THE WEEK IN CHESS 633 25th December 2006 by Mark Crowther

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Mark Crowther
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1) Introduction
2) XIX Torre Memorial
3) XVI Pamplona tournament
4) Bykova Memorial
5) 6th Amplico AIG Life
6) XVI Magistral Elgoibar
7) Kateryna Lahno vs Parimarjan Negi Match
8) 15th Asian Games
9) Hensel complains to FIDE about Topalov
10) Bessel Kok agreement with Kirsan Ilyumzhinov
11) Forthcoming Events and Links


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Games section

XIX Torre Memorial             122 games
XVI Pamplona tournament         32 games
Bykova Memorial                 45 games
XVI Magistral Elgoibar           5 games
Lahno vs Negi Match             18 games
15th Asian Games               507 games
729 games

1) Introduction

My thanks to Geoffrey Borg, Mikhail Golubev, Brana Giancristofaro, Fred Lucas, Goran Urosevic, Goran Urosevic, Luiz Roberto Da Costa Jr, Mohd Al Hitmi, Holger Lieske, Mikel Larreategi and everyone else who helped with the issue.

I must be slightly crazy working on Christmas Day but its a fairly brief issue albeit one with some very nice events. Seasonal greetings to everyone.

Hope you enjoy this issue.


2) XIX Torre Memorial

The Torre Memorial took place in Merida 14th-21st December 2006. Vassily Ivanchuk, Sergey Tiviakov and Lázaro Bruzón (it seems that Harikhisna Pentala didn't manage to make it to the event although initially announced) joined the competition at its knockout stage. 13 players qualified from a 6 round swiss which will continue on for the players who miss the knockout stage (and those eliminated in the first round of the KO also rejoined). Vassily Ivanchuk beat Lazaro Bruzon 2.5-1.5 after a playoff in the final. Vadim Milov won the open section with 7.5/9 half a point clear of Yunieski Quezada. Games from round 9 of the Swiss not yet available.

Official site:

Knockout Section

Final 21st December 2006

Ivanchuk,V           2.5  -  Bruzon,L       1.5

Semi-Final 20th December 2006

Bruzon,L             2.5  - Ehlvest,J       1.5
Ivanchuk,V           1.5  - De la Paz,F     0.5

Quarter Final 19th December 2006

Graf,A               1.0  - Bruzon,L        3.0
Georgiev,Vl          0.5  - Ivanchuk,V      1.5
Ehlvest,J            1.5  - Leon Hoyos,M    0.5
De la Paz,F          3.0  - Tiviakov,S      2.0

1/8th Final 18th December 2006

Gonzalez Zamora,Juan 0.0  - Graf,A          2.0
Zapata,A             0.5  - Bruzon,L        1.5
Quezada,Y            0.0  - Georgiev,Vl     2.0
Perez,Rod            2.0  - Ivanchuk,V      3.0
Milov,V              0.5  - Ehlvest,J       1.5
Martin del Campo,R   0.5  - Leon Hoyos,M    1.5
Nogueiras,J          2.0  - De la Paz,F     3.0
Tiviakov,S           1.5  - Vera,R          0.5

Final Ranking after round 9
Rank Name                            Fed.Rating  Score BH   SB    TPR  W-We   BH-HiLo
1    GM Milov, Vadim                 SUI 2657    7.5   52.0 42.25 2732 +0.77  41.0   
2    GM Quezada, Pérez Yuniesky      CUB 2515    7.0   51.5 38.5  2621 +1.23  40.5   
3    GM Nogueiras, Jesus             CUB 2554    6.5   52.0 36.5  2610 +0.79  40.5   
4    GM Gonzalez Zamora, Juan Carl   MEX 2517    6.5   52.0 36.0  2583 +0.91  40.5   
5    GM Vera, Reynaldo               CUB 2510    6.0   51.0 31.5  2543 +0.54  39.5   
6    GM Mitkov, Nikola               MKD 2565    6.0   49.5 32.75 2465 -0.95  39.0   
7    IM Corrales, Fidel              CUB 2496    6.0   48.5 30.25 2418 -0.59  37.5   
8    IM Perez, Rodney                CUB 2385    6.0   48.0 27.75 2553 +1.78  38.5   
9    GM Zapata, Alonso               COL 2470    6.0   48.0 30.5  2456 +0.01  37.0   
10   GM Arencibia, Walter            CUB 2530    6.0   47.5 29.0  2505 -0.14  36.0   
11   GM Hernandez Guerrero, Gilber   MEX 2551    6.0   46.5 30.25 2439 -1.04  36.0   
12   IM Martin Del Campo C, Robert   MEX 2455    6.0   45.5 27.75 2424 +0.00  36.5   
13   FM Dominguez Aguilar, Guiller   MEX 2378    6.0   42.5 27.75 2375 +0.21  33.0   
14   IM Escobedo Tinajero, Alberto   MEX 2383    5.5   47.0 26.0  2407 +0.52  38.0   
15   IM Ibarra Chami, Luis Fernand   MEX 2339    5.5   45.5 23.5  2386 +0.66  36.5   
16   FM Alford Phillipe, Jason       MEX 2294    5.5   45.5 25.5  2308 +0.31  35.5   
17   Morales Garcia, Sergio Jos      MEX 2230    5.5   45.0 25.5  2318 +0.97  35.5   
18   IM Russek Libni, Guil           MEX 2390    5.5   44.0 24.75 2238 -1.38  34.5   
19   Sanchez Enr., Oscar G.          MEX 2196    5.5   43.0 22.75 2347 +1.86  34.5   
20   IM Gongora Montes, Benjamin     MEX 2256    5.5   40.0 21.25 2330 +0.99  31.5   
21   FM Szmetan, Ricardo             BAR 2302    5.5   39.5 19.0  2277 -0.09  30.0   
22   Mata Gonzalez, Jose Fernan      MEX 2231    5.5   36.5 20.5  2117 -1.07  29.5   
23   IM Estrada Nieto, Julian        MEX 2379    5.0   47.5 24.5  2347 -0.24  37.5   
24   IM Fernandez, Daniel            USA 2451    5.0   46.5 24.25 2348 -1.04  36.5   
25   GM Garcia Martinez, Silvino     CUB 2316    5.0   44.0 20.0  2189 -1.19  33.5   
26   FM Huerta, Carballo Dayron      CUB 2338    5.0   43.5 20.0  2324 -0.06  34.5   
27   FM Martin Del Campo C, Jorge    MEX 2218    5.0   41.5 20.0  2225 -0.01  32.5   
28   Altamirano Gonzalez, Yehud      MEX 2101    5.0   41.5 20.5  2310 +1.69  32.5   
29   Knight, Simon                   ENG 2100    5.0   41.5 20.5  2130 +0.25  32.5   
30   De La Rosa Lara, Armando A      MEX 1918    5.0   41.5 21.5  2181 +2.21  32.5   
31   Arreguin Hernandez, Alan G      MEX 2148    5.0   41.0 18.75 2303 +1.52  33.0   
32   Tey Carrera, Joaquin            MEX 2036    5.0   40.5 19.5  2238 +1.98  31.5   
33   FM Ramirez Martinez, Hector     MEX 2204    5.0   38.0 17.75 2128 -0.76  29.0   
34   GM Georgiev, Vladimir           MKD 2532    4.5   52.5 34.0  2592 +0.53  40.5   
35   IM Leon Hoyos, Manuel           MEX 2437    4.5   51.5 31.25 2575 +0.94  39.5   
36   GM De La Paz, Frank             CUB 2442    4.5   49.5 31.0  2483 +0.43  40.0   
37   GM Graf, Alexander              GER 2601    4.5   49.5 31.25 2636 +0.32  39.5   
38   IM Hungaski, Robert Andrew      USA 2366    4.5   47.5 18.5  2266 -1.05  36.0   
39   GM Ehlvest, Jaan                USA 2597    4.5   47.0 29.75 2596 +0.07  37.0   
40   Varguez Baquedano, Alfredo      MEX 2005    4.5   47.0 23.25 2253 +2.65  36.5   
87 players

3) XVI Pamplona tournament

The XVI Pamplona tournaments take place 21st-29th December 2006. A and B tournaments.

Official site:

XVI Magistral A Pamplona ESP (ESP), 22-29 xii 2006  cat. XVII (2653)
                                          1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 
1. Morozevich, Alexander      g RUS 2747  * . . = . 1 1 .  2.5  2921 
2. Bauer, Christian           g FRA 2585  . * . 1 = . . 1  2.5  2908 
3. Jakovenko, Dmitry          g RUS 2671  . . * . 1 . = 1  2.5  2897 
4. Wojtaszek, Radoslaw        g POL 2630  = 0 . * . 1 . .  1.5  2684 
5. Illescas Cordoba, Miguel   g ESP 2620  . = 0 . * . 1 .  1.5  2617 
6. Shirov, Alexei             g ESP 2720  0 . . 0 . * . 1  1.0  2553 
7. Laznicka, Viktor           g CZE 2596  0 . = . 0 . * .  0.5  2406 
8. Korneev, Oleg              g RUS 2657  . 0 0 . . 0 . *  0.0       

Round 1 (December 22, 2006)

Jakovenko, Dmitry         -  Laznicka, Viktor          1/2   47  D15  Slav Defence
Wojtaszek, Radoslaw       -  Morozevich, Alexander     1/2   26  D15  Slav Defence
Illescas Cordoba, Miguel  -  Bauer, Christian          1/2   50  E59  Nimzo Indian
Korneev, Oleg             -  Shirov, Alexei            0-1   40  B33  Sicilian Sveshnikov

Round 2 (December 23, 2006)

Bauer, Christian          -  Korneev, Oleg             1-0   50  D12  Slav Defence
Jakovenko, Dmitry         -  Illescas Cordoba, Miguel  1-0   31  E90  King's Indian Classical
Shirov, Alexei            -  Wojtaszek, Radoslaw       0-1   31  B90  Sicilian Najdorf Variation
Laznicka, Viktor          -  Morozevich, Alexander     0-1   62  B30  Sicilian Rossolimo

Round 3 (December 24, 2006)

Morozevich, Alexander     -  Shirov, Alexei            1-0   33  D90  Gruenfeld Flohr
Wojtaszek, Radoslaw       -  Bauer, Christian          0-1   54  D38  QGD Ragozin
Illescas Cordoba, Miguel  -  Laznicka, Viktor          1-0   60  C10  French Rubinstein
Korneev, Oleg             -  Jakovenko, Dmitry         0-1   67  B33  Sicilian Sveshnikov

XVI Magistral B Pamplona ESP (ESP), 22-29 xii 2006        cat. III (2317)
                                           1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1. Llorente Zaro, Alfonso     f ESP 2419  * . . = . 1 = . 1 .  3.0  2551 
 2. Huerga Leache, Mikel         ESP 2315  . * . = = . 1 . 1 .  3.0  2500 
 3. Kononenko, Tatiana         m UKR 2375  . . * . = = . 1 . 1  3.0  2453 
 4. Alexandrova, Olga          m UKR 2371  = = . * . . = 1 . .  2.5  2404 
 5. Monell Camarasa, David       AND 2212  . = = . * . = . . 1  2.5  2392 
 6. Glavina, Pablo             m ARG 2418  0 . = . . * . 1 . 1  2.5  2396 
 7. Navarro Cia, Miguel        f ESP 2297  = 0 . = = . * . . .  1.5  2242 
 8. Vila Dupla, Aurelio          ESP 2208  . . 0 0 . 0 . * 1 .  1.0  2185 
 9. Lopez Gracia, Fernando     f ESP 2348  0 0 . . . . . 0 * =  0.5  1964 
10. Zamarbide Inarrea, Borja     ESP 2202  . . 0 . 0 0 . . = *  0.5  2016 

4) Bykova Memorial

The Bykova Memorial took place 14th-23rd December 2006. Irina Vasilevich won the event with 7/9.

Official site:

Bykova Mem Vladimir RUS (RUS), 14-23 xii 2006          cat. III (2318)
                                        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1. Vasilevich, Irina      m RUS 2321  * 1 = 1 = = = 1 1 1  7.0  2538 
 2. Pogonina, Natalija    wg RUS 2421  0 * = 1 1 = 1 1 = 1  6.5  2472 
 3. Paehtz, Elisabeth      m GER 2449  = = * = = = 1 = 1 1  6.0  2428 
 4. Kursova, Maria        wm RUS 2316  0 0 = * = = = 1 1 1  5.0  2361 
 5. Burtasova, Anna       wm RUS 2264  = 0 = = * = = 0 1 1  4.5  2324 
 6. Karlovich, Anastazia  wg UKR 2276  = = = = = * 0 = = =  4.0  2280 
 7. Zakurdjaeva, Irina    wg RUS 2296  = 0 0 = = 1 * = 0 =  3.5  2240 
 8. Zimina, Olga          wg ITA 2398  0 0 = 0 1 = = * = =  3.5  2229 
 9. Smokina, Karolina     wg MDA 2203  0 = 0 0 0 = 1 = * =  3.0  2206 
10. Bashkite, Viktoria    wm EST 2239  0 0 0 0 0 = = = = *  2.0  2107 

5) 6th Amplico AIG Life

The 6th Amplico AIG Life International Chess Tournament - European Rapid Chess Championship Under the auspices of the President of the city of Warsaw took place 16th-17th December 2006. All players played an 8-round Swiss Qualification Tournament with the rate of play G-15'+10" (15 minutes for a game for a player, with an increment of 10 seconds per move). After the 8th round 16 players qualified to the Final Tournament, which contained 4 Group Tournaments, Tournaments for places 5-8, 9-12, 13-16, the Semi-finals, the Match for the 3rd place and the Final. Players who didn't qualify to the Final Tournament played a further 5 rounds for a win in the Swiss Tournament.

Yuri Drozdovskij won the event by beating Vadim Malakhatko in the final. I have some games which I'll try and sort out. Hopefully a final official file of games will emerge however.

Official site:

Final Standings:
1.  Yuri Drozdovskij    UKR
2.  Vadim Malakhatko    UKR
3.  Grzegorz Gajewski   POL
4.  Micha³ Olszewski    POL
5.  Spartak Vysochin    UKR
6.  Kamil Mitoñ         POL
7.  Aleksej Aleksandrov BLR
8.  Andrey Zhigalko     BLR
9.  Bart³omiej Macieja  POL
10. Viktor Bologan      MDA
11. Eduardas Rozentalis LTU
12. Slavko Cicak        SWE
13. Sarunas Sulskis     LTU
14. Sergey Fedorchuk    UKR
15. Bartosz Soæko       POL
16. Matas Narmontas     LTU

  Final                      1   2 S   T1 Score Place
1 Drozdovskij, Yuri          0,5 1 1,5    1,5   1
  Malakhatko, Vadim          0,5 0 0,5    0,5   2

  Match for third place      1 2   S   T1 Score Place
2 Gajewski, Grzegorz         1 0,5 1,5    1,5   3
  Olszewski, Michal          0 0,5 0,5    0,5   4

  Semi-final I-IV            1 2 S T1 Score Place
1 Gajewski, Grzegorz         0 0 0    0     3/4
  Drozdovskij, Yuri          1 1 2    2     1/2

  Semi-final II-III          1 2 S T1 Score Place
2 Olszewski, Michal          1 0 1 0  1     3/4
  Malakhatko, Vadim          0 1 1 1  2     1/2

  Places 5-8                 1   2   3   4 Score Place
1 Aleksandrov, Aleksej       -   0,5 0   1 1,5   7
2 Miton, Kamil               0,5 -   0,5 1 2     6
3 Vysochin, Spartak          1   0,5 -   1 2,5   5
4 Zhigalko, Andrey           0   0   0   - 0     8

  Places 9-12                1   2   3   4 Score Place
1 Rozentalis, Eduardas       -   0,5 0   1 1,5   11
2 Bologan, Viktor            0,5 -   0,5 1 2     10
3 Macieja, Bartlomiej        1   0,5 -   1 2,5   9
4 Cicak, Slavko              0   0   0   - 0     12

  Places 13-16               1   2   3 4   Score Place
1 Socko, Bartosz             -   0,5 0 0,5 1     15
2 Sulskis, Sarunas           0,5 -   1 1   2,5   13
3 Fedorchuk, Sergey          1   0   - 1   2     14
4 Narmontas, Matas           0,5 0   0 -   0,5   16

  Group 1 (1, 8, 9, 16)         1   2   3 4   Score Place
1 Socko, Bartosz             1  -   0   0 0,5 0,5   4
2 Rozentalis, Eduardas       16 1   -   0 0,5 1,5   3
3 Aleksandrow, Aleksiej      8  1   1   - 0   2     2
4 Gajewski, Grzegorz         9  0,5 0,5 1 -   2     1

  Group 2 (2, 7, 10, 15)        1   2   3 4   Score Place
1 Bologan, Viktor            10 -   0,5 0 1   1,5   3
2 Olszewski, Michal          7  0,5 -   1 0,5 2     1
3 Miton, Kamil               2  1   0   - 1   2     2
4 Sulskis, Sarunas           15 0   0,5 0 -   0,5   4

  Group 3 (3, 6, 11, 14)        1   2   3   4   Score Place
1 Macieja, Bartlomiej        3  -   1   0,5 0   1,5   3
2 Fedorchuk, Sergey          11 0   -   0,5 0   0,5   4
3 Vysochin, Spartak          6  0,5 0,5 -   0,5 1,5   2
4 Malakhatko, Vadim          14 1   1   0,5 -   2,5   1

  Group 4 (4, 5, 12, 13)        1 2   3 4   Score Place
1 Cicak, Slavko              5  - 1   0 0   1     3
2 Zhigalko, Andrey           13 0 -   1 0,5 1,5   2
3 Narmontas, Matas           4  1 0   - 0   1     4
4 Drozdovskij, Yuri          12 1 0,5 1 -   2,5   1

Tie-breaks for the final tournament
      White                   Black                         Winner
11-22 Fedorchuk, Sergey A.    Warakomski, Tomasz    1-0     Fedorchuk, Sergey A.
12-21 Zezulkin, Jurij         Drozdovskij, Yuri     0,5-0,5 Drozdovskij, Yuri
13-20 Zhigalko, Andrey        Gyimesi, Zoltan       1-0     Zhigalko, Andrey
14-19 Malaniuk, Vladimir P.   Rozentalis, Eduardas  0-1     Rozentalis, Eduardas
15-18 McShane, Luke J.        Sulskis, Sarunas      0-1     Sulskis, Sarunas
16-17 Zubov, Alexander        Malakhatko, Vadim     0-1     Malakhatko, Vadim

6) XVI Magistral Elgoibar

The XVI Magistral Elgoibar took place 12th-17th December 2006. Azer Mirzoev won the event with 7/9 undefeated half a point clear of Oleg Korneev. Final round games now available.

Official site: with this long link giving the details

XVI Magistral Elgoibar ESP (ESP), 12-17 xii 2006                 cat. IX (2470)
                                                 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1. Mirzoev, Azer                    g AZE 2543  * = = = = 1 1 1 1 1  7.0  2681 
 2. Korneev, Oleg                    g RUS 2657  = * 1 = = = 1 1 = 1  6.5  2614 
 3. Salgado Lopez, Ivan              f ESP 2425  = 0 * = 1 1 = = 1 =  5.5  2554 
 4. Perez Candelario, Manuel         m ESP 2496  = = = * 0 1 = = = =  4.5  2466 
 5. Argandona Rivero, Inigo          f ESP 2396  = = 0 1 * 0 0 = = 1  4.0  2434 
 6. Gonzalez de la Torre, Santiago   f ESP 2357  0 = 0 0 1 * 1 = 0 1  4.0  2439 
 7. Gomez Esteban, Juan Mario        g ESP 2486  0 0 = = 1 0 * 1 1 0  4.0  2424 
 8. Landenbergue, Claude             m SUI 2446  0 0 = = = = 0 * 1 =  3.5  2392 
 9. Kononenko, Tatiana               m UKR 2375  0 = 0 = = 1 0 0 * =  3.0  2355 
10. Prie, Eric                       g FRA 2516  0 0 = = 0 0 1 = = *  3.0  2339 

7) Kateryna Lahno vs Parimarjan Negi Match

There was a lengthy match between Kateryna Lahno and Parimarjan Negi called the Amity Grandmasters Challenge. 18 games in all took place 17th-25th December 2006. The prize pool was Rs. 500000/- (USD 11000). There were six FIDE time control games, six rapid and on the final day six blitz. Kateryna Lahno won all three sections individually and had a final score of 11-7.

The official websites for the event are, and

Classical Timerate
Lahno, Kateryna   -  Negi, Parimarjan  1/2   37  B92  Sicilian Najdorf with 6.Be2
Negi, Parimarjan  -  Lahno, Kateryna   0-1   45  C78  Ruy Lopez Moeller Defence
Lahno, Kateryna   -  Negi, Parimarjan  1/2   43  B92  Sicilian Najdorf with 6.Be2
Negi, Parimarjan  -  Lahno, Kateryna   1/2   56  C78  Ruy Lopez Moeller Defence
Lahno, Kateryna   -  Negi, Parimarjan  1/2   66  C77  Ruy Lopez Anderssen
Negi, Parimarjan  -  Lahno, Kateryna   1/2   39  C78  Ruy Lopez Moeller Defence

Rapid Games
Lahno, Kateryna   -  Negi, Parimarjan  1-0   65  C54  Giuoco Piano
Negi, Parimarjan  -  Lahno, Kateryna   0-1   49  C78  Ruy Lopez Moeller Defence
Lahno, Kateryna   -  Negi, Parimarjan  1-0   46  C77  Ruy Lopez Anderssen
Negi, Parimarjan  -  Lahno, Kateryna   0-1   55  C45  Scotch Game
Lahno, Kateryna   -  Negi, Parimarjan  0-1   57  B92  Sicilian Najdorf with 6.Be2
Negi, Parimarjan  -  Lahno, Kateryna   1-0   26  C78  Ruy Lopez Moeller Defence

Blitz Games
Negi, Parimarjan  -  Lahno, Kateryna   0-1   34  C78  Ruy Lopez Moeller Defence
Lahno, Kateryna   -  Negi, Parimarjan  1/2   65  B32  Sicilian Labourdonnais
Negi, Parimarjan  -  Lahno, Kateryna   0-1   27  C78  Ruy Lopez Moeller Defence
Lahno, Kateryna   -  Negi, Parimarjan  1/2   54  B30  Sicilian Rossolimo
Negi, Parimarjan  -  Lahno, Kateryna   1-0   53  B07  Pirc Defence
Lahno, Kateryna   -  Negi, Parimarjan  1/2   51  B84  Sicilian Scheveningen

Amity GM Challenge New Delhi IND (IND), 17-25 xii 2006
                               1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Lahno, Kateryna  m  UKR 2459   = 1 = = = = 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 = 1 = 0 =  11.0  2618
Negi, Parimarjan g  IND 2538   = 0 = = = = 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 = 0 = 1 =   7.0  2379

8) 15th Asian Games

The 15th Asian Games took place in Doha 1st-15th December 2006. Murtas Kazhgaleyev won the men's rapid, Humpy Koneru the women's rapid and India the swiss team event. Games from all three events did turn up, my thanks to Mohd Al Hitmi for finding and sending them to me.

Details:, official site:, Games from and

Men's Rapid
Final Classification
As of 04 DEC 2006
Rank Title NOC Name                      I.Rating Points F.Rating Medal
1    GM    KAZ KAZHGALEYEV Murtas        2609     7.5    -        GOLD
2    GM    VIE DAO Thien Hai             2557     7      -        SILVER
3    GM    CHN BU Xiangzhi               2671     7      -        BRONZE
4    GM    UZB KASIMDZHANOV Rustam       2672     6      -
5    GM    KAZ SADVAKASSOV Darmen        2596     6      -
6    GM    CHN WANG Yue                  2644     5.5    -
7    GM    IRI MORADIABADI Elshan        2539     5.5    -
8          PHI LAYLO Darwin              2448     5.5    -
9    GM    VIE NGUYEN Anh Dung           2541     5.5    -
10   GM    UZB BARSOV Alekxei            2537     5.5    -
11   GM    IND PENTALA Harikrishna       2674     5.5    -
12   GM    QAT AL MEDAIHKI Mohammed      2550     5.5    -
13   GM    IND KRISHNAN Sasikiran        2675     5.5    -
14         TKM ANNABERDIYEV Meylis       2457     5.5    -
15   IM    PHI DABLEO Ronald             2425     5      -
16   GM    IRI GHAEM MAGHAMI Ehsan       2581     5      -
17   GM    INA MEGARANTO Susanto         2492     5      -
18   IM    BAN HOSSAIN Enamul            2503     4.5    -
19   IM    QAT AL SAYED Mohammed         2486     4.5    -
20   GM    BAN SATTAR Reefat Bin         2489     4.5    -
21   FM    MGL TSEGMED Batchuluun        2404     4.5    -
22   IM    SYR HAKKI Imad                2422     4.5    -
23   FM    BRN AYYAD Husain              2003     4.5    -
24   GM    UAE IBRAHIM Talib Moosa       2365     4.5    -
25         NEP SHRESTHA Bilam Lal        2104     4.5    -
26         JPN NANJO Ryosuke             2186     4.5    -
27   GM    INA WAHJUWIDAJAT Utut Adianto 2589     4      -
28         MGL BAYARSAIKHAN Gundavaa     2237     4      -
29         SRI RUSSELL Athula            2234     4      -
30         SYR BAKR Jwan                 2335     4      -
31         SRI GALAPPATHTHI Chinthaka    2204     3.5    -
32         TKM AMANOV Mesgen             2339     3.5    -
33   IM    UAE AL-HAMMADI Abdulla Hasan  2311     3.5    -
34   FM    JOR EL RIMAWI Bahjat Thaer    2308     3.5    -
35         NEP LAMA Surbir               2095     3.5    -
36         JOR SAMHOURI Ahmad            2322     3.5    -
37   FM    BRN AYYAD Maher               2137     3.5    -
38         JPN KOJIMA Shinya             2187     3      -
39         PLE TAAMRA Atta               2102     3      -
40         MAC MAK Tong Kuan             -        2.5    -
41         MAC ABELGAS Rodolfo           -        1.5    -
RET        PLE SHOUBAITA Talal           -        0      -

Women's Rapid
Final Classification
As of 04 DEC 2006
Rank Title NOC Name                    I.Rating Points F.Rating Medal
1    GM    IND KONERU Humpy            2545     8      -        GOLD
2    WGM   CHN ZHAO Xue                2467     7.5    -        SILVER
3    GM    QAT CHEN Zhu                2501     6      -        BRONZE
4    WIM   IRI POURKASHIYAN Atousa     2329     5.5    -
5    WGM   TKM GELDYYEVA Mahri         2273     5.5    -
6    WGM   MGL BATKHUYAG Munguntuul    2383     5.5    -
7    WIM   UZB SABIROVA Olga           2230     5.5    -
8    WFM   INA SUKANDAR Irine Kharisma 2239     5.5    -
9    WGM   VIE NGUYEN Thi Thanh An     2312     5      -
10         SRI METHMALI Yasoda         1895     5      -
11   WIM   KAZ AKETAYEVA Dana          2312     4.5    -
12         PHI DOCENA Jedara           -        4.5    -
13         BAN AKTER Samima            2096     4.5    -
14         SYR MIR MAHMOD Afamya       1983     4.5    -
15   WIM   JOR JAMALIAH Natalie        1988     4      -
16   WFM   UAE SALEH Noura Mohamed     1879     4      -
17         PLE JARADAT Shadia          -        3.5    -
18         JPN NAKAGAWA Emiko          1933     3.5    -
19         NEP KHAMBOO Mona Lisha      -        3      -
20         BRN MUTAYWEA Aysha          -        3      -
21         MAC CHAN I Sin              -        1      -

Mixed Team's Classical
Final Classification
As of 14 DEC 2006
Rank Title NOC               Name             Points Medal
1          IND - India                        22.5   GOLD
     GM    KRISHNAN Sasikiran
     GM    PENTALA Harikrishna
     GM    KONERU Humpy
2          CHN - PR China                     17.5   SILVER
     GM    BU Xiangzhi
     GM    WANG Yue
     WGM   ZHAO Xue
3          IRI - Islamic Republic of Iran     16.5   BRONZE
     GM    GHAEM MAGHAMI Ehsan
     GM    MORADIABADI Elshan
4          KAZ - Kazakhstan                   16
     GM    SADVAKASSOV Darmen
     GM    KAZHGALEYEV Murtas
5          INA - Indonesia                    16
     GM    WAHJUWIDAJAT Utut Adianto
     GM    MEGARANTO Susanto
     WFM   SUKANDAR Irine Kharisma
6          QAT - State of Qatar               15
     GM    AL MEDAIHKI Mohammed
     IM    AL SAYED Mohammed
     GM    CHEN Zhu
7          BAN - Bangladesh                   14.5
     IM    HOSSAIN Enamul
     GM    SATTAR Reefat Bin
           AKTER Samima
8          PHI - Philippines                  14.5
           LAYLO Darwin
     IM    DABLEO Ronald
           DOCENA Jedara
9          UZB - Uzbekistan                   14
     GM    KASIMDZHANOV Rustam
     GM    BARSOV Alekxei
     WIM   SABIROVA Olga
10         MGL - Mongolia                     14
     FM    TSEGMED Batchuluun
           BAYARSAIKHAN Gundavaa
     WGM   BATKHUYAG Munguntuul
11         TKM - Turkmenistan                 13.5
           ANNABERDIYEV Meylis
           AMANOV Mesgen
     WGM   GELDYYEVA Mahri
12         SYR - Syrian Arab Republic         13.5
     IM    HAKKI Imad
           BAKR Jwan
           MIR MAHMOD Afamya
13         SRI - Sri Lanka                    13
           RUSSELL Athula
           GALAPPATHTHI Chinthaka
           METHMALI Yasoda
14         UAE - Emirates                     12.5
     GM    IBRAHIM Talib Moosa
     IM    AL-HAMMADI Abdulla Hasan
     WFM   SALEH Noura Mohamed
15         JOR - Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan  12.5
           SAMHOURI Ahmad
     FM    EL RIMAWI Bahjat Thaer
     WIM   JAMALIAH Natalie
16         VIE - Vietnam                      12
     GM    DAO Thien Hai
     GM    NGUYEN Anh Dung
     WGM   NGUYEN Thi Thanh An
17         BRN - Kingdom of Bahrain           11.5
     FM    AYYAD Maher
     FM    AYYAD Husain
           MUTAYWEA Aysha
18         PLE - Palestine                    11
           TAAMRA Atta
           SHOUBAITA Talal
           JARADAT Shadia
19         JPN - Japan                        10.5
           NANJO Ryosuke
           KOJIMA Shinya
           NAKAGAWA Emiko
20         NEP - Nepal                        10
           SHRESTHA Bilam Lal
           LAMA Surbir
           KHAMBOO Mona Lisha
21         MAC - Macau, China                 3
           ABELGAS Rodolfo
           MAK Tong Kuan
           CHAN I Sin

9) Hensel complains to FIDE about Topalov

According to a story on which reports a story on Carsten Hensel (Kramnik's manager) has reported Topalov to the FIDE ethics committee for his ABC interview [Mig's translation]. Hensel is reported as saying "Topalov has broken the Ethical code of FIDE. We have already submitted our protest. If our correctness is recognized, Topalov can be deprived from tournaments. I consider, it is impossible to forgive such things in any way, Topalov should be necessarily punished." Later the article says " never published parts from the mentioned interview in ABC. It is not authentic and the words just paraphrase what Mr. Danailov has said." but Mig reports "I'm told that Sr. Bellón has the entire Topalov interview recorded and that there were no errors in transcription." FIDE spokesman Berik Balgabaev was quoted in the article as saying he didn't believe Topalov gave the interview but added "We will talk with Carsten Hensel about the current situation. If he continues with his claims, we will take a decision on the protest. The consequences may be disqualification for three years." That said I don't really have a great deal of time for FIDE and given that the accusations are also against them also any ban (and any evidence that Topalov thinks he has) would have to go to the Court of Arbitration in Lausanne. If found guilty I don't see Topalov facing any more than a symbolic ban (and perhaps even more likely a fine) unless the accusations keep flowing.

For those of you who want to see a Cable picture its reported in It took me a while to work out what really worried me about the cable pictures, its that they don't show the end of the cables, where they end up, and the plug on the end so even if they were computer cables (not clear) they are not of themselves evidence.

10) Bessel Kok agreement with Kirsan Ilyumzhinov

Bessel Kok has signed a memorandum of understanding with FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov form a company to take over the world championship cycle after competitions which have already been contracted by Fide have concluded. I believe that will be after Mexico City although its unclear to me whether the new FIDE suggestions for a World Cup every other year are something he is committed to or whether he has a blank sheet as to structure. Ilyumzhinov is on the board of directors along with Bessel and Alexey Orlov. Its not as yet clear what this will mean for chess.

Press release from Geoffrey Borg December 21st 2006

Memorandum of understanding between the Hon Kirsan Ilyumzhinov and Bessel Kok in Prague

The FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov and Mr Bessel Kok are happy to announce that following a meeting in Prague on the 21st of December 2006, a Memorandum Of Understanding has been signed. The parties agreed on the formal launch of a company called Global Chess BV to be located in Amsterdam, in the Netherlands. A five year business plan, a financial budget and the draft statutes of the new company was approved.

With the exception of those competitions which have already been contracted by Fide to organisers, Global Chess will become responsible for the marketing, development and promotion of all FIDE tournaments and matches related to the World championship cycles for Men, Women, Youths and Juniors.

It will also act as an investment vehicle for chess related projects that will be selected by the Board following detailed feasibility studies for further investment.Areas that will be considered are training academies, software, media programmes amongst a number of projects that will be studied an which will help in making chess more popular across the world.

Global Chess will work under a licence agreement to be granted by FIDE. This follows the last Presidential Board meeting in Elista whereby it was agreed by the FIDE Board to pursue discussions with Global Chess on a licence agreement to achieve the above objectives.

The initial start up capital of Global Chess will be 4.5 million Euro to be supplemented by an additional 5,5 million Euro to support future ventures in chess related projects.

The initial Board of Directors will consist of Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, Bessel Kok and Alexey Orlov. The Board asked Mr. Bessel Kok to act as its Chairman, which he accepted. The Board also commissioned the management team required for Global Chess BV.

Thanks and seasons greetings,

Geoffrey D Borg

11) Forthcoming Events and Links

Corus and Linares 2007

The Corus tournament in Wijk aan Zee takes place 12th-28th January 2007. The fields for the top two groups have been announced.

Participants grandmaster group A
GM  Veselin Topalov         BUL  2813  1
GM  Viswanathan Anand       IND  2779  2
GM  Vladimir Kramnik        RUS  2750  3
GM  Peter Svidler           RUS  2750  4
GM  Levon Aronian           ARM  2741  7
GM  Teymour Radjabov        AZE  2729  11
GM  David Navara            CZE  2725  13
GM  Alexey Shirov           ESP  2720  14
GM  Ruslan Ponomariov       UKR  2703  20
GM  Magnus Carlsen          NOR  2698  21
GM  Sergey Tiviakov         NED  2680  27
GM  Loek van Wely           NED  2676  29
GM  Sergey Karjakin         UKR  2672  35
GM  Alexander Motylev       RUS  2662  44
Average rating  : 2721
Category  : 19

Participants grandmaster group B
  Name  Country  Rating  Position
GM  Dmitry Jakovenko        RUS  2671  38
GM  Bu Xiangzhi             CHN  2671  38
GM  Gabriel Sargissian      ARM  2667  43
GM  Viorel Bologan          MLD  2659  47
GM  Pavel Eljanov           UKR  2658  49
GM  Friso Nijboer           NED  2641  68
GM  Erwin L’Ami             NED  2593  152
GM  Suat Atalik             TUR  2583  187
GM  Maxime Vachier-Lagrav   FRA  2579  209
GM  Daniel Stellwagen       NED  2576  220
GM  Jan Werle               NED  2551  311
GM  Vladimir Georgiev       MKD  2532  437
GM  Jan Smeets              NED  2525  487
IM  Tatiana Kosintseva      RUS  2458  1121
Average rating  : 2597
Category  : 14

Participants grandmaster group C
  Name  Country  Rating  Position
GM  Michal Krasenkow        POL  2647  61
GM  Emanuel Berg            SWE  2582  192
IM  Ian Nepomniachtchi      RUS  2545  336
GM  Parimarjan Negi         IND  2538  390
GM  John van der Wiel       NED  2522  509
GM  Stellan Brynell         SWE  2502  680
IM  Nadezhda Kosintseva     RUS  2493  750
WFM  Hou Yifan              CHN  2481  872
IM  Wouter Spoelman         NED  2450  1214
GM  Zhaoqin Peng            NED  2436  1429
GM  Harmen Jonkman          NED  2431  1506
IM  Edwin van Haastert      NED  2393  2446
IM  Thomas Willemze         NED  2384  2692
IM  Manuel Bosboom          NED  2375  2927
Average rating  : 2484
Category  : 10

Official site:

Alex Finkel Preview

In addition the line up for the Morelia / Linares tournament (again in Mexico and Spain) has been announced. The Morelia half takes place 16th-25th February 2007 and Linares 2nd-11th March 2007.

The field is: Veselin Topalov, Viswanathan Anand, Peter Leko, Peter Svidler, Levon Aronian, Teimour Radjabov, Magnus Carlsen and one of either Alexander Morozevich (it may be that marca has is right as they are the official site and its Moro), Alexei Shirov or Francisco Vallejo Pons depending on who you read. (Mexican Story - or Marca story)

Monroi Grand Prix for Women

Women in chess are being recognized by a Grand-Prix series of international chess events. The events will be broadcast live using the MonRoi system. “The world’s best women chess players have the opportunity to qualify in some of the top tournaments in the world. We invite you to follow live games, pictorial and video reports! Join us in Gibraltar, Cannes, Zagreb, Dresden, Liechtenstein, St. Petersburg and Philadelphia and Montreal!” said Brana Giancristofaro, Founder & CEO of MonRoi Inc. The Grand-Prix Finale will be held in Montreal, Canada July 21-28, 2007. Qualifiers will be selected on the basis of top performance and will compete for Finale prizes! The Grand-Prix starts on January 23rd, 2007, in Gibraltar! Qualifying events are the following:

GibTelecom, Gibraltar, January 23 - February 1
Cannes Open, FRA, February 18-25
Zagreb Open, CRO, March 17-25
ECU Individual, Dresden GER, April 2-15
Liechtenstein Open, May 11-19
White Nights, St. Petersburg RUS, June 16-24
World Open, Philadelphia USA, June 28 - July 4
Montreal Chess Festival Finale, July 21-28

Further details:

ACP Rapid Cup in Odessa

The Association of Chess Professionals have announced their first major event. The 1st ACP World Rapid Cup is set to take place in Odessa in the Ukraine 4th-8th January 2007. The event will be sponsored by the Bank Pivdennyi based in Odessa. The venue will be the Hotel Londonskaya. The tournament organisers are the Bank Pivdennyi and the Association of Chess Professionals. The total prize fund will amount to 136,000 US Dollars. 16 grandmasters will participate in this Knock-Out tournament. The time control will be 20 minutes for the whole game with an increment of 5 seconds per move.

The 14 players who will therefore take part in the first ACP WRC are: Alexander Morozevich (Russia), Peter Leko (Hungary), Boris Gelfand (Israel), Teimour Radjabov (Azerbaijan), Alexei Shirov (Spain), Etienne Bacrot (France), Sergey Rublevsky (Russia), Evgeny Bareev (Russia), Arkadij Naiditsch (Germany), Pentala Harikrishna (India), Ivan Sokolov (Netherlands), Victor Bologan (Moldova), Hikaru Nakamura (USA), Farrukh Amonatov (Tajikistan). In addition, on the proposal of Bank Pivdennyi, two Wild Cards are given to Vassily Ivanchuk (highest rated Ukrainian Grandmaster) and Ilia Smirin (Israel).

Detailed press release:

Chess FM Chess and Books with Fred Wilson

Chess & Books with Fred Wilson - This Week's guest: Noah Sheola (Paul Morphy playwright)

Fred Wilson's guest on Tuesday evening (8pm EST), Dec. 19th, 2006, will be Noah Sheola, author of the well-received new play, "Paul Morphy", currently running at The Players Ring in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Noah, a USCF rated player and avid reader of chess history, is the author of four plays, including one about Marie Antoinette, produced on the East Coast and in Chicago. He is a winner of the F. Gary Newton Playwriting Competition, and also an accomplished actor, performing with the New Hampshire improvisational theater troupe Stranger Than Fiction. He is a graduate of Bard College and now lives in Portsmouth, NH.

Noah says "Writing from history is all about making compromises between the historical record and the need to be concise, coherent and entertaining...I think I have a sense of who Morphy was and what it was like to spend time with him. When you read his letters the force of his personality is there". Please send questions for Noah Sheola about Paul Morphy to The show runs from 8:00 to 10:00 PM (EST) every Tuesday evening. As always, there will be replays of the show almost immediately afterwards for our chess enthusiasts on the West Coast & elsewhere, and often there will be several replays the following day.

You can access "Chess and Books with Fred Wilson" at the following website:, ONLY IF YOU ARE AN ICC MEMBER. However, if you visit you can sign up for a one week FREE trial membership, listen to the show that week, and access all the other good stuff on while you're at it!

ACP Christmas Blitz Tournament 2006

The ACP Board is glad to invite you to take part in the ACP Christmas Blitz Tournament. The prize fund will amount to 4,550 euros. The event will be organized on the ACPO, the official playing zone of our association. The preliminary stages of the tournament will take place from December 19th to 22nd 2006, and the final stages on December 26th and 27th 2006.

The prize distribution as well as the registration form can be found on our special page

49th Reggio Emilia Tournament

The 49th edition of the Reggio Emilia Torneo di Capodanno takes place December 30 2006 - January 7 2007. 9 rounds at the hotel Astoria Mercure starting 2,30 pm. Time rate: 1h and 40 min x 40 moves then 50 min to end, plus 30 sec starting from the first move.

    GM    KHENKIN            IGOR            GER     ELO 2620
    GM    GELASHVILI         TAMAD           GEO     ELO 2606
    GM    LANDA              KONSTANTIN      RUS     ELO 2570
    GM    IORDACHESCU        VIOREL          MOL     ELO 2564
    GM    ROMANISHIN         OLEG            UKR     ELO 2542
    IM    BRUNELLO           SABINO          ITA     ELO 2460
    IM    SHYTAJ             LUCA            ALB/ITA ELO 2441
    IM    MANCA              FEDERICO        ITA     ELO 2425
    IM    BORGO              GIULIO          ITA     ELO 2420
          MOGRANZINI         ROBERTO         ITA     ELO 2401
GM norm = 6 points - IM norm = 4 points

Sydney International Open

SYDNEY INTERNATIONAL OPEN (10/04/2007-14/04/2007) - Australia's strongest Open tournament ever held.

More information at or contact

Novi Sad Chess

Novi Sad will host the 2009 Europian National Team Championship. In the run up to that the Championship of Novi Sad takes place 18th-25th March 2007.

Further detail:

Politiken Cup

The 29th Copenhagen Open Politiken Cup takes place 21st-29th July 2006.

Official site:

Coulsdon Christmas International

The Coulsdon Christmas International takes place 11th-15th December 2006. The organisers need 2 titled and 1 non-titled players for the 10 player all-play-all event for IM norms. In addition, we there are 3 spaces in their Challengers' event. If interested contact Scott Freeman


Hungarian tournaments January - May 2007

The list of the chess tournaments from January - May 2007 in Hungary:

1. 27th of December until 4th of January, Kecskemet, IM Berger tmt, org: Dr.Erdelyi, Tamas, e-mail: Website: Usually also in the second half of the month IM tmt-s in Kecskemet. 100 km South from Budapest.

2. 5th-13th of January 2007 - EVADNYITO (SEASON STARTING) Open, First prize: brutto 100 000 Ft (1 EURO = 258 Ft now) Prize found: 300 000 Ft. Budapest, org: Marti György, more info: Nagy Laszlo,

3. 3rd-16th of February 2007 FIRST SATURDAY Budapest GM-IM-FM, GM-IM-FM round robins (BERGER- ROUND ROBIN), 9-13 games, GM-IM norm possibilities in Budapest, venue: Hungarian Chess Federation, Falk Miksa Str.10. 2nd floor. Organisation: Nagy Laszlo, FIDE International Chess Organizer /NL/, E-mail: Website: Other website: Phone-fax: +(361)-2632859, cellphone: +(36)-30-230-1914 /From 12:00 a.m. until midnight - Central European Time - GMT+1 hour/..

4. 3rd-16th of March FS Budapest, GM-IM-FM, org: NL.

5. 16th-24th of March Budapest Spring Festival 9 round Swiss Open, org: Nagy L.

6. 25th of March - 7th of April, GM closed tournament in SIKONDA, South-West 250 km from Budapest, org: Mr.Gruenwald, mobile phone: +36-30-9971005

7. 7th-20th of April, FS GM-IM-FM, Budapest, org: NL

8. 21st of April - 1st of May GM tmt minimal cat.9. Planned /2451-2475 Elo range/, Org: NL,

9. 5th-18th of May, GM-IM-FM Budapest, org NL,

10. 19th-29th of May, ELEKES MEMORIAL, GM-IM closed, Org: IM Zsinka, e-mail:

Karpov Simul in Moscow

On Thursday at capital restaurant " Stork" ( took place a simul of of Anatoly Karpov. Opponents of the Ex-World Champion became well-known businessmen, politicians, representatives of show business. Considering, that the place of action was fashionable restaurant, it has turned to a cheerful secular party with chess subjects.

See details:

5th Crikvenica Rapid

The 5th Crikvenica Rapid takes place 29th December 2006 - 1st January 2007.


First Saturday December 2006

First Saturday Budapest GM-IM-FM closed tournaments, Budapest, HUNGARY, 2nd-15th of December... Vacancies in the GM - IM and FM sections. Website: . Contact: Lazlo Nagy - Phone-fax: (+36)-1-263-28-59 Mobile: (+36)-30-230-1914 ICC, SKYPE, YAHOO and MSN messenger nickname: mrfirstsaturday

Prague Open 2007

PRAGUE OPEN 2007 (11.-18.1. 2007 - 2 FIDE opens, one of them with a possibility to fulfill IM norm, active chess and blitz tournament, more information at the address

Marienbad Open 2007

MARIENBAD OPEN 2007 Marienbad is the second largest spa town in the Czech Republic, 19.-27.1. 2007 - closed GM tournament, closed IM tournament, FIDE open, active chess and blitz tournament,

ACP Tour Report August - October

Read the ACP Tour Report August - October 2006.

Read the report:

Dutch Team Championship

The Dutch Team Championship Meesterklasse takes place 23rd October 2006 - 12th May 2006. The first three rounds have already taken place. Ivanchuk, Tiviakov and Ivan Sokolov are amongst the players who have already played.

Dutch Chess Federation: - Meesterklasse Games side bar at: - Photo report at:

Swiss Chess Tour 2007

The Swiss Chess Tour 2007 starts in Basle in the New Year (1.-7.1.2007.). Venue of Chess Festival for 9th time is Hotel Hilton in Basle.

Hilton Open (1-7.1.2007.) 7 Rounds, 6 hours (2 hours for 40 moves + 60 minutes for complete the game.) Prizes: 2000/1500/1200/800/600/500/2x400/2x300/5x200 CHF. Special prizes 200 CHF for best Lady, Senior (1947), junior (1987-90), schoolboy (1991). Enter fee: 140 CHF (FM and juniors 70 CHF) GM & IM free. At the door 20 CHF.

Players so far for Basle: GM Ulf Andersson (SWE), GM Borislav Ivkov (SCG), GM Andrei Sokolov (FRA), GM Miso Cebalo (CRO), GM Igor Rausis (BAN), GM Nenad Sulava (CRO), GM Stefan Djuric (SCG), IM Martin Senff (GER), IM Simon Kuemin (SUI) etc.

Basle amateur (1-7.1.2007.) 7 Rounds, 4 hours (90 minutes 30 moves + 30 minutes to complete the game). Players under 1900 rating (FIDE or national). Enter fee: 120 CHF (juniors 60 CHF). At the door 20 CHF. Prizes: 500/400/2x300/2x200/4x150 CHF.

Basle juniors (2.1.2007.) 7 Rounds, 15 minutes for the game. Juniors 1987 and younger. Enter fee 5 CHF. Natural prizes for all players.

Basel Lighting Chess (6.1.2007. from 14.00 to 16.00) 9 Rounds, 5 minutes. Enter fee: 20 CHF (juniors 5 CHF). Prizes 300/200/150/2x100/2x50 CHF natural prizes for everybody 50% and more points.

More information and registration: Robert Spoerri tel. +41+62+9654-650, fax +41+62+9654-651 E-mail Further information: or

Austrian Team Championship

The first three rounds of the Austrian Team Championship took place in Graz 3rd-5th November 2006.

Schedule: R 01-03: 03.11.-05.11.2006, Graz (Hotel Novapark) R 04-07: 18.01.-21.01.2007, Leoben (Gösserbräu) R 08-11: 08.03.-11.03.2007, Mattersburg

Official site:

Slovenian Chess Centre

The Slovenian Chess Federation opened a centre on the 21st October 2006.

Official site:

Pierre Barthélémy Chess Blog

Pierre Barthélémy Chess Blog in French:

II Magistral 5 Soles

The II Magistral 5 Soles took place 3rd-11th November 2006. Details may become available.

Official site:


The Insel-Seniorenturnier takes place in Wyk auf Föhr im Hotel "Schloss am Meer" 8th-16th November 2006.

Official site:

10th A.V.Momot Memorial

The 10th A.V.Momot Memorial takes place November 11th-12th 2006 in Kramatorsk (Ukraine).

Participants: GMs Eljanov (2658), Areshchenko (2640), Efimenko (2612), Brodsky (2566), Kuzubov (2559), Lahno (2459), Andreev (2459) etc.

Official site:

66th Italian Championship

The 66th Italian Championship takes place 21st November - 4th December 2006. The tournament will consist of 11 players in a round robin at Hotel Impero in Cremona. Games will be played on DGT boards, and viewable live at the Italian Chess Federation web site.

Official tournament information:

Official federation site:

Rilton Cup

The Rilton Cup takes place 27th December 2006 - 5th January 2007. Details and entry.

Official site:

Czech Chess Christmas 2006

Czech Chess Christmas 2006 Litomysl (CZE) 26.12.2006-1.1.2007 8th christmas chess FIDE tournament, swiss system of 9 round, rate of game 2 x 1,5h + 30s/move, prize fund 61.000 CZK (1st prize 20.000 CZK = 680 EUR), special conditions for IM, WGM and GM, New Year’s Eve programme. Contact: Proclient s.r.o., Jaroslav Fuksik, Svedska 3, 772 00 Olomouc, mobil: 608 364 664, e-mail:, web:

Fischer on the Radio

Bobby Fischer appeared on the Icelandic private radio station Utvarp Saga on October 16th 2006, He discussed his public despute with UBS, Chess in the past and present, and Interntional affairs, even the North Korea crises.

50 minute interview. It may become available at: is the radio station, (MP3 at:

3rd Singapore International Chess Convention

The 3rd Singapore International Chess Convention 2006 incorporates the 1. 2nd Asian Schools 17 to 24 December 2nd Asian Schools Entry Form for Singapore Only 2. Seminar for Coaches 18 to 24 December 3. Arbiters Training Seminar 19 to 24 December 4. Masters & Challengers Open 26 to 31 December Masters & Challengers Open.

Details of all events at:

Obrenovac 2006

International Open Championship of Belgrade "Obrenovac 2006" Obrenovac, 22-30.11.2006. Prizes : EUR 5,250.00

Contact information: BELGRADE CHESS INFORMATION 11000 Belgrade, Deligradska 27/III, Serbia and Montenegro Tel/Fax; +381-11 -656 846 E-mail: beochess@eunet.yu


XLI Capablanca Memorial

The XLI Capablanca Memorial had to move from its normal dates in May due to the Turin Olympiad. This years event takes place 19th-30th November 2006 in the hotel Habana Riviera.

As usual there will be a number of events, the elite for players rated over 2600 and an 11 round swiss with 22 players etc

For details and entry by 3rd November 2006 contact: or or

27th Bethune International Open

The Bethune chess club is preparing his 27th International Open, Hall Olof Palme, Commercial centre La Rotonde, Bethune, France (Pas-de-Calais) from December 26 to 30. 9 rounds The tournament is divided in 2 tournaments: - Tournament A for players whose Elo rating is above or equal to 1600, 1st price : 1500 euros - Tournament B for players strictly below 1800 and not FIDE, 1st price : 300 euros, Fischer pace 1h30+30s KO for each game in both tournaments. At least 5500 euros of prices, prices for Elo categories in both tournaments. Inscription fee : 40 euros (adults), 20 euros (youngsters under 20), free for IM, GM and FIDE Masters. Conditions for IM and GM and special conditions for GM>2600, contact us at For more information visit:

Corus Invitations

in a press release on September 19th 2006 on their website the Corus, Wijk aan Zee organisers announced the first players for the event in January 2007. The top three in the world Veselin Topalov, Viswanathan Anand and Levon Aronian will all play. It was already known that Alexander Motylev qualified from the B group last year and that Magnus Carlsen who officially lost out on tie-break to him would also be invited.

Official site:

Hastings Congress

The Hastings Congress takes place 28th December 2006 - 7 January 2007. 9 round master Swiss +many other events including a FIDE Rated open 6-7 January. Details Con Power

Further details:

Hull Congress

The 43rd Hull Chess Congress (Yorkshire, England) will take place in the Student Union Building, University of Hull, over the weekend of November 17-19, 2006. This year's Hull Congress has three sections, Open, Under 150 and Under 100 and the total prize fund for the tournament is 1200 pounds (1st 250, 2nd 100, 3rd 50 each section), with the option of adding additional prizes based on the number of entries. The entry fee is just 15 pounds if you commit your entry on or before October 31, 2006 and just 20 pounds after that date. For more information about the Hull Congress and to download an entry form, please visit the new Hull & District Chess Association website at or contact Mark Ieronimo, Tournament Organizer, at to obtain an entry form via email.

Kramnik - Deep Fritz

Vladimir Kramnik will play the ChessBase computer program Deep Fritz in a 6 game match 25th November - 5th December 2006 in the German’s Art and Exhibition Hall in Bonne. Kramnik stands to win a prize of $1 Million US for a win in the match doubling his starting fee.

Asked how he estimates his chances, Kramnik reacted cautiously: "Fritz examines millions of moves per second. It is extraordinarily difficult to play against such a calculating monster. Right from the start you are walking on a very narrow ridge, and you know that any inattentiveness will be your downfall. It is a scientific experiment and I will have to fight very hard for my chance."

The WCC is being organized by Universal Event Promotion (UEP), in cooperation with the Art and Exhibition Hall.

Schedule: Game 1: Saturday 25.11.2006 16h Game 2: Monday 27.11.2006 16h Game 3: Wednesday 29.11.2006 16h Game 4: Friday 01.12.2006 16h Game 5: Sunday 03.12.2006 16h Game 6: Tuesday 05.12.2006 16h

During the entire period of the match the Art and Exhibition Hall will offer a varied program.

Official site:

Sydney International Open 2007

The 2007 Sydney International Open will be held as a 9-round FIDE-rated Swiss event from 10th-14th April 2007. The venue is Parramatta Town Hall, an historic centre and business hub just 30 minutes by train from Central Sydney and International Airport. Some conditions are offered to titled players. It is also possible to play in Australia's largest weekender, the Doeberl Cup, a 7-round FIDE-rated event held in Canberra 6-9 April 2007. An information sheet, registration form and other details are available at The organisers are Australian Chess Enterprises. Contact is Brian Jones at

GibTelecom Chess Festival

The GibTelecom Chess Festival takes place 23rd January - 1st February 2007. including a 9 round Masters with a rest day. Also two 5 round Swisses for players under 2200 and two separately for players under 1800. Total prize fund £71,000, including £9000 awards specifically for females with a first of £4000; £12000 for players under 2200, where such a player could win £6000; seniors £2000; junior £1000. So far Arishchenko, Efimenko, Kuzubov, Milov, Krush, Ganguly, Kunte, Sand ipan, Bellon, Cramling have accepted invitations. further details Judy Whurr

Further details:

European Rapid Chess Championship

The European Rapid Chess Championship 2006 takes place in Warsaw, Poland (at the same time the 6th AMPLICO AIG LIFE Tournament played during the 25th Memorial of Stanislaw Gawlikowski) takes place 16th-17th of December 2006. The prize fund is 20.000 Euros. The tournament is a part of the ACP Tour. Visit the Official site for more information, updates are coming soon. Contact details of Organizers and Chief arbiter.

Tournament Director - Mrs Maria Macieja mobile: + 48 603 391 318 e-mail:

Official site:


The olimpbase website: from April covers all team events. The latest addition is the European U18 Team Ch. has just finish in Balatonelle. Also, there is a lot on the history of this interesting event at my page, including details, games and results of all previous editions, overall statistics and medal table. See

Swiss Chess Tour Christmas 2006

The "Swiss Chess Tour 2006" will restore "Christmas Tournament" back after a one year break and four years in Interlaken this time in Bern. The change is only in the venue in the Hotel "Bern", in the very center of the city. The 1st International Open Hotel "Bern" December 26th-30th 2006. Swiss system, 7 rounds and the games will last a maximum of 5 hours (40 moves for 2 hours and 30 minutes till the end). Prize are: 2.000 SF, 1.500, 1.000, 700, 500, 400, 300, 250, 200 and 150 SF. The natural prizes till 20th place. Special prizes for best Lady, senior (1945), junior (1986-89), schoolboy (1990) and best local player. Entry fee 130 SF, FMs and juniors 60 SF, at the door 20 SF more, GMs and IMs free. Venue: Hotel "Bern" Blitz tournament, Swiss system, 9 double rounds.Prize are: 300, 200, 150, 2x100, 2x50 CHF. Entry fee 20 CHF (juniors 5 CHF) Time table for "Bern Open": December 26. The last registration 12.00-13.00. Open ceremony and apero reception from 13.30-14.00. Round 1st 14.00-19.00. December 27. Round 2nd 9.30-14.30 Round 3rd 15.30-20.30 December 28.: Round 4th 14.00-19.00. Blitz Tournament 19.30-22.30. December 29. Round 5th 9.30-14.30. Round 6th 15.30-20.30 December 30. Round 7th 9.30-14.30 Closing ceremonies 15.00. Special chess rates in Hotel "Bern". More information and registration: Robert Spoerri tel. +41+62+965-465-40, fax +41+62+965-46-51 E-mail

Further information:

Computer chess tournament calendar

The Computer chess tournament calendar by Frank Quisinsky has been updated. Frank's Chess Page: Frank's Chess Page, CC-Calendar:

AnMon 5.6 by Christian BARRETEAU won the computer chess tournament in Massy (France) with 6/6 . This tournament has been organised for many years by a very strong group of French computer chess engine programmers. Unfortunately, this year only seven French programs participated. Second place for Pharaon 3.4 by Franck ZIBI with 5/6 and the third place for ChessTiger 2006 Alpha by Christophe THERON with 4/6. In other words ... AnMon defended its title. The next computer chess tournament is the Australasian-NCC-ch in Canberra at August 20th, 2006. TOP favorits are Bodo, Trace and Warp.

Lugano tournaments

International Week-end Chess Open Lugano 2006 "ONE WEEKEND IN THE SOUTH PART OF SWITZERLAND" When: Friday, 17 November ' Sunday November Where: Hotel Flora, Via Geretta 16, 6900 Lugano- Paradiso Phone +41 91 994 16 71 Fax: +41 91 994 27 38 E-mail: Modality: International Tournament. 5 Rounds Swiss System Rate of Play: 36 Moves in 90 Minutes + 30 Minutes K.O. Rating: CH- & FIDE

International Amateurs Chess Open Ascona 2006 Only for Amateurs, Max. 2299 ELO. , 26th December ' Saturday, 30th December 2006 Where: Hotel Ascona, via Collina, 6612 Ascona (Switzerland) Modality: International Chess Tournament. 7 Rounds Swiss System Rate of Play: 40 Moves in 120 Minutes + 60 Minutes K.O. ELO: Not valid for ELO Points (holiday mood!)

Lugano Rapid Chess Marathon Ticino Cureglia 2006 Sunday, 18.06.2006 Where? Parco Rusca (Park & town hall), CH-6944 Cureglia Modality? International Rapid Chess Tournament 24 rounds Swiss System Rate of play? 5 minutes to finish the game Prizes? CHF 600 (€ 400) / 400 (€ 268) / 300 (€ 200) / 200 (€ 133) / 100 (€ 67) CHF 100 (€ 67) Best Ticino player + 9 Special prizes (Full prize amount with 50 players, otherwise % to the number of participants ) Inscriptions? CHF 40 (€ 27) under 20 CHF 20 (€ 14), Sunday: 08.00 - 09.00 Timetable? Sunday 09.15 - 13.00 (15 rounds) 14.30 - 16.30 (9 rounds)

Further details:

Frits Agterdenbos Photos

Chess Photographer Frits Agterdenbos has launched a website of his photos at: He is at the Turin Olympiad and his photo reports is available there.

French Team Championship

The final four rounds of the French Team Top 16 Championship took place 4th-7th May 2006 in Asnières-sur-Seine. NAO Chess Club again won the title three points clear of Monaco who they defeated in the final round. Games from the final two rounds are not yet available (apart from the Monaco - NAO match) if anyone has them I'd be grateful.

Further details:, and The Six Degrees of Kasparov

If you've won a game that's appeared in Chessbase Megabase 2005 then find out a series of results which by separation means you beat Garry Kasparov! Fun stuff from Karlheinz Zoechling. I'm not in Megabase but have beaten someone who has a separation of two, giving me a separation of three!


Czech Tour 2006/2007

There is new information about the Czech Tour 2006/2007 including:

9th OLOMOUC CHESS SUMMER (the Sigma hotel) 2nd-10th August 2006.

3rd HIGHLANDS OPEN (Havlickuv Brod, the Slunce hotel) 23rd September - 1st October 2006.

7th LIBEREC OPEN (the Liberec hotel) 11th-18th November 2006.

6th PRAGUE OPEN (TOP HOTEL Praha) 11th-18th January 2007.

6th MARIENBAD OPEN (the Evropa hotel) 19th-27th January 2007.

Further details: or Dr. Jan Mazuch, Director of CZECH OPEN & CZECH TOUR -

In addition there is the 27th Tournament of Chess Hopes and 17th Pobeskydi Tournament organised by the town of Frydek-Mistek 13th-17th April 2006.

Further details:

10th Anniversary of is celebrating its 10th Anniversary. It has a 10th Anniversary Commemorative Coin:

Home of: Grandmaster V.V. Palciauskas' The World of Correspondence Chess Senior International Master Knudsen's The Correspondence Chess Place The Campbell Report Ralph Marconi's Chess Pages The Canadian Correspondence Chess Association (CCCA) American Postal Chess Tournaments (APCT) The Correspondence Chess Message Board (TCCMB)   and much, much more!

Official site:

Christophe Bouton Chess Blog

Christophe Bouton has started a chess blog in French at:

Spanish Championship

The Spanish closed and open Championships will be held in León November 22nd-30th 2006. The Hotel Conde Luna from León will be the venue and the official hotel of the organization.

Alushta Tournaments

01.02.06 Tournaments in Alushta:

GM Norm: 29.04-9.05, 11.05-21.05, 23.05-1.06, 2.06-12.06, 16.06-26.06, 2.09-12.09, 14.09-24.09, 26.09–6.10,

IM Norm: 29.04-9.05, 11.05-21.05, 23.05-1.06, 2.06-12.06, 16.06-26.06, 2.09-12.09, 14.09-24.09, 26.09–6.10,

Rating tournament: 5.06-13.06, 23.06–27.06

Open tournament (under 16 years) First prize - 200$ 14.06-22.06, Swiss 9 rounds.

Open tournament First prize - 1000$ First prize (woman)- 500$: 28.06-6.07, Swiss 9 rounds. Open tournament (rapid chess) 7.07–8.07, Swiss 9 rounds. Blitz tournament 9.07. Session of school of Gennadi Kuzmin 23.06–27.06. Individual and group studying.

Further information: phone +38 (06560)5-05-32, +380505828911 (for Russian speaking) + 38 050 669-26-04 (for English speaking) e-mail:

Seagaard ChessReviews

Soren Sogaard has announced that his site Seagaard ChessReviews will be updated after receiving a lot of positive e-mails, "I decided to try to keep running the site. I also got two new reviewers, and the well known danish IM Steffen Pedersen reviews his first book." He'll see if he can keep it going another 6 months.


1st ICCF Webchess Open Tournament

The ICCF have announced the 1st WebChess Open Tournament and invites every player worldwide to participate in the event. The event is to be played on the ICCF dedicated Webserver This tournament is open to all correspondence chess players worldwide, also for those without any previous ICCF experience. Multiple entries are allowed. The tournament will be played in three stages - preliminaries, semifinal and final.


Russia vs ROW Correspondence

The Russian Chess Federation is celebrating its 10th anniversary and is using this occasion to challenge the rest of the world to a match over 64 boards with 2 games for each and the start is 15.02 2004. Players include Joop van Oosterom