THE WEEK IN CHESS 458 18th August 2003 by Mark Crowther

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Mark Crowther

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1) Introduction
2) Mainz Chess Classic
3) 11th Lippstadt GM
4) First Saturday August
5) 68th New York Masters
6) Young Stars of the World
7) North Ural Cup Women's tournament
8) US Open
9) Category II Lviv
10) Niederbronn IM
11) Mariupol Open
12) 1st Stage Russian Cup
13) Panamerican Continental Championships
14) X Asian Women's Chess Championship
15) Hilton International and Ron Banwell Masters
16) Barbados Championships
17) Abu Dhabi Chess Festival
18) 3rd Plancoet Open
19) Tarbes Open
20) Mid-American Open
21) 11th Fair Play Trophy Correction
22) St-Petersburg vs. the NAO Chess Club
23) Forthcoming Events and Links


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Games section

Mainz Chess Classic                      63 games
11th Lippstadt GM                        66 games
First Saturday August                    51 games
68th New York Masters                     4 games
Young Stars of the World                 18 games
North Ural Cup Women's tournament        28 games
US Open                                 414 games
Category II Lviv                         54 games
Niederbronn IM                           45 games
Mariupol Open                           320 games
1st Stage Russian Cup                   443 games
X Asian Women's Championship             38 games
Hilton International                      5 games
Ron Banwell Masters                       5 games
3rd Plancoet Open                       174 games
Tarbes Open                             194 games
Mid-American Open                         7 games
11th Fair Play Trophy Correction         66 games
St-Petersburg vs the NAO Chess Club       4 games
1999 games

1) Introduction

My thanks to Tinni Levitt, Jon Levitt, Thomas Henrich, John Hillary, Axel Fritz, Victor Karpov, Peter Karrer, Brian Stephenson, Mehrdad Pahlevanzadeh, Frank Berry, Nathan Resika, Mircea Pavlov, Alex Betaneli, Hassan Khaled, Dominique Primel, Laszlo Nagy, John Fernandez, Gabor Pali, Miklos Orso, Hartmut Metz, Maurizio Mascheroni, Primoz Kokalj, Sergey Bystrov, Korpics Zsolt, Stephen Boyd and everyone else who helped with the issue.

The Chess Classic Mainz rapid tournament was the highlight of the week. Viswanathan Anand edged out Judit Polgar on the final day of a fluctuating match. Top seed Alexander Grischuk won the Ordix Open alongside.

Hope you enjoy this issue.


2) Mainz Chess Classic

Vishwanathan Anand beat Judit Polgar in an 8-game rapid chess match in Mainz August 14th-17th 2003. Alongside it was the Ordix open where top seed Alexander Grischuk (9.5) clinched first place with a final round victory over Swedish Grandmaster Evegeny Agrest (8.5). Half a point behind Grischuk was Ivan Sokolov, Josef Pinter, Volokitin, Eric Lobron and Epishin ....

Peter Svidler became what the organsers call the official WNCA (World New Chess Association) world champion. Playing a version of shuffle chess called Chess960 Svidler won the last game in his match against Peter Leko to take the match 4.5-3.5. Svidler will defend his title next year against the winner of the Chess960 Open, Levon Aronian.

Polgar, Judit       -  Anand, Viswanathan  1-0   49  B90  Sicilian Najdorf Variation
Anand, Viswanathan  -  Polgar, Judit       1-0   41  C42  Petroff's Defence
Anand, Viswanathan  -  Polgar, Judit       0-1   57  B90  Sicilian Najdorf Variation
Polgar, Judit       -  Anand, Viswanathan  0-1   52  B92  Sicilian Najdorf with 6.Be2
Polgar, Judit       -  Anand, Viswanathan  1-0   27  B80  Sicilian Scheveningen
Anand, Viswanathan  -  Polgar, Judit       1-0   60  B90  Sicilian Najdorf Variation
Anand, Viswanathan  -  Polgar, Judit       1-0   55  B92  Sicilian Najdorf with 6.Be2
Polgar, Judit       -  Anand, Viswanathan  0-1   47  C88  Ruy Lopez Closed

Rapid Match Mainz GER (GER), 14-17 viii 2003
                                 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8 
Anand, Viswanathan g  IND 2774    0   1   0   1   0   1   1   1   5.0  2813
Polgar, Judit      g  HUN 2718    1   0   1   0   1   0   0   0   3.0  2687

Ordix Open Mainz GER (GER), 16-17 viii 2003
 1. Grischuk, Alexander      g  RUS 2732  9.5
 2. Sokolov, Ivan            g  NED 2693  9.0
 3. Lobron, Eric             g  GER 2497  9.0
 4. Pinter, Jozsef           g  HUN 2548  9.0
 5. Epishin, Vladimir        g  RUS 2642  9.0
 6. Volokitin, Andrei        g  UKR 2585  9.0
 7. Agrest, Evgenij          g  SWE 2605  8.5
 8. Miladinovic, Igor        g  GRE 2609  8.5
 9. Dreev, Alexey            g  RUS 2698  8.5
10. Chuchelov, Vladimir      g  BEL 2608  8.5
11. Rustemov, Alexander      g  RUS 2604  8.5
12. Vaganian, Rafael A       g  ARM 2623  8.5
13. Sadvakasov, Darmen       g  KAZ 2600  8.5
14. Jussupow, Artur          g  GER 2583  8.5
15. Aronian, Levon           g  ARM 2649  8.5
16. Meins, Gerlef            m  GER 2454  8.5

3) 11th Lippstadt GM

The 11th Lippstadt GM tournament took place 7th-17th August 2003. It was a Category X event with Romanishin, Chiburdanidze, Ruck along with the computer program Brutus. There was an unusual scoring system with 3 points for a win and 1 for a draw.

Internet coverage:

Ifficial Standings
 1. Brutus,Computer           * ½ ½ ½ 1 ½ 1 1 1 1 1 1 25.0 106.00 
 2. Cyborowski, Lukasz   2550 ½ * ½ ½ 0 ½ ½ ½ 1 1 1 1 18.0  81.00 
 3. Maiwald,Jens-Uwe     2517 ½ ½ * ½ 1 ½ ½ 1 ½ ½ ½ 1 17.0  90.00 
 4. Ruck, Robert         2550 ½ ½ ½ * ½ ½ ½ 1 ½ 1 ½ 1 17.0  86.00 
 5. Smeets, Jan          2477 0 1 0 ½ * ½ 1 ½ ½ ½ 1 1 17.0  74.00 
 6. Gustafsson,Jan       2570 ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ * ½ 0 1 ½ ½ 1 14.0  77.50 
 7. Chiburdanidze, Maia  2497 0 ½ ½ ½ 0 ½ * ½ 1 ½ 0 1 12.0  59.00 
 8. Jenni,Florian        2508 0 ½ 0 0 ½ 1 ½ * ½ ½ 1 0 11.0  55.50 
 9. Schenk,Andreas       2491 0 0 ½ ½ ½ 0 0 ½ * 1 ½ 1 11.0  49.00 
10. Wehmeier,Stefan      2350 0 0 ½ 0 ½ ½ ½ ½ 0 * 1 ½  9.0  46.00 
11. Romanishin, Oleg     2561 0 0 ½ ½ 0 ½ 1 0 ½ 0 * ½  8.0  44.00 
12. Brenke,Andreas,Dr    2404 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 ½ ½ *  5.0  19.50 

Normal Scoring Method
11th GM Lippstadt GER (GER), 7-17 viii 2003               cat. IX (2456)
                                      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1. BRUTUS                      ----  * = = = 1 = 1 1 1 1 1 1  9.0  2759 
 2. Maiwald, Jens-Uwe     g GER 2517  = * = = 1 = = 1 = = = 1  7.0  2552 
 3. Ruck, Robert          g HUN 2550  = = * = = = = 1 = 1 = 1  7.0  2549 
 4. Cyborowski, Lukasz    m POL 2550  = = = * 0 = = = 1 1 1 1  7.0  2549 
 5. Smeets, Jan           m NED 2477  0 0 = 1 * = 1 = = = 1 1  6.5  2519 
 6. Gustafsson, Jan       m GER 2570  = = = = = * = 0 1 = = 1  6.0  2481 
 7. Chiburdanidze, Maia   g GEO 2497  0 = = = 0 = * = 1 = 0 1  5.0  2416 
 8. Jenni, Florian        g SUI 2508  0 0 0 = = 1 = * = = 1 0  4.5  2386 
 9. Schenk, Andreas       m GER 2491  0 = = 0 = 0 0 = * 1 = 1  4.5  2388 
10. Wehmeier, Stefan      m GER 2350  0 = 0 0 = = = = 0 * 1 =  4.0  2363 
11. Romanishin, Oleg M    g UKR 2561  0 = = 0 0 = 1 0 = 0 * =  3.5  2313 
12. Brenke, Andreas         GER 2404  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 = = *  2.0  2199 

4) First Saturday August

The First Saturday August events took place 2nd-14th August 2003. Arik Braun made an IM norm in the GM tournament. In the IM Tournament Alex Lenderman, Lorin D'Costa Lorin and Jonh Arni Nilssen also made IM norms. Correction to the results Richter-Aagaard (7) in the GM tournament. Stefano Tatai lost his first five games and then quit the event potentially damaging norm chances for some of the players.

My thanks to Miklos Orso, Gabor Pali and Laszlo Nagy for the news.

Internet coverage: Internet coverage:

FSGM August Budapest HUN (HUN), 2-14 viii 2003          cat. VII (2411)
                                       1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
 1. Ovsejevitsch, Sergei   g UKR 2497  * 0 1 1 1 1 = = = = +  7.0  2551 
 2. Todorovic, Goran M     g YUG 2461  1 * 0 1 = 0 1 = = 1 1  6.5  2516 
 3. Aagaard, Jacob         m DEN 2360  0 1 * 0 = 0 1 1 1 = +  6.0  2488 
 4. Braun, Arik              GER 2366  0 0 1 * 0 = 1 = 1 1 +  6.0  2487 
 5. Woodward, Timothy DM     ENG 2285  0 = = 1 * = = 1 0 = +  5.5  2459 
 6. Richter, Michael       m GER 2428  0 1 1 = = * 0 0 1 = 1  5.5  2445 
 7. Barkhagen, Jonas       m SWE 2490  = 0 0 0 = 1 * = 1 1 +  5.5  2439 
 8. Bezold, Michael        g GER 2462  = = 0 = 0 1 = * = = 1  5.0  2406 
 9. Murariu, Andrei        m ROM 2389  = = 0 0 1 0 0 = * 1 1  4.5  2377 
10. Jakab, Attila          m HUN 2442  = 0 = 0 = = 0 = 0 * 1  3.5  2298 
11. Tatai, Stefano         m ITA 2343  - 0 - - - 0 - 0 0 0 *  0.0       

FSIM August Budapest HUN (HUN), 2-14 viii 2003                  cat. II (2296)
                                       1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 
 1. Lenderman, Alex          USA 2219  * = 0 = 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1  10.0  2513 
 2. Nilssen, John Arni     f FAI 2382  = * = = = = 1 1 1 = 1 1 1 1  10.0  2500 
 3. D'Costa, Lorin           ENG 2321  1 = * 1 1 0 = 0 = 1 1 1 1 =  9.0  2435 
 4. Chetverik, Maxim       f RUS 2408  = = 0 * = = 1 1 = = 1 1 1 =  8.5  2397 
 5. Eperjesi, Laszlo       m HUN 2255  0 = 0 = * = = = 1 1 1 = 1 1  8.0  2386 
 6. Farago, Sandor         m HUN 2319  0 = 1 = = * = = = = 0 1 1 1  7.5  2351 
 7. Werner, Dimo           m GER 2376  0 0 = 0 = = * = 1 1 1 = 1 1  7.5  2347 
 8. Pirisi, Gabor          m HUN 2260  0 0 1 0 = = = * 1 = 1 0 1 1  7.0  2328 
 9. Eisenbeiser, Amadeus     GER 2233  0 0 = = 0 = 0 0 * = 1 1 1 1  6.0  2272 
10. Paci, Cedric             FRA 2258  0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = = * 0 = = 1  4.5  2189 
11. Berczes, David         f HUN 2393  0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 * = 1 1  4.5  2178 
12. Soos, Bela             m GER 2315  0 0 0 0 = 0 = 1 0 = = * 0 1  4.0  2153 
13. Zucchelli, Massimo       ITA 2194  1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = 0 1 * 1  3.5  2129 
14. Bopp, Thomas             GER 2215  0 0 = = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *  1.0  1901 

5) 68th New York Masters

Jay Bonin won the 68th New York Masters on 12th August 2003 with 4/4. News John Fernandez.


68th New York Masters Action USA (USA), 12 viii 2003
                                     1   2   3   4   Total
  1. Bonin, Jay             m USA 2368 +14 +10 +12 + 3   4.0  ($400)
  2. Sagalchik, Gennady     g USA 2491 + 9 + 6 - 3 + 8   3.0  ($110)
  3. Charbonneau, Pascal    m CAN 2442 +13 + 4 + 2 - 1   3.0  ($110)
  4. Hoffmann, Asa          f USA 2307 +16 - 3 + 6 + 7   3.0  ($110)
  5. Krush, Irina          wg USA 2449 -10 +14 - 8 +13   2.0
  6. Braylovsky, Greg         USA 2327 +11 - 2 - 4 +14   2.0
  7. Moreira, Jairo         f ECU 2340 -12 +15 +13 - 4   2.0
  8. Privman, Boris         f USA 2222 =15 =12 + 5 - 2   2.0
  9. Young, Ronald          f USA 2279 - 2 =11 =10 +15   2.0
 10. Schneider, Igor        f USA 2217 + 5 - 1 = 9 =12   2.0
 11. Zimbeck, David           USA 2165 - 6 = 9 =15 +16   2.0
 12. Ross, Laura           wf USA 2120 + 7 = 8 - 1 =10   2.0
 13. Furdzik, Rafal           USA 2254 - 3 +16 - 7 - 5   1.0
 14. Sagalchik, Olga       wf USA 2111 - 1 - 5 +16 - 6   1.0
 15. Pelekhaty, Aleksander    USA ---- = 8 - 7 =11 - 9   1.0
 16. Mitchell, Jeff           USA 2089 - 4 -13 -14 -11   0.0

1ST   - $400
2ND   - $160
3RD   - $ 70
U2400 - $100

6) Young Stars of the World

The World's Youth Stars or Vanya Somov's Memorial took place August 2nd-14th 2003. 12 young chessplayers 10-15 years old compete in the event. Ian Nepomniachtchi won with 9/11.

Internet coverage:

World Youth Stars Kirishi RUS (RUS), 2-13 viii 2003         cat. I (2255)
                                       1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1. Nepomniachtchi, Ian    f RUS 2432  * = = 1 1 1 1 = = 1 1 1  9.0  2501 
 2. Khairullin, Ildar      f RUS 2445  = * = 1 = = = 1 = 1 1 1  8.0  2413 
 3. Andreikin, Dmitry      f RUS 2400  = = * 1 = = = 1 = 1 1 1  8.0  2417 
 4. Matlakov, Maxim          RUS 2319  0 0 0 * 1 0 = 1 1 = 1 1  6.0  2285 
 5. Alsina Leal, Daniel      ESP 2221  0 = = 0 * 1 = 1 0 1 1 0  5.5  2258 
 6. Nguyen, Viet Tuong       VIE 2119  0 = = 1 0 * = 1 1 0 = 0  5.0  2231 
 7. Lintchevski, Daniil      RUS 2132  0 = = = = = * 0 = 1 = =  5.0  2230 
 8. Lenic, Luka            f SLO 2386  = 0 0 0 0 0 1 * 1 = 1 1  5.0  2207 
 9. Bogosavljevic, Boban     YUG 2232  = = = 0 1 0 = 0 * 0 = 1  4.5  2192 
10. Sjugirov, Sanan          RUS 2296  0 0 0 = 0 1 0 = 1 * = 1  4.5  2186 
11. Perman, Evgeniy          RUS 2081  0 0 0 0 0 = = 0 = = * 1  3.0  2096 
12. Mueller, Reinhold        GER ----  0 0 0 0 1 1 = 0 0 0 0 *  2.5  2067 

7) North Ural Cup Women's tournament

North Ural Cup Women's tournament in Krasnoturinsk - (Stefanova, Skripchenko, Matveeva etc) took place August 8th-15th 2003. Natalia Zhukova took first place with a superior tie-break from Svetlana Matveeva both finished on 4.5/7.

Internet coverage:

North Ural Cup Krasnoturinsk RUS (RUS), 9-15 viii 2003cat. VIII (2437)
                                          1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 
1. Zhukova, Natalia         wg UKR 2439  * 1 = = 0 1 = 1  4.5  2538 
2. Matveeva, Svetlana       wg RUS 2478  0 * 1 0 1 1 = 1  4.5  2532 
3. Kovalevskaya, Ekaterina  wg RUS 2443  = 0 * 1 = 1 = =  4.0  2485 
4. Kosintseva, Tatiana      wg RUS 2450  = 1 0 * = 0 = 1  3.5  2434 
5. Kosintseva, Nadezhda     wg RUS 2427  1 0 = = * = 1 0  3.5  2438 
6. Stefanova, Antoaneta      g BUL 2503  0 0 0 1 = * 1 =  3.0  2377 
7. Kursova, Maria           wm RUS 2264  = = = = 0 0 * =  2.5  2359 
8. Skripchenko, Almira      wg FRA 2489  0 0 = 0 1 = = *  2.5  2327 

8) US Open

The 12 round US Open with qualifying places for the US Championships took place August 3rd-15th in Los Angeles. Gregory Kaidanov was by far the strongest player but he ended up in a five way tie for second half a point behind Alexander Shabalov who finished on 10/12. 455 players competed. My thanks to John Hillery.

Official site:

US Open Los Angeles USA (USA), 3-15 viii 2003
  1. Shabalov, Alexander       g  USA 2575 10  84.5 
  2. Yudasin, Leonid           g  ISR 2558  9½ 86.5
  3. Sulskis, Sarunas          g  LTU 2578  9½ 85.5
  4. Wojtkiewicz, Aleksander   g  USA 2543  9½ 85 
  5. Kaidanov, Gregory S       g  USA 2638  9½ 82.5
  6. De Guzman, Ricardo        m  PHI 2417  9½ 82.5
  7. Minasian, Artashes        g  ARM 2571  9  87.5
  8. Stripunsky, Alexander     g  USA 2543  9  87 
  9. Ibragimov, Ildar          g  USA 2587  9  85 
 10. Andrianov, Nikolai        m  RUS 2475  9  83.5
 11. Christiansen, Larry M     g  USA 2545  9  81 
 12. Sharavdorj, Dashzeveg     g  MGL 2411  9  80.5
 13. Ganbold, Odondoo          m  MGL 2417  9  78 
 14. Sevillano, Enrico         m  USA 2490  9  76 
 15. Zatonskih, Anna           wg USA 2423  9  73.5
 16. Fierro Baquero, Martha L  wg ECU 2313  9  71.5
 17. Ehlvest, Jaan             g  EST 2587  8½ 87.5
 18. Granda Zuniga, Julio E    g  PER 2641  8½ 85 
 19. Altounian, Levon          f  USA 2427  8½ 83.5
 20. Akobian, Varuzhan         m  USA 2533  8½ 81 
 21. Goletiani, Rusudan        wg USA 2314  8½ 80 
 22. Wang, Philip Xiao         f  USA 2294  8½ 78.5
 23. Ilfeld, Etan                 ISR 2210  8½ 78.5
 24. Mezentsev, Vladimir          RUS 2423  8½ 78 
 25. Abrahamyan, Tatev         wf USA 2201  8½ 78 
 26. Salimbagat,Rico                  ----  8½ 78 
 27. Zilberstein, Dmitry       f  USA 2357  8½ 77 
 28. Taylor, Timothy           m  USA 2401  8½ 77 
 29. Donaldson, John W         m  USA 2440  8½ 75 
455 players

9) Category II Lviv

A Category II tournament takes place in Lviv, Ukraine 9th-18th August 2003.

Internet coverage:

It Lviv UKR (UKR), 9-18 viii 2003                           cat. II (2280)
                                        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1. Oleksienko, Mikhailo   m UKR 2405  * = 0 . = 1 1 . 1 1 1 1  7.0  2495 
 2. Blot, Jerome           f FRA 2283  = * = 1 . . = = 1 1 = 1  6.5  2431 
 3. Kryvoruchko, Yuriy       UKR 2415  1 = * = = = = = . . 1 1  6.0  2390 
 4. Ustianovich, Nazar     f UKR 2261  . 0 = * = = 1 1 1 1 = .  6.0  2411 
 5. Privalov, Y            m RUS 2404  = . = = * 1 0 1 = . 1 1  6.0  2403 
 6. Heurtebize, Olivier      FRA 2279  0 . = = 0 * . 0 1 1 1 1  5.0  2335 
 7. Kravtsiv, Martyn         UKR 2160  0 = = 0 1 . * . = 0 = 1  4.0  2257 
 8. Hryhorenko, Nataliya  wm UKR 2217  . = = 0 0 1 . * = 0 1 =  4.0  2243 
 9. Bondarets, Vadim       m UKR 2388  0 0 . 0 = 0 = = * 1 . 1  3.5  2174 
10. Rouillon, Ludovic        FRA 2162  0 0 . 0 . 0 1 1 0 * = 1  3.5  2184 
11. Hermanov, Alexander      UKR 2268  0 = 0 = 0 0 = 0 . = * .  2.0  2067 
12. Pean, Leonard            FRA 2116  0 0 0 . 0 0 0 = 0 0 . *  0.5  1857 

10) Niederbronn IM

The Niederbronn IM tournament took place 2nd-10th August 2003. Ludger Keitlinghaus won the event and Hannes Rau made an IM norm.

Internet coverage:

IM Niederbronn FRA (FRA), 2-10 viii 2003                cat. IV (2334)
                                        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1. Keitlinghaus, Ludger   g GER 2506  * = = 1 = 1 = 1 1 1  7.0  2535 
 2. Gasthofer, Alexander   f GER 2412  = * = = = 1 = = 1 1  6.0  2450 
 3. Rau, Hannes              GER 2388  = = * 0 1 0 1 1 1 1  6.0  2453 
 4. Netzer, Jean             FRA 2268  0 = 1 * = = = = 1 1  5.5  2421 
 5. Batyrov, Sapar         g TKM 2418  = = 0 = * 1 1 1 = 0  5.0  2367 
 6. Aguettaz, Maxime         FRA 2303  0 0 1 = 0 * = = 1 1  4.5  2337 
 7. Milliet, Sophie       wm FRA 2275  = = 0 = 0 = * = = 1  4.0  2297 
 8. Sermier, Guillaume     f FRA 2373  0 = 0 = 0 = = * = 0  2.5  2163 
 9. Reinhart, Emmanuel       FRA 2148  0 0 0 0 = 0 = = * 1  2.5  2188 
10. Mohebbi, Jaffar        f FRA 2251  0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 *  2.0  2123 

11) Mariupol Open

The Mariupol Open took place 11th-20th July 2003. IM Alexander Nosenko won with 8/10. My thanks to Thomas Henrich for the games.

Further details:

Open Mariupol UKR (UKR), 11-20 vii 2003
 1. Nosenko, Alexander       m  UKR 2478 8.0  2579 
 2. Matjushin, Gennady       m  UKR 2416 7.5  2553 
 3. Shilin, Denis            m  UKR 2409 7.0  2435 
 4. Olenin, Nikolay          m  RUS 2420 7.0  2478 
 5. Boginin, Oleg               UKR 2378 7.0  2385 
 6. Maximov, Dmitry             UKR 2437 7.0  2396 
 7. Simantsev, Mikhail       m  UKR 2390 7.0  2445 
 8. Gasanov, Eldar           m  UKR 2396 7.0  2446 
 9. Tishin, D                m  UKR 2310 6.5  2399 
10. Polivanov, Anatoliy      m  UKR 2425 6.5  2398 
11. Iljin, Timofey              UKR 2175 6.5  2356 
12. Skliar, Andrey              UKR 2266 6.5  2335 
13. Golinka, Oleksandr          UKR 2271 6.5  2259 
14. Shalimov, Valery         m  UKR 2478 6.0  2369 
15. Zatonskih, V                UKR 2305 6.0  2295 
16. Shemeakin, Alexander     m  UKR 2360 6.0  2293 
17. Demkovich, Anatoliy      m  UKR 2422 6.0  2241 
18. Kamenets, Anatolij       m  UKR 2326 6.0  2289 
19. Zhornik,Nicolay             UKR ---- 6.0  2298 
20. Konev, Viktor               UKR 2121 6.0  2230 
21. Kononenko, Dmitry           UKR 2170 6.0  2177 
64 players

12) 1st Stage Russian Cup

The 1st Stage of the Russian Cup takes place in Tomsk 4th-12th July 2003. Standings derived from the games. Unfortunately over 100 games are not complete. Badmatsyrenov withdrew after 3 rounds, Kirillov after 6. My thanks to Victor Karpov.

1st Stage Russian Cup Tomsk RUS (RUS), 4-12 vii 2003
  1. Belozerov, Andrei         g  RUS 2541  8.0  2772 
  2. Bocharov, Dmitry          m  RUS 2526  7.0  2623 
  3. Yudin, Sergei             f  RUS 2384  7.0  2595 
  4. Pridorozhni, Aleksei      m  RUS 2485  7.0  2566 
  5. Fominyh, Alexander        g  RUS 2520  6.5  2559 
  6. Gajsin, Evgenij              RUS 2389  6.5  2498 
  7. Nevostrujev, Vladimir     m  RUS 2510  6.0  2561 
  8. Ovetchkin, Roman          m  RUS 2519  6.0  2550 
  9. Iskusnyh, Sergei          g  RUS 2487  6.0  2519 
 10. Zablotsky, Sergei         f  RUS 2410  6.0  2514 
 11. Akselrod, Vladislav       m  RUS 2437  6.0  2480 
 12. Maletin, Pavel            f  RUS 2422  6.0  2403 
 13. Kabanov, Nikolai          m  RUS 2489  6.0  2481 
 14. Logunov, Maxim            m  RUS 2422  6.0  2480 
 15. Ponkratov, Pavel             RUS 2296  6.0  2354 
 16. Frolov, Denis             m  RUS 2417  6.0  2383 
 17. Katalymov, Boris N        m  KAZ 2394  6.0  2475 
 18. Kron, Valentin            m  RUS 2407  6.0  2462 
100 players

13) Panamerican Continental Championships

The Panamerican Continental Championships take place in 16th-30th August 2003. 11 round Swiss. $11,000 first prize.

Official site:

Leading players
   1. ONISCHUK Alex             USA  GM 2657   
   2. GRANDA Julio              PER  GM 2641   
   3. KAIDANOV Gregory          USA  GM 2638   
   4. VESCOVI Giovanni          BRA  GM 2618   
   5. BRUZON Lazaro             CUB  GM 2614   
   6. DOMINGUEZ Lenier          CUB  GM 2610   
   7. GOLDIN Alexander          USA  GM 2608   
   8. NOVIKOV Igor              USA  GM 2598   
   9. MILOS Gilberto            BRA  GM 2592   
  10. GULKO Boris               USA  GM 2583   
  11. SHABALOV Alexander        USA  GM 2575   
  12. MOROVIC Ivan              CHI  GM 2573   
  13. NAKAMURA Hikaru           USA  GM 2568   
  14. SHULMAN Yuri              USA  GM 2559   
  15. DE FIRMIAN Nick           USA  GM 2553   
  16. FELGAER Ruben             ARG  GM 2551   
  17. WOJTKIEWICZ Aleksander    USA  GM 2543   
  18. IVANOV Alexander          USA  GM 2538   
  19. KUDRIN Sergey             USA  GM 2538   
  20. LESIEGE Alexandre         CAN  GM 2535   
  21. ZARNICKI Pablo            ARG  GM 2530   
  22. NOGUEIRAS Jesus           CUB  GM 2521   
  23. FRANCO Zenon              PAR  GM 2520   
  24. SORIN Ariel               ARG  GM 2519   
  25. VASQUEZ Rodrigo           CHI  IM 2514   
  26. CAMPORA DANIEL            ARG  GM 2510   
  27. GUREVICH Dmitry           USA  GM 2504   

14) X Asian Women's Chess Championship

The X Asian Women's Chess Championship takes place in Calicut, 16th-25th August 2003. Defending Champion Li Ruofang (2433), GM Koneru, Humpy (2468), WGM Zhao Xue (2467), WGM Wang, Pin (2465), WGM Hoang Thanh Trang (IM) (2458), WGM Vijayalakshmi, Subbaraman (IM) (2435) compete. 9 round swiss.

Internet coverage:

Round 2 Standings:
X Asian Women Calicut IND (IND), 17-25 viii 2003
 1. Li Ruofan                  wg CHN 2433  2.0       
 2. Gu Xiaobing                wm CHN 2346  2.0       
 3. Tian Tian                  wg CHN 2300  2.0       
 4. Meenakshi, S               wm IND 2319  1.5  2482 
 5. Ruan Lufei                    CHN 2307  1.5  2404 
 6. Sergeeva, Maria            wg KAZ 2356  1.5  2442 
 7. Wang Pin                   wg CHN 2465  1.5  2479 
 8. Wang Yu                    wf CHN 2357  1.5  2443 
 9. Koneru, Humpy              g  IND 2468  1.5  2516 
10. Safira, Shahnaz            wf IND 2120  1.5  2416 
11. Huang Qian                 wm CHN 2313  1.5  2416 
12. Ramaswamy, Aarthie         wg IND 2316  1.5  2460 
13. Vijayalakshmi, Subbaraman  m  IND 2435  1.5  2460 
14. Xu Yuanyuan                wm CHN 2347  1.5  2497 
15. Harika, Dronavalli         wf IND 2351  1.0  2319 
16. Hoang Thanh Trang          m  VIE 2458  1.0  2285 
17. Kavitha, J.E                  IND 2066  1.0  2239 
18. Meera, Sai                    IND 2172  1.0  2208 
19. Mohota, Nisha              wm IND 2321  1.0  2210 
20. Zhao Xue                   wg CHN 2467  1.0  2325 
21. Gokhale, Anupama           wm IND 2253  1.0  2302 
22. Koneru, Chandra Hawsa         IND 2193  1.0  2228 
23. Le Kieu Thien Kim          wm VIE 2316  1.0  2268 
24. Pratibha, Y                   IND 2185  1.0  2178 
25. Sachdev, Tania             wm IND 2206  1.0  2262 
26. Shen Yang                     CHN 2113  1.0  2268 
27. Swathi, Ghate              wm IND 2299  1.0  2236 
28. Thipsay, Bagyashree Sathe  wm IND 2225  1.0  2281 
29. Zhang Jilin                   CHN 2300  0.5  2201 
30. Malinicheva, L             wf UZB 2126  0.5  2034 
31. Nguyen Thi Thanh An        wm VIE 2335  0.5  2020 
32. Karavade, Eesha               IND 2218  0.0       
33. Parveen, Seyda Shabana     wf BAN 2140  0.0       
34. Lakshmi, Priya T.T            IND 2005  0.0       
35. Priya, P                      IND 2091  0.0       
36. Sangeetha, M. R               IND 2100  0.0       
37. Swati, Mohota                 IND 2104  0.0       
38. Wijesurya,Vineetha            SRI ----  0.0       

15) Hilton International and Ron Banwell Masters

The Hilton Blackpool International tournament and Ron Benwell Masters took place August 4th-9th 2003 at the Hilton Hotel Blackpool. Nigel Davies, Abhijit Kunte and John Shaw finished on 6/9 in the Hilton International. Kidambi Sundararajan won the Ron Banwell Masters with 7/9. Games from the final round are now available.


16) Barbados Championships

The Barbados Championships take place July 19 - August 11 Barbados. FM Delisle Warner won with a clean score of 11/11. Games not available in PGN.

Official site

17) Abu Dhabi Chess Festival

The Abu Dhabi Chess Festival takes place 16th-26th August 2003 with 5 seperate tournaments and $25,000 total prize. Players include: 1 Lputian,Smbat 2623 ARM 2 Vladimirov,Evgeny 2606 KAZ 3 Sargissian,Gabriel 2600 ARM 4 Jobava,Baadur 2596 GEO 5 Kengis,Edvins 2586 LAT 6 Mamedyarov,Shakhriyaz 2585 AZE.

Official site:

18) 3rd Plancoet Open

The 3rd Plancoet Open took place 26th July - 3rd August 2003 with 114 players. The tournament was also the championships of Britanny. IM Amir Bagheri won with 7.5/9 and became also champion of Brittany 2002/2003. News Dominique Primel.

Internet coverage:

3rd Open Plancoet FRA (FRA), 26 vii-3 viii 2003
 1. Bagheri, Amir          m  IRI 2500 7.5  2604 
 2. Genov, Petar           g  BUL 2501 7.0  2477 
 3. Komljenovic, Davor     g  CRO 2434 6.5  2395 
 4. Bricard, Emmanuel      m  FRA 2456 6.5  2448 
 5. Froeyman, Helmut          BEL 2274 6.5  2341 
 6. Tripoteau, Nicolas        FRA 2258 6.0  2411 
 7. Le Roux, Jean-Pierre      FRA 2442 6.0  2303 
 8. Coursaget, Nicolas        FRA 2226 6.0  2432 
 9. Schuermans, Robert        BEL 2214 6.0  2210 
10. Redon, Bruno              FRA 2204 6.0  2180 
114 players

19) Tarbes Open

The 11th Tarbes Open took place 19th-21st April 2003. IGM Barsov won with 8,5/9.

Internet coverage:

20) Mid-American Open

Alex Betaneli reports: 2003 Mid-American Open was held in Des Moines, the largest city of Iowa, USA. The tournament drew 160 participants including two IMs (Michael Brooks and Stanislav Smetankin), one untitled 2500 player (Andrei Tcherepanov) and many masters. IM Smetankin took home almost $1200 for his 4.5/5 result. IM Brooks, Keaton Kwiera, and Tim McEntee tied for second place netting $500 each. Paul Fricano won the u2000 section with 5/5 ($953) and Gene Strandberg took clear first in u1600 section ($734). The tournament was organized by Continental Chess Association and directed by Steve Immitt and Walter Brown. Final crosstables can found at Next year's event is scheduled for August 20-22 of 2004.

The Atlantic Open takes place August 22nd-24th in Washington, DC. (

Mid-American Open Des Moines USA (USA), 1-3 viii 2003
  1 Smetankin, Stanislav....2529  4.5  $1192.00
  2 Brooks, Michael A.......2487  4.0  $ 503.34
  3 Kiewra, Keaton F........2183  4.0  $ 503.34
  4 Mc Entee, Tim R.........2168  4.0  $ 503.34
  5 Betaneli, Alexander.....2265  3.5
  6 Juric, Zvonko...........2027  3.5  $ 139.00
  7 Datta, Deepyaman........1972  3.5  $ 139.00
  8 Tcherepanov, Andrei V...2521  3.0
  9 Stamnov, Aleksandar.....2238  3.0
 10 Lubka, Reuben N.........2046  3.0
 11 Donahue, Robert J.......2041  3.0
 12 Stevanovic, Miomir......2017  3.0
 13 Simonse, Jimmy B........1999  3.0
 14 Nienart, Christopher....1961  3.0
 15 Donahue, John P.........1872  3.0
59 players

21) 11th Fair Play Trophy Correction

I gave the results and games from the 11th Fair Play Trophy in TWIC 454. Unfortunately I misidentified one of the players who the organisers called Constantin Burnoiu (I identified a Constantina) but appears in the rating list as Nicolae-Costel Burnoiu. There is a new table below and I give all the games again. The event took place in Techirghiol, Romania 1st-11th July 2003. The winner Valentin Raceanu and 2nd placed Francisc Nemeth made IM norms. Info Mihaela and Dorel Bode.

11th Fair Play Trophy Techirghiol ROM (ROM), 1-11 vii 2003    cat. III (2307)
                                           1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1. Raceanu, Valentin           ROM 2378  * = 1 1 = 1 1 = = 1 1 1  9.0  2562 
 2. Nemeth, Francisc          f ROM 2284  = * 1 = 1 = = 1 = = 1 1  8.0  2484 
 3. Burnoiu, Nicolae-Costel   m ROM 2384  0 0 * = = 1 1 1 = 1 0 1  6.5  2364 
 4. Florescu, Codrut          m ROM 2416  0 = = * 0 1 = 1 = = 1 1  6.5  2362 
 5. Vioreanu, Bogdan          f ROM 2395  = 0 = 1 * 0 0 = 1 1 1 1  6.5  2363 
 6. Kostic, Nebojsa           m YUG 2334  0 = 0 0 1 * 1 = = = 1 1  6.0  2340 
 7. Podgurkii, Stepan           MDA 2151  0 = 0 = 1 0 * = = = 1 1  5.5  2321 
 8. Manescu, Tiberiu          f ROM 2354  = 0 0 0 = = = * = 1 1 1  5.5  2302 
 9. Miljkovic, Mihajlo          YUG 2275  = = = = 0 = = = * 0 = 1  5.0  2273 
10. Susterman, Anja          wg MDA 2280  0 = 0 = 0 = = 0 1 * = =  4.0  2207 
11. Chiricuta, Marius         f ROM 2216  0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 = = * 1  3.0  2140 
12. Ciornei, Dragos             GER 2216  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = 0 *  0.5  1845 

22) St-Petersburg vs. the NAO Chess Club

Somehow I managed to miss this report and the games out of TWIC at the time so for completeness its here now along with the games. There was a distance chess match between St-Petersburg vs. the NAO Chess Club in Paris May 28th 2003, on the day of the 300th anniversary of Saint-Petersburg. St. Petersburg beat NAO Chess Club 2.5-1.5, Viktor Korchnoi won the only decisive game against Laurent Fressinet.


Sergey Karyakin 1/2 Konstantin Sakaev
Viktor Kortchnoi 1-0 Laurent Fressinet
Teimour Radjabov 1/2 Peter Svidler
Alexander Khalifman 1/2 Vladimir Kramnik

The playing rate was 15 minutes plus an increment of ten seconds per move for the whole game.

Internet coverage: (in Russian and English) and (in French).

23) Forthcoming Events and Links

Vidmar Memorial

Chess Federation of Slovenia is organising the 15th international grandmaster chess tournament (XII category) in honour of grandmaster Dr. Milan Vidmar. The event takes place August 17th-26th 2003 in Terme Zrece.

Internet coverage:

Players: 1. Beliavsky Alexander G GM 2668 SLO 2. Sutovsky Emil GM 2639 ISR 3. Pavasovic Duško GM 2596 SLO 4. Sermek Dragen GM 2577 SLO 5. Halkias Stelios GM 2560 GRE 6. Mitkov Nikola GM 2552 MKD 7. Sedlak Nikola IM 2528 YUG 8. Mikhalchishin Adrian GM 2518 SLO 9. Borišek Jure FM 2443 SLO 10. Lenic Luka FM 2386 SLO

Vienna Open

Vienna Open 16th-24th August Konstantin Landa, Viktor Korchnoi and Vereslav Eingorn play.

Internet coverage: and Live coverage of 36 boards

Winterthur Chess Week

The 3rd Winterthur Chess Week takes place in Winterthur (Switzerland) October 3rd-11th 2003. The main event is a 9-round Open with a total prize money of CHF 10750 (EUR 6900, USD 7600). The final two rounds of the Swiss Team Championship will also be played at the same location October 4th and 5th. Other events include a Youth Open (7 rounds October 6th-10th) and two Blitz tournaments.

Further details:

23rd Bratto Festival

The 23rd International Chess Tournament "Conca della Presolana" will take place in Bratto (Italy) 21st-29th August 2003, with many GMs and IMs (Epishin, Lalic, Drazic, Sax, Khenkin, Horvath, Maksimenko, Godena and so on).

Internet coverage with photos, games, live games:

1st Vilnius International

Lithuanian Chess Federation organises the first Vilnius International Chess Championship September 27th - October 4th 2003 in Vilnius.

Further details:

7th Mind Sports Olympiad

The 7th Mind Sports Olympiad takes place at the Conference Centre, University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology 16th-25th August 2003.

Further details:

British Land UK Chess Challenge

The British Land UK Chess Challenge takes place at 12 Noon on Wednesday, 20th August on a giant chess board in British Land's Broadgate, Exchange Square, tucked behind Liverpool Street Station in the City of London. The match is between the rising US celebrity female player, 22 year old Brooklyn based Jennifer Shahade, the 2002 US women's chess champion and the leading male and female players in the 2002 UK Chess Challenge (an event with over 60,000 competitors), Lorin D'Costa and Alexandra Wilson.

Further details:

GM Chess at Somerset House

Your Chance to Play a Grandmaster! Every Saturday throughout September, October and November a Grandmaster will be playing blitz against visitors to the Somerset House Art of Chess Exhibition (extended to November 30th). Participating Grandmasters include John Nunn, Danny King, John Emms, Jonathan Levitt and Chris Ward. The event is free, so come along to the Seamens Hall at Somerset House (a fabulous venue by the river Thames near Aldwych and the Strand) any Saturday afternoon between 2 and 5 PM for this fun opportunity to pit your wits against a leading player.

Further information: Email: Tel: 020 7420 9406

Further details:

French Championships

The 78th French Championships take place in Aix-les-Bains 18th-30th August 2003.

Players in the mixed event Joel Lautier, Etienne Bacrot, Laurent Fressinet, Iossif Dorfman, Christian Bauer, Anatoli Vaisser, Andrei Sokolov, Igor Nataf, Jean-Marc Degraeve, Robert Fontaine, Jean-Luc Chabanon and Laurent Guidarelli (2392). Substitutes: Almira Skripchenko, Manuel Apicella, Cyril Marcelin and Eloi Relange. Igor Nataf seems unlikely to participate.

Players in the women's Marie Sebag, Sylvia Collas, Maria Leconte, Roza Lallemand, Sophie Milliet, Malina Nicoara, Marina Costagliola, Christine Flear, Marina Roumegous, Raphaelle Delahaye, Anne Muller, Pauline Guichard. Substitutes Friederike Armas, Claire Gervais, Mélanie Verot and Sabine Fruteau.

Internet coverage:

Winton Capital British Chess Solving Championship Results

The Winton Capital British Chess Solving Championship (WCBCSC) is run annually by the British Chess Problem Society (BCPS). It is sponsored by Winton Capital Management. As well as a cash prize and a trophy, the winner receives a guaranteed place in the British team for the next World Chess Solving Championship (WCSC). Results now available.


British Team results from the World Chess Solving Championship in Moscow. Detailed results:

1st Misr Closed 2003 Egypt

The 1st Misr Closed 2003 is a Round-Robin 1st-10th September 2003 at Europe Hotel about 2km from the Pyramids Cairo. 11 Rounds 12 Players (6 invited GMs 6 EGY players with average Rating about 2423) New Fide Time Control ( 90 Min for all game and 30 Sec. added for every move) , play starts at 6 pm daily from 1st-10th September, arrival 31st August, Rest Day 5 September. There will be 2 days, with also in the Morning at 10 am departure 11th September.

Prizes as follows : 1st till 6th. 700-500-400-300-200-100 US$. Prizes are distributed according to Hort System (between the number of players corresponding to number of advertised prizes). For every invited GM the organisers will provide full accommodation in Single Room 4 Star Hotel starting from 31st August - 11th September 2003, and $500 US as compensation for the Air-Ticket.

Contact email is and Hassan Khaled General Director Egyptian Chess Federation Phone +20-2-3378987 and Mobile:+20-10-5003063; Egyptian Chess Federation : Phone and Fax : +20-2-2604285

First Saturday September

The First Saturday September tournaments take place 6th-18th of September. Places available in GM and IM tournaments. An IGM player is also needed. Contact Nagy Laszlo e-mail: phone-fax: 00-(361)-2632859 mobile: 00-(36)-30-2301914

GM Tournaments cat.VII-VIII 10-14 participants IGM CSOM, István (HUN), IGM Needed IGM TIMOSHENKO, Georgy (UKR), IM BUI, Vinh (VIE), NGUYEN, Truongson (VIE), IM JAKAB, Attila (HUN), IM SZIEBERTH, Adam (HUN), IM PERT, Nicholas (ENG), MAHJOOB, Morteza (IRI), GHANE, Shojaat (IRI), IM GOULIEV, Namig (AZE), IM FLUMBORT, András (HUN), IM PILGAARD, Kim (DEN). Reserve: IGM ANKA, Emil (HUN), IGM LUKÁCS, Péter (HUN) IGM CHATALBASHEV, Boris (BUL) Plan 10-14 players.

IM Tournaments: IM GALYAS, Miklós (HUN), IM FARAGÓ, Sándor (HUN), IM EPERJESI, László (HUN), IM BOGUSZLAVSZKIJ, Jevgenyij (HUN), FM BOGNAR, Csaba (HUN), FM GERARD, Nicolas (FRA), FM CISNEROS, Lucas (ESP), LEHMANN, Holger (GER), MERCIER, Jean-Pierre (FRA), ARMBRUSTER, Alexander (GER), SZABÓ, Krisztián (HUN), WOODWARD, Timothy (ENG), KIRSANOVA, Ekaterina (RUS).

Indian National B

Indian National "B" tournament is in progress currently at Nagpur. The tournament is a qualifier for the Indian Premier "A" Championship. 12 players will qualify. The event has attracted GM Koneru Humpy and 20 IM/IWMs.

Official site:

Znojmo Open

3rd International Chess Tournament OPEN ZNOJMO 2003 will be held 20th-27th September 2003 in Znojmo (the Czech Republic).

Complete information about above events are also published at

Gausdal Tournaments

The Gausdal Classics II 2003 take place 21st-29th October 2003. There will be 1 GM-group, 1-2 IM groups and 1-2 ELO-groups. Each group will include 12 players playing 11 rounds, giving "triple chances" for title norms as such norms can be based upon round 1-9, 1-10 or 1-11.

Further details

Gausdal Troll Masters 2004 take place 26th January - 3rd February 2004. 10 round Swiss in 9 days. 60-70 players are expected including 12-15 GMs or IMs and only 6-8 without a FIDE-ELO.

Further details:

Organiser and contact for events: IA & IO Hans Olav Lahlum (NOR) -

Ashdod Chess Festival, Israel

The Ashdod Chess Festival (Israel) takes place October 12th-17th 2003. The festival will include the Israeli open championships (9 swiss rounds, prize fund Prize fund: USD15,500 First Prize: USD4000 ), youth tournaments, a simul and many more events.

Further information in Hebrew: and now English:

Jassy - Romania

An 11 round Swiss takes place in Jassy, Romania 1st-10th August 2003. M. Sadoveanu Chess Festival has prizes of 4000 Euros. Organisers V Manole and V Ungureanu. I don't have results and games.

6th Pelikán Memorial

The 6th Memorial of Professor Jaroslav Pelikán (13th International Chess Holiday) takes place in Prague - Czech Republic, 19th-26th July 2003, 26th July - August 2nd 2003 and 2nd-9th August. There are tournaments for strong and weak chessplayers, both men and women of all ages. Closed groups and each one consists of 10 players. Chess + accommodation under the same roof - Tourist Hotel. A rich programme for chessplayers and non-chesplayers too. 7 days hotel/shower+WC, bed and breakfast, chess, souvenir prizes for all chessplayers, sightseeing in Prague, trips, a farewell party - for 245 Eur to 275 Eur. It is possible to order lunch, dinner - every meal 5 Eur. A offer of Theatre Performances. Discounts for children, students, retired and those who have already been to the International Chess Holiday. In groups the tenth person free of charge.

Entries till 30.06. 2003 Info: Jindra Kollerová U Plynárny 15, 140 00 Praha 4 - Michle Czech Republic Tel: + 420 2 41407355 Fax: + 420 2 61210054 E-mail:

Pacs Tournament

Pacs, Hungary will hold an international chess tournament August 2nd-8th 2003.

Further information on the event

24 Hours Blitz Brussels

Anderlecht Chess Club (Brussels-Belgium) have revived after 5 years the 24 Hours Brussels Blitz . It will be held 30th-31st August 2003. The competition is for individual players (no teams) and is approved by the Belgian Chess Federation (Fide Member). Fide rules for Quick Games will be used. Please find attached a competition flyer.

Further details:

European Izmir Economy University Grandprix

The European Izmir Economy University Grandprix takes place 25th August - 3rd September 2003 in Izmir - Turkey.

Details: - entries by August 10th 2003.

Lausanne Young Masters

The Lausanne Young Masters returns 17th-22nd September 2003. The event took place first in 1998 and its ambition was to get together the most talented chess juniors of the world. Since then, several players confirmed their talent on the international circuit. For example, Etienne Bacrot, France (winner in 1999 and finalist in 2001) became triple champion of France, the Russian Alexander Grischuk (winner in 2000) reached the semi-finals of the World Championship in New Dehli in 2001. More extraordinary, the finalist of the 1999 and 2000 editions, the Ukrainian Ruslan Ponomariov, won the final of in the last FIDE World Championship.

Etienne Bacrot, 47th in the ELO Luke McShane, World Junior Champion, Shakhriyaz Mamedyarov of Azerbadjan, Sergey Karjakin the youngest Grand Master of all time, Alexandra Kostenuik and Elisabeth Pähtz play.


Zonal 2.5

Men's Zonal 2.5 Paraguay 6th-17th September 2003. Women's Zonal 2.5 takes place in Chile 23rd-29th August 2003.


10th Hallstahammar Open

10th Hallstahammar Open 12th -14th September 2003 7 Round Swiss. 1st prize is 10.000 SEK - ca 1100 euro, total prize fund around 35.000 SEK - ca 4000 euro.

Further details:

Vilnius International Open

The 1st Vilnius International Chess Championship takes place September 27th - October 4th 2003 in Vilnius, Lithuania.

Further details:

Essent 2003

The Essent 2003 tournament starts 10th October 2003. Anatoly Karpov, Judit Polgar, Ivan Sokolov and Levon Aronian play.


Singapore Chess Carnival on the internet

There is a huge chess Carnival taking place in Singapore. Last years' event ( had 2100 participants from schools all over Singapore.

This year the event is international with a 7 round blitz (time limit 5+0) qualifier every Thursday (19.00 h MESZ (GMT +2) on Chessbases' chess server The tournaments take place on the server in the room of the Singapore Chess Carnival. The first three of each qualifiers qualify for the final on September 6th 2003.

Further details:

The first prize will be 1000 ducats (100 Euros), a one-year Gold-membership at ( ), plus a one-year membership on the correspondence chess server ( ). The top ten finishers will receive prizes, which will be announced at a later date. Sponsors Chessbase, Chessfriend, and ( ).

Any queries on how to compete in this event contact Junior Tay . The next qualifier is on 24th July 2003 and every subsequent Thursday till the end of August.

1st Nuoro International Chess Open

The 1st Nuoro International Chess Open takes place 10th-13th August 2003. PRIZES EURO 5.000

Open Tournament for players with Italian and FIDE Elo ratings.

Further information: Edoardo Buchicchio

2nd Bergamo Open

The 2nd Bergamo Open takes place 25th-27th August 2003 in the Palazzo della Ragione, Sala delle Capriate - Piazza Vecchia

Further info Info - Iscrizioni: Torchitti: 035.240866 - e-mail: Eynard: 035.232275 - e-mail

Riga 2003

"Riga 2003" 9 round Swiss Open takes place 24th-30th August 2003.

Further details:

Staunton Memorial

To mark the 175th Anniversary of Simpsons in the Stand a tournament supported by the Staunton Society, the Savoy Hotel and organised by Ray Keene and Barry Martin will take place August 24th - September 1st, 2003 4 Player-Double Round Robin

Players: Jon Speelman, Danny King, John Emms and David Howell.

European Chess Championships Under 10/12/14/16/18

The European Chess Championship Under 10/12/14/16/18 2003 takes place in Budva (Montenegro) on the Adriatic coast approximately 540 km south of Belgrade. 12th-23rd September 2003.

In addition there is the Euro Indivdual Rapid & Blitz Under 20 follows the event September 23rd-26th 2003.

Further details:

Contact: Jelena Miloradovic Official Tournament director: Vladimir Sakotic +381-63-70-40-000 mobile phone vlasak@cg.yu or

12th Monarch Assurance

The 12th Monarch Assurance Isle of Man International takes place 27th Sept - 5th October 2003. £16,750 prize fund. Venue Open - the Ocean Castle Hotel in Port Erin on the Isle of Man's south-west coast.

Further details:

Gligoric visits Gothenburg

Zeljko Kartal reports that the chess legend, GM Svetozar Gligoric will visit Gothenburg, Sweden 19th-20th September 2003 in the City Museum of Gothenburg, Sweden.

Timetable: Friday 19 September 12.00 - Simultaneous, The City Museum - Free entry Players: 25

Saturday 20th September 12.00 - 16.00 Tolk, The City Museum - Free entry Gligoric will to talk about his long chess life, books, friendship with Robert Fischer ...

Official site (english):

7th Bayerische Meisterschaft

7th Bayerische Meisterschaft International Open 2003 takes place in Bad Wiessee - Tegernsee 8th-16th November 2003 in the Wandelhalle des Jod- und Schwefelbades.

Further Info: Telefon / Fax: 02323 / 18112 W. Buchholz 44623 Herne Grenzweg 24 oder

Kurt Geiß Tel: +49-(0)8022 / 86060 Fax +49-(0)8022 / 8606-155 E-Mail:

Official site:

2nd Trophée des Maîtres Villeurbanne

The Villeurbanne Chess club (lies in the suburbs of Lyon, France) is organising the 2nd edition of The Trophée des Maîtres September 12th-20th 2003. This Category IV (IM norm at 6/9 points) event will have 10 participatings players (10 Master candidates and 2 GMs) The GM will probably be Vladimir Lazarev (Russia 2506 Elo) and Tony Kosten (France 2545 Elo) 3 prizes are distributed : 250 euros, 200 euros and 150 euros for the first, second and third places. The rate of play is 1hour and 40 minutes + 30sec / moves to play 40 moves followed by 40 minutes + 30 sec / moves to finish the game. The registration fee is 150 euros, accomodation is possible for 24 euros per night, breakfast included. Players who are interested, can contact Thierry Paris at: or phone +336 86 99 08 80

4 Chess Queens and Kings

There will be a FIDE match between the Four Chess Queens from China (GM Xie Jun 2569, GM Zhu Chen 2492, WGM Xu Yaohua 2489 and WGM Zhao Xue 2442) and the Four Chess Kings (composition unsure but initial invitees were GM Alexander Khalifman RUS 2702, GM Nigel Short ENG 2690, GM Ye Jiangchuan CHN 2684 and GM Yasser Seirawan 2626 USA). The match will take place 16th-30th September 2003 in four of China's main cities Beijing, Jinan, Chongqing and Xian. The event was postponed from May due to the SARS virus.

7th Corsica Open

The 7th Corsica Open takes place in Bastia 29th October - 2rd November 2003.

Further details:

III Salou Tournament

The III Salou Tournament takes place 7th-18th October 2003.


Massy Computer Tournament

The final results of the French programmer tournament in Massy can be found on the Jester webpage (also a lot of pics): Jester (Stéphane N.B. Nguyen):

More information about Massy 2003 available in French programmers Yahoo group under: French programmers Yahoo group: Replay Zone (FCP Forum, Replay-Zone): CC-Calendar under: Christophe Theron (ChessTiger, Guadeloupe) took the first place.

Live chat with Anand

On June 17 Vishwanathan Anand took part in an on-line chat on Chennaionline.

Read transcript:

Richard Palliser book reviews

All Richard Palliser book reviews have now been archived at:

Abe Yanofsky Memorial

The Abe Yanofsky Memorial Tournament is a three-section Open event scheduled for Winnipeg, Canada, August 29th - September 1st 2003. It honours the life of Canada's first Grandmaster. There is a guaranteed $10,000 prizefund. Endorsed by the Chess Federation of Canada. Top section is FIDE-rated. Grandmasters already registered for the event include Fridrik Olafsson, Arthur Bisguier, Helgi Olafsson, Kevin Spraggett, Yuri Shulman and Dimitri Tyomkin.

Full details are available at: For more information, write to

Los Angeles Open

October 3rd-5th 2003, Los Angeles Open. 5-SS. Los Angeles Airport Radisson, Los Angeles, CA. $10,000 based on 200 players, $5000 guaranteed. Top section FIDE-rated. Details: . Chess Olympics is organising a free to enter, Olympic style correspondence chess tournament. It has already attracted nearly 1000 competitors from over 50 countries. You can represent your country in the upcoming Olympics by going to

19th Faaker-See-Open

The 19th Faaker-See-Open takes place 9th-16th August 2003 in the Kulturhaus Latschach/Faaker See, Austria. 9 Round Swiss.

Further details:

Hungarian chess tournaments July - November 2003

1. 19th-27th of July, Szombathely Summer Open, organizer: FM Korpics, e-mail:

2. 2nd-14th of August FS Budapest,

3. 20th-28th of August, Talentum Cup, Balatonzamardi Open, 150 km West from Budapest, organizer: VALIS, Janos, e-mail:

4. 21st-28th of August, KESHELY Open, 9 rounds Swiss, 200 km West from Budapest, Org: SZALAI, Istvan, phone: /private/ 00-(36)-83-319-047, Office: 00-(36)-83-505-529. Fax: 00-(361)-2632859 e-mail:

5. 6th-19th of September, FS Budapest,

6. 20th-30th of September, GM-IM-FM closed, Eger /100 km North-East from Budapest/, organizer: IM Habibi /GER/, e-mail:

7. 4th-17th of October, FS Budapest,

8. 1st-13th of November FS Budapest,

9. 14th-22nd of November TENKES CUP Open, Harkany, 300 km West from Budapest, organizer: Mikola, Lajos, e-mail:

British Rapidplay Chess Championships 2003

British Rapidplay Chess Championships 2003. This years competition has now been provisionally confirmed: 15th/16th November 2003 North Bridge Leisure Centre Halifax West Riding of Yorkshire.

Further details when available:

XXXVII Villa de Mislata

The XXXVII Villa de Mislata in Valencia, Spain will be a 9 rounds Swiss 19th-28th August 2003. Timerate: 30 moves / 1½ hours + 1 hour after flag fall. The venue is the Mislata Sports Pavillion, in Calle San Antonio s/n ( San Antonio str.), in front of the Military Hospital. Further details:

GACC World Inter Varsity Chess Championship

University of Malaya, Malaysia will organize GACC World Inter Varsity Chess Championship in October 2003, it had received support from Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippine, Brunei, China, India, Sri Lanka, Iran, UAE etc in the past 7 years. For detail please visit:

Festival Schneider Bohemia

The 9th international chess tournament "FESTIVAL SCHNEIDER BOHEMIA - Pilsen 2003", takes place 16th - 24th August 2003 in the sport hall of Streleck stadion Pilsen-Lobzy (Czech Republic). The main tournament is the open international tournament The Czech Men Championship 2003 ( the 1st prize is 20.000 CZK, total prize fund 81.000 CZK - ca 2500 Euro). Further information:

V Sants Open

The V International Open Sants Hostafrancs i La Bordeta takes place 30th August - 7 September 2003 in the Cotxeres de Sants C/ Sants 79 Barcelona Spain. Prizes 9.425 euros. Last time there were 376 players from 24 countries.

Website: (in catalan spanish and english version)

Friends of Hastings International Chess Congress

A new fundraising scheme has been launched by Hastings International Ches s Congress. Hastings Borough Council has generously agreed to continue its support of this important historic event but funding for 2003/04 has been cut from £32,740 last year, to £21,000 with a promise of a further £5,000 if £5,000 match funding can be secured by the Congress. Details available at:

European Club Cup

The chess champions league in Crete The European Club Cup Men & Women takes place in the CRETA STAR HOTEL 27th September-5th October 2003.

More than 400 chess players, the best in the world, will come to Crete in order to claim the Champions League Title of Men and the Women. 7 round Swiss there will be teams of 6 for the men and the right to use two substitutes, and the teams of women will use 4 players.

Internet site:

VIII Cesenatico International Open

The VIII Cesenatico (Italy) International Open takes place 31st August - 7th September 2003. The venue is the Palazzo Veronese Viale Carducci, 7 - Cesenatico (Forlì ­ Italy). Phone and fax +390547673096 # Mobile phone +39335.6615956. Further details: Organiser Jean Christophe Pirini email

SEA Games Chess Championships 2003

The 22nd SEA Games Chess Championships 2003 takes place 4th-14th December 2003 at the Rex Hotel, Ho Chi Minh City. There will be 2 types of events for men and women. 1 Standard Chess - 90 minutes with increment of 30 seconds per move. 2 Rapid Chess - 25 minutes with increment of 10 seconds per move.

For each type, there will be individual and team events. The men and women shall compete separately.

Further details: E-mail: Website:

World Youth Championships

The World Youth Chess Championships 2003 and the 74th FIDE Congress takes place 24th October - 2nd November 2003 in Halkidiki, Greece.

Internet coverage:

1st Samba Cup

The Skanderborg Chess Club is organising a new GM tournament in Denmark. There will be 2 groups, A-group category 15/16, B-group category 9/10, 10 players in each group, round-robin.

Dates of play: October 10th-20th 2003. Venue: Hotel Skanderborghus in Skanderborg, Denmark. See more at the tournament's home page

Players who are interested may contact Tournament Organiser Michael Andersson, e-mail

New York Masters

Regular competition for players in New York Rated 2200 and above.

Further details: