THE WEEK IN CHESS 523 15th November 2004 by Mark Crowther

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Mark Crowther

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1) Introduction
2) Russian Championship
3) German Bundesliga
4) World Youth Chess Championships
5) First Saturday November
6) Karpov vs Sadvakasov Match
7) Alekhine CC Open in Calcutta
8) 10th Boston University Open
9) 1st Canadian Senior Championship
10) British Rapidplay
11) National G/60 Championship
12) Forthcoming Events and Links


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Games section

Russian Championship                 5 games
German Bundesliga                   24 games
World Youth Chess Championships    896 games
First Saturday November             89 games
1st Canadian Senior Championship     1 games
National G/60 Championship           2 games
New York Masters                     5 games
1026 games

1) Introduction

My thanks to Brent Kitson, Miklós Orsó, David Cohen, Hirokaz Onoda, Lahcene Chemali, Jonathan Ray Fortune, Argiris Kotsis, Dave Clayton, Sotiris Logothetis, George Mirijanian and everyone else who helped with the issue.

The Russian Championship has finally got under way today. However the last week has seen a number of very disappointing developments. Firstly Vladimir Kramnik withdrew saying he was still suffering ill effects from the flu he suffered from during his match against Leko. This led to Alexander Khalifman's invitation being withdrawn in order to even the numbers up. Then with only a day to go Anatoly Karpov withdrew from the event with no satisfactory explanation (something about business partners not allowing him to play but this seems bizarre considering how long the event has been on the calendar). The lateness of his withdrawal meant that it was too late to invite Khalifman back to even the numbers back up and the event now goes ahead with 11 players. The event is still very strong and I guess Kasparov is the favourite but is by no means the certain winner.

Hope you enjoy this issue.


2) Russian Championship

The Russian Championship takes place November 14th - December 1st 2004 in the hotel Russia. The prize fund is $125,000 with $50,000 to the winner (paid in rouble equivalent). The all-play-all event sees Garry Kasparov, Alexander Morozevich, Alexander Grischuk, Peter Svidler, Evgeny Bareev, Alexey Dreev, Vitaly Tseshkovsky, Alexander Motylev, Vladimir Epishin, Artem Timofeev and Alexey Korotylev compete. The event is the strongest championship since 1988. Vladimir Kramnik withdrew at the last moment and the regulations stated that the event would go down to 12 players with Khalifman missing out (a bit harsh). Russian Championship 2004 - Kramnik Press Release: The event is now down to 11 players as Karpov also withdrew at the last moment with no attempt to give a serious excuse.

Official site Russian Chess Federation: and official live coverage: Further coverage:

Round 1 (November 15, 2004)

Kasparov, Garry        -  Bareev, Evgeny         1-0   48  B19  Caro Kann
Dreev, Alexey          -  Timofeev, Artyom       1/2   20  D80  Gruenfeld 4.Bg5
Epishin, Vladimir      -  Morozevich, Alexander  1/2   70  D12  Slav Defence
Tseshkovsky, Vitaly    -  Svidler, Peter         0-1   53  B92  Sicilian Najdorf with 6.Be2
Motylev, Alexander     -  Grischuk, Alexander    0-1   34  B90  Sicilian Najdorf Variation
Korotylev, Alexey      -  Free Day

57th ch-RUS Moscow RUS (RUS), 15-27 xi 2004            cat. XVIII (2678)
                                        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1. Grischuk, Alexander     g RUS 2704  * . . . . . . . . 1 .  1.0       
 2. Kasparov, Garry         g RUS 2813  . * . . . . . . 1 . .  1.0       
 3. Svidler, Peter          g RUS 2735  . . * . . . . 1 . . .  1.0       
 4. Dreev, Alexey           g RUS 2698  . . . * = . . . . . .  0.5  2611 
 5. Timofeev, Artyom        g RUS 2611  . . . = * . . . . . .  0.5  2698 
 6. Epishin, Vladimir       g RUS 2599  . . . . . * = . . . .  0.5  2758 
 7. Morozevich, Alexander   g RUS 2758  . . . . . = * . . . .  0.5  2599 
 8. Tseshkovsky, Vitaly     g RUS 2577  . . 0 . . . . * . . .  0.0       
 9. Bareev, Evgeny          g RUS 2715  . 0 . . . . . . * . .  0.0       
10. Motylev, Alexander      g RUS 2651  0 . . . . . . . . * .  0.0       
11. Korotylev, Alexey       g RUS 2596  . . . . . . . . . . *

3) German Bundesliga

The Bundesliga chess league got underway last weekend. Three matches from round 7, a spare round which is played by teams on several dates were completed on Friday, then rounds 1 and 2 proper were also completed. The favourites for the event SC Baden-Oos are narrowly ahead of SG Porz, both teams completed three matches. Players included Viswanathan Anand, Peter Svidler and Alexei Shirov (all play for Baden Oos). Games from round 7 only available.

Official site:

Round 1 13th November 2004

Venue: Baden Oos

 SC Baden-Oos      -   SV Wattenscheid        5,5   -   2,5 
Anand, Viswanathan     Nielsen, Peter-Heine   0,5   -   0,5
Svidler,Peter      -   Macieja, Bartlomiej    1,0   -   0,0
Shirov,Alexei      -   Johannessen, Leif      0,5   -   0,5
Vallejo Pons,      -   Handke, Florian        1,0   -   0,0
Krasenkow,Michal   -   Appel, Ralf            0,5   -   0,5
Dautov,Rustem      -   Holzke, Frank Dr.      0,5   -   0,5
Schmaltz, Roland   -   Dinstuhl, Volkmar Dr.  0,5   -   0,5
Keitlinghaus,      -   Straeter, Timo         1,0   -   0,0

 SC Eppingen            Solinger SG           4,0   -   4,0 
Gyimesi,Zoltan     -   Nikolic, Predrag       0,5   -   0,5
Acs,Peter          -   Gabriel, Christian     1,0   -   0,0
Medvegy,Zoltan     -   Naumann, Alexander     0,5   -   0,5
Mann, Christian    -   Smeets, Jan            1,0   -   0,0
Schulze,Ulrich     -   Hoffmann, Michael      0,5   -   0,5
Miltner,Arndt      -   Werle, Jan             0,0   -   1,0
Koch, Wolfgang Max -   Ernst, Sipke           0,0   -   1,0
Rau, Hannes        -   Zysk, Robert           0,5   -   0,5

Venue: Preetzer 
 Preetzer TSV           SF Katernberg         2,5   -   5,5 
Rasmussen, Karsten -   Volokitin, Andrei      0,0   -   1,0
Pedersen, Steffen  -   Naiditsch, Arkadij     1,0   -   0,0
Fries Nielsen,     -   Glek, Igor V           0,0   -   1,0
Jens Ove
Skytte, Rasmus     -   Chuchelov, Vladimir    1,0   -   0,0
Wisnewski,         -   L'Ami, Erwin           0,0   -   1,0
Junge, Kai         -   Senff, Martin          0,0   -   1,0
Willsch, Matthias  -   Thesing, Matthias      0,5   -   0,5
Marxen, Peter Dr.  -   Siebrecht, Sebastian   0,0   -   1,0

 Hamburger SK      -   SV Mülheim Nord        3,5  -   4,5 
Gustafsson, Jan    -   Landa, Konstantin      0,5   -   0,5
Ftacnik, Lubomir   -   Fridman, Daniel        0,5   -   0,5
Hansen, Sune Berg  -   Levin, Felix           0,5   -   0,5
Wahls, Matthias    -   Schebler, Gerhard      0,0   -   1,0
Bezold, Michael    -   Saltaev, Mihail        0,0   -   1,0
Reeh, Oliver       -   Hausrath, Daniel       0,5   -   0,5
Heinemann, Thies   -   Wegener, Olaf          0,5   -   0,5
Langrock, Hannes   -   Kaid, Almar            1,0   -   0,0

Venue: Porz

 SG Köln Porz      -   Stuttgarter            5,5   -   2,5 
Lutz, Christopher  -   Oral, Tomas            0,5   -   0,5
Van Wely, Loek     -   Sedlak, Nikola         1,0   -   0,0
Vaganian, Rafael A -   Schmittdiel, Eckhard   0,5   -   0,5
Beliavsky,         -   Berezovsky, Igor       1,0   -   0,0
Alexander G
Graf, Alexander    -   Papa, Severin          0,5   -   0,5
Gurevich, Mikhail  -   Reuss, Andreas         1,0   -   0,0
Hansen, Curt       -   Vujic, Branimir        0,0   -   1,0
Van den Doel, Erik -   Heinatz, Thomas        1,0   -   0,0

 SV Hofheim        -   TV Tegernsee           3,5   -   4,5 
Savchenko,         -   Khenkin, Igor          0,5   -   0,5
Hickl, Joerg       -   Sokolov, Andrei        0,5   -   0,5
Ginsburg, Gennadi  -   Ribli, Zoltan          0,0   -   1,0
Krivoshey, Sergei  -   Bischoff, Klaus        0,5   -   0,5
Houska, Jovanka    -   Boensch, Uwe           0,5   -   0,5
Pirrot, Dieter     -   Kindermann, Stefan     0,5   -   0,5
Zude, Erik Dr      -   Hertneck, Gerald       0,0   -   1,0
Brendel, Oliver    -   Teske, Henrik          1,0   -   0,0

Venue: Kreuzberg

 SC Kreuzberg      -   Erfurter SK            6,0   -   2,0 
Nisipeanu,         -   Haba, Petr             1,0   -   0,0
Almasi, Zoltan     -   Votava, Jan            1,0   -   0,0
Aronian, Levon     -   Kuczynski, Robert      0,5   -   0,5
Socko, Bartosz     -   Machelett, Heiko       1,0   -   0,0
Maiwald, Jens-Uwe  -   Casper, Thomas         0,5   -   0,5
Kalinitschew,      -   Brueggemann, Joachim   1,0   -   0,0
Volke, Karsten     -   Mueller, Matthias      0,0   -   1,0
Tischbierek, Raj   -   Enders, Peter          1,0   -   0,0

 SF Neukölln       -   SV Werder Bremen       3,5   -   4,5 
Nataf,             -   Hracek, Zbynek         1,0   -   0,0
Miroshnichenko,    -   Efimenko, Zahar        1,0   -   0,0
Polzin, Rainer     -   Babula, Vlastimil      0,0   -   1,0
Borriss, Martin    -   Nyback, Tomi           1,0   -   0,0
Berndt, Stephan    -   Fish, Gennadij         0,0   -   1,0
Thiede, Lars       -   Schandorff, Lars       0,0   -   1,0
Poldauf, Dirk      -   Skripchenko-Lautier,   0,5   -   0,5
Rudolf, Henrik     -   Meins, Gerlef          0,0   -   1,0

Round 2 14th November 2004

Venue: Katernberg 

 SF Katernberg       -   Hamburger SK         3,0   -   5,0 
Volokitin, Andrei    -   Gustafsson, Jan      0,5   -   0,5
Naiditsch, Arkadij   -   Ftacnik, Lubomir     0,0   -   1,0
Glek, Igor V         -   Hansen, Sune Berg    0,5   -   0,5
Chuchelov, Vladimir  -   Wahls, Matthias      1,0   -   0,0
L'Ami, Erwin         -   Bezold, Michael      0,0   -   1,0
Senff, Martin        -   Reeh, Oliver         1,0   -   0,0
Thesing, Matthias    -   Heinemann, Thies     0,0   -   1,0
Siebrecht, Sebastian -   Langrock, Hannes     0,0   -   1,0

 SV Mülheim Nord     -   Preetzer TSV         5,5   -   2,5 
Landa, Konstantin    -   Rasmussen, Karsten   0,5   -   0,5
Fridman, Daniel      -   Pedersen, Steffen    0,5   -   0,5
Levin, Felix         -   Fries Nielsen,       0,5   -   0,5
                         Jens Ove
Schebler, Gerhard    -   Skytte, Rasmus       1,0   -   0,0
Saltaev, Mihail      -   Wisnewski,           0,5   -   0,5
Lytchak, Alexander   -   Junge, Kai           0,5   -   0,5
Hausrath, Daniel     -   Willsch, Matthias    1,0   -   0,0
Kern, Guido          -   Marxen, Peter Dr.    1,0   -   0,0

Venue: Porz

 Stuttgarter         -   SV Hofheim           3,5   -   4,5 
Oral, Tomas          -   Savchenko,           0,5   -   0,5
Sedlak, Nikola       -   Hickl, Joerg         0,5   -   0,5
Schmittdiel, Eckhard -   Ginsburg, Gennadi    0,0   -   1,0
Berezovsky, Igor     -   Krivoshey, Sergei    0,5   -   0,5
Papa, Severin        -   Zude, Arno           0,5   -   0,5
Reuss, Andreas       -   Houska, Jovanka      0,5   -   0,5
Vujic, Branimir      -   Pirrot, Dieter       0,5   -   0,5
Heinatz, Thomas      -   Zude, Erik Dr        0,5   -   0,5

 TV Tegernsee        -   SG Köln Porz         3,0   -   5,0 
Khenkin, Igor        -   Lutz, Christopher    0,0   -   1,0
Sokolov, Andrei      -   Van Wely, Loek       0,5   -   0,5
Ribli, Zoltan        -   Sokolov, Ivan        0,5   -   0,5
Bischoff, Klaus      -   Vaganian, Rafael A   0,5   -   0,5
Boensch, Uwe         -   Beliavsky,           0,5   -   0,5
                         Alexander G
Kindermann, Stefan   -   Graf, Alexander      1,0   -   0,0
Hertneck, Gerald     -   Gurevich, Mikhail    0,0   -   1,0
Teske, Henrik        -   Hansen, Curt         0,0   -   1,0

Venue: Baden Oos

 SV Wattenscheid     -   SC Eppingen          3,0   -   5,0 
Nielsen, Peter-Heine -   Gyimesi,Zoltan       0,5   -   0,5
Macieja, Bartlomiej  -   Acs,Peter            0,5   -   0,5
Johannessen, Leif    -   Medvegy,Zoltan       0,5   -   0,5
Handke, Florian      -   Mann, Christian      0,5   -   0,5
Appel, Ralf          -   Miltner,Arndt        0,0   -   1,0
Holzke, Frank Dr.    -   Batzar, Andreas      0,5   -   0,5
Dinstuhl, Volkmar    -   Koch, Wolfgang Max   0,0   -   1,0
Lemmers, Oscar       -   Rau, Hannes          0,5   -   0,5

 Solinger SG         -   SC Baden-Oos         3,5  -    4,5 
Nikolic, Predrag     -   Anand, Viswanathan   0,0   -   1,0
Gabriel, Christian   -   Shirov,Alexei        0,5   -   0,5
Naumann, Alexander   -   Vallejo Pons,        0,0   -   1,0
Smeets, Jan          -   Movsesian, Sergei    0,5   -   0,5
Hoffmann, Michael    -   Dautov,Rustem        1,0   -   0,0
Werle, Jan           -   Schmaltz, Roland     1,0   -   0,0
Ernst, Sipke         -   Doettling, Fabian    0,0   -   1,0
Zysk, Robert         -   Keitlinghaus,        0,5   -   0,5
Venue: Kreuzberg

 Erfurter SK         -   SF Neukölln          4,0   -   4,0 
Haba, Petr           -   Nataf,               0,5   -   0,5
Votava, Jan          -   Miroshnichenko,      0,5   -   0,5
Kuczynski, Robert    -   Polzin, Rainer       0,5   -   0,5
Machelett, Heiko     -   Borriss, Martin      0,5   -   0,5
Casper, Thomas       -   Berndt, Stephan      0,5   -   0,5
Brueggemann, Joachim -   Thiede, Lars         1,0   -   0,0
Mueller, Matthias    -   Poldauf, Dirk        0,0   -   1,0
Enders, Peter        -   Rudolf, Henrik       0,5   -   0,5

 SV Werder Bremen    -   SC Kreuzberg         5,0   -   3,0 
Hracek, Zbynek       -   Nisipeanu,           0,0   -   1,0
Efimenko, Zahar      -   Almasi, Zoltan       1,0   -   0,0
Babula, Vlastimil    -   Aronian, Levon       0,0   -   1,0
Nyback, Tomi         -   Socko, Bartosz       1,0   -   0,0
Fish, Gennadij       -   Maiwald, Jens-Uwe    1,0   -   0,0
Schandorff, Lars     -   Kalinitschew,        1,0   -   0,0
Skripchenko-Lautier, -   Volke, Karsten       0,5   -   0,5
Meins, Gerlef        -   Tischbierek, Raj     0,5   -   0,5

7th Round 12th November 2004

Venue: Baden Oos

SC Baden-Oos       -   SC Eppingen            7,5   -   0,5 
Svidler,Peter      -   Gyimesi,Zoltan         1,0   -   0,0
Shirov,Alexei      -   Acs,Peter              1,0   -   0,0
Movsesian,Sergei   -   Medvegy,Zoltan         1,0   -   0,0
Krasenkow,Michal   -   Schulze,Ulrich         1,0   -   0,0
Dautov,Rustem      -   Miltner,Arndt          1,0   -   0,0
Schmaltz, Roland   -   Balzar,Andreas         1,0   -   0,0
Doettling,Fabian   -   Koch,Wolfgang          0,5   -   0,5
Keitlinghaus,      -   Gruber,Thomas          1,0   -   0,0

Venue: Porz

SG Porz            -   SV Hofheim             6,5 -     1,5 
Lutz, Christopher  -   Hickl, Joerg           0,5 -     0,5
Van Wely, Loek     -   Ginsburg, Gennadi      0,5 -     0,5
Vaganian, Rafael A -   Zude, Arno             1,0 -     0,0
Beliavsky,         -   Houska, Jovanka        0,5 -     0,5
Alexander G
Graf, Alexander    -   Zude, Erik Dr          1,0 -     0,0
Gurevich, Mikhail  -   Buchal, Stephan        1,0 -     0,0
Hansen, Curt       -   Brendel, Oliver        1,0 -     0,0
Van den Doel, Erik -   Zunker, Reinhard       1,0 -     0,0

Venue: Kreuzberg

SC Kreuzberg       -   SF Neukölln            6,0 -     2,0 
Nisipeanu,         -   Nataf,                 1,0 -     0,0
Liviu-Dieter           Igor-Alexandre
Almasi, Zoltan     -   Miroshnichenko,        1,0 -     0,0
Aronian, Levon     -   Polzin, Rainer         1,0 -     0,0
Maiwald, Jens-Uwe  -   Borriss, Martin        1,0 -     0,0
Kalinitschew,      -   Berndt, Stephan        0,5 -     0,5
Volke, Karsten     -   Thiede, Lars           0,0 -     1,0
Tischbierek, Raj   -   Poldauf, Dirk          1,0 -     0,0
Loeffler, Stefan   -   Rudolf, Henrik         0,5 -     0,5

 1. SC Baden-Oos        3  17,5   6:0
 2. SG Porz             3  17,0   6:0
 3. SC Kreuzberg        3  15,0   4:2
 4. Mülheim Nord        2  10,0   4:0
 5. SV Werder Bremen    2   9,5   4:0
 6. SC Eppingen         3   9,5   3:3
 7. SV Hofheim          3   9,5   2:4
 8. Hamburger SK        2   8,5   2:2
 8. SF Katernberg       2   8,5   2:2
10. TV Tegernsee        2   7,5   2:2
11. SF Neukölln         3   9,5   1:5
12. SG Solingen         2   7,5   1:3
13. Erfurter SK         2   6,0   1:3
14. Stuttgarter SF      2   6,0   0:4
15. SV Wattenscheid     2   5,5   0:4
16. Preetzer TSV        2   5,0   0:4

4) World Youth Chess Championships

World Youth Chess Championships for age categories U10 to U18 took place November 3rd-14th 2004 in Heraklio, Crete, Greece. The venue was the same as for the WYCC of 2002, the Creta Maris Conference Hotel. Radoslaw Wojtaszek of Poland won the Boys under-18 event.


Boys Under-18

Rank SNo.     Name                          Rtg  FED Pts Fide S.O.R.
 1    1   IM  Wojtaszek Radoslaw            2536 POL  9  51½
 2    2   IM  Tomashevsky Evgeny            2523 RUS 8½   55
 3    6   IM  Adly Ahmed                    2482 EGY  8  52½
 4    3   GM  Stellwagen Daniel             2512 NED 7½  47½  24046
 5    8   IM  Kharitonov Alexandr           2464 RUS 7½   49  23971
 6    11  IM  Jones Gawain C                2447 ENG 7½   45
 7    9   IM  Erdos Viktor                  2450 HUN 7½   45
 8    23  FM  Netzer Jean                   2361 FRA 7½   44
 9    21  FM  Magalashvili Davit            2389 GEO 7½   43
 10   13  FM  Barnaure Vlad-Victor          2439 ROM 7½  41½
 11   33  FM  Sulashvili Malkhaz            2326 GEO  7  48½
 12   14  FM  Friedel Joshua E              2436 USA  7  43½
 13   7   IM  Pashikian Arman               2473 ARM  7  41½
 14   25      Meier Georg                   2352 GER  7   36
 15   12  GM  Kim Alexey                    2443 RUS 6½  48½
 16   5   WGM Dzagnidze Nana                2484 GEO 6½   47
 17   34      Ong Kezli                     2325 SWE 6½  45½
 18   4   IM  Nepomniachtchi Ian            2492 RUS 6½   45
 19   18  FM  Yudin Sergei                  2419 RUS 6½   43
 20   27      Asis Garagatagli Hipolit      2340 ESP 6½   41
 21   20  IM  Trent Lawrence                2390 ENG 6½   41
 22   24  FM  Shytaj Luca                   2356 ALB 6½   39
 23   31      Daskevics Vadims              2331 LAT 6½  38½
 24   26  FM  Gordon Stephen J              2340 ENG 6½   38
 25   17  IM  Sakelsek Tadej                2425 SLO 6½   37
 26   15  FM  Barrientos Sergio             2435 COL 6½   37
 27   19  IM  Kuljasevic Davorin            2410 CRO 6½  36½
 28   38      Ronchetti Niccolo'            2304 ITA  6  41½
 29   28      Brandenburg Daan              2340 NED  6  40½
 30   39  FM  Garcia Eduardo                2298 COL  6   37
 31   42  FM  Martyn Rafe                   2266 ENG  6   36
 32   35  FM  Khamzin Olzhas                2314 KAZ  6   36
 33   30      Yarmysty Mikhail              2333 UKR  6  35½
 34   36  FM  Gavariev Renat                2310 RUS  6   35
 35   41      Choma Ernani Francisco        2268 BRA  6   34
 36   10  FM  Romanov Evgeny                2448 RUS  6  33½
 37   46      Soskov Vjatsheslav            2258 EST  6   31
 38   22  IM  Gerzhoy Leonid                2372 ISR 5½  40½
 39   16  FM  Iskakov A                     2431 KAZ 5½   40
 40   40      Obregon Andres Carlos         2297 ARG 5½  38½
 41   32      Jurcik Marian                 2329 SVK 5½   35
 42   56      Fossum Oystein Boyum          2192 NOR 5½  34½
 43   29  FM  Manescu Tiberiu               2333 ROM 5½  33½
 44   50  FM  Nikhilesh Kumar K             2240 IND 5½   33
 45   53      Jordanov Nikolaj              2209 BUL 5½  31½
 46   43      Akbarinia Sayed Arash         2265 IRI 5½   31
 47   57      Vaznonis Vytautas             2190 LTU 5½   30
 48   61      Vandenbussche Thibaut         2157 BEL 5½  28½
 49   60      Tanrikulu Erhan               2164 TUR 5½   28
 50   52      Abdullaev Makhish             2215 AZE  5   37
 51   47      Niemi Kalle                   2250 FIN  5  28½
 52   45      Mekhitarian Krikor Sevag      2258 BRA  5   28
 53   51      Mamasaliev Murod              2238 UZB  5  27½
 54   65      Lamastus-Candal Jean P        2089 PUR  5   27
 55   75      Barber Glen                   1959 CAN  5   27
 56   62      Elezi Egzon                   2156 FID  5  26½
 57   63      Georgiadis Ioannis            2129 GRE  5   25
 58   72      Djurovic Goran                2024 CRO  5  23½
 59   55      Vrbljanac Aleksandar          2195 SCG 4½   36
 60   37      Cifka Stanislav               2310 CZE 4½   31
 61   48      Dietmayer-Kraeutler Marco     2246 AUT 4½   29
 62   54      De Ramos Joseph Julius        2202 PHI 4½   29
 63   49      Glyzin Yury                   2246 BLR 4½  28½
 64   58      Bourmistrov Denis             2182 AUS 4½  28½
 65   71      Hu Jason                      2062 AUS 4½  28½
 66   67      Colmenares Aurelio            2074 SUI 4½  26½
 67   84      Serfontein Jaco                0   RSA 4½  25½
 68   69      Oosthuizen Dirk Johannes      2068 RSA 4½   25
 69   80      Mare Karel Louis               0   RSA 4½  24½
 70   70      Serban Vlad                   2068 LUX 4½  21½
 71   81      Mendoza Moreno Vicente         0   MEX 4½  16½
 72   68      Poupar Aime                   2071 CHI  4   25
 73   59      Echeverria Mario              2182 COL  4  24½
 74   77      Gomez Cadavid David Alexander  0   COL  4   23
 75   64      Henry Liam                    2127 CAN  4  19½
 76   74      Demeanciuc Stanislav          1975 MDA 3½   22
 77   79      LeBlanc Ron                    0   CAN 3½   21
 78   86      Torres Santiago Jonathan       0   PUR 3½   20
 79   83      Samarasinghe J.R.              0   SRI 3½  18½
 80   66      Katsouris Georgios            2084 GRE 3½  18½
 81   78      Juma Sadiq                     0   CAN  3  13½
 82   82      Panir Selvam Jonathan          0   MAS  3  13½
 83   76      Alexandrov Vlad                0   GRE 2½   16
 84   85      Spirou Gerasimos               0   GRE  1   3½
 85   44      Amanov Mesgen                 2260 TKM  0   0
      73      Poliviou Evangelos            2022 GRE  0   0
Boys Under-16

Rank SNo.    Name                           Rtg  FED Pts Fide S.O.R.
 1    18     Rodshtein Maxim                2377 ISR 8½  52½
 2    1   GM Baramidze David                2543 GER  8   51  24144
 3    10  IM Lenic Luka                     2434 SLO  8   51  23834
 4    9   IM Amin Bassem                    2434 EGY  8   45  22900
 5    15  FM Papin Vasily                   2411 RUS  8  41½  22207
 6    13  IM Iotov Valentin                 2414 BUL 7½  54½
 7    2   GM Mamedov Rauf                   2517 AZE 7½   48
 8    11  FM Ragger Markus                  2428 AUT 7½   48
 9    8   IM Kononenko Dmitry               2435 UKR 7½  47½
 10   6   IM Brkic Ante                     2454 CRO 7½   44
 11   56     Manoukyan Garush               2198 ARM 7½   43
 12   27     Jojua Davit                    2322 GEO 7½  41½
 13   3   IM Vachier-Lagrave Maxime         2493 FRA  7   48
 14   16  FM Sirotine Konstantin            2400 RUS  7  46½
 15   5   FM Moranda Wojciech               2458 POL  7  46½
 16   35     Glud Jacob Vang                2292 DEN  7   45
 17   30  FM Bosiocic Marin                 2313 CRO  7  44½
 18   31  FM Larino Nieto David             2307 ESP  7   43
 19   20  FM Sanikidze Tornike              2364 GEO  7  41½
 20   23     Krivoborodov Egor              2355 RUS  7  41½
 21   43     Brunello Sabino                2258 ITA  7  37½
 22   26     Pancevski Filip                2334 MKD  7   36
 23   19  FM Arun Prasad S                  2367 IND 6½  45½
 24   21     Sengupta Deep                  2359 IND 6½  44½
 25   7   FM Chadaev Nikolai                2443 RUS 6½  42½
 26   46  FM Yeo Min-Yang Evan              2245 SIN 6½   42
 27   28     Melkumyan Hrant                2315 ARM 6½   41
 28   34     Khamrakulov Dzhurabek          2294 UZB 6½  40½
 29   38     Rohit G                        2281 IND 6½  40½
 30   55     Yu Ronald                      2202 AUS 6½  39½
 31   17  FM Leon Hoyos Manuel              2395 MEX 6½  38½
 32   25     Tazbir Marcin                  2340 POL 6½   38
 33   40     Petr Martin                    2278 CZE 6½  37½
 34   57     Fruebing Stefan                2193 GER 6½   37
 35   62     Tevdorashvili Vakhtang         2148 GEO 6½   34
 36   4   IM Braun Arik                     2480 GER  6  47½
 37   12  IM Goh Koon-Jong Jason            2419 SIN  6   41
 38   54     Guerrero Olmos Sergio          2208 ESP  6   41
 39   37     Alsina Leal Daniel             2282 ESP  6   40
 40   51     Pileckis Emilis                2225 LTU  6   39
 41   24     Brener Ilja                    2348 GER  6  37½
 42   29  FM Zorko Jure                     2314 SLO  6   37
 43   32     Fusco Leonardo                 2295 ARG  6   37
 44   63     Sandalakis Angelos             2145 GRE  6  36½
 45   14     Ponkratov Pavel                2413 RUS  6  36½
 46   33     Pruijssers Roeland             2295 NED  6   36
 47   47     Wu Li                          2236 ENG  6  35½
 48   22     Bercys Salvijus                2356 USA  6   35
 49   83     Dragicevic Drazen              2043 SWE  6   33
 50   61     Alaguzov Maxat                 2156 KAZ  6   33
 51   49     Caspi Israel                   2227 ISR  6   33
 52   88     Suttor Vincent                 2013 AUS  6   31
 53   50     Grigoryan Avetik               2227 ARM 5½   42
 54   44     Bogosavljevic Boban            2254 SCG 5½  38½
 55   52     Hasanov Shakhriyar             2224 AZE 5½  38½
 56   91     Maenhout Thibaut               1996 BEL 5½  35½
 57   79     Ocnarescu Victor               2072 ROM 5½   35
 58   72     Tulay Berkay                   2122 TUR 5½   34
 59   48     Kjartansson Gudmundur          2229 ISL 5½   34
 60   70     Bolsakovs Vadims               2126 LAT 5½  33½
 61   41     Ho Matthew                     2277 USA 5½  33½
 62   53     Vernay Clovis                  2209 FRA 5½   32
 63   80     Niemi Mikko                    2066 FIN 5½  30½
 64   68     Vovk Ilja                      2138 EST 5½   30
 65   59     Vass Frantisek                 2180 SVK 5½   30
 66   86     Gunsen Bat-Ochir               2013 MGL 5½   27
 67   64     Baltabaev N                    2144 KAZ 5½   27
 68   73     Borsuk Yuriy                   2116 BLR  5  35½
 69   76     Ibarra Chami Luis Fernando     2097 MEX  5   34
 70   58     Chau Olivier                   2184 FRA  5  33½
 71   42     Papadopoulos I                 2259 GRE  5  32½
 72   85     Stubberud Ornulf               2028 NOR  5  31½
 73   39  IM Iturrizaga Eduardo             2280 VEN  5   31
 74   45     Rombaldoni Denis               2251 ITA  5  30½
 75   75     Djuric Nebojsa                 2101 BIH  5   30
 76   69     Roberson Peter T               2129 ENG  5  29½
 77  112     Tayar Jonathan                  0   CAN  5  29½
 78   65     Liu Elliot                     2143 USA  5  28½
 79   77     Valdes Alvaro                  2093 CHI  5  27½
 80  108     Safoev Zarif                    0   TAJ  5  21½
 81   67     Bocancea Dmitrii               2139 MDA  5  21½
 82  105     Kalugampitiya R.S.              0   SRI 4½   32
 83   87     Panesso Henry                  2013 COL 4½   31
 84   36     Feuerstack Aljoscha            2286 GER 4½  30½
 85   66     Szekeres Robert                2143 HUN 4½   29
 86   60     Dignam Matthew                 2173 IRL 4½  28½
 87   71     Gaehler Marco                  2124 SUI 4½  25½
 88   84     Stander Heinrich               2034 RSA 4½  25½
 89   78     Trang Jean-Pierre              2090 SUI 4½  22½
 90   98     Barzigar Touchahi Behrang       0   IRI 4½   22
 91  100     Devriendt Jo                    0   BEL 4½   19
 92  104     Ibrahim Ghilan A                0   IRQ  4   26
 93   74     Skjoldan Benjamin              2102 DEN  4   26
 94  113     Valenzuela Elias                0   CHI  4  25½
 95   81     Linster Philippe               2059 LUX  4   23
 96  115     Verikakis Manolis               0   GRE  4  21½
 97   92     Stokes Ivan                    1981 SCO  4  21½
 98   94     Castellano Fabio Marco         1911 ITA  4  20½
 99  106     Loh Jian-Hui Joshua             0   SIN  4   20
100   99     Berrios Echevarria Gabriel      0   PUR  4   20
101   89     Aw Wai Onn                     2009 MAS  4  19½
102   90     Viaene Arvid                   2006 BEL  4   19
103  103     Ho Martin                       0   CAN  4   18
104   96     Almedina Ortiz Edgardo          0   PUR  4  17½
105   82     Wagner Steven                  2046 LUX 3½  21½
106  116     Walls Eamon                     0   IRL 3½  14½
107  114     Venter Bernard Andre            0   RSA  3  20½
108  111     Tapie Amione Pablo Adib         0   MEX  3   20
109   95     Karlsson Erik                  1812 SWE  3   17
110  109     Shehu Samir                     0   FID  3  15½
111  110     Spirou Eleftherios              0   GRE  3  14½
112  102     Hewson Peter Llewellyn          0   RSA 2½   17
113   93     Mergeai Christophe             1945 LUX 2½   16
114  101     Harris Gareth                   0   WLS  2   7½
115   97     Amanmuradov Atadjan             0   TKM  0   0
     107     Predeftakis Giorgos             0   GRE  0   0

Boys Under-14

Rank SNo.    Name                       Rtg  FED Pts Fide S.O.R.
 1    3   IM Khairullin Ildar           2514 RUS 8½   55  23138
 2    1   IM Kuzubov Yuriy              2530 UKR 8½  53½  22965
 3    4   IM Andreikin Dmitry           2451 RUS 8½   54  22421
 4    12     Ludwig Daniel              2308 USA  8  53½
 5    21     Sai Srinivas Dasari        2237 IND  8   48
 6    34     Qiu Tong                   2194 CHN  8   47
 7    13     Klimov Anton               2273 RUS  8   46
 8    5      Matlakov Maxim             2362 RUS  8   45
 9    10  FM Le Quang Liem              2329 VIE 7½   49
 10   23     Leniart Arkadiusz          2235 POL 7½  48½
 11   2   IM Nguyen Ngoc Truongson      2527 VIE 7½   45
 12   32     Toth Ervin                 2203 HUN 7½  42½
 13   17     Susilodinata Andrean       2255 INA 7½  41½
 14   66     Ly Moulthun                2056 AUS 7½  37½
 15   15     Salgado Lopez Ivan         2264 ESP  7   49
 16   27     Hess Robert L              2214 USA  7  46½
 17   36     Simonian Hrair             2192 ARM  7  45½
 18   11     Hayrapetian Ovik           2329 ARM  7  44½
 19   8   FM Margvelashvili Giorgi      2349 GEO  7   44
 20   6      Spoelman Wouter            2357 NED  7   44
 21   40     Behmardi Kalantari Rostam  2163 IRI  7  43½
 22   24     Lubbe Nicolas              2219 GER  7   43
 23   18     Potapov Pavel              2249 RUS  7   42
 24   44     Toufighi Homayoon          2146 IRI  7   39
 25   14     Recuero Guerra David       2271 ESP  7  38½
 26   26     Rothuis Vincent            2217 NED 6½   47
 27   9   FM Cordova Emilio             2347 PER 6½  45½
 28   28     Utegaliev A                2213 KAZ 6½   45
 29   25     Vila Gazquez Javier        2219 ESP 6½   43
 30   7   FM Bindrich Falko             2351 GER 6½  42½
 31   37     Feller Sebastien           2191 FRA 6½   41
 32   39     Panjwani Raja              2179 CAN 6½   41
 33   31     Lemos Damian               2209 ARG 6½   41
 34   30     Hammer Jon Ludvig          2211 NOR 6½  37½
 35   38     Krstic Petar               2182 SCG 6½  37½
 36   42     Volodin Aleksandr          2147 EST 6½  37½
 37   76     Mustafayeb Jamshid         2026 UZB 6½  36½
 38   35     Can Emre                   2192 TUR 6½  36½
 39   20     Bojchev Marian             2237 BUL 6½  36½
 40   29     Edouard Romain             2212 FRA  6   45
 41   45     Martinovic Sasa            2138 CRO  6   43
 42   55     Martemianov Iaroslav       2096 MDA  6  40½
 43   63     Pacher Milan               2063 SVK  6  39½
 44  121     Wang Qibiao                 0   CHN  6   39
 45   41     Pachta Paul                2159 AUT  6  37½
 46   51     Ju Evan D                  2116 USA  6   37
 47   54     Morales Garcia Sergio J    2098 MEX  6  36½
 48   80     Pavlidis Anastasios        2002 GRE  6  36½
 49   33     Hamitevici Vladimir        2200 MDA  6   36
 50   48     Boehm Tomas                2124 CZE  6   34
 51   53     Melnikovs Svjatoslav       2100 LAT  6   34
 52   65     Kanakaris G                2061 GRE  6   32
 53   64     Hanley James L             2061 ENG  6   31
 54  113     Sheshkin Matan              0   ISR  6   30
 55   19     Pena Alfredo               2242 COL 5½   40
 56   46     Skovgaard Peter            2137 DEN 5½  38½
 57   60     Darini Pouria              2077 IRI 5½   38
 58   47     Rasulov Vugar              2127 AZE 5½   38
 59   61     Dinger Florian             2076 GER 5½   37
 60   56     Zaslavsky Michael          2093 ISR 5½  35½
 61   68     Posedaru Bogdan            2055 ROM 5½  34½
 62   57     Goumas Georgios            2086 GRE 5½   34
 63   70     Zehnter Sebastian          2044 GER 5½   31
 64   98     Flores Mauricio             0   CHI 5½  30½
 65   62     Seyb Alexander             2066 GER 5½  30½
 66  110     Rodriguez Santiago Jaime    0   PUR 5½  29½
 67   73     Plaskan Jure               2039 SLO 5½   25
 68  123     Zhou Yunfeng                0   CHN  5  37½
 69   43     Rigolot Matthieu           2146 FRA  5   36
 70   22     Wang Puchen                2236 NZL  5   36
 71   16     Needleman Gaston           2260 ARG  5   32
 72   58     Schiendorfer Emanuel       2086 SUI  5  31½
 73   72     Alekberovas Anaras         2041 LTU  5   31
 74   69     Hansen Alexei Cherstiouk   2047 DEN  5  30½
 75   97     Dvirnyy Daniyyl            2087 ITA  5  30½
 76  105     Maulana Yusuf               0   INA  5   30
 77   77     Alsheimer Christoph        2022 GER  5  29½
 78   71     Papadopoulos Nikolaos      2042 GRE  5  29½
 79   75     Sankalp Modwal             2028 IND  5  28½
 80   67     Vuillermoz Robert          2056 FRA  5   28
 81   88     Green Andrew               1838 SCO  5  26½
 82  112     Sanchit Chauhan             0   IND  5   25
 83  114     Spirou Panagiotis           0   GRE  5  24½
 84   89  FM Jwad Waleed A.              0   IRQ  5   24
 85  101     Janse Rasmus                0   SWE  5   24
 86   93     Buckas Muhammad Shihaab     0   RSA  5   22
 87   50     Mitrovic Boris             2117 SLO 4½   33
 88   82     Siriwardena D I S          1998 SRI 4½  29½
 89  108     Panagiotakos Nikolaos       0   GRE 4½  29½
 90  119     Van Rensburg Ryan Pierre    0   RSA 4½  28½
 91   52     Saatdjian Thomas           2102 FRA 4½   28
 92  120     Vasey Sebastien             0   SUI 4½  27½
 93   74     Palawatta I T              2028 SRI 4½  26½
 94   79     Fandler Simon              2012 AUT 4½   26
 95  117     Uribe Arteaga Deaniel       0   COL 4½   26
 96   94     Datu Jesus Alfonso          0   PHI 4½   23
 97   81     Kourousis Epaminondas      1999 GRE 4½  21½
 98   83     Fragiadakis Dimitrios      1984 GRE 4½  21½
 99   99     Grzymek David               0   IRL 4½  20½
100   86     Dahm Rene                  1917 LUX 4½  20½
101  100     Guo-Yuthok Sherab           0   AUS 4½   19
102  115     Thomas Jac                  0   WLS  4  28½
103  118     Vajic Goran                 0   BIH  4  27½
104   59     Thomas Joseff              2081 WLS  4  25½
105  109     Ramanau Uladzimir           0   BLR  4  25½
106   85     Oksa Jaakko                1929 FIN  4   24
107  122     Wei Kuan Alex Gan           0   MAS  4   24
108   49     Galanin Valeri             2117 RUS  4  22½
109   91     Blaauw Corne                0   RSA  4   21
110   95     Davila Liceaga Josue Hiram  0   MEX  4  20½
111  107     Murphy Dara                 0   IRL  4  19½
112  104     Leo Daylo Jr.               0   PHI  4  19½
113   90     Baez Rosario Luis           0   PUR  4   17
114   92     Brynjarsson Helgi           0   ISL  4  16½
115   84     Thorgeirsson Sverrir       1971 ISL 3½   24
116  111     Rozybakiev Rasul            0   CAN 3½  21½
117  106     Moran Stephen               0   IRL 3½  17½
118  116     Trandafir Stefan            0   CAN 3½   16
119  102     Kollari Sylejman            0   FID 3½   16
120   87     Papandreou Giorgos         1916 GRE  3   21
121   78     Stefanidis Ioannis         2013 GRE  3  19½
122   96     Doudou Mouloud              0   BEL  3   14
123  103     Kush Shah                   0   KEN  1   7

Boys Under-12

Rank SNo.    Name                           Rtg  FED Pts Fide
 1   120     Zhao Nan                        0   CHN 9½  59½
 2    7      Ding Liren                     2231 CHN 9½   57
 3    4      Negi Parimarjan                2267 IND  9   58
 4    1      Liu Qingnan                    2320 CHN  8  49½
 5    17     Alonso Rosell Alvar            2112 ESP  8   47
 6    8      Kachko Alexander               2223 RUS  8  46½
 7    31     Jorczik Julian                 2037 GER 7½  52½
 8    3   FM Sjugirov Sanan                 2279 RUS 7½   49
 9    2   FM Safarli Eltaj                  2306 AZE 7½   48
 10   11  FM Caruana Fabiano                2196 USA 7½  47½
 11   16  FM Ter Sahakyan Samvel            2125 ARM 7½   47
 12   6      Shimanov Aleksandr             2234 RUS 7½   47
 13  106     So Wesley                       0   PHI 7½  45½
 14   29     Krejci Jan                     2043 CZE 7½  44½
 15   23     Mihok Oliver                   2086 GER 7½   44
 16   14     Grizenko Andrey                2168 RUS  7  48½
 17   28     Galburd Yan                    2051 ISR  7   46
 18   5      Pak Evgeniy                    2235 UZB  7   45
 19   34     Yilmaz Mustafa                 2026 TUR  7  44½
 20   25     Papp Abel                      2073 HUN  7   42
 21  109     Tamazyan Hayk G.                0   ARM  7   41
 22   30     Dragomirescu Robin             2042 ROM  7   38
 23   38     Chung Kevin                    1999 CAN  7   37
 24   93     Popilski Gil                    0   ISR  7  36½
 25   18     Strzemiecki Zbigniew           2105 POL 6½   47
 26   15     Sandeep Y                      2138 IND 6½   45
 27   24     Ravi Teja S                    2075 IND 6½  43½
 28   12     Kharchenko Denis               2196 UKR 6½  43½
 29   33     Istvanovszki Martin            2028 HUN 6½  41½
 30   51     Azemati Amir                    0   IRI 6½   41
 31   36     Bregadze Levan                 2040 GEO 6½  40½
 32   9      Kanmazalp Ogulcan              2213 TUR 6½  40½
 33   73     Kilpatrick Callum               0   ENG 6½  38½
 34   70     Ivekovic Zvonimir               0   CRO 6½   38
 35   10     Mayorga Nicolas                2208 ARG 6½   37
 36  100     Sapenov Yerzhan                 0   KAZ 6½   37
 37   56     Durarbeyli Vasif                0   AZE 6½  36½
 38   21     Graf Felix                     2094 GER 6½  34½
 39  115     Vardanian Haik G.               0   ARM  6   45
 40   20     Antipotchkin Konstantin        2095 ISR  6   43
 41   13     Szabo Leon                     2173 HUN  6   41
 42   22     Thaler Michael                 2093 USA  6   40
 43   40     Delivre Raphael                1976 FRA  6   40
 44  122     de Arco Luis                    0   COL  6  39½
 45  113     Tsyhanchuk Stanislav            0   BLR  6   39
 46   26     Galopoulos N                   2060 GRE  6   38
 47  102     Sen Subin                       0   ENG  6   36
 48   41     Postolachi Viorel              1956 MDA  6  35½
 49   49  FM Wong Tsui-Hern Daryl            0   SIN  6   34
 50   37     Korman Maxim                   2006 GER  6   34
 51   91     Pavlidis Antonios               0   GRE  6  28½
 52   35     Wageih Kareim                  2017 EGY 5½   42
 53  103     Sichinava Zviad                 0   RUS 5½  37½
 54   69     Ivanov Stoyan                   0   BUL 5½   37
 55   19     Rombaldoni Axel                2098 ITA 5½   36
 56   46     O'Toole George E               1888 ENG 5½  35½
 57  117     Wei Tongze                      0   CHN 5½   35
 58   58     Garcia Molina Francisco         0   ESP 5½  34½
 59   80     Massoni Michael                 0   FRA 5½   34
 60   89     Panir Selvam Joshua             0   MAS 5½   33
 61   43     Hobusch Alexander              1935 GER 5½  31½
 62   61     Grigoriev Semyon                0   RUS 5½   31
 63   60     Gretarsson Hjorvar Steinn       0   ISL 5½   31
 64   66     Homatidis Panagiotis            0   GRE 5½   31
 65   81     Moltsanov Ivan                  0   EST 5½  29½
 66  121     Zivkovic Dejan                  0   SCG 5½  29½
 67   32     Mazur Stefan                   2034 SVK 5½   29
 68   88     Palsson Svanberg Mar            0   ISL 5½   25
 69   95     Razipour Sohrab                 0   IRI  5   37
 70   82     Nahed Yann                      0   FRA  5   35
 71   27  FM Chua Zheng Yuan Terry          2057 SIN  5   34
 72   39     Nestorovic Lazar               1990 SCG  5  33½
 73   64     Hambleton Aman                  0   CAN  5   32
 74   44     Anakidze Giorgi                1901 GEO  5  31½
 75   50     Ardito Andrew                   0   USA  5  31½
 76   98     Rojas Alarcon Julian Antonio    0   MEX  5  30½
 77  110     Tan Jonathan                    0   NED  5  30½
 78  114     Urkedal Frode                   0   NOR  5  29½
 79   42     Silva Miguel Alexandre Gomes   1944 POR  5   29
 80   45     Kavcic Janez                   1896 SLO  5   29
 81   48  FM Lo Kin-Mun Dominic              0   SIN  5   29
 82   55     Dole Anant                      0   RSA  5   29
 83   71     Kaufman Harris                  0   CAN  5  27½
 84   54     Dionisi Thomas                  0   FRA  5  24½
 85   68     Illingworth Max                 0   AUS  5   23
 86   79     Martinez Munguia Carlos Felipe  0   MEX  5  20½
 87   67     Ilkhomzade Ikrom                0   TAJ 4½   28
 88   62     Guevara Perez Jorge Alejandro   0   MEX 4½   27
 89   75     Kottahachchy K.O.V.             0   SRI 4½  26½
 90   74     Kordts Florian                  0   GER 4½   26
 91   47     Serban David                   1875 LUX 4½   26
 92   63     Halvax Georg                    0   AUT 4½  24½
 93  104     Simanaitis Vytautas             0   LTU 4½   23
 94   86     Ospanov Nazar                   0   KAZ 4½  22½
 95  107     Stander Reynhardt               0   RSA 4½  21½
 96   96     Reyniers Pieter                 0   BEL  4   25
 97  101     Schreiner Peter                 0   AUT  4   25
 98   90     Papadimitriou Athanasios        0   GRE  4   25
 99  108     Steil-Antoni Dario              0   LUX  4   25
100   87     Pacheco Edgar                   0   ECU  4  24½
101   72     Ketzetzis Giorgos               0   GRE  4   24
102   85     Osborne Sam                     0   IRL  4  22½
103  118     Woods Connor                    0   SCO  4   21
104  105     Sipahioglu Irmak                0   TUR  4   21
105  116     Variadakis Dimitrios            0   GRE  4   14
106  119     Yip Siang Fong                  0   MAS 3½   22
107   92     Peiris S.S.                     0   SRI 3½   21
108   59     Garic Almir                     0   BIH 3½  20½
109   94     Pretorius Chris                 0   RSA 3½   20
110   78     Lazarus Sam                     0   WLS 3½   20
111   57     Flynn Jamie                     0   IRL 3½   19
112   65     Hanly Steven                    0   IRL 3½  18½
113   99     Rozman Mitja                    0   SLO 3½  18½
114  111     Tomazini Aljosa                 0   SLO 3½   17
115   52     Benson Oisin                    0   IRL 3½   12
116   77     Kurbanovs, Arturs               0   LAT  3  15½
117   83     Norri Roger                     0   FIN  3   11
118   53     Biktimirovs Konstantins         0   LAT 2½  15½
119   97     Rivera Hazim Eduardo Shariff    0   PUR 2½  14½
120   76     Kountardas Panagiotis           0   GRE 2½  10½
121   84     Obilo Brian                     0   KEN  2   6½
122  112     Tsokopoulos Dedalos             0   GRE  0   0

Boys Under-10

Rank  SNo.      Name                         Rtg   FED   Pts   Fide
 1     3        Yu Yangyi                   2140   CHN    9     59
 2     8        Moussard Jules              2008   FRA    9     57
 3     2    WFM Hou Yifan                   2153   CHN    9     54
 4     9        Song Raymond                2002   AUS    9     51
 5     5    FM  Swiercz Dariusz             2045   POL    8    52½
 6     6        Srinath N                   2042   IND    8     52
 7    128       Zhang Haosu                   0    CHN    8    50½
 8     81       Lu Shanglei                   0    CHN    8    46½
 9     80       Lortkipanidze Nodar           0    GEO    8     43
 10    97       Robson Ray                    0    USA   7½    48½
 11    91       Nikologorskiy Konstantin      0    RUS   7½    47½
 12    17       Abbasov Nijat                 0    AZE   7½    43½
 13    20       Aquino Prince Mark            0    PHI   7½    42½
 14    10       Prasanna Rao                1993   IND   7½    42½
 15    1        Qu Ziyuan                   2242   CHN   7½     39
 16    34       Chen Peng                     0    CHN    7     53
 17    11       Zhao Parker                 1975   USA    7     50
 18    88       Mirzaei Saleh                 0    IRI    7     47
 19   102       Shahinyan Davit               0    ARM    7    45½
 20    67       Khachykian David              0    BLR    7     45
 21    24       Beradze Irakli                0    GEO    7    43½
 22   119       Vakhidov Jakhongir            0    UZB    7     41
 23    70       Kigel Dmytro                  0    UKR    7     41
 24    33       Chan Yi-Ren Daniel            0    SIN    7     39
 25   122       Wang Zhangxian                0    GER    7     38
 26    4        Sadzikowski Daniel          2064   POL    7     37
 27    95       Petrosyan Tigran S.           0    ARM   6½     45
 28    59       Heung Christopher             0    USA   6½     42
 29    19       Alexandrenkov Yevgen          0    UKR   6½    41½
 30    41       Dubin Joshua                  0    USA   6½    41½
 31    15       Szabo Bence                 1758   HUN   6½     40
 32   118       Uzun Sarp                     0    TUR   6½     40
 33    66       Kazakos Manolis               0    GRE   6½    39½
 34    78       Laurusas Tomas                0    LTU   6½    39½
 35    63       Kaphle Sebastian              0    GER   6½     39
 36   120       Van Kampen Robin              0    NED   6½    36½
 37   129       Zhou Yang Fan                 0    ENG   6½     36
 38   105       Straka Jozef                  0    SVK   6½    35½
 39    87       Meskovs Nikita                0    LAT   6½    35½
 40    31       Calugar Arthur                0    CAN   6½    34½
 41    27       Bortnyk Mykola                0    UKR    6    47½
 42    18       Aghasaryan Robert             0    ARM    6     43
 43   110       Tilicheev Viacheslav          0    RUS    6    40½
 44   126       Xiong Jerry                   0    CAN    6    40½
 45    50       Galopoulos Panagiotis         0    GRE    6     40
 46    7        Madhukiran G                2012   IND    6     40
 47   100       Sanjoy Singh Khumukcham       0    IND    6     40
 48   130       Zier Oliver                   0    GER    6     39
 49   107       Svoysky Dani                  0    ISR    6     39
 50   111       Tkachev Grigory               0    RUS    6    38½
 51    14       Meribanov Vitaly            1889   BLR    6     38
 52    35       Chikman Alan                  0    ISR    6    36½
 53    96       Plat Vojtech                  0    CZE    6    36½
 54    45       Eng Chiam Yeap                0    MAS    6    36½
 55    22       Bassan Remo                   0    VEN    6     35
 56    46       Eranyan Khachatur             0    ARM   5½    41½
 57   124       Whitfield Craig               0    ENG   5½    36½
 58    12       Saatdjian Stephane          1932   FRA   5½     35
 59    76       Kosmas-Lekkas Dimitrios       0    GRE   5½     34
 60    42       Duenzel Jonas                 0    GER   5½    33½
 61    48       Fiora Emilio                  0    ARG   5½    33½
 62    21       Baider Daniel                 0    NZL   5½     31
 63    13       Dimitrijevic Radmilo        1925   SCG   5½    30½
 64   103       Skoulakis Haralabos           0    GRE   5½    30½
 65    85       Masakbayev Darkhan            0    KAZ   5½     30
 66   112       Tomazini Zan                  0    SLO   5½     29
 67    25       Boos Philipp                  0    GER   5½     29
 68    69       Kieu Marc-Andre               0    CAN   5½     29
 69    53       Germanavicius Paulius         0    LTU   5½     29
 70    61       Holvason Roman                0    EST   5½     28
 71    72       Kirk Eden                     0    FRA   5½    27½
 72    60       Hiltunen Mikael               0    FIN   5½    25½
 73    47       Finol Berrueta David          0    VEN    5     38
 74    89       Moreno Kaenel Julio           0    ARG    5    35½
 75    90       Nanu Florentin-Gabriel        0    ROM    5     34
 76    32       Cao Jiajie                    0    CHN    5     33
 77    58       Gutierrez Mancillas Jesus     0    MEX    5     32
 78    29       Cabanes Kim                   0    FRA    5     32
 79   116       Uygur Onur                    0    TUR    5    31½
 80    52       Gasimov Elmar                 0    AZE    5    31½
 81   123       Wertjanz David                0    AUT    5     31
 82    77       Lapidus Mark                  0    EST    5    30½
 83    68       Khvan Boris                   0    UZB    5    27½
 84    83       Malamatas Konstantinos        0    GRE    5    27½
 85    62       Kafetzis Georgios             0    GRE    5     25
 86    93       Paltrinieri Nicholas          0    ITA    5    21½
 87    43       Ebralidze Alexandre           0    GEO    5    21½
 88    82       Maksl David                   0    SLO    5     20
 89   109       Tewahettige S.                0    SRI    5     20
 90   108       Testa Adriano                 0    ITA   4½    32½
 91   117       Uygur Sinan                   0    TUR   4½    31½
 92    84       Martinez Martin               0    COL   4½    30½
 93    38       De la Rosa Lara Armando       0    MEX   4½     30
 94    37       Dan Aurelian                  0    ROM   4½     28
 95    99       Saligo Pieter                 0    BEL   4½     28
 96    71       Kim Timur                     0    KAZ   4½     28
 97    56       Guaza Garcia Jose Alejandro   0    ESP   4½     28
 98    92       Osmanodja Bilgin              0    GER   4½    27½
 99    28       Boutchenik Ciril              0    RUS   4½    27½
100   127       Yarlou Amirhomayoun           0    IRI   4½     27
101    86       Menon Jayadev Aravind         0    IRL   4½     26
102    16       Ciuntu Victor               1608   MDA   4½    24½
103    79       Liodakis Konstantinos         0    GRE   4½     22
104    26       Bornheim Craig                0    RSA   4½     21
105    74       Kokotovic Aleksandar          0    BIH   4½     21
106    94       Pecar Maks                    0    SLO   4½    19½
107    49       Fontana Walser Juan           0    ARG    4     31
108    54       Godart Francois               0    BEL    4     28
109    44       Eleftherakis Stavros          0    GRE    4     27
110    64       Karadaliev Daniel             0    BUL    4     26
111    23       Benidze Giga                  0    GEO    4    22½
112   125       Wright Jonathan               0    SCO    4     22
113    57       Gupta Aditya                  0    SWE    4     21
114   106       Stratigakis Paris             0    GRE    4     20
115    30       Calauz Florin                 0    ROM    4    19½
116   115       Tzouganakis Pantelis          0    GRE    4    18½
117    40       Du Preez Fritz Delarey        0    RSA   3½     23
118    75       Kolomvakis Stelios            0    GRE   3½    22½
119   113       Trost Martin                  0    SWE   3½    22½
120    73       Kohi Armand                   0    FRA   3½    20½
121    55       Gouliaros-Antoniadis          0    GRE   3½    17½
122    51       Galymzhanov Alymzhan          0    KAZ   3½     17
123   101       Shah Shiv P.                  0    KEN    3    19½
124    36       Ciloglu Dogu                  0    TUR    3     19
125    65       Katz Robert Jake              0    RSA    3     17
126   121       Vucic Mihovil                 0    CRO    3    15½
127    98       Saidov Umed                   0    TAJ    3     13
128    39       Downing Peter                 0    WLS   2½    13½
129   114       Turner Tim                    0    WLS   2½     11
130   104       Soto Munet Shazer Antonio     0    PUR    0     0
Girls Under-18

Rank SNo.     Name                   Rtg  FED Pts Fide S.O.R.
 1    3   WIM Zawadzka Jolanta       2329 POL  8  48½  22649
 2    1   IM  Sebag Marie            2428 FRA  8   52  22609
 3    6   WIM Hryhorenko Nataliya    2321 UKR  8  52½  22570
 4    8   WFM Malysheva Polina       2310 RUS  8  43½  21958
 5    11      Guseva Marina          2289 RUS  8  46½  21692
 6    5   WGM Zdebskaja Natalia      2321 UKR  8  40½  21313
 7    4   WIM Melia Salome           2326 GEO 7½  51½
 8    19  WIM Vega Gutierrez Sabrina 2225 ESP  7  46½  22579
 9    14  WFM Pham Le Thao Nguyen    2244 VIE  7   51  22518
 10   10  WIM Kadziolka Beata        2301 POL  7  46½  22210
 11   17  WFM Vinuthna N             2229 IND  7  43½  21946
 12   21  WFM Szczepkowska Karina    2209 POL  7  44½  21929
 13   12  WIM Burtasova Anna         2273 RUS  7   44  21889
 14   13      Schneider Veronika     2263 HUN  7   34  20509
 15   18  WIM Papadopoulou Vera      2227 GRE 6½  44½
 16   7   WIM Kursova Maria          2315 RUS 6½   44
 17   28  WFM Gilbert Jessie         2138 ENG 6½   42
 18   15  WGM Paridar Shadi          2242 IRI 6½  41½
 19   2   WIM Muhren Bianca          2343 NED 6½  39½
 20   27      Zenyuk Iryna           2153 USA 6½   38
 21   22      Andriasian Siranush    2206 ARM  6   46
 22   9   WFM Fominykh Maria         2309 RUS  6   39
 23   30  WIM Mar Karmen             2122 SLO  6  38½
 24   45      Rajadarshini M         2029 IND  6  37½
 25   25      Machalova Veronika     2168 SVK  6   37
 26   29  WFM Novak Ksenija          2136 SLO  6  36½
 27   31  WFM Ambrosi Eleonora       2099 ITA  6   36
 28   44      Orlovska Madara        2029 LAT  6   36
 29   20      Raeva Elitsa           2213 BUL  6  34½
 30   16  WIM Solic Kristina         2229 CRO  6  33½
 31   39      Zhang Fan              2055 GER  6  32½
 32   33      Makka Evanthia         2087 GRE  6   32
 33   51  WFM Pretorius Mignon       1965 RSA  6  27½
 34   23      Kulovana Eva           2183 CZE 5½   37
 35   42      Limontaite Simona      2037 LTU 5½   34
 36   37      Dedijer Sanja          2064 BIH 5½   28
 37   41      Franco Angela          2046 COL  5   38
 38   26  WIM Toth Lili              2157 HUN  5  35½
 32           Chevannes Sabrina      2090 ENG  5   32
 39   35      Teodorescu Anca        2074 ROM  5   32
 40   34      Seps Monika            2077 SUI  5   32
 42   48      Andreeva Plamena       2002 BUL  5  31½
 43   36      Muminova Nafisa        2069 UZB  5  31½
 44   38      Beltz Franziska        2061 GER  5  31½
 45   63      Plivcevic Ivana         0   BIH  5  28½
 46   43      Kamzina S              2031 KAZ  5   26
 47   60      Ismail Maha L.          0   IRQ  5  25½
 48   57      Franco Beatriz Irene    0   COL  5  25½
 49   24      Lovece Ruth            2174 ARG  5  24½
 50   50      Oliver Shannon         1980 AUS  5   24
 51   49      Frisk Ellinor          1999 SWE  5  23½
 52   55      Ayaz Hacer              0   TUR 4½  26½
 53   52      Almer Julia            1957 SWE 4½  21½
 54   68      Viththiyarani S         0   SRI  4   28
 55   40      Gebejes Ana            2052 SCG  4   26
 56   65      Sischy Monique Sian     0   RSA  4  24½
 57   58      Fronda Jayveelyn        0   PHI  4   22
 58   59      Greeff Sylvia           0   RSA  4   21
 59   61      Lee Su Lynn             0   MAS  4   20
 60   64      Reppen Ellisiv          0   NOR  4   20
 61   66      Solis Mendoza Mariana   0   MEX  4  19½
 62   62      Nadeau Dominique        0   CAN  4   19
 63   47      Varadi Alexandra       2004 HUN 3½  23½
 64   53      Estrada Gaspar Nelly   1952 MEX 3½   19
 65   67      Verdiana Norasa         0   INA 3½   17
 66   46      Crasnajon Nina         2012 MDA 2½   18
 67   54      Dierckens Sarah        1856 BEL 2½   15
 68   56      Colon Irizarry Nancy    0   PUR  ½   2
Girls Under-16

Rank SNo.     Name                          Rtg  FED Pts Fide S.O.R.
 1    4       Khotenashvili Bela            2248 GEO 9½  58½
 2    8       Majdan Joanna                 2219 POL  9  51½
 3    2       Purtseladze Maka              2269 GEO  8  55½  21967
 4    10  WIM Pourkashiyan Atousa           2217 IRI  8   49  21609
 5    12  WFM Gomes Mary-Ann                2183 IND  8   51  21449
 6    1   WFM Gunina Valentina              2354 RUS 7½  46½  21434
 7    15  WFM Mikadze Miranda               2172 GEO 7½  46½  21364
 8    9   WIM Nebolsina Vera                2218 RUS  7  47½
 9    11  WFM Chulivska Vita                2197 UKR  7  44½
 10   13  WFM Kharmunova Nadejda            2182 RUS  7  44½
 11   7       Foisor Sabina-Francesca       2228 ROM  7   44
 12   18      Leks Hanna                    2146 POL  7   43
 13   22  WIM Yildiz Betul Cemre            2131 TUR 6½  45½
 14   17  WFM Siti Zulaikha                 2162 MAS 6½   43
 15   33      Isgandarova Khayala           2067 AZE 6½  42½
 16   5   WFM Abrahamyan Tatev              2238 USA 6½   41
 17   14      Xu Tong                       2177 CHN 6½  40½
 18   6   WFM Karibaeva Elvira              2230 RUS 6½   40
 19   34      Dauletova Gulmira             2063 KAZ 6½   40
 20   32      Guichard Pauline              2067 FRA 6½  38½
 21   24  WFM Itkis Hana                    2120 USA 6½  38½
 22   3       Borosova Zuzana               2249 SVK 6½   38
 23   35      Pertlova Sona                 2053 CZE 6½   37
 24   49      Romanova Mariya               1982 UKR 6½  36½
 25   75      Pham Thi Ngoc Tu               0   VIE 6½  36½
 26   36      Atnilov Bela                  2051 ISR 6½  36½
 27   63      Dinca Cornelia                 0   CAN 6½  35½
 28   44      Djukic Sandra                 2028 SCG  6   40
 29   26      Cochet Caroline               2095 FRA  6   39
 30   27      Sarquis Maria Belen           2092 ARG  6  38½
 31   23  WFM Hamrakulova Yulduz            2123 UZB  6  36½
 32   72      Nikolova Adriana               0   BUL  6   35
 33   37      Choisy Mathilde               2051 FRA 5½   41
 34   20  WFM Franciskovic Borka            2145 CRO 5½  39½
 35   19      Martirosyan Lia               2146 ARM 5½   36
 36   42      Benmesbah Natacha             2030 FRA 5½  35½
 37   28      Congiu Mathilde               2084 FRA 5½  35½
 38   52      Huddleston Heather            1957 AUS 5½  34½
 39   25      Savushkina Evgenia            2104 BLR 5½  34½
 40   41      Bayaraa Zorigt                2032 MGL 5½   33
 41   40      Hoolt Sarah                   2034 GER 5½   33
 42   48      Solyomvari Roxanne            1998 HUN 5½  32½
 43   56      Hegarty Sarah                 1887 ENG 5½  31½
 44   29      Harsanyi Kinga                2083 HUN 5½  31½
 45   16      Untila Stela                  2168 MDA 5½   31
 46   21      Rivera Ingris                 2144 COL 5½   31
 47   81      Van Der Merwe Anna Margaretha  0   RSA 5½   30
 48   30  WFM Kublashvili Etery             2076 RUS 5½   30
 49   43      Butschek Tanja                2030 GER 5½  27½
 50   78      Rudovska Elina                 0   LAT 5½  23½
 51   45      Ikonomopoulou Maria           2014 GRE  5  33½
 52   46      Iza Abete Amaia               2012 ESP  5   32
 53   58      Bogdan Elizaveta              1849 MDA  5   32
 54   77      Roelli Sabrina                 0   SUI  5  31½
 55   39      Geragousian Biaina            2034 NED  5   31
 56   73      Pastushenko Violetta           0   UKR  5   30
 57   31      Bjeloglav Milica              2067 SCG  5   29
 58   47      Saulyte Evelina               2005 LTU  5   29
 59   53      Polizou Dionisia              1940 GRE  5  25½
 60   38      Miller Naomi                  2038 ENG 4½   33
 61   80      Steil-Antoni Fiona             0   LUX 4½  30½
 62   57      Yilmaz Ezgi                   1882 TUR 4½   27
 63   67      Holen Line                     0   NOR 4½  25½
 64   54      Hrenic Misa                   1937 SLO 4½  24½
 65   79      Segarra Choer Tammy            0   PUR 4½   24
 66   76      Popa Iuliana                   0   MDA 4½  23½
 67   55      Klinger Michaela              1890 AUT 4½   23
 68   62      De Ramos Geneline              0   PHI  4   24
 69   50      Martin Katie                  1977 ENG  4   23
 70   66      Ho Patricia                    0   CAN  4  22½
 71   51      Laake Jasmin                  1965 GER  4   22
 72   59      Arreguin Hernandez Yazmin      0   MEX  4  21½
 73   61      Castellano Clara Fulvia        0   ITA  4  19½
 74   69      Main Kelly-Anne                0   RSA  4  19½
 75   60      Bleazard Heather Jane          0   RSA  4   19
 76   74      Pastushenko Vladlena           0   UKR  4  18½
 77   65      Ghazala Zena Basil             0   IRQ  4  16½
 78   70      Martinez Castro Haydee         0   MEX 3½   19
 79   68      Kaos Kreete                    0   EST  3  16½
 80   71      Mignault Dominik               0   CAN 2½  17½
 81   64      Fairley Natasha                0   NZL  2   11

Girls Under-14

Rank SNo.     Name                          Rtg  FED Pts Fide
 1    1   WGM Harika Dronavalli             2391 IND  9   58
 2    2   WGM Muzychuk Anna                 2383 SLO  9  52½
 3    3   WFM Tairova Elena                 2271 RUS 8½   56
 4    23      Girya Olga                    2024 RUS 7½  50½
 5    24      Ohme Melanie                  2022 GER 7½  48½
 6    48  WFM Melekhina Alisa                0   USA 7½  47½
 7    7   WFM Guramishvili Sopiko           2132 GEO 7½  46½
 8    5       Charochkina Daria             2160 RUS 7½  46½
 9    19      Lakshmi Praneetha K           2042 IND 7½   46
 10   26      Darbinian Nune                2015 ARM 7½  45½
 11   30      Saulyte Gabriele              1997 LTU  7   47
 12   82      Severiukhina Zoya              0   RUS  7  45½
 13   27      Gevorgyan Irina               2015 UZB  7   44
 14   14      Chirivi Yenny                 2070 COL  7   44
 15   12      Skinke Katrina                2090 LAT  7   44
 16   6       Ignacz Maria                  2153 HUN  7   44
 17   32      Gvilava Maya                  1993 RUS  7  37½
 18   9       Nemcova Katerina              2117 CZE 6½   45
 19   4       Wang Xiaohui                  2210 CHN 6½  41½
 20   41      Zinchenko Yulija              1918 BLR 6½  40½
 21   28      Tay Li-Jin Jeslin             1998 SIN 6½   39
 22   37      Anjanaa N Sowjanyaa           1957 IND 6½  38½
 23   13      Traistaru Teodora             2082 ROM 6½  38½
 24   17      Winkelmann Elena              2051 GER 6½  38½
 25   25      Butskhrikidze Ana             2019 GEO 6½  37½
 26   36      Dudas Eszter                  1958 HUN 6½  36½
 27   39      Sirisena Chantal              1925 ENG 6½   36
 28   21      Corke Anya                    2041 HKG  6   44
 29   10  WFM Vazirova Karina               2112 RUS  6   42
 30   18      Rakic Marija                  2050 SCG  6  40½
 31   8       Ostroverkhova Elena           2124 UKR  6  39½
 32   16      Robles Garcia Claudia         2053 ESP  6  39½
 33   33      Stefanova Milena              1972 BUL  6   38
 34   15      Zhorzholiani Meri             2064 GEO  6  37½
 35   31      Gavrilova Anastasia           1996 SUI  6   37
 36   35      Fuchs Judith                  1961 GER  6   37
 37   34      Liu Yang                      1969 SIN  6  31½
 38   38      Choksi Kajri                  1956 IND  6  30½
 39   20      Mader Manuela                 2042 GER 5½   38
 40   70      Jussupow Ekaterina             0   GER 5½  37½
 41   46      Manyoki Anna                  1817 HUN 5½  36½
 42   22      Kalashyan Varduhi             2036 ARM 5½   35
 43   45      Khazhomia Salome              1887 GEO 5½   34
 44   83      Shalukhina Tatyana             0   KAZ 5½  33½
 45   40      Ivekovic Ivana                1924 CRO 5½   33
 46   49  WFM Mushin Dhuha M                 0   IRQ 5½   33
 47   44      Ignacz Rozsa                  1899 HUN 5½  32½
 48   80      Rahimi Tara                    0   IRI 5½  31½
 49   66      Heinatz Maria                  0   SUI 5½  31½
 50   78      Paganoglou Anastasia           0   GRE 5½   31
 51   11      Khoo Selina                   2091 ENG 5½  30½
 52   64      Gurbanova Laman                0   AZE 5½   29
 53   43      Vartic Irina                  1900 MDA 5½   29
 54   52      Babayan Armine                 0   ARM 5½   27
 55   61      Fernandez Maria                0   ARG  5   36
 56   50      Agrest Inna                    0   SWE  5  34½
 57   86      Sobierska Wioletta             0   POL  5  33½
 58   88      Tang Tiffany                   0   CAN  5   32
 59   29  WFM Wiid Daleen                   1997 RSA  5  29½
 60   58      Dincel Melodi                  0   TUR  5  28½
 61   53      Braggaar Leonore               0   NED  5   27
 62   60      Fernandez Laura                0   FRA  5  26½
 63   68      Hickman Casey                  0   AUS  5   25
 64   81      Roos Ezet                      0   RSA  5  23½
 65   87      Stefanidi Maria                0   GRE 4½  29½
 66   56      Cunanan Kimberly Jane          0   PHI 4½  29½
 67   89      Tonel Giulia                   0   ITA 4½   28
 68   84      Sia Xin-Yun Suzanna            0   SIN 4½   28
 69   91      Vince Viola                    0   HUN 4½  27½
 70   47      Senanayaka P R                1673 SRI 4½   27
 71   62      Ferry Justine                  0   FRA 4½   27
 72   75      Moernaut Evelien               0   BEL 4½   25
 73   65      Gutierrez Mancilla Alicia      0   MEX 4½  24½
 74   77      Officer Amy                    0   SCO 4½   24
 75   42      Wijayawardena D M C           1917 SRI 4½  23½
 76   90      Topic Jelena                   0   SLO 4½  23½
 77   59      Exler Veronika                 0   AUT 4½  21½
 78   76      Nadeau Gabrielle               0   CAN  4  24½
 79   74      Makarova Kermen                0   EST  4  24½
 80   57      De Waal Ingrid                 0   RSA  4  23½
 81   79      Plamondon Andreanne            0   CAN  4   22
 82   69      Jorgensen Line Jin             0   NOR  4  20½
 83   51      Alexandrova Eleni              0   GRE  4  20½
 84   85      Sianez Heras Susana Priscilla  0   MEX  4   20
 85   93      Wu Shirley                     0   NZL  4   19
 86   67      Hernandez Gomez Katia Yarie    0   PUR  4  15½
 87   54      Brunello Roberta               0   ITA 3½   23
 88   63      Francis Gwenielle              0   WLS 3½   18
 89   92      Wijesooriya B.P.K.             0   SRI 3½  17½
 90   73      Madurapperuma C.P.             0   SRI 3½   16
 91   55      Chan Wei-Qi Sarah              0   SIN 3½   16
 92   71      Khuan Yee Yeap                 0   MAS  3  11½
 93   72      Loh Shi-En Elizabeth           0   SIN  2   11

Girls Under-12

Rank SNo.     Name                            Rtg  FED Pts Fide
 1    16      Kulon Klaudia                   1918 POL 9½  60½
 2    2   WFM Bodnaruk Anastasia              2130 RUS 8½   49
 3    5   WFM Muzychuk Mariya                 2057 UKR  8   50
 4    7   WFM Paikidze Nazi                   2028 GEO  8  48½
 5    22      A La Tenghua                     0   CHN  8   42
 6    8       Bulmaga Irina                   2028 MDA 7½   52
 7    10      Kashlinskaya Alina              2009 RUS 7½  50½
 8    13      Madanasri Gundala               1960 IND 7½  48½
 9    4       Repina Varvara                  2064 RUS 7½   48
 10   14      Tsatsalashvili Keti             1936 GEO 7½  46½
 11   6       Savina Anastasia                2030 RUS 7½   46
 12   11      Lakshmi Sahithi P               1996 IND  7   46
 13   84      Zhou Zijun                       0   CHN  7   45
 14   12      Korchagina Viktoria             1992 RUS  7   42
 15   1   WFM Butuc Maria                     2134 MDA  7  40½
 16   51      Kharisma Sukandar Irine          0   INA  7   37
 17   33      Datta Anjali                     0   USA  7   37
 18   20  WFM Cori Deysi                       0   PER 6½  44½
 19   62      Pavlidou Ekaterini               0   GRE 6½   44
 20   19      Song Angela                     1838 AUS 6½   42
 21   28      Cai Jiaying                      0   CHN 6½  41½
 22   75      Umarova Shahnoza                 0   TAJ 6½   38
 23   79      Vempati Gayatri                  0   USA 6½  29½
 24   9       Iordanidou Zoi                  2021 GRE  6   47
 25   83      Zalimaite Ieva                   0   LTU  6   41
 26   34      De Cloet Jeanine                 0   NED  6   40
 27   52      Kurzhanskaya Viktoryia           0   BLR  6   36
 28   55      McVay Karsten                    0   USA  6   36
 29   15      Devangi Patankar                1920 IND  6  35½
 30   57      Motycakova Monika                0   SVK  6   35
 31   59      Newrkla Katharina                0   AUT  6   35
 32   67      Sargsyan Shushanna               0   ARM  6  34½
 33   60      Nguyen Minh-Ly                   0   CAN  6  31½
 34   74      Todorova Kalina                  0   BUL  6  30½
 35   36      De la Parra Hurtado Daniela      0   MEX 5½  38½
 36   24      Abylkassymova Raushan            0   KAZ 5½  37½
 37   44      Hitter Gabriella                 0   HUN 5½  36½
 38   18      Adam Andrea                     1871 ROM 5½   36
 39   42      Hejazipour Mitra                 0   IRI 5½  35½
 40   61      Parmar Amisha                    0   ENG 5½  34½
 41   47      Jimenez Lupianez Laura           0   ESP 5½  33½
      54      Makarova Natalja                 0   EST 5½  33½
 43   66      Ramirez Cubillos Heimiy          0   COL 5½  31½
 44   73      Tjolsen Katrine                  0   NOR 5½   31
 45   81      Yanigro Micaela                  0   ARG 5½   29
 46   58      Nesic Dragana                    0   BIH 5½   29
 47   45      Hristodoulaki Antonia            0   GRE 5½   27
 48   69      Suarez Calvo Alessandra          0   ESP 5½   27
 49   40      Haast Anne                       0   NED  5  37½
 50   26      Bernales Christy Lamiel          0   PHI  5   37
 51   17      Kohi Camilla                    1900 FRA  5   36
 52   76      Valesova Sarka                   0   CZE  5  30½
 53   27      Bucar Natasa                     0   SLO  5   30
 54   56      Menon Jayadev Poornima           0   IRL  5   29
 55   72      Thorsteinsdottir Hallgerdur      0   ISL  5   28
 56   80      Xiong Sonja                      0   CAN  5   27
 57   70      Thilaganathan Jessica            0   ENG  5   26
 58   49      Kaya Emel                        0   TUR  5  25½
 59   31      Cordero Loup Ely Daniela         0   BOL  5   25
 60   50      Kazimova Narmin                  0   AZE 4½   32
 61   41      Hattingh Angelique               0   RSA 4½   32
 62   65      Radfar Ayda                      0   IRI 4½   31
 63   39      Goossens Hanne                   0   BEL 4½  29½
 64   30      Collado Barbas Laura             0   ESP 4½  26½
 65   21  WFM Toh Li-Cheng                     0   SIN 4½   26
 66   68      Sing Tien Charlene Chai          0   MAS 4½  25½
 67   43      Herath G.                        0   SRI 4½   25
 68   82      Yuen Wing Yan                    0   FRA 4½   24
 69   77      Van Wyk Laetitia                 0   RSA 4½   23
 70   64      Perez Trinidad Carmen Daniela    0   MEX  4  24½
 71   53      Lapidus Anna                     0   EST  4   24
 72   23      Abolina Jevgenija                0   LAT  4  23½
 73   38      Gan Adeline Li Ling              0   MAS  4  21½
 74   37      Edes Zsofia                      0   SVK  4  20½
 75   48      Kagramanov Dalia                 0   CAN  4   20
 76   63      Pehrsson Tambasco Claudia        0   BRA  4   19
 77   71      Thomas Melissa                   0   WLS 3½  18½
 78   32      Costariol Elena                  0   ITA 3½  17½
 79   35      De Kock Suzanne                  0   RSA  3   19
 80   29      Capraru Elena-Roxana             0   ROM 2½   12
 81   3   WFM Stock Lara                      2106 CRO  1   11
 82   78      Velez Miranda Crystal Marie      0   PUR  1   6
 83   25      Asiema Isabelle                  0   KEN  ½   ½
 84   46      Ikonomopoulou-Limniou Georgia    0   GRE  0   0

Girls Under-10

Rank SNo.     Name                      Rtg  FED Pts Fide
 1    4   WFM Arabidze Mary              0   GEO 11   66
 2    9       Anakidze Nino              0   GEO 8½  54½
 3    46      Lach Alexandra             0   POL 8½  45½
 4    84      Xu Huahua                  0   CHN  8   52
 5    20      Camacho Chardine Cheradee  0   PHI  8   49
 6    12      Baciu Diana                0   MDA  8   48
 7    61      Qurbonboyeva Sarvinoz      0   UZB 7½  49½
 8    44      Kou Yingya                 0   CHN 7½   42
 9    51      Marques Pereira Amanda     0   BRA 7½  40½
 10   3       Mohana Priya J            1829 IND  7   52
 11   66      Samadzade Sevinj           0   AZE  7   49
 12   74      Tsarouha Marianthi         0   GRE  7  42½
 13   25      Galunova Cveta             0   BUL  7   41
 14   81      Vince Andrea               0   HUN  7   39
 15   33      Gutta Sirisha              0   IND  7   38
 16   23      Efroimski Marsel           0   ISR  7   37
 17   1       Tejeswini Reddy S         2048 IND 6½  47½
 18   10      Artemieva Vlada            0   RUS 6½   46
 19   2       Foisor Mihaela-Veronica   1929 ROM 6½  44½
 20   27      Gevorgyan Maria            0   ARM 6½  41½
 21   34      Hakimifard Ghazal          0   IRI 6½   41
 22   65      Roy Myriam                 0   CAN 6½  39½
 23   21      Dudas Szilvia              0   HUN 6½  39½
 24   82      Wang Feng                  0   CHN 6½   39
 25   5       Aflalo Sophie              0   FRA 6½  38½
 26   19      Brunello Marina            0   ITA 6½  35½
 27   30      Greeff Melissa             0   RSA  6  45½
 28   70      Schulz Anja                0   GER  6  37½
 29   80      Vasina Alyona              0   UKR  6  37½
 30   79      Vasiljeva Sofija           0   LAT  6   37
 31   76      Turauskaite Gabija         0   LTU  6  36½
 32   40      Khalaji Hamieh             0   IRI  6   35
 33   39      Karabayeva Zhanna          0   KAZ  6  34½
 34   43      Korman Jevgenija           0   GER  6   26
 35   41      Khaled Mona                0   EGY 5½  41½
 36   53      Morhayenka Katsiaryna      0   BLR 5½  39½
 37   48      Litvak Eve                 0   USA 5½   38
 38   60      Pulido Lina                0   COL 5½   38
 39   75      Tulay Seray                0   TUR 5½   38
 40   31      Guerrero Olmos Alicia      0   ESP 5½  35½
 41   54      Narva Triin                0   EST 5½   35
 42   37      Ivekovic Tihana            0   CRO 5½   35
 43   17      Botez Alexandra            0   CAN 5½  34½
 44   36      Hughes Rhian               0   SCO 5½   33
 45   6       Afshar Niusha              0   IRI 5½  31½
 46   56      Ong Lara                   0   AUS 5½  31½
 47   62      Racki Barbara              0   CRO 5½  30½
 48   18      Botha Monique              0   RSA 5½   30
 49   69      Schaetz Annika             0   GER 5½  27½
 50   67      Samigullina Diana          0   RUS 5½  27½
 51   73      Tello Patino Sonia Sarai   0   MEX 5½  26½
 52   55      Neuhauser Salome           0   FRA  5   31
 53   83      Winston Hailey             0   USA  5   30
 54   47      Langnerova Karolina        0   CZE  5  29½
 55   68      Santos Ivana               0   USA  5   27
 56   42      Kolesnikova Kristina       0   RUS  5  26½
 57   59      Owens Megan                0   WLS  5   26
 58   32      Guo Emma                   0   AUS  5   26
 59   28      Goldwaser Romina           0   ARG  5  21½
 60   72      Sotiriadou Ioanna          0   GRE  5  21½
 61   58      Osmanodja Filiz            0   GER 4½   37
 62   24      Froewis Annika             0   AUT 4½   26
 63   49      Lo Yin-Ling Melissa        0   SIN 4½   26
 64   57      Orlova Yelizaveta          0   CAN 4½   25
 65   50      Maenhout Helene            0   BEL 4½   24
 66   11      Azizbekyan Arpi            0   ARM 4½   23
 67   78      Van Aarde Lenke            0   RSA 4½   21
 68   26      Gao Si                     0   NZL  4   28
 69   64      Rigolot Lucie              0   FRA  4   26
 70   13      Baekelant Eva              0   BEL  4   26
      14      Barbageorgopoulou Fani     0   GRE  4   26
 72   15      Basnayaka I.               0   SRI  4   22
 73   52      Milutinovic Stefana        0   SCG  4  18½
 74   8       Ambanwala L                0   SRI 3½  26½
 75   7       Alvarez Orta Jo Ann        0   PUR 3½   23
 76   71      Skrabanja Karolina         0   SLO 3½  18½
 77   29      Gornik Janja               0   SLO 3½   18
 78   22      Dvinskikh Lioubov          0   SWE 3½  16½
 79   63      Ranasinghe SD.             0   SRI 3½  12½
 80   35      Hale Stephanie             0   ENG  3   24
 81   38      Kameric Arnela             0   BIH  3   19
 82   16      Boissonnier Karina         0   FIN  3  17½
 83   45      Kurbanova Dagmara          0   LAT  1   5½
 84   77      Vaishnavi Rammohan         0   KEN  ½   3

5) First Saturday November

The First Saturday GM, IM and FM events take place in Budapest 6th-18th November 2004.

Official site:

FSGM November Budapest HUN (HUN), 6-18 xi 2004                   cat. VII (2412)
                                              1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1. Ilincic, Zlatko               g SCG 2522  * = 1 1 1 1 0 . = . 1 1  7.0  2618 
 2. Gonda, Laszlo                 f HUN 2400  = * 0 1 = 1 1 1 . 0 = .  5.5  2504 
 3. Wittmann, Walter              m AUT 2339  0 1 * = 0 . = = . 1 1 1  5.5  2501 
 4. Szabo, Gergely-Andras-Gyula   m ROM 2433  0 0 = * = = . . 1 1 1 1  5.5  2485 
 5. Paschall, William M           m USA 2394  0 = 1 = * 1 0 = 1 . . =  5.0  2453 
 6. Jakab, Attila                 m HUN 2402  0 0 . = 0 * 1 = 1 1 . 1  5.0  2459 
 7. Fogarasi, Tibor               g HUN 2425  1 0 = . 1 0 * = = = = .  4.5  2419 
 8. Seres, Lajos                  g HUN 2443  . 0 = . = = = * = = = =  4.0  2351 
 9. Boros, Denes                  m HUN 2414  = . . 0 0 0 = = * = 1 =  3.5  2341 
10. Bergez, Luc                   m FRA 2395  . 1 0 0 . 0 = = = * = 0  3.0  2279 
11. Ziatdinov, Raset              m USA 2464  0 = 0 0 . . = = 0 = * 1  3.0  2284 
12. Reutsky, Sergei               f RUS 2318  0 . 0 0 = 0 . = = 1 0 *  2.5  2256 

FSIM November Budapest HUN (HUN), 6-18 xi 2004          cat. I (2264)
                                     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
 1. Brustkern, Juergen   f GER 2236  * 1 . = . = 1 1 = = 1  6.0  2459 
 2. Solomons, Deon         RSA 2249  0 * 1 0 1 . 1 0 1 1 .  5.0  2364 
 3. Bernard, Jacques       FRA 2232  . 0 * = 1 = = 0 1 1 =  5.0  2313 
 4. Horvath, Andras        HUN 2339  = 1 = * 0 . = . 1 = =  4.5  2307 
 5. Farago, Sandor       m HUN 2305  . 0 0 1 * = 1 = = 1 .  4.5  2310 
 6. Eperjesi, Laszlo     m HUN 2283  = . = . = * = = = = 1  4.5  2297 
 7. Gerard, Nicolas      f FRA 2323  0 0 = = 0 = * 1 . 1 1  4.5  2249 
 8. Fodor, Tamas jr      f HUN 2169  0 1 1 . = = 0 * 0 . =  3.5  2230 
 9. Lengyel, Bela        m HUN 2335  = 0 0 0 = = . 1 * . 1  3.5  2211 
10. Radnai, Adam           HUN 2213  = 0 0 = 0 = 0 . . * 1  2.5  2132 
11. Koczo, Kristof         HUN 2222  0 . = = . 0 0 = 0 0 *  1.5  2015 

6) Karpov vs Sadvakasov Match

There was a match in Astana November 4th-10th 2004 between Anatoly Karpov and Darmen Sadvakasov there were four normal time rate games (Sadvakasov won this section 2.5-1.5) and four rapid games (drawn 2-2). The official site is but bizarrely it appears to give the moves only after move 21. I'm looking for a source for the games, especially as there seems no reason for them not to be published. Further coverage:

7) Alekhine CC Open in Calcutta

The Alekhine Chess Club in Calcutta organises an international open 7th-18th November 2004. The event is recognised by FIDE, the Indian Government and the All India Chess Federation. The club has organised over 25 international events including the Goodricke International Open Chess Tournament. Aleksej Alexandrov of Belarus with an Elo rating of 2659 is the favourite, followed by Ni Hua of China, Oleg Romanishin also competes. Indian players include Surya Sekhar Ganguly Sandipan Chanda, Abhijit Kunte, Dibyendu Barua, Tejas Bakre, D.V. Prasad, Lanka Ravi, Neelotpal Das and Saptarshi Roy. Other players include: Reefat Bin Sattar and Abdulla al-Rakib. Round 1 is on 8th November.

After 8 of 11 rounds Abhijit Kunte of India and GM Aleksej Aleksandrov of Belarus share the lead on 6.5 points a point clear of GM Ni Hua of China, Enamul Hossain of Bangladesh and GM Ehsan Ghaem Maghami of Iran.

Round 8 Results: Aleksej Alexandrov (6.5) bt Enamul Hossain (5.5), Abhijit Kunte (6.5) bt Niaz Murshed (5), Dao Thien Hai (5) drew with Ni Hua (5.5), Ehsan Ghaem Maghami (5.5) drew with Surya Sekhar Ganguly (5), Oleg Romanishin (5) drew with Dibyendu Barua (5), Saptarshi Roy (5) drew with Ziaur Rahaman (5), Alexander Fominyh (4.5) drew with Neelotpal Das (5), Nguyen Anh Dung(4) lost to Tejas Bakre (5), Sandipan Chanda (5) bt R.R. Laxman (4), Timur Gareev (5) bt D.V. Prasad (4), Abdulla Al Rakib (4.5) bt bt Somak Palit (3.5), Reefat Bin Sattar (4.5) bt Arindam Mukerjee (3.5), Dinesh Kr Sharma (4.5) bt Rahul Sangma (3.5), Rahul Shetty (3.5) lost to Devraz Chatterjee (4.5), Kh Aminul Islam (3.5) lost to R. Balasubramanium (3.5), Nisha Mohota (4.5) bt Abhishek Das (3), K. Visweswaran (4) bt K. Ramu (2.5), Neeraj Kr Mishra (2.5) lost to Mahtauddin Ahmed (3.5), Sandipan Chatterjee (2.5) lost to Mohammad Javed (3.5), Abhratanu Dutta (2.5) lost to Vinoth Kumar (3.5), Arman Monir (3.5) bt Saheli Nath (2.5), Abu Sufian Sakil (3) bt Ghader Pour Shayesteh (2), Souvik Chakraborty (2) drew with Soumya Thakurta (2.5), Bitan Banerjee (1) lost to Satyajit Kundu (2.5).

Club website: I'm looking for results and games from the event. The above information came from which reports on the event daily.

8) 10th Boston University Open

George Mirijanian reports: The 10th Boston University Open took place on 6 November 2004 at the George Sherman Union in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. GM Alexander Ivanov captured first place with a perfect score of 4-0. Tied for second-third place with 3.5-0.5 tallies were FM Paul MacIntyre and national expert Kent Leung. The tournament, which drew 70 players in two sections, was directed by Robert Oresick. Complete crosstables are available at

9) 1st Canadian Senior Championship

IM Lawrence Day scored a perfect 5/5 to top IM Jevgenyij Boguszlavszkij (visiting from Hungary) and the rest of the 16 player field Nov. 13 at the Bayview Games Club in Toronto. Day represented Canada at the 1967 World Junior Championship, and at the Olympiad a Canadian record 13 times. A chess journalist since 1976, he is a member of the Canadian Chess Hall of Fame.News: David Cohen

10) British Rapidplay

The British Rapidplay Chess Championships took place 13th-14th November 2004 at the North Bridge Leisure Centre, Halifax. I will round up games and full results next week. Nicholas Pert won the event with 9.5/11. Peter Wells, Keith Arkell and Danny Gormally finished =2nd-4th with 8/11.

Official site:

11) National G/60 Championship

The US National G/60 Championship took place in Durango November 5-7, 2004. Enrico Sevillano won the event with a perfect 7/7 score. News: Jonathan Ray Fortune.


12) Forthcoming Events and Links

World Juniors

The World Junior Championships take place in the Hotel Casino, Cochin, India on Thursday 18th November - 1st December 2004. 13 Round Swiss.

Official site:

Dutch Open Blitzchess Championship

The Dutch Open Blitzchess Championship takes place on February 5th 2005 in the Mercure Hotel Dordrecht, The Netherlands. 17 double rounds with 5 minutes per player per game, Swiss system in one group. Prizefund Euro 8.500. First Euro 1.750, Second Euro 1.250, third Euro 1.000. Also several grading prizes. Contact:

Further details:

8th Afro-Asian Correspondence Championship

All players from Africa and Asia (including Japan , Hong-Kong, Singapore, New Zealand , Australia, Turkey, ...) may apply for the 8th Afro-Asian Correspondence championship (Zonal Championship) . The preliminary stage will start on 15.01.2005 and will be played by ICCF webserver .There is no entry fees required .The number of sections will depend upon the entries number . The application should be sent to : not late than 31.12.2004. (supplied by the ICCF zonal director Med Samraoui)

ICCF website is and for ICCFwebchess

25th Bethune Chess Open

TThe Bethune chess club is celebrating its 25th International Open, venue Olof Palme, Commercial centre La Rotonde, Bethune, France (Pas-de-Calais) 26th-30th December 2004. 7 rounds, the tournament is divided in 2 tournaments : - Tournament A for players whose Elo rating is above or equal to 1600, 1st price : 1500 euros, Fischer pace 1h40+30s/move/40moves then 40min+30s/move to finish the game. - Tournament B for players strictly below 1800, 1st price : 300 euros, pace : 40 moves in 2 hours then 1 hour KO. Minimum 5500 euros of prices (8300 euros given in 2003), prices for Elo categories in both tournaments. Inscription fee : 40 euros (adults), 20 euros (youngsters under 20), free for IM, GM and FIDE Masters. Special conditions for IM and GM, contact the organisers at

Further info:

Chess Today 4th Anniversary

Chess Today was 4 on 7th November. Sample:

Prague Exhibition Matches

There will be exhibition matches Alexei Shirov vs. David Navara and Jan Timman vs Kaido Kulaots in Prague 3rd-4th December 2004. Last year Victor Korchnoi played David Navara.

Live coverage:

Iranian Chess launched on 6th September 2004. This website contains articles, news, etc in Persian and English on Iranian Chess.

Czech Tour 2004-2005

4th International Chess Festivals Series

14-21.1. 2005 4th OPEN PRAHA (2 FIDE opens, one of them with IM norm)

22-30.1. 2005 4th OPEN MARIANSKE LAZNE (FIDE open and 1-2 closed IM tournaments)

More details e-mail: and http:/

Grand Prix d'Echecs 2004

The Grand Prix d'Echecs 2004 takes place 8th-11th December 2004 in Aix-en-Provence. Players: Anatoly Karpov, Joel Lautier, Anna Kosteniuk and Antoaneta Stefanova + 4 qualifiers (qualifying tournament on 28th November).

Official site:

7th United Insurance GM

The 7th United Insurance & United Leasing Grandmasters Chess Tournament takes place 2nd-13th February 2005 in the Conference-Room of the National Sports Council 62/3 Purana Paltan Dhaka-1000. Organised by the Bangladesh Chess Federation. 11 round Swiss System with around 40. Total Prize Money US $5000.00 Accommodation & Food : Free for all GM’s & IM’s, only accommodation 2350+ Appearance Money : GM 2500+ US $ 500.00, Some pocket money will given to IM’s Last Date of Entries on or before 5th January to Contact: Syed Shujauddin Ahmed, General Secretary Bangladesh Chess Federation, 2nd Floor, 62/3 Purana Paltan, Dhaka-1000, Fax + Phone: 88 (02) 7169336 , E-mail:

2nd Ashdod Chess Festival

The 2nd Ashdod Chess Festival takes place 9th-15th December 2004. The Israel International Open Chess Tournament 2004 Prize fund: 70,000 NIS (1$ = 4.5NIS) Organizing Committee: IM Inon Boim, IA Abraham Dorner, Yehuda Frankel, Ori Einhorn, Miki Rozenberg, NA Moshe Slav, GM Dimitry Tyomkin, Benni Hezkia. Format: 9 rounds, Swiss System. The tournament is open to ELO rated players and provides norms possibilities. The inclusion of a number of unrated players will be considered individually. Time limit: 90 min. per game + 30 sec. increment per move. Venue: The sport hall, Makif Zayin School, Haatzmaut St., Ashdod.

Contact The Israel Chess Federation: Tel 972-52-3363731, Fax 972-3-6437630. Additional Information and Conditions for International Players: GM Dima Tyomkin

Frank Quisinsky Chess Calendar

Frank Quisinsky has updated his computer chess calendar. Recent events include: Dutch-Open 2004, Diep won France-ch 2004, ChessTiger won Polish-ch 2004, Rzeznik won Australasian NCC-ch 2004, Warp won

Address: the CC-Calendar is a selection of Arena Chess GUI webpage


Rilton Cup 2004-5

The Rilton Cup takes place 27th December 2004 – 5th January 2005. 22,000 in Euros worth of prizes.

Official site:

Cairnhill Chess Festival 2004

The Cairnhill Chess Festival 2004 take place 4th-12th of December 2004 in Singapore. This year's events include the 22nd Cairnhill International Open Chess Championship ‘The Cairnhill’s Cup’ as well as other side events such as Blitz and Rapidplay tournaments.


Drammen Chess Festival

The Drammen Chess Festival took place 27th December 2004 - 5th January 2005. Participants include: GM Alexei Shirov ESP 2726 GM Aleksander Khalifman RUS 2669 GM Peter Heine Nielsen DEN 2663 GM Viktor Kortchnoi SUI 2601 GM Simen Agdestein NOR 2589 GM Magnus Carlsen NOR 2581 GM Leif E. Johannessen NOR 2519 GM Antoaneta Stefanova BUL 2523.


Czech Chess Christmas

Czech Chess Christmas 2004 Litomysl (CZE) 26.12.2004-2.1.2005 6th christmas chess FIDE tournament, swiss system of 9 round, rate of game 2 x 1,5h + 30s/move, prize fund 75.000 CZK (1st prize 20.000 CZK = 640 EUR), special conditions for IM, WGM and GM, New Year’s Eve programme. Contact: Agentura 64, Jaroslav Fuksik, 783 73 Grygov 337, tel. +420 585 393 327, fax: +420 585 222 977, mobil: +420 608 364 664, e-mail:, web:

The Staunton Society Website

The Staunton Society Website is up and running. It features varied material on Staunton, the Staunton Society, the Memorial tournaments, and links to other Staunton related sites.


Kings Head Rapidplay

The 29th Kings Head Rapidplay will take place on Saturday 12 March 2005, 6-round Swiss rapidplay (30 minutes), prize fund £650, entry fee £17 > The Porchester Hall Porchester Road Bayswater London W2

Contact: Colin Mackenzie 9 Allan Way Acton London W3 0PW 020 8992 1949

Further details:

Miroslav Radojcic Book

Miroslav ("Miro") Radojcic who died in 2000 was one of Yugoslavia's most renowned political journalists for their paper Politika. During the 1960s he worked out of the UN in New York as Politika's foreign correspondent to the US, and later in the 1970s he was assigned the same post for London. But he was also a popular figure in the chess arena, both as a player (he was a Yugoslav National Master) and writer on chess, including a long- running column in the American magazine Chess Review titled,

Bruce Monson is writing a book with Yugoslav author Dimitry Bjelica on a book commemorating Radojcic's life and hopes that people who knew Miro will read about this effort on TWIC and contact him with information they may have about him, particularly unusual or funny stories, witty quotes, or other interesting anecdotes.

All those who have something to offer will receive mention in the credits, and those who have substantive material to offer (e.g., extended or multiple narrative accounts, scans of photos and other Radojcic-related memorabilia, etc.) will receive a free copy of the book.

1st ICCF Webchess Open Tournament

The ICCF have announced the 1st WebChess Open Tournament and invites every player worldwide to participate in the event. The event is to be played on the ICCF dedicated Webserver This tournament is open to all correspondence chess players worldwide, also for those without any previous ICCF experience. Multiple entries are allowed. The tournament will be played in three stages - preliminaries, semifinal and final.


Technology for the disabled and Chess

Duif Calvin especially known for being the webmaster of the USCF website for many years writes about chess and disabled life.


4th AMPLICO AIG LIFE Tournament

The 4th AMPLICO AIG LIFE Rapid Tournament takes place in Warsaw (Poland) played during the 23rd Memorial of Stanislaw Gawlikowski. The tournament is a part of the ACP Tour and will take place on Saturday, December 18th, 2003 and Sunday, December 19th, 2004 in the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw. The prize fund is 15.000 USD. There is a lot of special prizes (for best women, seniors, juniors in different age, players in many rating groups). Among participants we expect many super stars, led by Vassily Ivanchuk.

Further details: or an e-mail to the Tournament Director: Maria Macieja or

HB Global Chess Challenge

The HB Foundation has posted $500,000 prize fund for the HB Global Chess Challenge, a Maurice Ashley-led event expects to bring more than 4,000 participants to Minneapolis, Minnesota.

The event takes place May 18th-22nd 2005 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. First place in the Open section has a cash prize of $50,000, and that overall more than 50 others will receive cash prizes. Many other side events.

Official sites: and

Hastings Chess Congress

The Hastings Chess Congress takes place 28th December 2004 to 9 January 2005 and has a new format. The Hastings Premier and Challengers are combined into one knockout tournament. Let us imagine 120 players enter for the event which finishes 6th January. Then 60 players go forward from the first round, with 4 lucky losers. These 64 players play a second round of knockout. The 56 losers play in the Challengers Swiss. The 64 players continue in one game knockouts until there are 8 players left. These 8 play in the Premier of 2 game knockouts. All players knocked out will be contracted to play in the Swiss Challengers, except for the losing finalists.

Players when knocked out will carry forward their score in the standard play games. Of course White would have been a big advantage. Thus White will have 65 minutes and Black 95 in which to make all their moves, with the addition of one minute per move cumulatively from the first. Where games are drawn, ties will be resolved first by blitz games, failing that an Armageddon play-off. Players will be able to gain title results from either event. The event will be part of the Association of Chess Professionals GP.

The weekend tournament takes place 7-9 January.

Full details from Con Power Players seeking conditions should contact _Stewartreuben@aol.com_

Official site:

Singapore International Chess Convention

The Singapore Chess Federation and Asean Chess Academy organise the Singapore International Chess Convention 11th-17th December 2004. The events include: 1) Asian Youth Championships 2) Singapore Masters and Challengers International Open 3) Seminar for Coaches 4) Arbiters Training Seminar.

Official site:

16th Leuven Open

Chessclub Desperado Leuven organises its 16th Open International Tournament of Leuven, Belgium. It will take place from Thursday November 11th until Sunday November 14th 2004. The Open Tournament consists out of 7 rounds, Swiss pairing system, 2hours/40moves + 15' QPF. Prizemoney adds up to more than EUR 5.000, including several large ratingprizes! Further info:


The Bundesliga Germany's national chess league starts on 13th November 2004.

Official site:

IX Cesenatico Open

The IX Open International Chess Tournament took place in Cesenatico (Italy): 4th-12th September 2004. Hopefully results and games will become available.

Official site:

Swiss Chess Tour 2004

The "Swiss Chess Tour 2004" will finish in Interlaken, one of the most attractive tourist towns in Switzerland. The 4th "Casino Open" December 26th-30th 2004. Swiss system, 7 rounds and the games will last a maximum of 5 hours (40 moves for 2 hours and 30 minutes till the end). Prize are: 1.500 SF, 1.200, 900, 700, 500, 400, 300, 250, 200 and 150 SF. The natural prizes till 20th place. Special prizes for best Lady, senior (1944), junior (1984-87), schoolboy (1988) and best local player. Entry fee 130 SF, FMs and juniors 60 SF, at the door 10 SF more, GMs and IMs free. Venue: Hotel "Chalet Oberland" New event - Blitz tournament, Swiss system, 9 double rounds. Time table for "Chalet Oberland-Open Interlaken": December 26. The last registration 11.00-12.15. Open ceremony and apero reception from 12.15-12.30. Round 1st 14.00-19.00. December 27. Round 2nd 9.30-14.30 Round 3rd 15.30-20.30 December 28.: Round 4th 14.00-19.00. December 29. Round 5th 9.30-14.30. Round 6th 15.30-20.30 December 30. Round 7th 10.00-15.00 Closing ceremonies 15.30. Special chess rates in Hotel "Charlet Oberland". Main sponsor "RAPP" company. More information and registration: Robert Spoerri tel. +41+34+424-01-06, fax +41+34+424-01-07 E-mail or Ervin Tellenbach tel. +41+79+311-23-53 or Hotel "Charlet Oberland" tel. +41+33+827-87-87.

Further information:

Swiss Chess Tour 2005

The Swiss Chess Tour starts in Basle in the New Year (1.-8.1.2005.). New event is European ITAG Masters & Rapid Championship will be 1-2.1.2005. 11 Round, 30 minutes each, guarantee prizes. Prizes: 2500/2000/1500/1000/800/700/600/500/ 2x400/2x300/4x250/4x200 CHF; Special prizes: 400/300/200 CHF for Ladys, seniors (1945), juniors (1985 and younger), amateur under 2200 (FIDE or national), under 1800. Enter fee 30.00 CHF Hilton Open (2-8.1.2005.) 7 Rounds, 6 hours (2 hours for 40 moves + 60 minutes for complete the game. Prizes: 2000/1500/1200/800/600/500/2x400/2x300/5x200 CHF. Special prizes 200 CHF for best Lady, Senior (1945), junior (1985-88), schoolboy (1989). Enter fee: 130 CHF (FM and juniors 60 CHF) GM & IM free. At the door 10 CHF. Basle amateur (2-8.1.2005.) 7 Rounds, 4 hours (90 minutes 30 moves + 30 minutes to complete the game). Players under 1900 rating (FIDE or national). Enter fee: 10 CHF (juniors 50 CHF). At the door 10 CHF. Prizes: 500/400/2x300/2x200/4x150 CHF. Basle juniors (2.1.2005.) 7 Rounds, 15 minutes for the game. Juniors 1985 and younger. Enter fee 5 CHF. Natural prizes for all players. NSV Senior Open (1-4.1.2005.) 7 Rounds, 4 hours (90 minutes for 30 moves + 30 minutes for complete the game) Seniors 1945. Prizes: 400/300/200 CHF + natural prizes. Enter fee: 60 CHF. At the door 10 CHF. ITAG - Tele-Rapid (3-5.1.2005.) European Rapid Champion, Andrei Sokolov, last year winner and two others. 15 minutes for the game. All games will be on TV Tele-Basel in live. BaZ Lighting Chess (8.1.2005. from 19.00 to 22.00) 9 Rounds, 5 minutes. Enter fee: 20 CHF (juniors 5 CHF). Prizes 300/200/150/2x100/2x50 CHF natural prizes for everybody 50% and more points. ITAG Simultan (9.1.2005.) with European Rapid Champion 2005

More information and registration: Robert Spoerri tel. +41+34+424-01-06, fax +41+34+424-01-07 E-mail Further information:

Hungarian chess tournaments October 2004-April 2005

1. 2nd-15th of October FIRST SATURDAY /FS/ GM-IM-FM round robins, 9-13 games, norm possibilities, in Budapest, Hungarian Chess Federation, Falk Miksa Str.10. 2nd floor.

Organisation: Nagy Laszlo /NL/, e-mail: Website: Other website:

Phone-fax: (361)-2632859, cellphone: (36)-30-230-1914 /From 12:00 a.m. until midnight - Central European Time - GMT+1 hour/

2. 16th-26th of October, "Papp Béla memorial" GM closed, Törökbálint, /15 km from Budapest/, info: NL

3. 6th-18th of November, FS GM-IM-FM closed, Budapest, Org: NL

4. 25th of Nov.-3rd of Dec., Harkány Open Swiss, /250 West from Budapest/, Org: Fulop Csaba, e-mail:

5. 4th-17th of December, FS GM-IM-FM, Budapest, org: NL

6. 7th-15th of January 2005, "TAPOLCA" Open, 9 rounds Swiss, Budapest, organizer: Paréj József, home, calling from abroad: +(36-87-321-950

7. 5th-18th of February 2005, FS GM-IM-FM closed, Budapest, Org.NL.

8. 5th-18th of March 2005, FS GM-IM-FM closed, Budapest, Org. : NL,

9. 18th- 26th of March, "SPRING FESTIVAL" 9 rounds Swiss Open, Budapest, Org.: NL

10. 2nd-15th of April , FS GM-IM-FM closed, Budapest, Org: NL:

Kramnik and Kasparov Websites

Kramnik's official website has become active: in time for his World Championship match in September / October. Garry Kasparov also has a newish website in part promoting his book ‘My Great Predecessors’ at:

3rd Parsvnath International Open

The 3rd Parsvnath International Open Chess Tournament takes place in New Delhi, 2nd-11th January 2005. Prizes : Total Cash Prizes: Rs.600,000/-

Further details:

Jersey International Chess Festival 2005

The Jersey International Chess Festival takes place 13th-19th February 2005 inclusive. 7 rounds, three sections; OPEN (FIDE rated), MAJOR Under 160 / 1880 ELO and MINOR Under 130 / 1640 ELO. There is a total of £7,000 in prizes and is part of the British Chess Federation Grand Prix.


Russia vs ROW Correspondence

The Russian Chess Federation is celebrating its 10th anniversary and is using this occasion to challenge the rest of the world to a match over 64 boards with 2 games for each and the start is 15.02 2004. Players include Joop van Oosterom

Australian Open

The Australian Open Chess Championships take place December 28th, 2004 to January 9th, 2005. It will be played at Mount Buller, a tourist destination just a few hours from Melbourne, Australia.

There are $18,500AU in prizes with a top prize of $4500. The organisers are looking for any players interested in participating in this event.

Contact George Howard on for details or queries.

Website: will have full details of the event shortly.

2005 European Union Championship

The 2005 European Union Championship whic his part of the programme of events celebrating Cork City's status as European Capital of Culture for 2005. The event takes place 21st March - 3rd April 2005 in the Ballroom Suite Gresham Metropole Hotel MacCurtain Street Cork Ireland. Prize Fund - 7,750 Euros. A FIDE rated ten round Swiss Open for players registered with FIDE as a player in the European Union or a citizen of a European Union member state 1st prize 2,000 Euros plus numerous place prizes and other awards including a British Championship Qualifying Place.

In addition the 13th Annual Cork Congress takes place 1st-3rd April 2005 with a Prize Fund 5,000 Euros an ICU rated six round Swiss with three rated sections. 1st prize 750 Euros plus numerous place prizes and other awards

Full details, special offers to a limited number of IMs and GMs and entry forms are available from Michael Burniston Tournament Director Ladybird House Glengarriff County Cork Ireland. phone 00 353 27 63113 e mail


2nd Riva del Garda International Open

2nd Riva del Garda International Open Chess Tournament takes place 26th-30th December 2004. Open A >1700 - Open B <1800 – Seniores 7 Rounds - 2h x 40 + 1/2h quick play finish Info: tel. +39 0464 576657 - fax:+39 0464 521222

Further details;

Olomouc Chess Summer

7th International Chess Festival Olomouc Chess Summer 2004 takes place in Olomouc (Czech Republic) on 4-12.8. 2004. Round-robin GM and IM tournaments, Open Championship of the Olomouc region (FIDE open), Open Seniors Championship of the Czech Republic, Open Championship of the Olomouc region forYoungsters up to 15 years of age and open tournament in active chess are part of the festival.

Detailed information

Petrosian Memorial

A tournament celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the birth of the 9th World Champion Tigran Petrosian will be held in Yerevan (Armenia), November 18-30, 2004.

The programme of the Petrosian Memorial includes two events:

a) Open Tournament - November 18-27, Swiss System, 9 rounds, Prize Fund US$ 35.000

b) European Rapid Chess Championship - November 28-30, Swiss System, 11 rounds, Prize Fund 10.000 Euro

Further information: or by contacting the organisers at

US Championships

The 2004 US Championships will take place November 25th - December 5th at the Hilton Torrey Pines, La Jolla San Diego, California.

Further details of who has qualified so far and which events make-up the 2004 cycle can be found at

Further details:

Olimp Base

One of the huge reference gaps in online chess literature is a list of games and results from the Olympiads. There is a new site which is designed to fill that gap.


Mikhail Golubev Ukraine

Mikhail Golubev chronicled Ukrainian Chess news over a number of years on his Chess-Sector website. He no longer updates the site but there is an archive at: His personal pages are at:

Other websites of Ukrainian news:,, and

TWIC Messageboard

With the Linares tournament about to start it seems a good time to launch a new discussion forum. Vote on your prediction of the winner of Linares. The TWIC message board. You need to register to post and vote. Address:

New York Masters

Regular competition for players in New York Rated 2200 and above.

Further details: