THE WEEK IN CHESS 892 12th December 2011 by Mark Crowther

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Mark Crowther
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1) Introduction
2) 3rd London Chess Classic
3) 71st ch-ITA 2011
4) SportAccord World Mind Games
5) 78th ch-BRA 2011
6) Ragger - Rapport Match
7) Snowdrops vs Oldhands
8) 61st Greek Championships 2011
9) XVII Navalmoral Open
10) 25th Belgrade Trophy 2011
11) XXXII Crespi Memorial
12) First Saturday December 2011
13) Ascona Chess Festival 2011
14) 47th American Open 2011
15) 8th Vasylyshyn Memorial
16) 45th ch-RSA 2011
17) 3rd OCF Thanksgiving Open 2011
18) ITT Pre Jahv Mcgregor 2011
19) Porec Open 2011
20) Frauenbundesliga 2011-12
21) Bundesliga 2011-12
22) Chinese League 2011
23) Active Team Events
24) II JAVH McGregor Open
25) IV Amitan Memorial
26) World Youth Championships 2011
27) 2nd St Louis Thanksgiving Open
28) Zadar Open 2011
29) CCSCSL Invitational
30) World Senior Corrections
31) Forthcoming Events and Links

Games Section
3rd London Chess Classic710 games
71st ch-ITA 201130 games
SportAccord World Mind Games112 games
78th ch-BRA 201118 games
Ragger - Rapport Match1 game
Snowdrops vs Oldhands20 games
61st Greek Championships 20119 games
XVII Navalmoral Open90 games
25th Belgrade Trophy 2011100 games
XXXII Crespi Memorial90 games
First Saturday December 2011181 games
47th American Open 201143 games
8th Vasylyshyn Memorial90 games
45th ch-RSA 201166 games
3rd OCF Thanksgiving Open 201186 games
ITT Pre Jahv Mcgregor 201145 games
Porec Open 201187 games
Frauenbundesliga 2011-12150 games
Bundesliga 2011-12128 games
CCSCSL Invitational4 games
World Senior Corrections2 games
2063 games

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1) Introduction

My thanks to Alexander Prokhorov, Roland Wimmer, Luiz Roberto Da Costa Jr, Wolfgang Evers, Jack Peters, Herman Van Riemsdijk, Frank Berry, Adolivio Capece, Sinisa Joksic, Dragan Babic, Yuri Vovk and everyone else who helped with the issue.

Vladimir Kramnik took clear first place in the London Chess Classic. Having played all three Kramnik was obviously please to win this one above Hikaru Nakamura and Magnus Carlsen. Luke McShane has a day job in the city but could have won the whole event had he beaten Kramnik in their key difficult round 8 struggle. These players all gained rating points. The event was disappointing for World Chess Champion Viswanathan Anand who now goes into heavy preparation for his defence against Boris Gelfand. Levon Aronian never got going either. The English players disappointed. Nigel Short was pleased at least not to finish last and got an advantage against Magnus Carlsen in the final round. The previously in form Michael Adams had a very trying event indeed, he never seemed to recover from his early loss to Luke McShane. The event produced a lot of fighting chess with the mixed strengths and form of the players being key to that.

Having attended the final rounds of the Classic I found this issue very difficult to compile and it has mostly been done in a hurry towards the end of Monday and early hours of Tuesdays. Hopefully there will not be too many mistakes.

Hope you enjoy this issue.


2) 3rd London Chess Classic

The 3rd London Chess Classic took place 3rd-12th December 2011. Vladimir Kramnik took clear first beating all the English players and drawing the remaining games. Hikaru Nakamura overtook Magnus Carlsen to take second place by beating Michael Adams in the final round. Luke McShane was in the chase for first in a difficult game against Vladimir Kramnik that went wrong in time trouble. All four gained rating points, everyone else lost them.

3rd London Chess Classic London (ENG), 3-12 xii 2011 cat. XX (2748)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1. Kramnik, Vladimir g RUS 2800 * ½ ½ 1 ½ ½ 1 1 1 16 2934
2. Nakamura, Hikaru g USA 2758 ½ * 0 ½ 1 1 ½ 1 1 15 2887
3. Carlsen, Magnus g NOR 2826 ½ 1 * ½ ½ ½ ½ 1 1 14 2879
4. McShane, Luke J g ENG 2671 0 ½ ½ * ½ ½ 1 1 1 13 2852
5. Anand, Viswanathan g IND 2811 ½ 0 ½ ½ * ½ 1 ½ ½ 9 2740
6. Aronian, Levon g ARM 2802 ½ 0 ½ ½ ½ * 1 ½ ½ 9 2741
7. Short, Nigel D g ENG 2698 0 ½ ½ 0 0 0 * ½ 1 6 2613
8. Howell, David W L g ENG 2633 0 0 0 0 ½ ½ ½ * ½ 4 2569
9. Adams, Michael g ENG 2734 0 0 0 0 ½ ½ 0 ½ * 3 2498
Round 1 (December 3, 2011)
Kramnik, Vladimir - Nakamura, Hikaru ½-½ 45 E04 Catalan
Carlsen, Magnus - Howell, David W L 1-0 40 C65 Ruy Lopez Berlin
Aronian, Levon - McShane, Luke J ½-½ 42 D15 Slav Defence
Adams, Michael - Anand, Viswanathan ½-½ 49 B92 Sicilian Najdorf with 6.Be2
Round 2 (December 4, 2011)
Nakamura, Hikaru - Aronian, Levon 1-0 54 D31 Semi-Slav Defence
McShane, Luke J - Carlsen, Magnus ½-½ 83 C78 Ruy Lopez Moeller Defence
Short, Nigel D - Kramnik, Vladimir 0-1 43 C48 Four Knights Rubinstein
Howell, David W L - Adams, Michael ½-½ 35 C88 Ruy Lopez Closed
Round 3 (December 5, 2011)
Carlsen, Magnus - Nakamura, Hikaru 1-0 41 C50 Giuoco Piano
Anand, Viswanathan - Howell, David W L ½-½ 65 D16 Slav Lasker/Smyslov
Aronian, Levon - Short, Nigel D 1-0 60 E15 Queens Indian
Adams, Michael - McShane, Luke J 0-1 61 C65 Ruy Lopez Berlin
Round 4 (December 6, 2011)
Carlsen, Magnus - Kramnik, Vladimir ½-½ 55 E21 Nimzo Indian 4.Nf3
Anand, Viswanathan - Nakamura, Hikaru 0-1 49 E97 King's Indian Classical
Howell, David W L - McShane, Luke J 0-1 37 C45 Scotch Game
Adams, Michael - Short, Nigel D 0-1 71 C03 French Tarrasch
Round 5 (December 8, 2011)
Kramnik, Vladimir - Adams, Michael 1-0 55 E00 Catalan
Nakamura, Hikaru - Howell, David W L 1-0 38 A22 English Opening
Aronian, Levon - Carlsen, Magnus ½-½ 39 D12 Slav Defence
Short, Nigel D - Anand, Viswanathan 0-1 62 B52 Sicilian Rossolimo
Round 6 (December 9, 2011)
McShane, Luke J - Nakamura, Hikaru ½-½ 31 B40 Sicilian Classical
Anand, Viswanathan - Kramnik, Vladimir ½-½ 39 D37 QGD 5.Bf4
Howell, David W L - Short, Nigel D ½-½ 36 B22 Sicilian Alapin
Adams, Michael - Aronian, Levon ½-½ 34 C67 Ruy Lopez Berlin
Round 7 (December 10, 2011)
Kramnik, Vladimir - Howell, David W L 1-0 40 D27 QGA
Carlsen, Magnus - Adams, Michael 1-0 38 E21 Nimzo Indian 4.Nf3
Aronian, Levon - Anand, Viswanathan ½-½ 25 D37 QGD 5.Bf4
Short, Nigel D - McShane, Luke J 0-1 36 C34 Kings Knight Gambit
Round 8 (December 11, 2011)
Nakamura, Hikaru - Short, Nigel D ½-½ 90 A21 English Opening
McShane, Luke J - Kramnik, Vladimir 0-1 69 C65 Ruy Lopez Berlin
Anand, Viswanathan - Carlsen, Magnus ½-½ 33 D58 Queens Gambit Tartakover
Howell, David W L - Aronian, Levon ½-½ 54 B09 Pirc Defence
Round 9 (December 12, 2011)
Kramnik, Vladimir - Aronian, Levon ½-½ 32 D37 QGD 5.Bf4
Nakamura, Hikaru - Adams, Michael 1-0 41 C36 Kings Gambit Modern Variation
McShane, Luke J - Anand, Viswanathan ½-½ 25 B11 Caro Kann Two Knights
Short, Nigel D - Carlsen, Magnus ½-½ 77 C50 Giuoco Piano
FIDE Open London ENG Sat 3rd Dec 2011 - Mon 12th Dec 2011
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1Gupta, AbhijeetGMIND26401111½1½118.02785
2Grover, SahajIMIND25151111½01117.52651
3Jones, Gawain C BGMENG26351111½½1017.02632
4Hillarp Persson, TigerGMSWE25301½11½1½½17.02530
5Das, ArghyadipIMIND247011101½1½17.02535
6Summerscale, Aaron PGMENG242211½½½½1117.02434
7D`Costa, Lorin A RIMENG24091111=01½17.02601
8Cornette, MatthieuGMFRA25481110101½16.52476
9Wells, Peter KGMENG249211½111½½06.52543
10Smith, AxelIMSWE24800111110½16.52412
11Hunt, Adam CIMENG245811½11½½016.52475
12Pert, Richard GIMENG24551110½1½1½6.52477
13Arkell, Keith CGMENG2418½1½1½11106.52429
14Houska, JovankaIMENG24151111½1½½06.52573
15Slavin, AlexeiIMRUS2400111=½101½6.52529
16Bates, Richard AIMENG2386110½011116.52365
17Mikkelsen, NikolajIMDEN23811½10½11½16.52379
18Weber, TomFMLUX235511½101½½16.52486
19Stoma, PawelPOL2316½011½1½116.52294
20Tikkanen, HansGMSWE2586101101½1½6.02389
21Pert, NicholasGMENG256311½1½½½½½6.02452
22Hebden, Mark LGMENG25151110101016.02395
23Roy Chowdhury, SaptarshiIMIND241111101½½½½6.02383
24Thorfinnsson, BjornIMISL24021110111006.02460
25Rendle, Thomas EIMENG2389101111½½06.02410
26Buckley, Graeme NIMENG23831½11=½0½16.02395
27Ferguson, MarkIMENG23741½11½½=106.02451
28Getz, NicolaiIMNOR236911011½0½16.02420
29Crouch, Colin SIMENG236611011½01½6.02424
30Gislason, GudmundurISL2318110110½1½6.02393
31Alfred, Nathan S WFMENG22941½1100½116.02302
32Coleman, David JCMENG2244½0101111½6.02170
33Smith, Andrew PhilipFMIRL2167=110111½06.02404
34Tozer, Philip A AENG21591010011116.02199
35Berg, EmanuelGMSWE2566111½½0½105.52405
36Cox, John JIMENG2423½½1101½105.52260
37Ansell, Simon TIMENG23891½10011015.52234
38Richardson, John RFMENG23311½1011½0½5.52314
39Berry, NeilFMSCO23121½10½110½5.52277
40Radovanovic, JovicaFMENG23091101100½15.52306
231 players
Women's Invitational London ENG Sat 3rd Dec 2011 - Mon 12th Dec 2011. Category: None. Ave: (2195)
Rk Name Title FED Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pts TPR
1 Ciuksyte, Dagne IM ENG 2327 # 1 = 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 7.5 2454
2 Nakhbayeva, Guliskhan WIM KAZ 2227 0 # 1 1 = 1 1 1 1 1 7.5 2465
3 Daulyte, Deimante WGM LTU 2238 = 0 # = 1 1 = 1 0 1 5.5 2270
4 Mirzoeva, Elmira WGM RUS 2244 1 0 = # 1 0 0 0 1 1 4.5 2190
5 Steil-Antoni, Fiona WIM LUX 2104 0 = 0 0 # = = 1 1 1 4.5 2205
6 Srebrnic, Ana WGM SLO 2219 0 0 0 1 = # = = 1 1 4.5 2193
7 Lalic, Susan K IM ENG 2279 0 0 = 1 = = # = = = 4 2143
8 Vovk, Oksana WIM DEN 2213 0 0 0 1 0 = = # = = 3 2068
9 Grigoryan, Meri WFM ENG 2026 0 0 1 0 0 0 = = # = 2.5 2048
10 Lauterbach, Ingrid WIM ENG 2075 0 0 0 0 0 0 = = = # 1.5 1936

3) 71st ch-ITA 2011

Fabiano Caruana won the 71st Italian Championship with 10 points in this 11 round event running 30th November - 11th December 2011.

71st ch-ITA 2011 Perugia ITA Wed 30th Nov 2011 - Sun 11th Dec 2011
Leading Final Round 11 Standings:
1Caruana FabianoGMITA272710.050.75
2Dvirnyy DaniyylIMITA24756.533.25
3Brunello SabinoGMITA25756.031.50
4Ortega LexyGMITA24786.028.50
5Godena MicheleGMITA25485.025.25
6Caprio GuidoFMITA23545.025.25
7Bruno FabioIMITA24375.024.75
8Rombaldoni DenisIMITA25335.024.50
9Codenotti MarcoFMITA22935.024.50
10Genocchio DanieleIMITA24404.524.25
11Mogranzini RobertoIMITA24694.522.75
12Rombaldoni AxelIMITA24593.518.75
12 players
71st ch-ITA 2011 Perugia ITA Wed 30th Nov 2011 - Sun 11th Dec 2011. Category: 10. Ave: (2482)
Rk Name Title FED Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Pts TPR
1 Caruana, Fabiano GM ITA 2727 # 1 = 1 1 1 1 1 1 = 1 1 10 2843
2 Dvirnyy, Daniyyl IM ITA 2475 0 # 1 1 = = = 1 = = = = 6.5 2548
3 Brunello, Sabino GM ITA 2575 = 0 # = 1 = 1 0 = 1 = = 6 2510
4 Ortega, Lexy GM ITA 2478 0 0 = # 0 1 = 1 1 = = 1 6 2519
5 Caprio, Guido FM ITA 2354 0 = 0 1 # 0 = 1 0 = 1 = 5 2458
6 Godena, Michele GM ITA 2548 0 = = 0 1 # = = 0 1 1 0 5 2440
7 Bruno, Fabio IM ITA 2437 0 = 0 = = = # 0 1 1 = = 5 2450
8 Codenotti, Marco FM ITA 2293 0 0 1 0 0 = 1 # = 1 = = 5 2464
9 Rombaldoni, Denis IM ITA 2533 0 = = 0 1 1 0 = # = 0 1 5 2442
10 Genocchio, Daniele IM ITA 2440 = = 0 = = 0 0 0 = # 1 1 4.5 2421
11 Mogranzini, Roberto IM ITA 2469 0 = = = 0 0 = = 1 0 # 1 4.5 2419
12 Rombaldoni, Axel IM ITA 2459 0 = = 0 = 1 = = 0 0 0 # 3.5 2351

4) SportAccord World Mind Games

The SportAccord World Mind Games takes place 9th-16th December 2011. Rapid, Blitz and Blindfold events. Wang Hao won the very strong rapid tournament.

Sport Accord WMG Rap Beijing CHN Fri 9th Dec 2011 - Fri 16th Dec 2011
Leading Final Round 7 Standings:
15Wang HaoGMCHN2736503
23Gashimov VugarGMAZE27574504
37Kamsky GataGMUSA2732304
411Dominguez Perez LeinierGMCUB27123404
58Ponomariov RuslanGMUKR27233403
64Grischuk AlexanderGMRUS27522403
76Mamedyarov ShakhriyarGMAZE2733303
815Wang YueGMCHN2697204
912Vachier-Lagrave MaximeGMFRA2710203
102Karjakin SergeyGMRUS2763203
1116Nielsen Peter HeineGMDEN26931303
1214Vallejo Pons FranciscoGMESP2705124
1313Almasi ZoltanGMHUN2707123
1410Le Quang LiemGMVIE2714114
159Giri AnishGMNED2714014
161Ivanchuk VassilyGMUKR27751204
16 players
SportAccord WMG Ra w Beijing CHN Fri 9th Dec 2011 - Fri 16th Dec 2011
Leading Final Round 7 Standings:
116Kosteniuk AlexandraGMRUS24395603
23Lahno KaterynaGMUKR2549404
36Dzagnidze NanaGMGEO2516303
44Ju WenjunWGMCHN2543204
57Harika DronavalliGMIND25123403
61Hou YifanGMCHN25782403
72Muzychuk AnnaIMSLO25621403
813Dembo YelenaIMGRE2468204
911Cramling PiaGMSWE2495104
105Stefanova AntoanetaGMBUL2531103
1115Paehtz ElisabethIMGER24572304
1212Socko MonikaGMPOL24792303
139Cmilyte ViktorijaGMLTU2503204
1414Skripchenko AlmiraIMFRA24682214
158Zatonskih AnnaIMUSA25061204
1610Danielian ElinaGMARM2497003
16 players

5) 78th ch-BRA 2011

The Brazilian Championship takes place 9th-20th December 2011.

78th ch-BRA 2011 Campinas BRA Fri 9th Dec 2011 - Tue 20th Dec 2011. Category: 10. Ave: (2484)
Rk Name Title FED Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Pts TPR
1 Mekhitarian, Krikor Sevag GM BRA 2487 # = 1 1 2.5 2665
2 Leitao, Rafael GM BRA 2626 # = 1 1 2.5 2808
3 Mecking, Henrique GM BRA 2590 # = 1 = 2 2574
4 Matsuura, Everaldo GM BRA 2487 = # = 1 2 2583
5 Fier, Alexandr GM BRA 2573 = # 1 = 2 2644
6 Santiago, Yago De Moura FM BRA 2335 0 # 1 1 2 2631
7 Barbosa, Evandro Amorim IM BRA 2412 # 1 0 = 1.5 2455
8 Vescovi, Giovanni GM BRA 2637 = = 0 # 1 2383
9 El Debs, Felipe de Cresce GM BRA 2477 0 0 1 # 1 2412
10 Di Berardino, Diego Rafael IM BRA 2491 0 = 0 # 0.5 2238
11 Jatoba de Oliveira Reis, Paulo FM BRA 2438 0 = 0 # 0.5 2198
12 Dos Santos, Haroldo Cunha FM BRA 2250 0 0 = # 0.5 2189

6) Ragger - Rapport Match

Markus Ragger won the final game of an 8 game match to beat Richard Rapport 4.5-3.5 each in a match that ran 29th November - 6th December 2011 in Szombathely.

Ragger-Rapport Match Szombathely HUN Tue 29th Nov 2011 - Tue 6th Dec 2011
Player List
Rk Name Ti FED Elo FIDE Id
1 Ragger, Markus GM AUT 2662 1610856
2 Rapport, Richard GM HUN 2534 738590

7) Snowdrops vs Oldhands

The Oldhands beat the Snowdrops 21-11 in a match that took place 3rd-11th December 2011.

Snowdrops vs Oldhands Prague CZE Sat 3rd Dec 2011 - Sun 11th Dec 2011
Player List
Rk Name Ti FED Elo FIDE Id
1 Huebner, Robert GM GER 2580 4600010
2 Vaganian, Rafael A GM ARM 2577 13300016
3 Gulko, Boris F GM USA 2535 2000040
4 Hort, Vlastimil GM GER 2473 4600029
5 Muzychuk, Mariya IM UKR 2460 14114550
6 Pogonina, Natalija WGM RUS 2451 4147855
7 Tania, Sachdev IM IND 2428 5007844
8 Kulovana, Eva WGM CZE 2297 318779

8) 61st Greek Championships 2011

The 61st Greek Championships took place in Chania 27th November - 7th December 2011. Antonios Pavlidis edged out Nikolaos Galopoulos on tie-break I presume after both finished on 6.5/11. The women's event took place in Athens at around the same time and was won by Marina Makropoulou with 7/9.

61st ch-GRE 2011 Chania GRE Sun 27th Nov 2011 - Wed 7th Dec 2011
Leading Final Round 11 Standings:
1Pavlidis AntoniosIMGRE24146.524.7560.0
2Galopoulos NikolaosGRE23796.523.2560.0
3Nikolaidis IoannisGMGRE25546.026.7530.0
4Aggelis NikolaosFMGRE23105.520.7530.0
5Mastrovasilis AthanasiosGMGRE25305.023.2540.0
6Moutousis KonstantinosIMGRE24384.515.2530.0
7Pavlidis AnastasiosFMGRE23524.515.0040.0
8Kapnisis SpyridonGMGRE25103.012.0010.0
9Naoum SpyridonGRE21312.06.0010.0
10Nikolaou GeorgiosGRE22331.56.5010.0
11Kourkounakis IliasIMGRE23810.00.0010.0
11 players
34th ch-GRE w 2011 Chania GRE Sun 27th Nov 2011 - Wed 7th Dec 2011. Category: None. Ave: (2140)
Rk Name Title FED Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pts TPR
1 Makropoulou, Marina WGM GRE 2201 # = = = = 1 1 1 1 1 7 2353
2 Fakhiridou, Ekaterini WIM GRE 2180 = # = = = 1 1 1 1 = 6.5 2301
3 Pavlidou, Ekaterini WIM GRE 2176 = = # 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 6 2261
4 Makka, Ioulia WIM GRE 2126 = = 1 # = 0 = 1 1 = 5.5 2221
5 Iordanidou, Zoi GRE 2169 = = 0 = # 1 1 0 1 = 5 2179
6 Ikonomopoulou, Maria WFM GRE 2129 0 0 1 1 0 # 0 = = 1 4 2098
7 Pambalou, Fotini GRE 2104 0 0 0 = 0 1 # = = 1 3.5 2064
8 Stefanidi, Maria-Anna WFM GRE 2073 0 0 0 0 1 = = # 0 1 3 2022
9 Markantonaki, Haritomeni WFM GRE 2128 0 0 0 0 0 = = 1 # = 2.5 1975
10 Makka, Evanthia GRE 2110 0 = 0 = = 0 0 0 = # 2 1923

9) XVII Navalmoral Open

The XVII Navalmoral Open took place 3rd-7th December 2011. Sergey Fedorchuk won with 7.5/9.

XVII Navalmoral Open Navalmoral ESP Sat 3rd Dec 2011 - Wed 7th Dec 2011
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1Fedorchuk Sergey AGMUKR26327.547.552.041.0
2Shanava KonstantineGMGEO25766.547.551.533.5
3Granda Zuniga Julio EGMPER26366.547.051.035.0
4Koziak VitaliIMUKR24946.
5Perez Candelario ManuelGMESP25586.045.550.032.0
6Peralta FernandoGMARG25906.
7Mirzoev AzerGMAZE25106.044.549.030.0
8Korneev OlegGMRUS26086.043.548.031.0
9Guliyev NamigGMAZE25496.043.548.030.0
10Perez Mitjans OrelvisIMESP24576.043.547.031.5
11Aloma Vidal RobertIMESP24246.
12Asis Gargatagli HipolitIMESP24446.040.545.028.5
13Campora Daniel HGMARG24936.038.543.028.5
14Teske HenrikGMGER25385.546.550.534.0
15Khamrakulov Ibragim SGMESP25185.545.048.030.0
16Lalic BogdanGMCRO24545.543.046.529.0
17Palencia WilsonIMCOL23115.539.042.027.0
18Sanikidze TornikeGMGEO25315.044.548.030.0
19Fier AlexandrGMBRA25735.043.548.028.5
20Del Rio De Angelis Salvador GGMESP25345.043.046.531.0
21Barria Zuniga DanielIMCHI24385.041.544.027.5
22Garcia-Ortega Mendez Jose MFMESP23575.041.044.527.0
23Cabezas Ayala IvanFMESP23005.040.541.526.0
24Pogorelov RuslanGMUKR24125.
25Garcia Romero Benjamin AbelESP21845.040.042.525.5
26Melero Fidalgo Juan De DiosESP22215.039.543.023.5
27Larino Nieto DavidIMESP24585.039.042.524.5
28Komljenovic DavorinGMCRO24515.038.542.524.5
29Villegas PierreMNC22494.543.547.026.0
30Figuero Toro Julian FranciscoESP22364.543.046.525.0
31Moreno Tejera EmilioFMESP23194.540.543.024.0
32Torres Ventosa Pedro EugenioFMESP23034.539.041.026.0
33Pena Torres Jose CarlosESP20734.538.040.520.5
34Vila Dupla AurelioFMESP21984.537.040.521.0
35Lopez Rivera JesusESP17324.535.538.018.0
36De Lucas Bello FedericoESP20654.535.038.019.5
37Silva Miguel Antonio NetoPOR19224.534.537.520.0
38Ribeiro JosePOR20914.533.036.019.0
39Luna Bueno PedroESP04.528.531.016.0
40Gallardo Fernandez CesarESP21904.041.044.523.5
69 players

10) 25th Belgrade Trophy 2011

The 25th Belgrade Trophy took place in the municipality Obrenovac 24th November - 2nd December 2011. Sipke Ernst took first place on tie-break from Miodrag R Savic after both scored 7.5/9. Games from the final two rounds now available.

25th Belgrade Trophy Obrenovac SRB Thu 24th Nov 2011 - Fri 2nd Dec 2011
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1Ernst SipkeGMNED25937.548.552.042.00
2Savic Miodrag RGMSRB25237.545.550.042.25
3Damljanovic BrankoGMSRB25977.051.556.043.00
4Strikovic AleksaGMSRB25647.
5Blagojevic DragisaGMMNE25147.048.553.540.75
6Perunovic MilosGMSRB25767.046.551.539.75
7Neverov ValeriyGMUKR25377.046.050.538.25
8Todorovic Goran MGMSRB24827.045.549.036.00
9Pap MisaGMSRB25117.
10Radlovacki JovanIMSRB24296.550.554.537.00
11Indjic AleksandarSRB24116.549.053.036.75
12Tadic BrankoGMSRB24866.547.552.035.75
13Lajthajm BorkoGMSRB25006.546.051.035.75
14Cabrilo GoranGMSRB24636.545.549.534.00
15Janev TihomirBUL23666.545.049.031.75
16Videnova IvaWGMBUL22976.543.046.531.50
17Anton TeodorFMROU23806.542.045.530.75
18Pancevski FilipIMMKD24426.051.556.034.50
19Filip LucianIMROU24716.051.555.534.75
20Olenin NikolayIMRUS23236.050.054.533.00
21Nenezic MarkoSRB23296.049.552.031.50
22Drenchev PetarGMBUL24996.
23Skurikhin DmitrijFMRUS23456.046.550.531.25
24Sarenac IvanSRB23276.046.049.530.50
25Tosic MiroslavGMSRB24446.044.549.030.00
26Zivkovic SavaFMSRB23216.044.548.028.50
27Pikula DejanGMSRB25356.
28Milanovic DaniloGMSRB25166.043.548.030.75
29Menkinoski RisteFMMKD23496.043.547.028.00
30Cioara Andrei-NestorIMROU24536.
31Miron Lucian-CostinIMROU25136.043.046.529.25
32Cvetkovic SrdjanIMSRB23956.042.546.027.50
33Okilj TigranSRB20536.042.546.026.50
34Andrijevic MilanIMSRB23336.041.545.528.75
35Nikcevic NebojsaGMMNE24126.
36Robin SamyFMFRA23236.038.041.525.75
37Radosavljevic Slobodan DFMSRB22346.036.539.023.25
38Pantelic SasaFMSRB23415.547.050.528.25
39Abramovic BoskoGMSRB24505.545.549.528.25
40Skare GoranFMSRB23235.543.546.524.50
198 players

11) XXXII Crespi Memorial

The 32nd Crespi Memorial took place 3rd-11th December 2011. Jobava Baadur won with 8.5/9.

XXXII Crespi Mem A Milan ITA Sat 3rd Dec 2011 - Sun 11th Dec 2011
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1Jobava BaadurGMGEO26788.546.5050.502465.67
2Malaniuk Vladimir PGMUKR25046.547.0050.002415.67
3Shishkin VadimGMUKR24496.047.0051.502417.44
4Drazic SinisaGMSRB25376.047.0050.502445.00
5Kosic DraganGMMNE25026.044.5048.502413.00
6David AlbertoGMLUX25976.044.0046.002420.78
7Solodovnichenko YuriGMUKR26296.042.0046.502349.67
8Colovic AleksandarIMMKD24516.042.0045.502302.89
9Bellia FabrizioIMITA24186.041.5044.502309.67
10Sedlak NikolaGMSRB25925.548.5053.002414.22
11Martinez RollyIMPHI24205.547.0051.002388.56
12Salvador RolandGMPHI25005.547.0050.002343.11
13Lazic MiroljubGMSRB24595.546.0050.002314.00
14Valsecchi AlessioFMITA23765.545.5049.502448.44
15Doric DarkoIMCRO25045.545.0049.002391.11
16Sbarra MarcoFMITA22455.539.0043.002237.56
17Anurag MhamalIND22225.538.5040.002250.44
18Massironi MarcoITA21715.537.5041.002184.44
19Miracola MassimilianITA20075.537.5040.502257.67
20Bove AlessandroFMITA23695.041.5045.002285.89
21Stella AndreaIMITA24485.040.5044.502240.22
22Giretti Kanev JasenITA21995.039.5042.502235.67
23Vezzosi PaoloIMITA23215.037.0040.002186.89
24Cacciola AlfredoITA20805.034.5036.002139.89
25Brunello MarinaWIMITA22214.540.5043.002280.56
26Salmoiraghi AngeloITA21744.540.0044.002205.33
27Thakur AkashIND23244.540.0043.002219.78
28Formento PaoloITA21334.538.5042.002217.78
29Cani GazmirALB21744.538.5042.002209.44
30Gongalov BojanBUL20844.535.5037.002223.11
31Andreoni GiuseppeITA21224.533.5036.502154.22
32Bemporad FilippoITA20704.526.5028.502125.89
33Bozzali ErmannoITA21334.039.5043.002152.11
34Nicolo FilippoITA20244.037.5041.002170.33
35Gori AndreaITA20874.036.0038.002214.56
36Astengo CorradoITA20954.035.5037.002132.00
37Radice LucaITA19694.034.5036.502192.56
38Battistella StefanoITA20814.034.0036.002163.33
39Sardo GabrieleITA22184.034.0035.502171.44
40Tramalloni LucaITA21114.032.5034.502154.11
58 players

12) First Saturday December 2011

The First Saturday December tournaments are coming to a close.

FSGM December 2011 Budapest HUN Sat 3rd Dec 2011 - Tue 13th Dec 2011
Leading Round 7 (of 9) Standings:
1Antipov Mikhail AlIMRUS24285.519.250.04
2Szablowski PawelIMPOL24335.018.250.04
3Czebe AttilaGMHUN25034.510.750.03
4Simonian HrairGMARM24684.59.750.04
5Akesson RalfGMSWE24214.010.000.02
6Mihok OliverIMHUN24723.58.500.02
7Kislik Erik AndrewFMUSA23713.58.000.02
8Kargin ArsenyIMRUS24112.08.750.00
9Keschitz GyorgyFMHUN23151.56.750.01
10Rodriguez Lopez RafaelIMESP22961.01.500.01
10 players
FSIM December 2011 Budapest HUN Sat 3rd Dec 2011 - Tue 13th Dec 2011
Leading Round 10 (of 11) Standings:
1Galyas MiklosIMHUN24687.027.750.05
2Bagi MateFMHUN23116.526.250.05
3Szalanczy EmilIMHUN22816.023.750.05
4Krumpacnik DomenIMSLO23776.021.000.05
5Farago SandorIMHUN23175.016.750.04
6Szeberenyi AdamIMHUN23244.518.750.03
7Lyell MarkFMENG21894.016.250.03
8Kantor GergelyHUN22924.014.750.01
9Lengyel BelaIMHUN22583.513.000.01
10Dolgener TobiasGER22313.08.250.02
11 players
FSFMA December 2011 Budapest HUN Sat 3rd Dec 2011 - Tue 13th Dec 2011
Leading Round 10 (of 11) Standings:
1Kozak AdamHUN18648.536.250.08
2Juracsik JozsefHUN21727.531.250.05
3Dancs ZsoltHUN21147.528.500.06
4Koczo KristofHUN21477.028.250.06
5Mester AttilaHUN20846.027.000.05
6Gupta BhaskarIND19986.018.750.05
7Gal Hanna KrisztinaHUN19244.518.750.03
8Farkas RichardHUN21114.515.250.03
9Laza SzabolcsHUN18693.011.000.03
10Zala GyulaHUN19993.05.500.03
11Letay GyulaFMHUN20292.010.000.01
12Zilahi GaborHUN20070.51.000.00
12 players
FSFMB December 2011 Budapest HUN Sat 3rd Dec 2011 - Tue 13th Dec 2011
Leading Round 10 (of 11) Standings:
1Csetneki MarkHUN16798.533.000.08
2Mayer IstvanFMHUN20318.032.000.08
3Wanger TamasHUN18468.031.500.07
4Takacs KevinHUN17887.533.000.06
5Lukacs AlbertHUN17157.022.500.06
6Naghib ParisaIRI16535.514.500.05
7Engelbrecht Imre DrHUN16514.514.000.04
8Shan He Jia RitaHUN15674.011.250.03
9Breen AnthonyIRL16594.08.500.03
10Jones PeterAUS13772.05.250.00
11Mihajlova DianaENG14540.51.000.00
Somogyi AkosHUN12580.51.000.00
12 players

13) Ascona Chess Festival 2011

The Ascona Chess Festival took place 4th-9th December 2011. Games may follow.

Ascona Gp A Ascona SUI Sun 4th Dec 2011 - Fri 9th Dec 2011
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1Ninov NikolaiIMBUL25086.024.5030.0
2Oratovsky MichaelGMISR25225.522.7520.0
3Zeller FrankIMGER23755.521.5050.0
4Strikovic AleksaGMSRB25645.521.2530.0
5Botta GabrieleFMSUI23035.020.0030.0
6Mirumian VigenGMCZE25305.019.7530.0
7Lund SilasIMDEN23984.018.5020.0
8Foisor Cristina-AdelaIMROU24184.015.0030.0
9Trois Francisco R TIMBRA22754.014.7520.0
10Salvetti AlecFMITA22480.52.0000.0
10 players
Ascona Gp B Ascona SUI Sun 4th Dec 2011 - Fri 9th Dec 2011
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1Joie SebastienFRA22497.028.2550.0
2Grunberg Mihai-LucianIMROU24177.027.5050.0
3Foisor Mihaela-VeronicaWFMROU21925.020.2520.0
4Foisor Ovidiu-DoruIMROU23865.020.0020.0
5Duport NicolasSUI21935.019.2540.0
6Paleologu VladimirSUI21744.017.7510.0
7Joksic SinisaIMSRB22553.513.2510.0
8Boschetti ClaudioSUI21103.512.5010.0
9Brancaleoni MaurizioFMITA22752.511.0000.0
10Medici SimoneSUI20902.59.2500.0
10 players

14) 47th American Open 2011

The 47th American Open took place 24th-27th November 2011. Varuzhan Akobian won with 7/8.

Jack Peters sends games, results and reports: "The 47th annual American Open, which took place Nov. 24-27 in Orange, California. Grandmaster Varuzhan Akobian, California's best player, won convincingly with a score of 7-1. Second was GM Joshua Friedel, 6-2. Next were IM Zhanibek Amanov and IM Enrico Sevillano, each 5.5-2.5. There were 28 players in the Open section, and 235 players in the entire seven-section event."

47th American Open Orange USA Thu 24th Nov 2011 - Sun 27th Nov 2011
Leading Final Round 8 Standings:
1Varuzhan AkobianGM2698W12W14D2W24W5W18W7D3 7.0
2Joshua FriedelGM2578W24W13D1D3W9W6D5D4 6.0
3Enrico SevillanoIM2507L13W21D16D2W24W10W18D1 5.5
4Zhanibek AmanovIM2509D28W27W20L5D10W13W14D2 5.5
5Melikset KhachiyanGM2522W9H---W18W4L1H---D2D7 5.0
6Edward Perepelitsky2216L7W22D26W20W11L2D12W13 5.0
7Larry A RemlingerIM2476W6W11H---D18W13H---L1D5 5.0
8Harutyun AkopyanFM2273D19L9W27W25L18W11W20D10 5.0
9Steven Breckenridge2264L5W8W17W26L2L14D15W18 4.5
10Peter Zavadsky2301W23L18W19D11D4L3W17D8 4.5
11Konstantin Kavutskiy2324W15L7W28D10L6L8W23W19 4.5
12David Adelberg2357L1L24B---H---W25W15D6H--- 4.5
13Eduardo N OrtizFM2290W3L2W14W16L7L4W21L6 4.0
14John Daniel BryantFM2454W16L1L13W21W19W9L4U--- 4.0
15Alexander B King2133L11D23D22W28W26L12D9D16 4.0
16Kyron W Griffith2287L14B---D3L13D22D19W27D15 4.0
17Vanessa A West2175H---H---L9L19B---W22L10W27 4.0
18Jack PetersIM2423W25W10L5D7W8L1L3L9 3.5
19Phillip Perepelitsky2173D8D28L10W17L14D16W22L11 3.5
20Eugene YanaytFM2309W22H---L4L6W23W24L8U--- 3.5
21Feiyue Yang2058B---L3L24L14W27W25L13D23 3.5
22Daniel Y Mousseri2095L20L6D15W27D16L17L19B--- 3.0
23Mark R Rand2044L10D15L25B---L20W27L11D21 3.0
24Julian W LandawFM2356L2W12W21L1L3L20U---U--- 2.0
25Jeff Phillips2206L18H---W23L8L12L21H---U--- 2.0
26William Mark DuckworthFM2364H---H---D6L9L15U---U---U--- 1.5
27Michael Anderson1912B---L4L8L22L21L23L16L17 1.0
28Svetosl DorobanovFM2254D4D19L11L15U---U---U---U--- 1.0
28 players

15) 8th Vasylyshyn Memorial

The 8th Vasylyshyn Memorial took place 29th November - 7th December 2011. Yuri Vovk sends the games and won the GM group.

8th Vasylyshyn GM Lviv UKR Tue 29th Nov 2011 - Wed 7th Dec 2011. Category: 9. Ave: (2459)
Rk Name Title FED Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pts TPR
1 Vovk, Yuri GM UKR 2571 # = 1 1 = = = 1 1 1 7 2667
2 Vovk, Andrey GM UKR 2551 = # = = 1 0 = 1 1 = 5.5 2529
3 Goganov, Aleksey IM RUS 2484 0 = # = 1 1 0 1 1 = 5.5 2536
4 Vysochin, Spartak GM UKR 2552 0 = = # = = 1 1 = 1 5.5 2529
5 Chekhov, Sergei FM RUS 2421 = 0 0 = # = = 1 1 1 5 2506
6 Baghdasaryan, Vahe ARM 2362 = 1 0 = = # 1 0 1 0 4.5 2470
7 Molnar, Peter FM SVK 2363 = = 1 0 = 0 # = 0 = 3.5 2390
8 Tregubov, Vadim UKR 2397 0 0 0 0 0 1 = # = 1 3 2341
9 Semcesen, Daniel IM SWE 2490 0 0 0 = 0 0 1 = # 1 3 2331
10 Ris, Robert IM NED 2400 0 = = 0 0 1 = 0 0 # 2.5 2300
8th Vasylyshyn IM Lviv UKR Tue 29th Nov 2011 - Wed 7th Dec 2011. Category: None. Ave: (2248)
Rk Name Title FED Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pts TPR
1 Yildiz, Betul Cemre WIM TUR 2297 # 1 1 1 = 1 1 = = 1 7.5 2516
2 Kostin, Alexey IM RUS 2333 0 # 1 0 1 1 1 = 1 1 6.5 2405
3 Petrosyan, Tigran S. ARM 2255 0 0 # 1 0 1 1 = 1 1 5.5 2327
4 Buksa, Nataliya UKR 2062 0 1 0 # 0 0 1 1 = 1 4.5 2269
5 Terletsky, Oleg UKR 2185 = 0 1 1 # 1 0 0 0 = 4 2212
6 Volovikov, Anton FM UKR 2315 0 0 0 1 0 # 0 1 1 1 4 2198
7 Vetoshko, Volodymyr UKR 2242 0 0 0 0 1 1 # = = 1 4 2206
8 Zajarnyi, Anatolyi IM MDA 2333 = = = 0 1 0 = # = 0 3.5 2159
9 Nester, Ihor IM UKR 2341 = 0 0 = 1 0 = = # = 3.5 2158
10 Shtembuliak, Evgeny FM UKR 2119 0 0 0 0 = 0 0 1 = # 2 2043

16) 45th ch-RSA 2011

Keith Rust sends news of the 45th South African Championship. "45th South African championships took place from 26/11 to 4/12 in Cape Town. Single round robin with standard FIDE time control of 40 in 90m plus 30m with 30s increment. The joint winners on 9/11 were Henry Steel and Watu Kobese, with Steel taking the trophy on tiebreak after his win in their direct encounter. Photos and coverage on newly launched website as well as the CHESSA website. "

45th ch-RSA 2011 Cape Town RSA Sat 26th Nov 2011 - Sun 4th Dec 2011. Category: None. Ave: (2191)
Rk Name Title FED Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Pts TPR
1 Steel, Henry Robert FM RSA 2388 # 1 0 = 1 1 1 1 1 = 1 1 9 2436
2 Kobese, Watu IM RSA 2355 0 # 1 1 1 = 1 1 = 1 1 1 9 2439
3 Cawdery, Daniel CM RSA 2269 1 0 # = = 1 = 1 1 = 1 1 8 2359
4 Van den Heever, Donovan CM RSA 2287 = 0 = # 1 1 = = = 1 1 = 7 2285
5 Dole, Anant RSA 2113 0 0 = 0 # = 1 = 1 1 = 1 6 2235
6 Mosetlhe, Kgaugelo RSA 2138 0 = 0 0 = # 1 1 = = = = 5 2160
7 Ovcina, Dennis RSA 2249 0 0 = = 0 0 # 0 1 1 = 1 4.5 2121
8 Van Rensburg, Ryan Pierre RSA 2103 0 0 0 = = 0 1 # = = = 1 4.5 2134
9 Bouah, Lyndon CM RSA 2148 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = # = 1 = 4 2093
10 Klaver, Cornelis RSA 2098 = 0 = 0 0 = 0 = = # = = 3.5 2067
11 Hercules, Benjamin Vincent RSA 2056 0 0 0 0 = = = = 0 = # = 3 2029
12 Klaasen, Calvin Jong RSA 2093 0 0 0 = 0 = 0 0 = = = # 2.5 1989

17) 3rd OCF Thanksgiving Open 2011

The 3rd OCF Thanksgiving Open took place 25th - 27th November 2011. Frank Berry sends games and results. William Orton and Tom Braunlich finished on 6.5/7.

3rd OCF Thanksgiving Stillwater USA Fri 25th Nov 2011 - Sun 27th Nov 2011
Leading Final Round 8 Standings:
1Orton, William RUSA21506.5
2Braunlich, TomUSA21916.5
3Gradsky, BenUSA6
4Langer, MichaelUSA22065.5
5Long, JamesUSA20205
6Holliman, BobUSA20704.5
7Hatcher, WayneUSA19324.5
8Zhong, HowardUSA4.5
9Berry, James E.USA20034.5
10Johnson, ChuckUSA18854
11Giminez, RandyUSA18114
12Bohanan, JesseUSA04/08/114
13Nickels, ErikUSA17324
14Kelly, JoeyUSA18564
15Latino, CarlUSA20203.5
16Chikkala, SrikarUSA18103.5
17Anderson, MarkUSA18403
18Dutiel, TonyUSA19573
19Morgan, JamesUSA02/06/113
20Jiang, BryanUSA3
21Garrett, BillUSA19503
22Crumpler, KenUSA17502.5
23Wharry, SteveUSA20002.5
24Burklow, RonUSA1
24 players

18) ITT Pre Jahv Mcgregor 2011

The ITT Pre Jahv Mcgregor took place 30th November - 4th December 2011. Emilio Cordova won on tie-break.

ITT Pre Jahv Mcgregor Bogota COL Wed 30th Nov 2011 - Sun 4th Dec 2011. Category: 6. Ave: (2393)
Rk Name Title FED Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pts TPR
1 Cordova, Emilio GM PER 2538 # = = = = 1 1 = 1 1 6.5 2543
2 Ortiz Suarez, Isan Reynaldo GM CUB 2553 = # 0 = 1 1 = 1 1 1 6.5 2541
3 Zuluaga, Cesar FM COL 2365 = 1 # = 0 0 = 1 1 1 5.5 2476
4 Perez Rodriguez, Luis Manuel GM CUB 2475 = = = # = = = = = 1 5 2427
5 Martinez Romero, Martin COL 2343 = 0 1 = # = = 0 1 1 5 2442
6 Shoker, Samy IM EGY 2512 0 0 1 = = # = 1 0 1 4.5 2380
7 Rios, Cristhian Camilo FM COL 2388 0 = = = = = # 0 1 1 4.5 2394
8 Becerra, Juan David COL 2280 = 0 0 = 1 0 1 # 1 0 4 2363
9 Rojas Barrero, Andres Humberto COL 2249 0 0 0 = 0 1 0 0 # 1 2.5 2243
10 Uribe Arteaga, Daniel COL 2228 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 # 1 2060

19) Porec Open 2011

The Peroc Open took place 1st-4th December 2011.

Porec Open 2011 Porec CRO Thu 1st Dec 2011 - Sun 4th Dec 2011
Leading Final Round 7 Standings:
1Jovanić OgnjenGMCRO24766.022.531.525.5
2Žaja IvanGMCRO25085.523.031.524.0
3Fercec NenadGMCRO24515.522.531.523.0
4Martinović SasaGMCRO25045.
5Havas JankoMKCRO21745.018.526.019.0
6Rubil MarkoMKCRO21815.017.524.520.0
7Žufić MiroslavIMCRO24094.522.531.520.5
8Vidic MihaSLO20684.519.525.517.5
9Licardo RenatoMKCRO22004.519.026.517.5
10Havas JurajMKCRO20704.519.025.518.5
11Havas LadislavFMCRO22804.516.523.016.5
12Konić ZlatkoICRO21184.516.523.014.5
13Crepan MarjanFMSLO23164.
14Matijevic FilipSLO20124.022.531.015.5
15Žnidarcic AndrejSLO21774.021.530.017.5
16Ivanovic AndrejSLO20394.020.528.017.5
17Antunović IvoMKCRO21404.019.026.517.5
18Sunjić VitomirMKCRO21934.
19Monjac MislavMKCRO20134.017.524.515.5
20Gakić MiodragMKCRO18874.017.024.515.0
21Orak TugomirMKCRO20474.015.521.515.5
22Bratkovic ShamSLO18534.014.520.514.5
23Valković KristianMKCRO21013.520.028.516.5
24Grbac BorisMKCRO21903.520.028.016.5
25Grgurić DraganNMCRO20733.520.026.517.5
26Rafaelić DenisIIICRO17453.518.525.012.5
27Kukurin LukaIIICRO17873.517.022.510.0
28Ghersinich GiuseppeMKCRO19263.515.021.012.5
29Samblić SilvanoICRO20033.514.521.511.5
30Bratkovic JakobSLO18473.513.520.010.5
31Pasalić EnioICRO20823.
32Sarić HusnijaIICRO18493.015.522.011.0
33Brzac MarijanIICRO18703.014.519.011.0
34Lazić DuskoICRO20412.521.527.015.0
35Rajkovic NikolaSLO02.518.025.012.5
36Ikica AnteMKCRO20292.517.525.011.5
37Mehmeti TahirIVCRO17662.516.523.011.0
38Mainenti KevinIVCRO02.515.021.08.5
39Udovicić RolandIIICRO17422.514.519.57.0
40Bursić ElvisMKCRO19792.513.019.07.0
47 players

20) Frauenbundesliga 2011-12

The Frauenbundesliga takes place 29th October 2011 - 22nd April 2012. I have teams lists and games from the early rounds.

21) Bundesliga 2011-12

The Schachbundesliga 2011-12 takes place 14th October 2011 - 15th April 2011. The German event is the world's premier national team competition 15 rounds with possible tie-breaks 27th-29th April 2012.

Rounds 6-7 took place 10th-11th December 2011. Rounds 8-9 4th-5th February 2012.

Bundesliga 2011-12 Germany GER Fri 14th Oct 2011 - Sun 15th Apr 2012
Leading Round 7 (of 15) Standings:
1OSG Baden-Baden76101235.5
2Werder Bremen75111135
3SG Solingen75111134
4SC Eppingen75111131.5
5SV Muelheim Nord7421931
6SF Katernberg7421926.5
7SF Berlin 19037322829.5
8SG Trier7331728.5
9SV Wattenscheid 19307331728
10SV 1930 Hockenheim7232626.5
11SK Koenig Tegel7241522.5
12USV TU Dresden7250426
13Hamburger SK7142425.5
14SK Turm Emsdetten7142424.5
15SC Hansa Dortmund7151320.5
16SC 1950 Remagen7061123
16 teams

22) Chinese League 2011

The Chinese League took place 12th April - 7th December 2011. This year's coverage has been a bit of a mess after last year's clarity. The archive Chinese League Games hasn't been updated for a long time (maybe there is an archive elsewhere). Rounds 16-18 took place 5th-7th December 2011 but the games weren't made available. Beijing won.

Chinese League Ningbo CHN Tue 12th Apr 2011 - Tue 6th Dec 2011
Leading Final Round 18 Standings:
10 teams

23) Active Team Events

A list of ongoing team events without an update this week.

Hungarian Teams 2011-12

The Hungarian Team Championship take place 25th September 2011 - 20th May 2012. Round 4 took place on 27th November 2011 games now available. Round 5 29th January 2012.

TCh-HUN 2011-12 Budapest HUN Sun 25th Sep 2011 - Sun 20th May 2012
Leading Round 4 (of 11) Standings:
1HVSE 9.58 11.59.538.5
2ASE Paks 89.57.59 34
3Aquaprofit-NTSK 7.5 6.5910 33
4MLTC 6.5 6.5 5.5 1028.5
5Z.Csuti-Hydrocomp SK 4.55.57 9 26
6Penzugyor SE2.5 5 7.5 9.524.5
7Komaromi VSK SE44 5.5 7 20.5
8Hungaropharma Decs 6.5 20
9Honved ASE 4.53 6.55.5 19.5
10ASS-Makoi SVSE 326.5 4.5 16
11Vasas SC0.5 3 5 6.515
12Toth Laszlo SE2.5 2 2.5 5.512.5
12 players

Dutch League 2011-12

The Dutch League takes place 17th September 2011 - 22nd April 2012. Round 3: 26th November 2011, games and results now available. Round 4: 17th December 2011.

Dutch Teams 2011-12 Amsterdam NED Sat 17th Sep 2011 - Sun 22nd Apr 2012
Leading Round 3 (of 9) Standings:
1De Stukkenjagers229067618½
5Accres Apeldoorn236154314½
6SO Rotterdam23914216
9HMC Calder24114013
10 teams

TCh-SVK Extraliga 2011-12

The Slovakian Team Championships take place 22nd October 2011 - 11th March 2012. Round 3-4 November 26th-27th 2011 couldn't find the games section. Round 5 14th January 2012.

TCh-SVK Ext 2011-12 Bratislava SVK Sat 22nd Oct 2011 - Sun 11th Mar 2012
Leading Round 4 (of 11) Standings:
17 Statocnych Kosice*5571222.5
2SK Slovan Bratislava*5461020.5
3INBEST Dunajov3*45717.5
4SK Caissa Cadca*46717
5SK Dunajska Streda3*45716.5
6SK PK Trencin34*7416.5
7SKS Dubnica n/V4*414.5
8MSK KdV Kezmarok324*5414
9SK Doprastav Bratislava1*54413.5
10SK MAGIC Liptov433*4214
11SK Prievidza24*4213.5
12SK Modra1344*212
12 teams

TCh-FIN SM-Liiga 2011-12

The Finnish SM Liiga takes place 17th September 2011 - 11th March 2012. Round 7 14th January 2012.

TCh-FIN SM 2011-12 Finland FIN Sat 17th Sep 2011 - Sun 11th Mar 2012
Leading Round 6 (of 11) Standings:
1HSK, Helsinki6109
2Tammer-Shakki, Tampere6914
3Velhot, Porvoo6914
4MatSK, Espoo5911
5OSS, Oulu792
6EtVaS, Vantaa673
7SalSK, Salo564
8VammSK, Sastamala65-2
9JoeSK, Joensuu75-5
10TuTS, Turku62-8
11Aatos, Helsinki61-16
12SSK, Helsinki60-26
12 teams

TCh-CZE Extraliga 2011-12

The Czech League takes place 8th October 2011 - 22nd April 2012. Division 1 Round 4 was on 27th November 2011 but only the Zapad games were available when I last checked, I haven't had chance to catch up on games and results this week. Round 5: 11th December 2011.

Extraliga Round 3 on 3rd December 2011.

TCh-CZE Ext 2011-12 Prague CZE Sat 8th Oct 2011 - Sun 22nd Apr 2012
Leading Round 2 (of 11) Standings:
1BSS Frydek-Mistek*55610.02.5
2Vystaviste Lysa nad Labem3*38.52.0
3Slavoj Ostrava - Poruba*38.03.0
4TJ Bohemians Praha3*05.51.5
5SK Zikuda Turnov*00.00.0
61. Novoborsky SK*00.00.0
7A64 VALOZ Grygov*00.00.0
8SK Rapid Pardubice*00.00.0
92222 SK Polabiny*00.00.0
10Tatran Litovel*00.00.0
11SK Zlin*00.00.0
12SK Labortech Ostrava*00.00.0
12 teams
TCh-CZE Liga 1 Zapad Prague CZE Sat 8th Oct 2011 - Sun 22nd Apr 2012
Leading Round 4 (of 11) Standings:
1SK Mahrla Praha4001222.014
2TJ Slavia Hradec Kralove3011021.014
3ERA-Postovni sporitelna A310922.516
4JOLY Lysa nad Labem B211715.08
5SK Holdia DP Praha B220617.512
6OAZA Praha112516.510
7SK AD Jicin121415.08
8TJ Pankrac121414.510
9Sakal Kozolupy121414.07
10SK Sokol Vysehrad130313.06
111. Novoborsky SK B130311.56
12ERA-Postovni sporitelna B03119.53
12 teams
TCh-CZE Liga1 Vychod Prague CZE Sat 8th Oct 2011 - Sun 22nd Apr 2012
Leading Round 4 (of 11) Standings:
1TZ Trinec5001525.016
2A64 Grygov B3011019.514
32222 SK Polabiny B202817.012
4SK Zlin B230619.013
5Tatran Litovel B220618.014
6SK Gordic220614.09
7Slavia Kromeriz121416.010
8SK Duras BVK Brno-Kralovo Pole121415.08
9Sachovy klub Karvina121413.57
10Slavia Orlova130314.58
11SK Stare Mesto130314.08
12Labortech Ostrava B022214.58
12 teams

Swedish Elitserien 2011-12

The Swedish Elitserien takes place 7th October 2011 - 11th March 2012. Games now available from first three rounds. Round 4 14th January 2012.

TCh-SWE 2011-12 Malmo SWE Fri 7th Oct 2011 - Sun 11th Mar 2012
Leading Round 3 (of 9) Standings:
1Lunds ASK3300619
2Team Viking3300618.5
3SK Rockaden, Sthlm3210416
5Limhamns SK3120211
6Solna SS3120210.5
7SS Manhem3120210
8SK Rockaden Umea3120210
9Vasteras SK312028
10SK Kamraterna303006.5
10 teams

TCh-BEL 2011-12

The Belgian Team Championships are under way. Next round 5: 4th December 2011.

TCh-BEL 2011-12 Belgium BEL Sun 9th Oct 2011 - Sun 1st Apr 2012
Leading Round 4 (of 11) Standings:
1CREC 1883
2Ans 1775
3KGSRL 1671
4KSK Rochade 1670
5Amay 1464
6Fontaine 1462
7Borgerhout 1456
8KSK47-Eynatten 2359
9KSK47-Eynatten 1261
10Anderlecht 1257
11Jean Jaures 1253
12KBSK 1055
12 teams

TCh-ISL 2011-12

The Icelandic Team Championships rounds 1-4 took place 7th-9th October 2011. Final Rounds 5-7 2nd-3rd March 2012. Games from rounds 1-4 now available.

TCh-ISL Div1 2011-12 Reykjavik ISL Fri 7th Oct 2011 - Sat 3rd Mar 2012
Leading Round 4 (of 7) Standings:
1TB A*68727.580
2TR A*19.060
3Hellir A*4418.040
4TV A2*16.540
5TB B04*515.550
6SA A3*13.540
8Fjolnir A*7.000
8 teams

4NCL 2011-12

The 4NCL started over the weekend of 12th-13th November 2011 in Staverton Park. Smith-Nitz and Smith-Ward from Round 1 are identical. One is surely wrong.

4NCL 2011-12 Staverton ENG Sat 12th Nov 2011 - Mon 7th May 2012
Leading Round 2 (of 11) Standings:
1Guildford 15½-2½6½-1½412
2Wood Green Hilsmark 15½-2½5-3410½
3Barbican 4NCL 23-55½-2½2 12½-5½5-32
5Blackthorne Russia2½-5½4½-3½27
6Bristol 13½-4½4-41
7The AD's1½-6½4-41
8Anglian Avengers 13-52½-5½0
1Cheddleton 14½-3½6-2410½
2White Rose 14½-3½5-34
3Barbican 4NCL 13½-4½5½-2½29
4Jutes of Kent3½-4½5-32
5Cambridge University 12½-5½4½-3½27
6Oxford 13-54-3½27
7Wood Green Hilsmark 23-53½-40
8Guildford 22-63½-4½0
16 teams in two groups

50th TCh-DEN 2011-12

The 50th Danish Team Championships takes place 29th October 2011 - 11th March 2012. Round 3 1st December 2011. Round 4 14th January 2012.

50th TCh-DEN 2011-12 Copenhagen DEN Sat 29th Oct 2011 - Sun 11th Mar 2012
Leading Round 3 (of 9) Standings:
1Jetsmark 1 Guldmedaljer617½
2Aarhus/Skolerne 1 Solvmedaljer514½
3Bronshoj 1 Bronzemedaljer514
4Team Nordea Skb 414
5Nordkalotten 212½
6BMS Skak 411½
7K41 1 211½
8Sydostfyn 1 110
9SK 1968 1 Nedrykning1
10Hillerod teams07
10 players

TCh-AUT 2nd Bundesliga 2011-12

The 2nd Division of the Austrian Bundesliga is split into West and Mitte sections. Some strong players compete. West 4-6 was 4th-6th November will look into that for next week. Rounds 7-8 28th-29th January 2012. Mitte Rounds 4-6 2nd-th December 2012. Rounds 7-8 2nd-3rd March 2012.

TCh-AUT 2 West 2011-12 Vienna AUT Fri 7th Oct 2011 - Sun 29th Apr 2012
Leading Round 3 (of 11) Standings:
13SC Absam3300612.00
310ATSV Ranshofen3210410.52
512Kufstein / Woergl3210410.50
611ASK Salzburg 13210410.00
76Sparkasse Jenbach 2311138.50
95Hohenems II312028.50
112Rochade Rum303006.50
12 teams
TCh-AUT2 Mitte11-12 Vienna AUT Fri 7th Oct 2011 - Sun 29th Apr 2012
Leading Round 3 (of 11) Standings:
1ZH-Technologies-Wolfsberg * 4612.00
2ASK St. Valentin * 610.50
3Union Ansfelden * 35511.50
4SV STEYREGG * 43510.50
5Union Styria Graz Kleine Zeitung2 * 45411.00
6Strassenbahn Graz * 49.50
7SpG. Sparkasse Grieskirchen/Schallerbach * 339.00
8SK Sparkasse Fuerstenfeld23 * 17.50
9SC Die Klagenfurter32 * 17.50
10SK MPO Maria Saal31 * 16.50
11SV ASVO Fundermax St. Veit/Glan * 07.50
12ESV Austria Graz1 * 05.00
12 teams

24) II JAVH McGregor Open

The II JAVH McGregor Open in Bogota took place Tue 6th Dec 2011 - Sun 11th Dec 2011. Lazaro Bruzon Batista edged out Sergei Tiviakov and Bartlomiej Macieja on tie-break after all finished on 8.5/10. A huge event with over 1000 games available I didn't have chance to work on these.

Warning: array_combine() [function.array-combine]: Both parameters should have an equal number of elements in C:\xampp\htdocs\oop\Pos\Table_Body_Order.php on line 43
II JAVH McGregor Op Bogota COL Tue 6th Dec 2011 - Sun 11th Dec 2011
Leading Final Round 10 Standings:
1Bruzon Batista LazaroGMCUB26898.50.0848.0
2Tiviakov SergeiGMNED26508.50.0750.0
3Macieja BartlomiejGMPOL26168.50.0749.0
4Contreras HenryFMCOL22408.00.0841.0
5Cordova EmilioGMPER25388.00.0749.5
6Shoker SamyIMEGY25128.00.0746.0
7Gallego Alcaraz Andres FelipeIMCOL23608.00.0745.0
8Ortiz Suarez Isan ReynaldoGMCUB25538.00.0743.5
9Ramirez AlejandroGMUSA25958.00.0649.5
10Baules JorgeIMPAN23808.00.0641.5
11Zapata AlonsoGMCOL24837.50.0745.5
12Rios Cristhian CamiloFMCOL23887.50.0744.5
13Arenas DavidIMCOL24337.50.0744.5
14Becerra Juan DavidCOL22807.50.0743.5
15Pinzon Jairo DavidCOL21987.50.0742.5
16Ruiz C Joshua DFMCOL22417.50.0741.0
17Rios AlejandroIMCOL23557.50.0646.0
18Barrientos Sergio EGMCOL25177.50.0645.5
19Ruiz AlciguelFMCOL22137.50.0641.5
20Herrera Juan SebastianCOL21417.50.0641.5
21Corradine Jorge RicardoCOL21627.50.0638.5
22Valle EfrainCMCOL21767.50.0638.0
23Vargas PedroCOL07.50.0636.5
24Perez Rodriguez Luis ManuelGMCUB24757.50.0545.5
25Martinez Romero MartinFMCOL23437.00.0745.0
26Ruiz Aguilar Pablo AlexanderFMCOL22947.00.0741.0
27Nunez V DanielCOL22127.00.0740.0
28Hernandez Agamez GonzaloCOL21367.00.0738.0
29Florez Luis AngelCOL19197.00.0736.0
30Franco WilliamCOL20897.00.0736.0
31Ferreira Morales Jorge LuisCOL18357.00.0730.0
32Cano Luis FernandoCOL22107.00.0645.5
33Rodriguez Rueda Paula AndreaWFMCOL21457.00.0642.0
34Castrillon Gomez MelissaWFMCOL22107.00.0642.0
35Uribe Arteaga DanielCOL22287.00.0641.0
36Zuluaga CesarFMCOL23657.00.0640.5
37Munoz Jhon EdisonCOL22387.00.0640.5
38Torres Juan CamiloCOL22677.00.0639.5
39Murcia Pineda Richard JavierVEN07.00.0637.5
40Suarez Walter CamiloCOL19887.00.0635.5
403 players

25) IV Amitan Memorial

The IV Amitan Memorial is ongoing. Coverage all in Russian, will sort it out when it finishes.

26) World Youth Championships 2011

The World Youth Championships took place in Caldas Novas 17th-27th November 2011. I haven't seen a final bulletin yet and don't have time to sort out the material that does exist.

27) 2nd St Louis Thanksgiving Open

The 2nd St Louis Thanksgiving Open took place 25th-27th November 2011. Alexander Shabalov won with 5.5/6. Games from rounds 4-6 are not yet available.

28) Zadar Open 2011

The Zadar Open has started.

29) CCSCSL Invitational

The CCSCSL Invitational took place 29th November - 3rd December 2011. Giorgi Kacheishvili demolished the event with 8/9. Remaining Round 6 games now available.

CCSCSL Invitational Saint Louis USA Tue 29th Nov 2011 - Sat 3rd Dec 2011. Category: 9. Ave: (2451)
Rk Name Title FED Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pts TPR
1 Kacheishvili, Giorgi GM GEO 2590 # = 1 = 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 2787
2 Amanov, Mesgen GM TKM 2524 = # = = = = = 1 1 1 6 2568
3 Diamant, Andre GM BRA 2489 0 = # = = = 1 1 1 1 6 2572
4 Krush, Irina IM USA 2476 = = = # = = 0 1 1 = 5 2492
5 Arnold, Marc T IM USA 2504 0 = = = # = = 1 = 1 5 2489
6 Yang, Darwin IM USA 2442 0 = = = = # = 1 = 1 5 2495
7 Shahade, Gregory IM USA 2459 0 = 0 1 = = # = 1 = 4.5 2451
8 Rensch, Daniel IM USA 2416 0 0 0 0 0 0 = # 1 1 2.5 2289
9 Abrahamyan, Tatev WGM USA 2264 0 0 0 0 = = 0 0 # 1 2 2252
10 Young, Angelo IM PHI 2350 0 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 # 1 2112

30) World Senior Corrections

Hermn van Riemsdijk corrects two of his games.

31) Forthcoming Events and Links

11th Amplico Life International 2011

48th Groningen Chess Festival

Solidarity Day Festival 2011

Czech Chess Christmas 2011

5th Interlaken International Open

54th Reggio Emilia 2011-12

XLI Rilton Cup 2011-12

XXII Krakow Open 2011-12

Donostia Chess Festival 2011-12

Hastings Congress 2011-12

Northern California International

20th Fajr Open

12th Prague Open 2012

74th Tata Steel Wijk aan Zee 2011

A-Group Wijk aan Zee NED Sat 14th Jan 2012 - Sun 29th Jan 2012
Player List
Rk Name Ti FED Elo FIDE Id
1 Carlsen, Magnus GM NOR 2823 1503014
2 Aronian, Levon GM ARM 2807 13300474
3 Karjakin, Sergey GM RUS 2772 14109603
4 Topalov, Veselin GM BUL 2768 2900084
5 Ivanchuk, Vassily GM UKR 2765 14100010
6 Kamsky, Gata GM USA 2756 2000024
7 Gashimov, Vugar GM AZE 2756 13400630
8 Nakamura, Hikaru GM USA 2753 2016192
9 Radjabov, Teimour GM AZE 2752 13400924
10 Gelfand, Boris GM ISR 2746 2805677
11 Giri, Anish GM NED 2722 24116068
12 Caruana, Fabiano GM ITA 2712 2020009
13 Navara, David GM CZE 2705 309095
14 Van Wely, Loek GM NED 2689 1000268
B-Group Wijk aan Zee NED Sat 14th Jan 2012 - Sun 29th Jan 2012
Player List
Rk Name Ti FED Elo FIDE Id
1 Motylev, Alexander GM RUS 2690 4121830
2 Bruzon Batista, Lazaro GM CUB 2682 3503739
3 Harikrishna, Pentala GM IND 2672 5007003
4 Potkin, Vladimir GM RUS 2671 4131061
5 Tiviakov, Sergei GM NED 2647 1008013
6 Reinderman, Dimitri GM NED 2594 1001302
7 L'Ami, Erwin GM NED 2592 1007998
8 Ernst, Sipke GM NED 2581 1004689
9 Nyzhnyk, Illya GM UKR 2561 14118084
10 Timman, Jan H GM NED 2555 1000012
11 Lahno, Kateryna GM UKR 2554 14109336
12 Vocaturo, Daniele GM ITA 2537 813192
13 Cmilyte, Viktorija GM LTU 2525 12801259
14 Harika, Dronavalli IM IND 2505 5015197
C-Group Wijk aan Zee NED Sat 14th Jan 2012 - Sun 29th Jan 2012
Player List
Rk Name Ti FED Elo FIDE Id
1 Turov, Maxim GM RUS 2643 4120086
2 Sadler, Matthew D GM ENG 2625 400173
3 Tikkanen, Hans GM SWE 2591 1706446
4 Brandenburg, Daan GM NED 2522 1011014
5 Danielian, Elina GM ARM 2517 13300210
6 Grover, Sahaj IM IND 2514 5021103
7 Paehtz, Elisabeth IM GER 2461 4641833
8 Tania, Sachdev IM IND 2419 5007844
9 Hopman, Pieter NED 2351 1005669
10 Ootes, Lars NED 2340 1019708
11 Schut, Lisa WIM NED 2290 1019481
12 Haast, Anne WIM NED 2264 1017292
13 Goudriaan, Etienne FM NED 2250 1021150

TCh-AUT 1st Bundesliga 2012

Moscow Open 2012

3rd Novy Bor Open

Reykjavik Open 2012

1st Lanta Open 2012

All material © Mark Crowther 2011