites. Chess Daily has individual FIDE rating calculations. Also the FIDE site for the World Championships in Moscow has been launched at:

ChessMetrics Site

Jeff Sonas has updated his site: It now has lots of colorful graphs. It includes ratings based on ChessBase games from 1851 to 1998, and then weekly rating lists based on TWIC issues from January 1999 to September 10th 2001.

Linares Chess Open 2002

The IX ANIBAL CHESS OPEN in Linares, Spain takes place 1st-10th March, 2002. The dates are parallel to the XX CIUDAD DE LINARES International Chess Tournament. The event will be Swiss system, 10 rounds using the new FIDE time control. The venue will be the Hotel Anibal, Linares.

Prizes in Euros (-25% taxes) 1º D.Luis Rentero Suarez prize 10.000 2º 5.000 3º 2.500 4º 1.500 5º 1.000 6º-25º 300 26º-50º 160

Conditions: GM and IM with inscription confirmed by the Organization: free accommodation in a double room Hotel Anibal GM 2600 ELO check special conditions.

Special prices at Hotel Anibal for those players whose inscription had been confirmed by the Organization:

Double room: 24,50 euros per person Single room: 45,00 euros Continental Breakfast: 1,90 euros Buffet Breakfast: 3,80 euros Lunch: 4,90 euros Dinner:4,90 euros

IMPORTANT: Only those players whose inscription had been confirmed by the Organization are guaranteed these prices

Inscription: Every player: 50 euros e-mail: Fax: 34 953 652204

DEADLINE: Monday, 18th February

Hawaii International Chess Festival Postponed

The Hawaii International Chess Festival has been postponed until 2003. It will have the first World Families Chess Championships. Pro (2000+), Mixed, and Amateur (all players under 2000). Prizes for all sorts of combinations of family members. Information: